After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 41

Chapter 40: Walking Tractor

As an awakener of the fire element ability, Shen Han can currently maintain the flame covering the entire palm and wrist for only three seconds.

Three seconds is enough for many ordinary people to blink twice.

And for fast shooters, it’s enough to shoot 15 shots in a row!

Shen Han calculated in his heart that within these three seconds, he had to do two things.

First, when the palm of the hand reaches into the fire, it has to get the cigarette holder directly, and there is no time to search slowly.

Second, before the iron cigarette holder scalded himself, he had to present it in front of everyone.

She came here to break the ice, no matter whether the other party is deliberately making things difficult, she can’t help but shrink back now.

Under the eyes of the room full of surprise or inquiry, Shen Han suddenly raised his hand and slapped the flaming fire with his palm.

The sudden influx of strong wind caused the fire to expand outwards with a ‘boom’.

The sound of the charcoal fire bursting was incessant.

There seemed to be a smell of fire and blood in the air.

The people of the Qubi tribe subconsciously took a few steps backwards.

Those originally surprised faces gradually turned into astonishment.


Shen Han patted the iron cigarette holder full of charcoal shavings on the table: “High priest, I have already given you the sincerity you want. I don’t know what you plan to exchange for it?”

Shen Han’s words were not abrupt, because the other party had just expressed clearly that for the first cooperation, both parties had to show sincerity.

The high priest looked away from his cigarette holder on the table, and when he looked at the alha in front of him, his face was a little more cautious.

He thought for a while before slowly opening his mouth: “In two days, on behalf of the Qubi tribe, I will go to negotiate with the Shama tribe about the division of Huangluozhi’s picking land. Come with me.”

Hearing this, Su Mu immediately recovered from the shock just now.

She hurriedly said to her father, “Dad, don’t let her go! The place where Huang Luozhi grew up cannot be known to outsiders.”

The leader of Qubi shook his head indifferently: “Listen to the high priest.”

Shen Han picked up the jacket he put on the ground just now, blocked his slightly burnt arm, smiled at the high priest, and didn’t speak any more.

She had to eat one bite at a time, and now that the result had exceeded her expectations, it would not be good to ask again.

The high priest looked at the person he had just knocked on with the pipe: “Ash, find a clean room for the guest and take her to rest.”

The young man Ash, whose name was named, immediately cheered up, greeted his two brothers, and surrounded Shen Han to show her the way.

When leaving the yurt, he even took the initiative to lift the felt curtain for the other party.

As soon as the group left the room, a biting cold wind swirled in their face.

Shen Han quickly put on the jacket again, and pulled the zipper all the way to the neck, the feeling of being cold to the bones eased a little.

When he turned his head, he saw that the three tribal youths were looking at their hands curiously.

She simply scooped up her sleeves so they could see better.

The young man named Ash stared at him and asked, “How did you do it? Only the old witch doctor in the tribe can take things from the charcoal fire.”

After thinking for a while, he added: “But the old witch doctor’s hands are coated with concoction, you don’t.”

Shen Han smiled mysteriously at everyone, and said, “I call this a tactical foul, you must not learn it.”

The three of Ashes were stunned for a while, and said in their hearts: We can’t learn if we want to.

Although the three simple tribal youths did not understand the meaning of the phrase ‘tactical foul’, they all felt that it was very powerful.

Not long after Shen Han entered the yurt, someone brought her hot water, food, herbs, and a set of clothes that only warriors in the Qubi tribe were qualified to wear.

Early the next morning, when she was walking through the tribe in a black and red dress embroidered with totems.

Every Qubi clan who saw her would stop and look at her for a while.

In the Qubi tribe, black represents dignity and red represents heroism.

This warrior costume has always been worn only on those sturdy clansmen who can tear pigs with their bare hands.

Unexpectedly, this white, tall and thin alha can actually wear the warrior uniform so well!

Shen Han paced all the way and walked to the wooden cage where he was imprisoned yesterday.

The three young students who were locked inside were immediately stunned.

I thought to myself: Didn’t this person sneak out of the cage and escape last night?

It didn’t matter that the Qubi tribe was caught and beaten, why are they still running over to show it off?

Compared to the surprise of the three students, the middle-aged man who was reselling the supplies seemed to have a thunder roll in his mind.

He knew very well what the warrior uniform on the other side represented.

Shocked: what did that alha do? To be able to get the recognition of the high priest of the tribe overnight!

After strolling around the wooden cage for a while, Shen Han went to chat with the people in the tribe.

She now knows that people in these tribes are well aware of the scarcity of materials in the places where they live, and they also have a great desire for supplies that can improve the quality of life.

Their stubbornness is not because of resistance to science and technology, but because they are afraid that once modern civilization intervenes, their culture and thousands of years of inheritance will be cut off.

Therefore, they would rather do business with the smugglers who re-sell the supplies, and are reluctant to accept the help and cooperation of the federal government personnel.

Shen Han pondered, this problem is actually not difficult to solve.

