After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 92

Chapter 104: Suicide

“What do you mean? Are you here for dinner?”

“If I were you, if I failed to complete the task given by the teacher, the first thing to worry about is whether I still have life to eat!”

The dishes on the automatic rotating table are very beautiful, but Zheng Xiang did not get up and go to the dining area to take a seat.

He sat upright and straight on the sofa, his eyes flashing with a cold light.

Chen and Sun, who had just moved to the dining table, were all stagnant.

Repeatedly being brushed in the face by the other party, the smile they tried so hard to maintain finally disappeared.

Sun Xianglong, who has been promoted to the deputy director of the General Office of the Peace Palace, slapped the table directly.

On weekdays, others would humiliate him in front of him. At this moment, Zheng Xiang’s behavior that he didn’t take himself seriously made him angry.

“Shota Katsumura! What kind of a **** are you? Your teacher knows how to be polite when talking to me and the two of you. You are just a **** errand servant, and you really take yourself seriously!”

At the moment when he heard Sun Xianglong call out his real name, Zheng Xiang was obviously stunned.

However, Sun Xianglong was very satisfied with the other party’s reaction.

He went on to say: “The 200 million virtual currency we earned by pinning our lives on the belt of our pants, you want to take it away as soon as you touch your lips, I tell you, there is no door!”

At this point, the two bodyguards in the box who had never made a sound all silently approached Zheng Xiang.

One of them carried a sharp knife, the other held a tough fishing line in both hands.

It seems that he does not intend to let Zheng Xiang leave here alive.

However, the other four in this room seriously underestimated the strength of their opponents.

When the two bodyguards were still two meters away from the sofa, Zheng Xiang suddenly stood up as if he had eyes behind him.

He took a silenced pistol from the hem of his shirt, pulled the trigger four times in a row, and hit the two of them in the stomach.

The accident happened too fast.

The two bodyguards fell into a pool of blood without even wailing.

Zheng Xiang’s way of shooting is very professional.

The bullets in the abdomen of the bodyguards would not kill them immediately, but also make them completely unthreatening.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yihe and Sun Xianglong were completely frightened.

Far in the command room of the Egret Hotel.

Gu Junwan stared at the monitoring screen, and ordered in a deep voice: “Snipers prepare.”

Everyone’s heartstrings were tense, and there was absolute silence in the communication channel at this moment.

As long as the female gentleman says the word ‘attack’ again, the tactical team will attack immediately.

On the surveillance screen, Zheng Xiang did not shoot Chen and Sun again.

He raised his foot and walked to the two people who were shaking like sifting chaff, and slammed it down with a punch, which blasted an exaggerated sonic boom on the solid wood table.

The thick glass turntable placed on the dining table shattered in response!

Gu Junwan asked people to zoom in on the screen, and found that the man’s hand bones, called Katsumura Shota, were not damaged.

She immediately said in the communication channel: “Everyone pay attention, the awakened person in the box has extraordinary strength and defense!”

the same moment.

Li Jianye, who is far away in the residence of the No. 1 Rest House, is cooking a pot of old tea with crude pottery.

He will contact Zheng Xiang every half hour.

And now, there are 10 minutes before the next communication.

The fake wife termites waited on.

She knew that her superior was planning to evacuate. If she could return to Yingguo smoothly, she would finally no longer have to live as someone else, which is great!

Yusheng Manor, box.

Zheng Xiang looked down at the two men who had already fallen to the ground in fright, and grinned at them.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. If the Free Federation doesn’t have worms like you, it will get better and better!”

“Let’s discuss it now, leave one person here, and the other will immediately get what I want.”

“It’s quite annoying that the money is gone, but your commander trusts you two so much, with a mere hundreds of millions, and you can earn it back in two years. As long as she doesn’t fall, are you afraid that you won’t be able to make money?”

Zheng Xiang didn’t leave them much time, so he ordered Chen Yihe to pick up the things.

This person is greedy and afraid of death, and he is not worried that the other party will not come back after he leaves.

At this time, Gu Junwan began to give orders in the communication channel.

“The sniper strikes and the target person loses combat effectiveness!”

“Signal blocking is turned on immediately, cutting off all contact between the manor and the outside world.”

Several members of the **** team, including Shen Han, were scattered and hidden around the box building, maintaining a coordinated advance.

This time, they were not the main combat team.

After all, under such a net-like defense, the few people in the box are basically turtles in a urn.

The gas explosion of the sniper gun broke the silence of the night in the manor.

The bullet spun out, shattered a glass window in the box, and penetrated into Zheng Xiang’s right elbow.

Although the Awakened possessed the supernatural ability bestowed by God, they were unable to resist thermal weapons.

Zheng Xiang’s entire right arm was knocked out.

If it weren’t for his physical fitness, he would have completely fainted after this shot.

The sniper continued to lock onto the target, but did not fire again.

The assault team in the manor’s overalls broke through the door and quickly surrounded everyone in the house.

Zheng Xiang’s face was pale, and the rapid loss of blood and the sudden attack made his spine chill, like falling into an ice cellar.

He immediately burst out his supernatural powers, his flesh and blood were instantly strengthened, his skin and muscles tightened, and his bones were as hard as rocks!

The glass window that had just been smashed by the sniper was hit again.

Zheng Xiang, like a trapped beast, forcibly broke the edge of the metal window and jumped into the dark night outside the window.

“Attention all teams! The target person jumped out of the window and escaped, and the location is in the southeast corner!”

When hearing the information from the headset, Shen Han was beside the greenery not far from the southeast area of the box.

After reporting her location, she immediately rushed over with a gun.


A shrill scream came from the southeast corner.

When Chen Han arrived at the place where Zheng Xiang landed, he happened to see him biting off the carotid artery of a man in the manor who was participating in the operation.

