After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 208

Chapter 223: Side Story Ii: The Queen And The Great Pyrenees

The two rounds of shooting ended in a blink of an eye, and the cubs each hugged their favorite doll and smiled.

Compared to the joy of the two little girls, the young man guarding the stall was weeping secretly.

If at this time he still can’t see that the alpha in front of him is a master with guns, then his business for so many years will be considered a waste.

Losing two dolls to act as a facade is nothing.

He was just worried that if this powerful guest was interested and fought round by round, then he would really have to close the deal.

Just when the young man in the stand was anxious, a voice as clear as a spring came from the side.

“Let’s go, take the little guys to the restaurant for dinner.”

The sound was not loud, just enough to be clearly heard by the people in front of him.

The youth guarding the stall faintly felt that the voice was a little familiar, but he couldn’t recall where he heard it.

He turned his head to look at the tall and slender woman who had just walked up to the alpha guest, but he did not see her appearance from her fully armed dress.

The winter in the imperial capital is relatively cold, and many omegas will wear hats, scarves and masks when they travel.

To be honest, it’s hard to impress with such a cookie-cutter look.

But the young man who kept the stall sincerely felt that the omega guest was very special.

The uniqueness of the other party comes from the energy field it emits from the inside out, rather than external things such as facial features and skin.

The person who suddenly spoke out was naturally Gu Junwan.

Because of Shen Han’s previous two rounds of shooting, many tourists have been attracted.

Based on safety considerations, she then expressed her intention to leave quickly.

Shen Han smiled and winked at her, and said softly, “Wife, wait for me for a minute.”

Saying that, she pointed to a doll bear on the top floor of the gift area: “I want to win that one for you.”

Gu Junwan raised her eyes and looked in the direction her alpha pointed.

But I saw a big white bear about 1 meter high placed at the top of the stairs, with a fluffy body and a naive look.

She didn’t seem to expect that Shen Han would actually send such a cute thing to herself, Gu Junwan gave the other party a sullen look, but did not say no to reject it.

At this time, the young man who guarded the booth said, “The white bear is a collector’s item, and its acquisition conditions are relatively harsh.”

“A round of ten bullets can’t be emptied, and the balloons will be set to move instead of being statically fixed to the plank as they are now.”

Shen Han nodded and smiled at the other party: “This kind of difficulty is quite novel! I want to challenge it.”

“No matter what the result is in the last round, after the game is over, I won’t add more times.”

Hearing this, the young man’s face immediately filled with smiles.

“Okay! Please wait a moment, I’ll adjust the mode for you!”

Leaving such a sentence, the youth turned around and ran to the area where the balloons were placed and flipped the switch.

His actions are very fast, and it feels like he is afraid that if he is slow, the alpha guest will change his mind.

Gu Junwan leaned forward slightly, leaned close to Shen Han’s ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: “You bastard, is it novel to hit a moving target? Now you’ve become more and more skilled at coaxing people.”

Shen Han stretched out his hand to hold the other’s catkin, and said with a smirk, “I didn’t coax people. It’s the first time I hit a moving target in an amusement park today.”

While speaking, Shoutan youth has switched the shooting game to mobile mode.

The shooting distance did not change, but the rows of balloons began to shake under the traction of the string.

The moving paths of two adjacent exhaust **** are different.

Move the top row to the left, and the bottom row will move to the right.

All in all, the law of this balloon shaking has also been designed.

Its purpose is to get people off-target as much as possible.

From guns to balloons to organs, the designers have actually made the difficulty to the extreme.

It’s a pity that the person who came to challenge this time is a gun master who is ranked in the entire federal army!

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The sound of the balloon bursting continuously was mixed with the exclamations of admiration from the surrounding children.

Forms bursts of sound waves, which oscillate back and forth in a small area.

Shen Han’s gun-holding posture was deliberately not so standard, but she was focused when she was shooting.

Coupled with her well-proportioned and slender figure, as well as the heroic high ponytail, she released an unparalleled charm invisibly.

Unconsciously, the eyes of many omegas nearby were focused on Shen Han, both openly and secretly.

From time to time, there are voices of admiration coming from different directions.

In the crowd, a pair of young men and women with tall legs and long legs stood out.

The well-dressed man curled his lips and said disdainfully: “I really don’t know what those people are amazed at? It’s just a balloon, it’s like a pediatrician.”

The woman walking with her frowned and wanted to mock the other party, but in the end she didn’t speak.

She didn’t bother to waste her energy arguing with silly x.

After a casual “um”, the woman once again focused her attention on Shen Han, who was not far away.

Although the other person’s cheeks were covered by the mask, she knew very well that the alpha was definitely in line with her appetite!

However, the other party seems to be married.

And with two children.

After watching the alpha give the winning prize to the omega next to her, the woman withdrew her gaze in dismay.

“Come on, I’m a little hungry.”

Hearing this, the well-dressed man immediately answered: “Then I’ll take you to dinner, to the most expensive restaurant in the park!”

The episodes on the side of the young men and women are naturally unknown on the other side of Shen Han.

At this time, she was handing the big furry white bear to her wife.

Gu Junwan looked at the cute doll handed to her, and was a little embarrassed to pick it up.

