After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 82

Chapter 94: Borrow A Knife To Kill

On this trip, none of the guards’ guns were equipped with silencers.

Its purpose is to be able to directly convey warning signals when danger is detected.

Therefore, when Shen Han shot and smashed the door lock, the two groups of people guarding the training ground could hear it clearly.

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense in vain.

Everyone clenched their firearms in an instant, and while dispersing in a tactical formation, they stared at the opposing team vigilantly.

Yu Xiao’s adjutant was a battle-hardened general. After thinking about it, he knew that it could not have been a surprise attack by the mistress.

After all, the lady herself is not far away.

What is the difference between doing a little trick in this situation and giving it away for nothing?

“All guns down! Just stay alert!”

After hearing the adjutant’s words, all army sergeants immediately followed the order.

On the guard’s side, neither Xu Zhao nor Shen Han were there, so Ning Xi stood up and asked the personnel on his side to also be on guard with guns and not act rashly.

In the chat room, although Gu Junwan and the two could not hear the voices outside, but looking at the attitude of everyone on guard against each other, they could guess that something must have happened.

“Uncle Yu, let’s stop today’s conversation. The next step involves the investigation and arrest of the behind-the-scenes. I hope you can cooperate.”

At the same time as Gu Junwan spoke up, she had already stood up from the chair.

Although she had been discussing important matters with the commander in front of her just now, she knew what happened on the training ground.

including Shen Han and

During the discussion among the soldiers of the Fifth Army, Jiang Xinyue suddenly fainted and was sent away by Xu Zhao.

Also, Shen Han left in a hurry after answering a phone call.

Now that there is such a confrontation on the training ground, she can easily infer that there should be something wrong with Xu Zhao.

Under such circumstances, Gu Junwan could no longer concentrate on discussing strategies against the enemy with others.

After receiving a positive reply from Yu Xiao, she turned around and walked out of the secret conversation room.

Seeing that the lady had left the room, Ning Xi immediately ran forward with the guards and tightly protected the former.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Junwan asked quickly.

Ning Xi had obvious anxiety on her face: “Jiang Xinyue’s fever period came suddenly, and Special Assistant Xu accompanied him to the infirmary. About six minutes later, the captain received a call from Special Assistant Xu and rushed over.”

“There was a gunshot from the infirmary just now. It is estimated that something happened to them!”

Gu Junwan gave orders to the communication soldiers in a low voice while letting someone lead the way straight to the infirmary.

“Have troops outside the training camp secretly prepared for battle, just in case.”

“Remember, do not order me, do not act without authorization!”

On the other side, Yu Xiao also asked his adjutant: “What happened?”

The adjutant’s report was similar to what Ning Xi said.

Yu Xiao frowned.

He looked at Gu Junwan’s person who was about to disappear around the corner, and even followed him with him.

He couldn’t understand, who actually fired the gun? Why are you shooting?

“Which doctor is on duty in the infirmary today?” Yu Xiao paused slightly, looking sideways at the adjutant.

“Commander Yu, it’s Dr. Zheng Jinbo Zheng.”

After hearing this reply, a dark color flashed across Yu Xiao’s eyes.

He was quite impressed with that Dr. Zheng Jinbo, not because of his superb medical skills, but because he had received some complaints about his medical ethics.

Of course, those complaints were eventually dropped due to insufficient evidence to report.

Otherwise, that Doctor Zheng would not be able to stay in the team.

When Gu Junwan and his party arrived at the area where the infirmary was located.

After a long distance, everyone saw Shen Leng standing outside with a cold face.

At her feet, there was a middle-aged doctor in a white coat curled up.

That doctor was the one who picked up Jiang Xinyue just now, and is now lying on the ground crying.

Seeing Gu Junwan and others all coming, Shen Han immediately raised his feet and stepped forward to join his team.

“I fired the gun just now. This doctor locked Jiang Xinyue in the treatment room.”

“Jiang Xinyue was not injected with inhibitors until I arrived.”

Regarding the situation in front of him, Shen Han must tell the truth.

However, in order to take into account Omega’s feelings and situation, she did not mention the fact that the other party’s pheromones were out of control.

After listening to Shen Han’s simple explanation, before Gu Junwan made a sound, Ning Xi on the side scolded lowly, “Fuck! ’, and then walked quickly towards the front.

Shen Han didn’t even have time to stop him, Ning Xi had already bypassed her and walked to Zheng Jinbo quickly.

With a kick, the opponent’s arm was broken.

Zheng Jinbo had been beaten by Shen Han and vomited blood just now, but now he was beaten like this again, only to feel the darkness and fear.

The sound of broken bones mixed with the screams of weeping blood spread and penetrated into the ears of everyone, but there was no one person’s sympathy.

Although Shen Han said it more implicitly just now, it did not prevent everyone from understanding the true meaning of the other party’s words.

Forgetting that Jiang Xinyue is a teammate of all the guards.

The mere fact that someone was planning to do something wrong when the Omega was in the heat was disgusting enough.

Even if the doctor’s second gender is beta, bullying the weak is not judged by gender.

Shen Han grabbed Ning Xi’s arm and threw her back into the guard team.

