After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 26

Chapter 25: Social Death

Warm white floor lamps decorate the room with warmth and tranquility.

The girl alha leaned her head against the edge of the bed and slept soundly.

The light softened her features.

It made her entire facial contour appear more gentle and deceptive, harmless to humans and animals.

The alha who was full of ruthlessness last night seemed not to be the same person at all as the slightly childish girl in front of him.

Consciousness quickly returns to the body.

Gu Junwan immediately felt that she was holding the opponent’s hand.

The two were sharing the same hot body temperature, which made Gu Junwan’s heartbeat suddenly speed up.

The body’s sense of touch becomes sensitive.

She could even feel the roughness of the thin calluses in Alha’s palm.

The warm cedar that pervades the surroundings is like a small sun, wrapping her tightly.

A reassuring smell fills the nose.

Gu Junwan didn’t let go of her palm.

She raised her gaze slightly, and once again focused her gaze on Alha’s side face.

The hair on the other side’s ear was messy, and the ponytail at the back of his head was not untied.

With the help of the halo, Gu Junwan saw a shallow burn and blood on Shen Han’s ear.

The broken hair around the side of the ear also showed an abnormal twist.

That should have been affected by the air waves from the quilt popping out of the chamber last night.

Thinking of this, the Empress’ eyes darkened a bit.

It’s time to settle the debts owed by the Guo family’s chaebols over the years!

I don’t know if it was because of the sudden change in the aura of the Empress, or some other reason, alha who was lying on the bedside suddenly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Omega’s beautiful golden eyes.

Shen Han blinked his eyes, and then suddenly sat up.

“Junwan, you’re awake! I didn’t think about what I did yesterday, alas!”

It’s only half way through.

Shen Han smashed his head back to its original position.

She pulled the corner of her mouth slightly embarrassedly: “My leg is numb.”

The refreshing cedar breath came to me, with the hoarse voice of the girl alha when she just woke up, stirring Omega’s slightly sensitive nerves at this time.

Since Shen Han has woken up.

Gu Junwan was too embarrassed to continue to hold the other’s hand.

She calmly loosened her slender palms and sat up from the bed.

He lifted the quilt and got out of bed to help the alha who couldn’t stand up for a long time because of his numb legs.

The fragrant plum fragrance, which was originally hidden in the quilt, suddenly broke away from the shackles and swept away towards Shen Han like an overwhelming sea.

Originally it was only alha whose legs were numb, but now I feel numb all over my body.

The glands in the back of the neck throbbed.

The Cedar army suddenly seemed to have mutiny, and they rushed out one after another to hunt down those Lengmei that made them excited.

As soon as Gu Junwan leaned down, she felt the uncontrollable pheromone of Alha.

Her slender palms froze in the air, and her pretty white face gradually climbed into a tinge of red.

Shen Han put his hand on the back of his neck.

He faltered to explain: “No, my legs don’t obey me.”

Hearing this sentence, Gu Junwan only felt a burst of laughter in her heart.

It’s as if the other party’s glands are growing on their legs.

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the bedroom door.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zhao’s slightly asking voice came in through the door: “Your Majesty, I brought you a change of clothes.”

As early as when Shen Han said the first sentence, Xu Zhao knew that the two people in the bedroom had woken up.

She hadn’t slept all night last night, so she stayed outside the bedroom door.

After Shen Han fell asleep on the edge of the bed, she went in and dimmed the bedroom light.

“I’m going out right now.”

Responding to her assistant, Gu Junwan took Shen Han’s arm and helped her sit beside the bed.

“Then I’ll take a shower first.”

“Okay, you go first, I’ll change clothes and come out.”

Gu Junwan got up and left the bedroom.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, the young girl alha immediately pulled the quilt over and enveloped herself in the darkness full of cold plums.

I slept in the same bedroom as Gu Junwan last night, and when I woke up in the morning, I saw each other again.

And the last sentence is similar to a cohabiting couple-like dialogue.

All this made Shen Han happy.

She smiled softly in the quilt.

Rolling around where Gu Junwan lay, she was so happy like a fish jumping back into the sea from the shore.

But right now.

Suddenly thinking of something, Gu Junwan turned back and gently opened the bedroom door.

“Shen Han, your ears”

The words had just begun, and the melodious and pleasant voice of the Empress Omega came to an abrupt end.

She was stunned by the door, looking at the quilt that was boiling to the sky, listening to the sullen laughter of the girl alha.

For a while, I didn’t know whether I should leave quietly or finish my words as if nothing had happened.

The moment he heard Gu Junwan’s voice.

Shen Han under the quilt suddenly felt a sense of social death.

Her legs were slightly curled up.

The toes were so embarrassing that they could dig out a room and two halls.

After washing and dressing, the three sat around the dining table for breakfast.

The meals were prepared in advance by Xu Zhao’s people.

