After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 11

Chapter 10: See You In The Ward

In mid-air, the battle fleet that is ready to go is pressed against the border airspace.

Gu Junwan ‘drives her own expedition’ and takes the team all the way into Xinli Market Town.

Xinli Radical Party is the most violent on weekdays.

But now that the two countries are fighting with real guns and real swords, no one dares to order fire.

They even surreptitiously withdrew the team sent to pursue the Empress.

In just ten minutes, Gu Junwan returned to the ruins before she fainted.

Armored vehicles were parked in a row on the periphery, and a group of drones rose into the air, releasing warning signals to the surroundings.

The Empress rushed to the battlefield with a large number of generals, and as far as she could see, it was full of blood.

One of Yingguo’s killers lay on the ground with his neck twisted.

There are not many wounds on the surface of his body, but his face has traces of being burned by fire.

Gu Junwan’s heart beat very fast.

She continued to search for the bloodstains, not only wanting to see the person she wanted to see immediately, but also afraid that she would find him in the ruins.

At this time, a medical staff shouted loudly not far away: “Hurry up and carry the stretcher! Someone is still alive here!”

Just this sentence brought Gu Junwan’s heart to her throat.

She turned and ran towards the broken wall where the medical staff was.

Followed by a dark team of special operations soldiers.

At the broken wall, a medical staff was kneeling on one knee in a pool of blood, injecting injections into a figure leaning against the wall.

His hands trembled slightly, so that when he pulled out the needle, the needle fell on the **** clothes of the figure in front of him.

Gu Junwan stopped one meter away from the broken wall.

Great fear and bone-chilling cold came from the soles of her feet, climbed along her spine, and then burrowed into her back cavity.

Her ears were buzzing in vain.

The world was spinning, and the whole world seemed to be left with only the dazzling blood red around Shen Han.

Under the moonlight, the girl closed her eyes and sat beside the remnant wall, half of her face was red and half was pale.

One of her shoulder blades slumped slightly, and her clothes were torn open, revealing her flesh that was rolled outward.

Her other arm seemed to be about to separate from her body.

The sharp broken bones were exposed to the air, and the flesh and blood cut from the neck of the enemy was still on it.

Looking at this scene, the sturdy warriors who followed behind Gu Junwan all stood solemnly with red eyes.

In their own way, they paid tribute to that strange hero.

That alha who fought so hard that he could only breathe, after all, was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

Gu Junwan’s thinking seemed to be out of track with her body.

She watched Shen Han being carried out of the blood, and watched someone fly over to salute and speak to her, as if she was looking at another space through the screen.

Her soul seemed to be pulled away, leaving behind a body that was insensitive and ignorant.

When her consciousness returned, she was sitting on a chair outside the hospital’s emergency room.

Soldiers with guns blocked the entrances and exits.

Every passing person will be closely interrogated.

Footsteps sounded in the corridor, and a capable woman in a professional suit and skirt walked up to Gu Junwan.

The woman squatted down, looked up at her mistress, and called softly, “Your Majesty.”

Gu Junwan’s phoenix eyes focused on the face of her special assistant, but she did not speak.

This is the first time Xu Zhao has seen the female Jun lose her soul.

In her memory, the queen has always been calm and reserved, tenacious and fearless, like a deep pool.

But now

Is it because of that alha called Shen Han?

As a beta, Xu Zhao could vaguely guess that in the period after the mutation occurred, the female Junding had some entanglement with that alha.

Otherwise, even if it is an S-rank alha, it is impossible for the lady to fall into such an emotional catastrophe.

There are many top-level alhas who adore the queen, but no one has ever been able to keep their eyes on them.

Pull back thinking.

Xu Zhao tried to speak again in a calm and powerful voice: “Your Majesty, don’t worry too much. I have negotiated with the hospital just now. Shen Han’s injury is a little serious, but his internal organs and other vital organs are not damaged.”

“The broken bones can be perfectly repaired with the newly developed biomaterials, and there will be no rejection, and she will recover as before.”

After speaking, Xu Zhao secretly added another sentence in his heart: as long as she can survive this test.

Maybe he heard the news he wanted to hear most now, or maybe it was just because of the name Shen Han.

Gu Junwan’s golden pupils finally regained a hint of expression.

She was silent, and then said, “Have you found out the identities of the two Yingguo killers and the mastermind behind them?”

It seems that I didn’t expect that the first question asked by the lady would be this.

Xu Zhao was a little surprised again.

She thought that the queen would first ask herself about the civil unrest in the Free Federation.

“The identity has been found, but it will take some time to be dispatched by who.”

After speaking, Xu Zhao said softly again: “Your Majesty, I’ll take you to change your clothes first. You can rest for a while. I’ll be here to watch, once you’re there.”

Before the words were completely finished, Gu Junwan shook her head and ordered, “Bring your clothes here.”

The black shirt on her body was stained with bloodstains, some from Shen Han and some from the agents who had already sacrificed.

As the empress of the Free Federation, she cannot openly show any embarrassment and weakness in the outside world.

Especially in the current situation of being surrounded by enemies on all sides.