The idea of his classmate Gu is not to assimilate all the people into assembly-line workers.

As long as the line here is open, Gu is fully capable of keeping the tribe’s heritage while also bringing them a more convenient and splendid life.

Time soon came to the day when the two tribes agreed to negotiate.

Shen Han originally thought that he would follow the high priest and others on horseback, but he did not expect that a shriveled old man actually drove a walking tractor out of the tribe!

There were still six people sitting in the body behind the tractor.

The sturdy little princess Su Mu was also in the car. When she looked at her, she glared fiercely.

Shen Han ignored the other party, but stared at the high priest beside him with a little surprise: “This is you?”

The high priest explained calmly: “It is inconvenient to hide guns on horseback. We have made an agreement with the Shama tribe that no one is allowed to carry guns on their bodies during negotiations.”

After listening to the words of the high priest, Shen Han was secretly shocked: This operation is really a show off!

Carrying a gun is not allowed, but is it okay to hide a gun in a tractor? !

When Shen Han and the high priest also got into the car, the group bumped on the road like this.

Shen Han sat on the left with the high priest, and on the right with the tribal youth Ash. Suddenly, he felt like he was squeezed into the subway during the rush hour.

Su Mu sat directly opposite Shen Han.

On the way, she couldn’t help but secretly look at each other’s hand.

There was no burn or swelling, and those palms were like the white jade used for worship in the tribe, both clean and beautiful.

Su Mu suddenly remembered the white and tender winter bamboo shoots. No, winter bamboo shoots are not as good-looking as each other’s fingers.

The walk-behind tractor belched smoke all the way and drove for more than two hours.

When he was about to enter the meeting point agreed by the two tribes, Shen Han suddenly said to the high priest beside him, “Go 500 meters to the left.”

The high priest glanced at the Asakusa on the left, and asked the shriveled old man to do the same.

Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, the alha suddenly changed his direction, and then the high priest agreed, which made Su Mu a little angry.

She raised her eyes and glared at the person sitting opposite her, but the other person turned to look at the grass sideways, making her eyes instantly lose the offensive.

Shen Han stared at the fresh tire marks on the plaster, and at a glance he could see that it was not the ruts of a tractor.

That’s the mark of an off-road vehicle!

The high priest also carefully looked at the car marks, and his face became ugly.

Although he couldn’t tell what car it was pressed out of, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing for these traces to appear here.

“Turn around and go back!”

Shen Han’s voice echoed low in the body of the car, and then was drowned out by the noise of the tractor.

Before the high priest could speak, Su Mu, who was sitting opposite Shen Han, finally couldn’t help but say, “Why should I listen to you?”

Shen Han just glanced at her, and then instructed Ash on the right to lead the crowd to quietly load the soil rifles and put them in an easy-to-reach place beside their feet.

At this time, the high priest had already followed Shen Han’s instructions and made the old man who was driving the car turn around quickly.

In fact, he couldn’t tell why he listened to the words of that strange alha, but he had a faint intuition in his heart that this strange alha would not harm him.

Just when their tractor drove back less than 1 kilometer.

Two men from the Shama tribe chased from behind on horseback.

“The high priest of the Qubi tribe, the leader let us pick you up!”

“You are going in the wrong direction, come back quickly!”

At this time, the Qubi people on the tractor felt that something was wrong.

Because the timing of the other party’s appearance is too coincidental.

As soon as he turned around and was about to leave, they chased after him, and this place was actually still some distance away from the agreed place.

“What should we do? They must have people in ambush behind them.”

The high priest’s voice was urgent and deep. He couldn’t understand why the people of the Shama tribe did this, so he subconsciously asked Alha next to him for his idea.

This scene is simply incredible to the Qubi people in the car.

Because their high priest has always been the leader of the entire tribe.

And such a person now handed over the decision-making power to the alha next to him.

Shen Han kicked up a dirt rifle and held it in his palm, and said quickly: “The tractor is too slow and the target is too focused, go to the woods in front, then abandon the car and enter, tell the old man who is driving and let him stay for a while. Don’t stop anyway!”

Just after finishing speaking, the two strong men from the Shama tribe were already 100 meters away on horseback.

Seeing that one of them took out a pistol from his arms, Shen Han immediately raised the barrel and pulled the trigger towards the other’s shoulder.

The huge gunshot stunned a group of winter finches in the forest not far away, and also scared the Shama man who had just pulled out his gun into a shudder.

The soil rifles in the tribe have a short range and poor accuracy.

Shen Han’s first shot did not hit the target.

She immediately kicked another loaded firearm, recalled the deviation of the bullet just now, corrected the trajectory, and pulled the trigger again.

Not far away, the strong man on the horse’s shoulder shook and fell off the horse’s back.

The whole process takes less than five seconds.

Just when the second shot fell, on the **** far behind the tractor, two off-road vehicles suddenly rushed out.

The wide wheels rolled the debris in the air, like two huge beasts, rushing towards Shen Han and his party.

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