After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 156

Chapter 168: Brand New Experience

The darkness that suddenly descended was like a veil of sky.

The lack of light made Gu Junwan’s whole heart tense instantly.

Deprived of her sight, she subconsciously reached out to uncover what was covering her eyes.

Never thought, before she could touch the soft silk above her eyes, her two slender palms were gently held by alha.

Shen Han moved his position and pressed Gu Junwan’s wrist to the top of his head with a gentle force, imprisoning between the white pillows.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

Shen Han lowered his head slightly and kissed Gu Junwan’s eyebrows through the black ribbon.

Her voice was thin and soft, even with a hint of flattery: “Sister, I want to please you.”

In fact, Gu Junwan is not very comfortable with being blindfolded, because it will make her feel very insecure.

But she also likes Shen Han’s soft and hard foam, because it will make her feel good physically and mentally.

Before the two completed the initial mark, Gu Junwan still didn’t quite understand why her alha would occasionally call her sister.

Regarding this point, she also directly asked the other party and got the answer that ‘sister will hurt people’.

And at this moment, she clearly realized that this word was called by Shen Han in such a soft tone, and it was so sultry.

It was like an invisible hook that touched the most itchy part of her heart.

While Shen Han whispered love words, he did not forget to carefully observe his Omega’s expression.

If the other party really resists, she doesn’t plan to use the props she prepared.

This kind of thing was originally meant to be experienced by two people in order to unlock the fun.

If one person is in high spirits and the other person is reluctant to meet, it can be counterproductive.

Gu Junwan didn’t say anything.

When Shen Han’s lips moved down, she still tilted her neck slightly.

The attitude of the other party’s tacit acceptance made Shen Han extremely excited.

Her heart began to beat violently, and through a layer of quilt, Gu Junwan could feel it clearly.

“Silly a.”

Gu Junwan’s red lips twitched slightly, and her gentle voice was like snow melted by the early sun.

The snow water was supposed to be cold, but it fell into Shen Han’s ears with an indescribable scorching heat.

Her fair ears were already dyed red, and the temperature of her glandular blood continued to rise, as if it were about to boil in the next moment.

The word ‘silly a’ uttered from Gu Junwan’s mouth was not a blatant love story.

But the secret taste contained in it made both of them breathe a little faster without realizing it.

The black ribbon above Gu Junwan’s eyes was not fixed.

As the two of them rubbed their ears together, the ribbon slipped slightly.

A pair of golden eyes filled with thin water vapor suddenly appeared.

The water in it was turbulent, and the just right kind of flattery made Shen Hansu go deep into his bones.

She released the grip on the opponent’s neck.

As he started to adjust the black silk, he whispered in his Omega’s ear: “Wife, I will tie it for you.”


Gu Junwan whispered softly around Alha’s neck.

The next moment, the world returned to darkness.

The occlusion of vision made Gu Junwan’s other senses much more sensitive than usual.

The changes in smell, taste and touch have brought her a new experience.

In this chaotic night, what Gu Junwan ‘sees’ is boundless spring.

A week’s vacation goes by in a blink of an eye.

Shen Han got up early, took a shower lightly, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Taking care of Jun Wan’s taste, the breakfasts for both of them are nutritious and light.

She also prepared soft, glutinous and smooth millet porridge so that her wife could drink more.

‘Jun Wan’s voice seemed to be a little hoarse later, so I need to add more water. ’

‘Ah yes! I accidentally made a little hickey on the side of her neck, I must remember to remind her later, and then go to the office building when it is properly handled. ’

Thinking of the lingering last night, Shen Han couldn’t help showing a hint of aftertaste in his eyes.

She smacked her lips, and quickly shook her head: No, no, you can’t think about lustful things in the early morning!

“What are you giggling about?”

A lazy and pleasant voice came from behind, and Shen Han was terrified like a child who was suddenly caught doing something bad.