The honest-faced Ying Kingdom spy turned around, a pair of beast-like eyes that shone with a terrifying gleam in the dark night.

Shen Han stared at the man’s mouth full of blood on the front of his shirt, his expression stunned, and he shot a bullet at his shoulder without hesitation.

Zheng Xiang also raised his gun at the same moment.

His usual right arm has been knocked out, and now he pulls the trigger with his left hand, and his accuracy is not bad.

Both of their firearms are equipped with silencers, which eliminates the explosion sound when the bullet leaves the chamber.

Shen Han is strong and agile, and when he rushes forward, he is like a cheetah in the field.

If the opponent hadn’t been hit hard, she wouldn’t risk approaching like this, but right now, although the Ying Kingdom spy still has fighting power, it’s still a bit mean.

During the exchange of fire, she was already in front of her opponent.

Shen Han threw away the gun with empty magazines in his hand, and flicked his hand towards his waist.

In that position, there is a well-loaded spare pistol.

But at this moment, Zheng Xiang has the action of raising the gun again.

The Ying Kingdom ability user who was shot several times and his entire shoulder blade was almost torn apart had the last bullet left in his gun!

Looking at this scene, Shen Hansheng changed the momentum of the forward attack and made a response to avoid the ballistics.

However, Zheng Xiang’s gun was not aimed at Shen Han, but put it in his own mouth.

A dull roar sounded in unison with the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The rich **** smell spread out, rendering the night even colder.

In order not to be captured and interrogated by his opponent, Zheng Xiang ended his life in a violent way.

At this time, Gu Junwan’s anxious voice came from the communication channel: “How is the situation? Are there any injuries on our side?”

It wasn’t until she heard her alha’s voice coming from the communication device that she realized that in that short moment, her back clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

Shen Han remained vigilant, stepped forward to check for a while, and then said again: “A member of the action team died, and the target committed suicide by drinking bullets.”

After a while, she added in a low voice, “Sorry, I didn’t arrive in time.”

Hearing this news, all the members of the action team did not speak, and only silently mourned for the deceased comrades.

Gu Junwan was not feeling well either, but this final battle had just begun, she had to continue her command and dig out the biggest hidden nail behind the scenes!

At the same moment when the female monarch team conducted a surprise interrogation of Chen Yihe and Sun Xianglong.

Li Jianye picked up the encrypted mobile phone on the table and started to contact Zheng Xiang.

Black rat lost contact.

He slowly stood up against the table, with an unprecedented solemnity on his face, frowned and ordered the termite: “Take the things I told you before, and immediately evacuate from the secret passage!”

The next morning.

The special arrest team squatting inside and outside the first work rest house has not waited for Li Jianye and his wife to go out.

The captain arranged for a cleaning staff to knock on the door, but there was no feedback.

“Broken! The target person ran away! Report to the commander quickly!”

Gu Yuwei heard from her sister that there was a bomb hidden in the villa area of the dry rest house.

After receiving the news of Li Jianye’s escape, she immediately began to arrange the evacuation of all the personnel in the cadre rest center, and the bomb disposal team began to investigate at the same time.

Zhang Qi was carried out by the soldiers from the basement where there was no daylight.

In the yard of the villa where Li Jianye lived, another secret road leading to the cadre rest house was found.

Listening to these magical reports, Gu Yuwei suddenly felt an unreal feeling in her heart.

She is not stupid. Combined with what happened in front of her, how can she not see that there are many tricks in her previous coup.

Just then, her personal phone vibrated.

It was Gu Junwan who called.

“I already know the situation on Li Jianye’s side. Now there are several other very important matters that need to be discussed with you.”

“Chen Yihe and Sun Xianglong were secretly arrested by me. I hope you can come and listen to their confessions in person.”

The bad news came one after another, making Gu Yuwei a little furious.

She was both angry at the enemies who played around with her, and at her own incompetence.

From the past to the present, compared with Gu Junwan, the things that I thought were right turned out to be wrong!

She couldn’t believe it and couldn’t believe it.

I have always adhered to my beliefs, and I have many supporters on the way forward. All this is not fake!

After calming down, Gu Yuwei finally found his voice.

“Those two are important members of the General Office of the Peace Palace, and they are also my staff. You can just say hello without saying a word.”

Before the words were finished, Gu Junwan on the other end of the phone said, “The two of them made a deal with a Ying Kingdom spy named Katsumura Shota last night.”

“The spy of the Ying Kingdom is one of Li Jianye’s capable officers. He has been lurking in the Peace Palace conference area as a waiter.”

Later, Gu Junwan said something, but Gu Yuwei couldn’t hear it clearly.

She is very confused now, like being thrown into countless **** of hair with threads.

As long as you pull it gently with your hand, those unreal mysteries can be solved to reveal the truth.

The huge shock of information made her feel dizzy.

The soles of her feet became weak, and cold sweat broke out from her forehead.

“Gu Yuwei, are you listening?”

“There is no time to make you sad now. If you want to become a qualified commander, face your own shortcomings, and constantly correct your weaknesses, there is no escape.”

Now that the situation is urgent, Gu Junwan doesn’t dare to call the other party hard.

She rubbed her slightly sour brows, and said clearly to the phone: “The residents of the dry rest house must be carefully arranged, and the bomb disposal must be completed as soon as possible. Can you do this well?”

Gu Yuwei nodded subconsciously, and immediately remembered that Gu Junwan couldn’t see her movements, so she replied in a hoarse voice: “I can do it well.”


“The other most important thing is to catch Li Jianye. I need your cooperation. Can you trust me?”

When Gu Junwan’s last words were transmitted to Gu Yuwei’s ears through electricity.

For some reason, her eyes turned red, and she suddenly burst into tears.

“Sister, are you still willing to believe my trust?”

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