She thought that Shen Han would carry the bear by himself, or secretly hand it over to the two accompanying guards.

I didn’t expect that the other party would let him hug him.

She had never done such a thing as a child, let alone as an adult.

The Empress of the Federation is walking in the amusement park with a big white bear. If this news is exposed, I don’t know how big a wave it will be!

“Mother, don’t you like this bear?”

The young daughter’s crisp and tender voice pulled back Gu Junwan’s thoughts.

Of course, she didn’t pick it up because she didn’t like it, but it was not convenient for her to explain the reason to her daughter.

At this time, Gu Xinqin shook the corner of her clothes and said, “Mother, this is what my mother finally won for you.”

Under the expectant gazes of one big or two small, Gu Junwan had to stretch out her slender arms and put the big white bear into her arms.

Shen Han leaned over and picked up the two cubs, giggling and said, “Are you hungry? Mommy will take you to eat something delicious.”

After watching the explosive family of four leave, many tourists around immediately rushed to buy the number of shots.

They just saw it with their own eyes, and it seems that it is not difficult at all to hit the balloon.

The youth guarding the stall was originally still unhappy.

Seeing that the business has suddenly become so hot right now, I immediately feel refreshed!

While collecting the money, he smiled and introduced the rules of the game to everyone.

In my heart, I thought to myself: Who do you look down on? If one of you guys can hit five balloons, I’ll take your last name!

Compared to Dese, the young man guarding the booth, the two guards who were following in the dark were in great shock at this time.

They couldn’t believe it, the image of the lady holding the doll bear passing by in front of their eyes.

In their cognition, the toys that the decisive lady and the little girl like are completely different dimensional concepts.

However, when the contradictory forms are placed in front of them, what collides with is a kind of attraction with a strong sense of contrast.

After lunch, the family rested in the VIP lounge for more than half an hour.

Then, the two little guys who were ‘full of electricity’ began to let their mothers take them to the next play place.

This time, the cubs want to ride a roller coaster.

Gu Junwan didn’t like the feeling of weightlessness, so she proposed to let Shen Han accompany her daughter to experience it.

On the other hand, she herself was waiting in a rare place near the project.

Shen Han would never force his wife to do what the other party didn’t want to do.

She chose a relatively quiet rest area, and after confirming that the two accompanying guards had arrived at the hidden spot, she led the two cubs to the roller coaster.

After the figures of one big and two small disappeared from sight, Gu Junwan withdrew her gaze.

She raised her neck slightly and looked at the void in the distance, only to feel that the years were quiet, and all the happiness she wanted was by her side.

Just as Gu Junwan was quietly waiting for her lover and daughter, three middle-aged men were leaning in front of a vending machine, looking at the former from a short distance.

“Have you seen the woman sitting alone on the bench? In my experience, that’s absolutely superb!”

“Hehe, how can Jipin come to a place like an amusement park? Manager Zhao is afraid that he has missed the mark this time.”

After a brief exchange between the two men, they all turned their attention to the other traveler.

This person is the oldest of the three, but his mental outlook is much better than the other two.

He was wearing a high-quality tunic suit and a famous watch on his wrist. Overall, he looked a bit like a calm entrepreneur.

However, when he looked at the many light-hearted women in the play area, the playfulness in his eyes revealed his inconsistency to the fullest!

The man took a sip of the coffee in his hand, then looked at where Gu Junwan was, and said with a smile: “Xiao Zhao is right, it is indeed superb, but she did not come alone.”

“Look carefully, she doesn’t have a bag, and there are three dolls that only young girls like on the side of the bench. There is a lot of information hidden in it.”

At this point, the man in the Chinese tunic abruptly stopped talking.

He turned the coffee cup in his hand gently, smiling without saying a word.

The manager surnamed Zhao who spoke first knew that the leader in front of him wanted to show off, so he quickly put on a face that asked for advice humbly: “Mr. Liu, tell me more about it, so that I can gain insight.”

Liu Beizhang raised his hand and nodded to Manager Zhao twice, and then said, “There are at least two girls who came with her.”

“This area is the closest to the roller coaster. Her friend should go to the queue to experience the project. She is either afraid of heights or the excitement brought by the acceleration of the vehicle, so she waits here alone.”

After he finished speaking, he handed the coffee in his hand to his subordinates.

After arranging his neckline, he raised his foot and walked towards the area where Gu Junwan was.

“You two are waiting here, I’ll be back when I go.”

Staring at Liu Beizhang’s confident and calm back, the two subordinates simply sat down on the lounge chair beside them and began to whisper.

“Mr. Liu is really a romantic figure. I heard that the most beautiful one of the new batch of intern administrative commissioners has been won by him.”

“Damn, I know this too well, and I’ve been assisting President Liu a few times!”

“That intern girl actually had her own perseverance, but in the end, she couldn’t resist the sugar-coated cannonballs. Who would have a hard time with money these days.”

“You said, can President Liu succeed in hooking up this time? I feel that the woman over there seems very cold.”

“You have a sense of accomplishment after a high-cold strategy, and Mr. Liu is like this.”

“Just wait and see. Within three minutes, the two will be able to sit on the bench and chat happily.”

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