She turned her head to look at Gu Junwan who had just finished bathing, her eyes lit up, and she immediately ran towards him.

“Wife, eat breakfast quickly, and I’ll blow your hair for you.”

While speaking, she had already moved to the dining table with Gu Junwan in her arms.

After gently placing him on the stool, she ran to the bathroom to get a hairdryer.

Gu Junwan’s body was soft all over. She looked at the porridge with a suitable temperature in front of her, and then raised her eyes to look at Shen Han who just ran away from the door. She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

Alha’s energy is really good. After tossing around in the middle of the night, he still looks like he has infinite vitality.

For her alha’s caring service, Gu Junwan is also not polite.

She let the other party blow dry her hair, and then guided the other party to apply the special perfume to cover her breath.

She never let people do these things for her, but today I really don’t have much energy, so I can let an alha make great efforts.

It actually feels pretty good.

Shen Han pushed aside the blue silk on Gu Junwan’s face, and gently tapped the special perfume behind the other person’s ear.

She rolled her eyes and glanced back and forth on the purple mark on the other’s neck.

“Wife, I didn’t pay much attention last night. You may need to cover your neck a little.”

As soon as the other party mentioned this matter, Gu Junwan immediately turned her head and gave Shen Han a blank look.

“Is that ‘maybe’? Is it ‘a little’? Look for yourself, it’s so obvious to me that I’m going to have a video conference with other heads of state this afternoon!”

Just now when she was dressing in front of the mirror after taking a shower, Gu Junwan had already discovered that she had been planted with strawberries.

She wanted to be angry, but couldn’t.

Because last night came to the end, both of them were a little bit uncontrollable.

She also bit out an exaggerated tooth mark on Shen Han’s shoulder. Now, how could she blame the other party for not restraining her strength?

Gu Junwan did not put any cosmetics such as concealer on her neck.

She chose a silk scarf that contrasted with her suit jacket and tied it around her neck, and the visual difference directly pulled out the sense of hierarchy.

This collocation is both elegant and fashionable, which perfectly matches the temperament of a lady.

Shen Han watched from the side, with bright black and white eyes.

She feels that her wife seems to be able to control any style of outfit perfectly, and a little change can bring surprises to people.

Such fluttering emotions were brought to the training room of the guard by Shen Han.

It wasn’t until the dignified Instructor Liu told everyone that they were going to attack the next to learn Kesenluo, did she let her mind fall back to the present moment.

“Huh? Learning Ksenraic?”

“Isn’t that a small language used in very few regions? How do we learn that?”

“Maybe the lady is going to go to Kesenluodian for a state visit, I guess.”

“Hey~ that doesn’t make sense. The lady is visiting other countries and accompanied by a translation team. We don’t need to communicate with the people of Kesen Luodian. It seems that it is useless to learn their language?”

Not only Shen Han, but the rest of the surrounding team members were also curious, and even began to whisper.

As the captain, Shen Han naturally would not turn a blind eye to everyone’s secret meeting.

She coughed lightly and glanced around: “Be quiet and listen to Instructor Liu!”

Instructor Liu on the podium was very helpful to Shen Han’s attitude.

He had faint anxiety before, the military rank of the other party has long surpassed his own, and the status of the female gentleman’s partner is even more detached. If the other party is not too convinced, then he can only turn a blind eye. .

Excellent young people are often arrogant, which is actually quite normal.

If it does happen, there is nothing to understand.

Instructor Liu squinted his eyes and looked at the woman sitting in the first place in front of him, with 120,000 satisfaction in his heart.

Shen Han was still as he had seen for the first time, clean and gentle, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

“In a few months, the lady will go to Kesen Luodian, and each accompanying team will be equipped with an interpreter.”

“The logistics staff don’t have to learn Kesenludian, but you can’t. The queen will stay in another country for a short period of time. As personal guards, you have a heavy responsibility.”

