After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 175

Chapter 189: Wait For A Sunrise

5 am.

The night fog will not disperse, and the sky and sea outside the Fry Castle will be connected, like a chaotic world.

Shen Han took the sleepy Gu Junwan to the viewing platform on the top floor of the guest accommodation area.

This is an activity that the two discussed before going to bed, and they have to wait for a sunrise here.

Ferry Castle, built on a peninsula, is surrounded by the sea on three sides.

The location where Shen Han and the two are now happens to be the cliff tor with the best view.

The rock jutting out like a giant eagle’s beak.

Standing on it, it will give life a feeling of the sky is high and the sea is vast.

Shen Han laid a moisture-proof mat on the cold and hard rock platform, and then sat down side by side with Gu Junwan.

“Wife, are we staying at Free Castle all day today?”

“I remember that in the itinerary, you have to meet the old king in the palace in the afternoon.”

As Shen Han spoke, he shook off the soft and skin-friendly thin blanket and draped it over his and Gu Junwan’s shoulders.

The sea breeze is cool, but the two people under the blanket are as warm as spring.

Gu Junwan rested her head on the shoulders of the person beside her, and closed her beautiful eyes comfortably.

Her voice was not as clear as usual, but with a bit of hoarseness and laziness: “The talks are definitely indispensable, but the effect will be better tomorrow.”

Under the thin blanket, she rubbed and found Shen Han’s palm, interlocking with the other’s fingers.

“Before we needed to give a lot of money to fill the appetite of King Halls.”

“Now, it’s time to reverse the cards.”

Just as he was talking, a light suddenly appeared in the distance ahead.

The two looked up and saw a flame slowly rising from the other end of the sea level.

The red glow tore through the gray fog, and strands of light emerged from the gaps in the sky.

That brilliance was a little scattered at first, but soon, it was like joining forces.

The rays of the sun are shining, the sky is burning, and the whole world seems to be plated with a gorgeous golden gauze.

Shen Han was shocked by the magnificence of the moment in front of her, and there was a flash of water in her eyes.

Her heart was beating like a drum, but in just a short time, she felt that she had been hand in hand with Gu Junwan for a long time.

Gu Junwan’s eyes were also sparkling.

The color of the sea and the mountains reflected in her golden eyes, which symbolized majesty, was even more splendid than the stars.

She released the slender palm that was entangled with Shen Han’s knuckles, held the man’s jaw in front of her, and placed a kiss on the corner of the other’s lips.

Neither of them spoke.

The sun is silent, but it is better than a thousand words.

The members of the **** team headed by Ning Xi thought that what the lady said about visiting the peninsula last night was just casual remarks.

I never thought that they really had nothing to do today and could only wander around the island.

Because the lady didn’t go out, and the entire VIP accommodation area was guarded by security guards, the idlers and others couldn’t even enter the building.

The guards didn’t have to stick to the door of the suite, so they took turns running to the beach to take pictures.

Gu Junwan consumed a lot of energy yesterday, and she went out to watch the sunrise before dawn this morning, and she had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Even Shen Han left the bedroom without realizing it.

After washing properly, Shen Han changed into the uniform of the captain of the guard and came to an open-air garden in the main castle.

As soon as he saw her, Freelot trotted forward: “You’re here! I’m worried you won’t be able to find it here.”

Shen Han really liked the little Douding in front of her, she leaned over to pick him up, then lifted her feet and continued to walk towards the place where Duke Friede was.

“You described it in such detail, and you even greeted the servants on purpose. I think it’s hard to get lost.”

Suddenly being held off the ground by the tall and long-legged Shen Han gave Freelot a kind of joy of being lifted high.

But when he thought that there were other people in the garden who saw this scene, he felt a little embarrassed.

The little boy’s cheeks were flushed.

He didn’t dare to move around on Shen Han, so he moved to the other person’s ear and whispered, “Grandpa has prepared a gift for you, but it’s mysterious, even I don’t know what it is.”

Shen Han didn’t ask much, and when she approached Grand Duke Friede, she took the lead in saying hello to him.

Seeing a maid come forward, she took advantage of the situation and handed out Little Lot.

Catherine’s eyelids trembled, but she didn’t reach out to pick it up.

She came here with the intention of taking the young master elsewhere so that Duke Frie could have a good conversation with the guests.

However, since the accident three years ago, the young master has been more resistant to physical contact with people.

Catherine hadn’t seen Little Lot, who was sitting in someone else’s arms so nicely in front of her for a long time.

Freelot didn’t want to be hugged by his valet.

He struggled to jump to the ground, grabbed a small bag of fish food from the table beside him, and ran to the corner of the garden to feed the goldfish.

After Catherine also left, Archduke Frie motioned for Shen Han to sit down.

“Are you still used to living here? If you have any needs, don’t be polite.”

“I heard that the Free Federation pays attention to ‘causality’ and ‘destiny’. You have a relationship with Little Lot, and you helped him open up his heart. The Free family will be your forever friend.”

The words of Grand Duke Fri, slightly surprised Shen Han.