10 hours later, Shen Han was transferred from the emergency room to the intensive care unit.

The summer sun scorched the entire federal land, but the atmosphere in the hospital was repressed and cold.

All kinds of information were continuously delivered, and the generals were anxiously pacing back and forth in the waiting area.

The war was about to break out, but their queen did not intend to leave the hospital.

Free Commonwealth

Ping Jiashi, Colonel of the 12th Division of the Third Army, extinguished the cigarette in his hand, found Xu Zhao, and quietly pulled her to the corner.

“When will your majesty give orders to act? You can tell me the truth.”

Xu Zhao pushed his glasses and said in a flat tone, “It depends on when the one in the intensive care unit wakes up.”

Hearing this, Ping Jiashi’s brow furrowed with a ‘chuan’.

“Can’t you persuade me? My eyebrows are burning right now! Your Majesty has always taken care of the overall situation, how can you be confused at such a critical time!”

“Colonel Ping Jiashi, please pay attention to your wording!” Xu Zhao raised his eyes, the cold light reflected in the lens.

After a while, she lowered her voice and continued: “Your Majesty is not confused. The more critical it is, the more you can distinguish between bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods. Put your heart back in your stomach. What Your Majesty has to do is to decide the world!”

With Xu Zhao’s words, Ping Jiashi’s expression immediately relaxed.

He looked left and right at no one, and asked in a low voice, “What is the relationship between His Majesty and that alha?”

Xu Zhao rolled his eyes at him and turned to leave.

In the empty corridor, a clear and indifferent voice floated back: “This question, you can ask Your Majesty yourself.”

The anxious atmosphere lasted for three days.

When they heard that the one in the intensive care unit finally woke up, all the soldiers who were ready to go were so excited that they almost jumped up.

It was as if the awakening of the girl named Shen Han sounded some sort of long-awaited charge.

Gu Junwan, who was wearing an isolation gown, stepped into the ICU accompanied by the attending physician.

Shen Han wore a breathing mask on his face, and almost all of his body was covered in plaster, looking miserable.

It’s just that those black and white eyes are still bright.

After seeing Gu Junwan, she blinked, and her eyes overflowed with joy in an instant.

Gu Junwan’s nose was sour, and the end of her long and narrow eyes was dyed with a pitiful red.

Omega’s sensitivity and fragility are exposed in front of this person every time.

The eyes of the two met quietly in the silent air.

The delicate Lengmei was comforted to the greatest extent by the very faint scent of cedar.

The attending physician stood with his hands down.

For some reason, he vaguely felt that he was somewhat redundant.

“I’m going to leave for a while, deal with some things, you have a good rest.”

Gu Junwan couldn’t stay here any longer, she suppressed her voice and spoke softly.

Seeing that she had just arrived and was about to leave, Shen Han felt a little anxious, but he couldn’t speak at the moment, so he had to use all his strength to move his fingers that were exposed outside the bandages.

This obvious little action will naturally not be ignored by Gu Junwan.

She hesitated a little, slowly approached the hospital bed, and under the terrified eyes of the attending physician, she reached out and gently held Shen Han’s fingers.

“I’ll be back soon.”

The gentle voice fell like a trickle, even through the breathing mask, Shen Han felt that he smelled his favorite cold plum fragrance.

She laboriously clenched her fingers and pinched the other person, absorbing the warmth that was hers at the moment.

Gu Junwan’s ears were slightly red, and she knew that the time was running out, but she did not break the other party away.

The attending physician was dumbfounded.

He glanced at the daring one on the hospital bed, and then secretly glanced at the tall, straight and dignified Empress, feeling that he was frightened again.

outside the ward.

Wuyangyang’s generals kept quiet, but they were all anxious in their hearts.

Why hasn’t the lady come out yet?

The attending physician was too unreliable. The only good thing to do was to let the lady go in and take a look. How many minutes have you watched!

If the attending physician could hear the slanders of the soldiers and generals, he would definitely retort them: You can do it!

Fortunately, everyone didn’t wait too long.

A few minutes later, Gu Junwan walked out, followed by a dazed middle-aged doctor.

She reached out and took off the isolation gown on her body, and immediately appeared in front of everyone in a white commander’s uniform.

The murderous intent in the golden phoenix eyes was complete, and the meaning of iron and blood suddenly erupted.

In an instant, the red-faced Omega in the ward just now was gone.

Instead, it is the majestic female emperor who makes all the people surrender and admire!

“Set off!”

The cold voice echoed in the ears of every blood warrior.

Their queen will lead them on the journey.

Free Federation Empire.

The Queen’s sister, Gu Yuwei, was studying the essentials of an official document when she heard someone report that the Queen led a large fleet and headed straight for the Peace Palace!

The Peace Palace is located on the Central Street of the Imperial Capital, which is equivalent to the Presidential Palace of the Free Federation.

After listening to the report, Gu Yuwei suddenly stood up while supporting the table.

Her beautiful eyes, which were also dyed with golden glow, were full of incredibleness.

“How is that possible? She has always believed in soft governance, so how could she send troops to the imperial capital!”

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