The situation here is already messy enough. If the doctor is really beaten up, the reason on his side will become unreasonable.

At this time, Yu Xiao and others who were a distance behind Gu Junwan also came to this area.

As soon as he saw the officers on his side coming, Zheng Jinbo couldn’t care about crying for his father and mother, and immediately started to confuse black and white with a trembling.

“Commander Yu! They want to kill me, you have to decide for me!”

“I don’t know how the door of the treatment room was locked. Before I could inject the inhibitor into the Omega, the alha broke in.”

“She shot privately in violation of military discipline and beat me up. I want to sue in a military court!”

When Shen Han dragged Zheng Jinbo out of the infirmary, Xu Zhao had already completed the injection for Jiang Xinyue.

At this moment, through a door, they could hear all the movements outside clearly.

Xu Zhao’s anger rose in his heart, but he did not force Jiang Xinyue to go out and fight with the doctor.

She only whispered to the other party: “Don’t be afraid, the lady will do justice for you.”

The indoor fresh air system is turned on to the maximum, and the ‘woohoo’ noise can easily disturb people’s thinking.

But Jiang Xinyue knew exactly what she should do now.

She knew that if she did not walk out that door this time because of her fear and withdrawal, she would spend the rest of her life with endless regrets.

She refused Xu Zhao’s help, stood up, opened the door and walked outside.

Xu Zhao followed closely.

Seeing that everyone left the infirmary, the nurse who had been hiding in the pharmacy quickly ran out.

She was shocked and scared, and regretted to death.

When Jiang Xinyue walked to the outdoor space, she first gave a military salute to Gu Junwan’s location, then turned to look at Zheng Jinbo, who was sitting on the ground and sold miserably, and started to fight back.

Her voice was weak, but her words were very clear.

Resolute and stubborn, Zheng Jinbo tried to speak several times but failed to get in.

Jiang Xinyue told everyone what happened just now without any concealment.

Including how the other party dropped the needle, and the other party’s last words that Yu Xiao hated Omega.

After listening to Dr. Zheng and the Omega disagreeing.

Yu Xiao’s eyes became more and more gloomy.

He stared at the shivering nurse standing beside him, trying to make his voice sound as usual.

“The two of them, who is lying?”

The nurse’s calf had already softened from fright. At this time, it was the most important thing to protect yourself.

Another point, she was afraid that if she followed Zheng Jinbo’s words, she would be caught by some logical loophole.

So, she wiped her tears and shook her head: “I wasn’t in the treatment room at the time, I didn’t know anything.”

After Gu Junwan came to the infirmary area, she remained silent.

It wasn’t until this time that she opened her mouth to Yu Xiao: “Commander Yu, you said that you recognize Yuwei’s will more, and win or lose. Although I am angry, I have to try to respect your choice.”

At this point, she changed her words: “However, I think Yuwei and the others want to change the world in order to make the people living on the federal land have a better life and get the respect and hope they deserve, not In order to use the strong to bully the weak, people can return to the social environment where they used to be superior and inferior.”

Gu Junwan would suddenly say such a thing at this time, naturally it was not sensational.

This is her psychological attack against Yu Xiao, and it can also be said to be a murder by a knife.

This is Yu Xiao’s territory. Many things, right or wrong, actually depend on his subjective judgment.

Not to mention the fact that the female monarch has no real evidence to prove that there is something wrong with the doctor.

Even if he can get it, if Yu Xiao doesn’t want to recognize it, then he can directly deny it.

Gu Junwan’s shot has always hit the nail on the head.

Instead of grasping the details of the incident itself, she directly poked at Yu Xiao’s inverse scales with words!

When he was in the chat room earlier, Yu Xiao was already very painful when he recalled some of his daughter’s past.

At this time, he listened to Gu Junwan’s words, and looked at the Omega who was about to stand still, but tried to defend his dignity.

In an instant, he only felt that his heart was cut by a knife!

His daughter aspires to become a soldier like her father, hoping that one day she will be able to hold up a sunny day for the disadvantaged.

Thinking of this, he pulled the pistol straight out of the holster around his waist.

The sound of the bolt being loaded was crisp and clean, but it made everyone present tense.

Shen Han’s pupils shrank, and without thinking, he dodged in front of Gu Junwan.

Yu Xiao just glanced at her lightly, then raised his gun and fired two bullets at Zheng Jinbo’s thigh.

A rich **** smell permeated.

This time, Zheng Jinbo was dizzy before he even had time to howl.

Except for Gu Junwan, everyone was puzzled by Commander Yu’s actions.

But the crowd didn’t say anything.

Two sergeants stepped forward quickly and carried Dr. Zheng, who had passed out of pain, into the infirmary for hemostasis treatment.

The nurse hiding by the side was afraid that the commander would also shoot him twice. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Gu Junwan said ‘farewell’ to Yu Xiao’s side, and then left the training camp with her team.

The noon sun shone on the lady’s slender but upright back, bringing out a demeanor full of inner tension.

Until many years have passed, when everyone recalls this winter afternoon again, they still feel that the years are bright and the future can be expected!

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