After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: Breakout

Shen Han’s head was a little dizzy, and the whole person was sweating.

Her senses seemed to have been magnified several times and were extremely clear.

The glands at the back of the neck are like a beating heart, releasing uncontrollable restlessness.

The canine teeth stick out, like a blood clan earl who is about to forage for food on a full moon night.

And the faint and cold plum emanating from Gu Junwan’s body became the fuse that detonated the cedar.

Shen Han hugged the Omega in front of him tightly, as if to rub it into his blood.

She probed the way with her lips, pushed aside the soft hair of the other party, and gently picked up a corner of the barrier.

The pheromone of alha burst out at this moment.

Brutally washed Omega’s fragile nerves, making her body as soft and weak as silk.

The barrier defense between the back of the neck was torn open.

The dense kiss fell on Omega’s neck, and the domineering cedar was smudged, ready to attack the city.

Gu Junwan’s entire body was imprisoned in the arms of the person behind her, and she couldn’t break free, and she couldn’t even move her arms.

The slender palm holding the injection was punctured by the needle’s tip, and a drop of bright red fell.

Hesitation and fear, these two unfamiliar emotions, fermented in the heart of Empress Omega.

This was a feeling she had never experienced before when she faced the pursuit of rebels and the defections of her allies.

And that alha called Shen Han has repeatedly disturbed her heart.

This made Gu Junwan feel a little sour in her heart, her eyes flushed red, and clear tears slid down her cheeks.

It is undeniable that she is indeed somewhat moved by the alha behind her.

But this does not mean that she is willing to be marked by the other party in this situation.

The unclear relationship between the two.

Precarious situation right now.

All this was not the result she wanted.

Gu Junwan’s tears fell on Shen Han’s uniform, and there was a ‘da-da’ sound on the tough fabric.

Tears could not penetrate the high-end military uniform, but like lava, it was directly scorched into the flesh and blood of the owner of the military uniform.

After realizing what he was doing, Shen Han immediately released his arms.

Looking at the slender woman who was trembling gently in her arms, her heart was filled with remorse.

At this moment, Shen Han really understood: how much influence pheromone can have on an alha.

When I heard Gu Junwan popularize this knowledge for herself.

She thought she could control it through her will.

It turned out that it was much more difficult than she had imagined.

Just now, she almost forcibly marked the other party.


Shen Han pulled the distance between the two with difficulty.

Leng Mei’s fragrance is far away, as if half of her blood has been taken away.

This made the top alha suddenly weak.

The skin and muscles were scorching hot like boiling water, but the forehead was occupied by cold sweat.

Gu Junwan was a little surprised by Shen Han’s ‘restraining the horse’.

But more than that, it was a secret joy.

She had clearly felt the other party’s ** just now.

But at the last moment, alha restrained himself.

Knowing that now is not the time to think about things, Gu Junwan rearranged a shot of the inhibitor, turned and said to Alha, who was breathing heavily, “Come here.”

Shen Han stepped forward in silence, just as he was about to say something, he heard the other person continue to say: “Buck your head down.”

Before, Gu Junwan didn’t think that the other party was much taller than her.

Only now did I realize that the other party was more than half a head taller than me.

When Gu Junwan went to the side to inject Shen Han’s glands, she actually felt like she was coronating the other party.

Everything is calm again.

Only the smell of cedar trees and cold plums piled up in the air tells of the ambiguity that happened in this room before.

Shen Han was sitting upright on the sofa, like a student who was uneasy after doing something wrong.

She pinched the corner of her clothes and looked at the back of the woman who was packing the medicine box: “I promise you, I will never do this again!”

Gu Junwan closed the small glass door of the medicine cabinet and gave a soft ‘um’.

The tip of the ear, which was covered by the black hair, was inexplicably hot.

Shen Han couldn’t see these subtle changes.

Seeing that the other party’s reaction was a little dull, she thought that the other party must be a little annoyed at her.

After all, who doesn’t hate offenders who want to use force on themselves?

“How about I write you a letter of guarantee?”

Hearing Shen Han’s words, Gu Junwan felt both angry and funny.

She turned around, her golden phoenix eyes fell on the sofa, and her red lips lightly opened: “What do you plan to write on your guarantee letter, ‘what if you do it again next time’?”

“Just” Shen Han rolled his eyes and asked tentatively, “Just let you bite me once?”

Gu Junwan: “…”

I’m not alha!

What reassured Shen Han was that in the next few days, Gu Junwan did not deliberately alienate herself.

Although she didn’t know that this was because the other party had forgiven her, she was forced to do so because of the current situation.

But in short, it was enough to make her happy.

Just when the undercurrents of all parties were surging.

Gu Junwan finally waited for the time to break out.

Their preparations can be said to be very hasty, but this is their only chance to escape from the house arrest.

That night, the entire hotel was subjected to sudden electromagnetic interference.

The monitoring fails, and the electromagnetic equipment is completely disordered.