The overall taste is light, but the nutrition is very balanced.

Shen Han’s scratched ear has been taken care of by Gu Junwan.

At this moment, a small patch is buckled above her left ear, which looks like the earrings worn by fashionable girls.

Gu Junwan looked at the other party and never dared to look up at herself.

Knowing that she must still be embarrassed about that morning.

The queen’s red lips twitched slightly, she thought about it, and gave the other person the sliced beef in her bowl.

Shen Han refused to come, and she would eat whatever Gu Junwan put on her plate.

And Xu Zhao, who was sitting on the side drinking porridge silently, watched this scene with his eyelids twitching wildly.

Fortunately, it is blocked by the lens, and it is not easy to be noticed by people.

She never imagined that a lady who is known to be obsessed with cleanliness would also do the act of passing the food in her bowl to others!

The point is, that alha’s reaction is so accustomed to it.

It was as if the two of them had done this many times.

After having breakfast together, Gu Junwan had to go to work in the office.

Neither of the two mentioned much about what happened in the bar last night.

Shen Han knew that Gu had caught the knife that he handed over.

In the next battlefield, there is no such thing as the fuse of oneself.

that’s the truth.

In that shooting incident, as long as the surveillance was called and carefully observed, Shen Han’s little actions could easily be exposed.

But whether it was she who fired the gun or that Captain Huang fired.

This question is no longer important.

The Steering Group has already started the investigation on the grounds of the shooting case. The reasons are legitimate and the procedures are in compliance.

Under the assault, there was a major harvest in one night.

As soon as Gu Junwan sat down in the office, she began to summon the relevant persons in charge one by one.

All morning.

The staff in the administrative office area were too busy to touch the ground, and they all trotted instead of walking.

And the officials at all levels entering and leaving the Empress’ office have never stopped.

In extraordinary times, thunder means must be used.

Since Gu Junwan has chosen to make a move, she will beat Guo to the point of never turning over again.

She couldn’t have wiped out all the chaebols in question.

So, this time, the killing of chickens and monkeys must be done quickly, accurately and ruthlessly.


Gu Junwan rubbed her brows and said to Xu Zhao who was reading the dossier on the side, “Let Instructor Liu come over.”

Xu Zhao stood up and added hot water to the glass that the lady had already bottomed out.

Only then did he walk outside the door and call Instructor Liu.

Instructor Liu walked into the office in a hurry.

Before Gu Junwan could speak, he was the first to speak out with a sad face: “Your Majesty, I, the instructor, have an unshirkable responsibility for the trouble the alhas have caused this time.”

“Don’t worry, I will teach them a good lesson when I look back. They are writing examinations at the moment. Your Majesty, you should take it lightly.”

In the morning, Instructor Liu felt uneasy in his heart.

There was so much movement in the entire station, arrests and interrogations, everyone seemed to have a sword hanging over their heads.

He pondered that the shooting incident in the bar last night was so big, and it was caused by people under his command.

Strictly speaking, the entire quasi-guardian team is to blame.

The only way he can think of now is to admit his mistake first.

If it really can’t be done, he will use Shen Han’s name to sell miserably.

I hope the lady can see this sentiment and give a small punishment and a big admonition.

Gu Junwan looked at the other party’s shy brows and drooping eyes, and she couldn’t help being angry and funny.

“Did I say the guards did something wrong?”

Hearing this, Instructor Liu immediately changed his mind.

“Then your majesty means that they won’t be punished?”

Gu Junwan sighed softly, and nodded her head feigning kindness: “If Instructor Liu insists on me punishing them, then”

“Oh no! I didn’t mean that! Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, you have something important to do with me, right? It’s my fault for talking nonsense and interrupting your train of thought.”

After making a small joke, Gu Junwan immediately started talking about business.

“Instructor Liu, I want you to set off immediately with the prospective **** team, go to the border of the sixth jurisdiction for training for a month and then come back.”

After instructor Liu left.

Xu Zhao couldn’t control his curiosity and asked in a low voice, “Your Majesty, why do you want them to go so far for special training?”

Gu Junwan has nothing to hide from her trusted confidant.

“After all, it was caused by the three of them, Shen Han. I’m going to move the Guo family in a big way. They can’t take revenge on me, and they may spread their bad anger on others.”

“The sixth jurisdiction has almost no power of the Guo family. It is safer to put them there.”

After listening to his daughter-in-law, Xu Zhao did not ask any further questions.

She knew that the lady had only told half the truth.

After all, when it comes to safety, what could be safer than staying on site?

This lady of my own family definitely doesn’t want that alha to worry too much.

Because this next month, the **** storm that is about to set off is no less than the battlefield of real swords and real guns.

Countless dirty sores are about to be opened.

Many people will die on this battlefield without the smoke of gunpowder.

The moment when dawn is approaching is always particularly dark.

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