“Although a few months of surprise study can’t make you proficient in a small language, at least it won’t make you deaf and mute in a strange land. This is related to the safety of the queen, and I hope everyone can take it seriously. !”

Hearing what Instructor Liu said, the guards didn’t dare to desert any more.

Shen Han was about to take the lead in applauding, but saw Instructor Liu staring at him with a smile.

“Captain Shen, you have to work harder during this time. While supervising the learning of the team members, you can double your efforts to improve yourself.”

Shen Han knew the importance of this matter better than Instructor Liu.

She raised her palm and bowed to the other party, and said solemnly: “Promise to complete the task.”

The process of foreign language learning is arranged very quickly.

It was only announced in the morning, and in the afternoon, a teacher would come to teach the guards a lesson.

When the system came into contact with Kesenluodian language and culture, Shen Han’s confidence in the morning quickly turned into confusion.

The difficulty of getting started with this language is beyond her cognition!

The letters are rap, and the grammar is complicated.

After studying all day, the guards felt that not only their brains were muddy, but their tongues were about to knot.

In order to let the guards enter the state as soon as possible, Instructor Liu temporarily stopped their patrol work.

A group of people are locked up in a ‘little dark room’ every day to learn Kesenluodian, and they will take exams every day. Several members of the team are about to lose their hair.

That night, the guards sat in the classroom in twos and threes to practice speaking with each other.

Shen Han asked Ning Xi, “How is Jiang Xinyue’s grandmother? She hasn’t come for the past few days. Is the old man not feeling well?”

Ning Xi nodded: “At her grandmother’s request, they have brought the old man home, and the doctor agreed, saying that this will allow the old man to walk more peacefully in the end.”

“I wanted to take time off to help, but she refused.”

When it comes to things like parting in life, the three of them feel a little uncomfortable, but they can’t change anything.

After being silent for a while, Ma Haoyu changed the topic to interrupt the somewhat dull atmosphere: “Then Xiaojiang has missed so many training sessions, how can he make up for it?”

Shen Han took a deep breath and sighed: “You don’t have to worry about this, Xiaojiang’s Kesenluo can be spoken better than the teacher.”

“Do you still remember when you caught the traitor next to little Princess Kesen Luodian at the Alpaca Cafe?

At that time, before I started, Xiaojiang was always communicating with people, and he was extremely fluent! ”

Hearing this, Ma Haoyu suddenly became sour.

He said with a bitter face, “It would be great if Xiao Jiang could give us a small class. Now this teacher has a more aggressive temper than Instructor Liu, and I don’t even dare to ask her questions.”

Ning Xi squinted at him and hummed, “A small class? You think beautifully.”

“I heard that Kesenluo is the hardest to get started. If you want to master pronunciation quickly, you have to have a teacher press your throat for you and correct the part where you exert force. Xiaojiang will not do such a thing.”

The three of them were whispering, and the teacher who was patrolling the field was pacing slowly.

The teacher who teaches the guards is an elderly lady who likes to walk with her hands behind her back, and she always stares into the eyes of others when talking, which makes people very stressful.

“You three, have you practiced your spoken language?”

“You just passed the test, aren’t you anxious?”

“Everyone is studying, but you are chatting here. Is it because you are lazy? Or because you think you are amazing?”

Faced with this interrogation-style question, the Iron Triangle immediately froze.

Just when the three of them were about to practice quickly, the old lady raised her eyelids and stared at Shen Han: “After you finish your oral practice, you can take another set of test questions. If you can’t score 70 points, don’t go back to the dormitory tonight.”

Shen Han was about to cry.

In order to cooperate with closed learning, she has been living in the barracks dormitory for most of the month.

Seeing that I can take a day off tomorrow, I have to provoke a thunderbolt from the teacher tonight!

I have to go to dinner with my two mother-in-law tomorrow!

What if I really have to stay up all night and have dark circles under my eyes tomorrow?

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