Before, she heard Little Lot say that the other party had prepared a gift for her, and she thought that the other party invited her to come here, intending to compensate or thank herself with money.

At this moment, the words and attitudes of the old man in front of him reveal a kind of sincerity and kindness that the elders care about the younger generation.

For those who express kindness to themselves, Shen Han has always reciprocated with greater acts of kindness.

The two chatted for a while, and soon changed from a completely unfamiliar relationship to a friend who could try to trust.

At this moment, Grand Duke Fri turned the conversation and asked with a smile: “Have you set the time for your wedding with the lady?”

Hearing the word ‘wedding’, Shen Han’s heart suddenly became a little hot.

But she didn’t show a happy look on her face, she just scratched her face and replied: “Not yet, you also know the current situation of the Free Federation. We don’t plan to expose our relationship to the public for the time being.”

Archduke Frie nodded and did not discuss the issue further.

He took out a palm-sized jewelry box from the storage box on the desktop, handed it to Shen Han, and said, “The lady’s wedding should not be hasty, so reserve more time to prepare more fully.”

“Don’t refuse the things here. I have half footed into the graveyard. It is an honor and my blessing to be able to use this collection for many years to witness this extraordinary love between you.”

After speaking, Grand Duke Ferry took the initiative to lift the lid of the jewelry box.

Two small gold-green gems lie quietly between the fleece, precious and mysterious.

Under the sunlight, the rounded curved surface of the gemstone swims with a bright band of light, like the long and narrow pupils in the eyes of a civet cat.

This is an opal that is extremely rare on the entire planet.

Although Shen Han didn’t study much about gemstones, he was able to judge the value of these two gems from the size, color and cut in front of them!

“This gift is too expensive for me to accept.”

Shen Han carefully closed the lid of the jewelry box, and then returned it to Grand Duke Fri.

To be honest, she really liked the pair of opals, but she really couldn’t accept such a gift from the other party.

Grand Duke Frie was not surprised at all by the rejection of the woman in front of him.

What is the vision of the Empress of the Federation? To be her alha, she must not be a vulgar person.

“Well, if you feel that you won’t be rewarded for nothing, then I’ll sell it to you at the price you would have to collect it.”

“You take things away first. As for the transaction payment, you can just pay in installments.”

At this point, Grand Duke Frie smiled again and said, “The lady is not short of anything, so if you want to give her something, remember that it must be the most attentive or the best.”

The form of the transaction was acceptable to Shen Han, and she was really worried about the wedding ring, so she agreed to Grand Duke Friede’s proposal.

While there was a lot of fun in Free Castle, King Halls, who was in the palace, couldn’t sit still.

He originally planned to put more pressure on Gu Junwan during the meeting this afternoon, forcing the other party to make some concessions again, so that the partner he represented could maximize the benefits.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up in the morning, he received rumors that Grand Duke Frie had secret talks with the federal empress for a long time.

Not only did the queen and her party have no intention of coming out of Fry Castle, but early in the morning, the Federal Ministry of Commerce team who was staying in the Palace Hotel was also picked up.

Halls thought about it carefully, and shattered the water glass in his hand in anger.

There are various indications that the two clearly have plans to cooperate.

If the Empress of the Federation really hits it off with Grand Duke Frie, what else is there to do?

Halls felt a toothache when he thought of the old fox of Duke Friede calmly trying to pick peaches halfway.

If other princes and nobles dare to do this, he can directly teach them to behave like kings!

But now the one who suddenly jumped out to do something is Grand Duke Fri, and he, the old king, can’t hold back.

After having lunch with an impatient heart, Halls ordered with an old face: “Get ready, the team related to the Federal Energy Project, immediately follow me to Free Castle!”


Freelot found Shen Han worriedly, and told the other party that his grandfather and King Halls were quarreling in the small auditorium where foreign guests were received.

The quarrel was so fierce that if there were no valet to stop them, both of them would rush forward to grab each other’s beards!

Shen Han blinked his eyes and asked curiously, “Why did those two go to the foreign guest area?”

“Eh, isn’t it? Don’t they worry about causing bad effects when they make a fuss like that?”

Little Lot shook his head, then raised his head and said, “How about you let your girlfriend go to the small auditorium to see?”

After thinking about it, he added with a hint of certainty: “I think the lady can suppress such a scene.”

Hearing this, Shen Han’s ears moved, and he felt a little nervous in his heart.

But she said with anguish on her face: “In terms of work, I can’t call her, have you forgotten, she is my boss.”

Although Shen Han didn’t know which side her wife was more inclined to cooperate with, she knew that in the game, the more anxious the opponent was, the more her side had to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

She wouldn’t bother her wife to recharge her energy at this time!

Freelot asked suspiciously: “Really? How do I think that as long as it is what you say, Mistress, she will definitely not refuse?”

Shen Han stroked the top of the other’s hair: “Then I can’t be arrogant anymore.”

“Think about it, if you really like a ceiling lamp in the state banquet hall of the palace, would you ask for Archduke Frie to arrange for a construction team to bring it back?”

Freelot imagined the somewhat strange picture in his mind, and then shook his head very seriously: “That’s not true.”

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