Under the leadership of special agent Ma Haoyu, Gu Junwan and Shen Han successfully transferred to the transportation warehouse next to the hotel.

The remaining five combat members are already ready to go.

Seeing Gu Junwan’s arrival, everyone gave a military salute to each other with a ‘pop’.

Shen Han calmly observed these unfamiliar members.

There are males and females, alhas and betas.

When these people are not activated, they are all ordinary “worker ants” in the army of laborers.

And now, they will charge into battle for their beliefs, throw their heads and shed their blood.

Everyone knows that this will be a life-and-death operation.

But no one backed away.

With the opening of the warehouse ground machinery, a small frigate immediately appeared in front of everyone.

This is a new type of small combat ship that can accommodate about 10 people.

Fast flight and quick response.

For Gu Junwan’s team right now, it’s almost the best choice.

She has made proper contact with her old department.

As long as they can successfully cross the border of Xinli, the initiative can be regained in their own hands.

The warehouse is only thousands of miles from the nearest national border.

At the speed of a frigate, it can be reached in 15 minutes in a straight line.

Of course, the Tiger Guards of the Xinli Kingdom are not decorations.

As soon as the frigate is in the air, the pursuit battle will break out immediately.

Gu Junwan sat down in the command cabin, fastened the safety fasteners, and took over the electronic equipment that Ma Haoyu handed over.

She will have full command of the frigate’s route and how it will fight.

Shen Han sat not far from her left side, looking at the empress who calmly began to give orders, her heart pounded.

Today’s Gu Junwan doesn’t wear that conspicuous white military uniform anymore.

She was wearing a black shirt of the same style as Shen Han. The stiff leather belt perfectly outlined the waist line, and her slender ankles were tightly wrapped by military boots. She looked sassy and attractive.

Shen Han carefully controlled his breathing.

But the pheromone that fluttered out betrayed her heartbeat at this time.

Just as Gu Junwan ordered the frigate to take off, she was enveloped by a faint scent of cedar.

Out of the corner of the eye, a foolish man was peeking at him while covering his ears.

She coughed lightly, but the other party’s eyes did not converge.

In desperation, the empress commander had to turn his head slightly, and asked knowingly: “Have you brought all the guns prepared for you?”

Lengmei’s breath came, and Shen Han’s breath was stagnant.

She hurriedly patted the gun holster on her waist, and said, “I have it.”

At this time, Ma Haoyu suddenly appeared and looked at Shen Han as if asking for credit: “Boss, that’s the latest pistol, don’t look at its small size, it’s definitely powerful!”

As Gu Junwan expected, their frigate had just flown less than a hundred miles before being surrounded by a whole group of fighter jets.

Gu Junwan stared intently at the small red dot on the electronic device.

A series of orders began to be issued in an orderly manner.

This lone frigate is like the most nimble dolphin in the night sky.

With the help of speed, terrain and the interference of ocean currents, it breaks through the encirclement of tiger sharks again and again.

Makes the fierce hunters dizzy and complain to each other.

The frigate eventually disappeared into the clouds.

On the top of a dilapidated tower, Gu Junwan and others were safely sent out of the ship gate.

The pilot and his deputy stood side by side by the door of the ship and gave a solemn military salute to the Empress.

They will return to the ship’s cabin and continue to fly to ensure that their accomplices can **** the Empress to the second route, crossing the border between the two countries from land.

This is a strategy set early in the morning.

The whole farewell went on quickly and silently.

After the frigate disappeared into the night sky, Ma Haoyu changed to a striker to lead the way.

The team will pass through an abandoned market town, and then arrive at the pick-up location agreed with the reinforcements.

The group walked forward in silence. When they turned a street corner, two beams of lights suddenly shot out, instantly stretching the figures of the six people on the ground.

In the dazzling light, Lieutenant Colonel Ke Qin of the Tiger Guards strode out.

His eyes fixed on Gu Junwan’s bumpy figure without hesitation, and said with a smile, “Your Majesty, I am truly honored to be able to take you twice within a month.”

Before Gu Junwan said a word, she was pulled behind her by a soft palm.

The breath of cedar brushed past his ears, dispelling the discomfort caused by Ke Qin’s words.

Shen Han walked out slowly with the light source in hand, rolled up his cuffs, and walked towards Ke Qin.

“What are you? Take her away, are you worthy!”

The oppression brought by the S-rank alha made Ke Qin pause slightly.

But soon he adjusted his state, twisted his neck left and right, and made a burst of skeleton explosions.

“Then what are you? There is something, let’s practice!”

While speaking, the two aggressive alhas came to each other.

The already tense atmosphere was pushed even more tense.

And right now.

Shen Han stretched his palm across his waist in a lightning-quick manner, loaded his weapon with one hand, and fired four shots in a row at the man in front of him.

Ke Qin was still speculating in his mind the speed and power that the S-level alha could burst out.

His chest and throat had been pierced by spinning bullets.

He knew that he was misled by the other party’s action of rolling up his cuffs just now.

But it’s too late!

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