After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 146: This Is Their Home

Chapter 146

There was a knock at the door, and Li Zhen got up to answer it.

She opened the door, and four people carrying gifts squeezed in.

"Little Zhen Zhen, we're here!"

"President Lu, sorry for the intrusion, sorry for the intrusion..."

"Hello, President Lu."

As they greeted each other, they put down their things.

Lu Yanming's tall figure was dressed in casual clothes. His lean waist was tied with an apron, and his sleeves were rolled up, revealing his strong arms and the faint blue veins on them.

"Make yourselves at home, there's fruit on the coffee table," Lu Yanming said lightly with a glance at Li Zhen. "Zhen Zhen, you don't need to keep me company here. Go chat with your friends in the living room."

Lu Yanming's aura as a family man oozed out. Zhang Xiya and Qiao Yi looked at each other, both surprised in their eyes.

The usually unapproachable vice president at the company was now wearing an apron in front of them. It was so surreal!

The coffee table was full of fruit.

Zhang Xiya ate an apple nonchalantly, but her eyes kept glancing at the kitchen. She nudged Li Zhen and whispered mysteriously, "Little Zhen Zhen, does President Lu cook at home often? Or is it just because we're here..."

Li Zhen shrugged. "He's always like this, and that's not all..."

"Not all? What do you mean?" Qiao Yi asked curiously, leaning forward.

Li Zhen thought for a moment. "Besides cooking, he also cleans the house every day, washes and hangs the clothes, then puts them away neatly..."

"What a perfect man! Is President Lu an alien?!" Zhang Xiya exclaimed in surprise.

Meng Yuanjie gave a thumbs up. "No alien! President Lu is just an ordinary abalone prince who fell to the mortal realm..."

Li Zhen thought, that's all it takes to impress them?

Lu Yanming also squeezes toothpaste for her every morning and leaves it on the sink.

Before she takes a bath at night, he runs her a hot bath.

After making love, he holds her in his arms and cleans her thoroughly in the bathroom...

"So how did you and President Lu get married? When did you get married?" Meng Yuanjie's gossiping eyes shone as he peeled and offered lychee flesh to Li Zhen.

They all knew Li Zhen loved lychees. Li Zhen instinctively reached for it, but the pungent smell hit her stomach and a wave of nausea rushed up. "Ugh..."

Meng Yuanjie sniffed it curiously. "Is it rotten? It doesn't seem like it..."

"The fruit isn't rotten, I just haven't been feeling well lately." Li Zhen suppressed the nauseous feeling in her stomach and complained, "I get tired and sleepy easily. It must be because I haven't exercised in a long time..."

Zhang Xiya nodded while nibbling on an apple. "Yeah, I feel like you've lost weight recently."

Meng Yuanjie didn't notice anything wrong either.

But Qiao Yi's brows furrowed slightly as she murmured, "Sleepy, nauseous?"

Li Zhen froze.

Li Zhen was usually carefree and didn't think much of it, but when Qiao Yi said it, she suddenly felt something was off.

Li Zhen stood up abruptly.

Could it be...


Lu Yanming came out of the kitchen and casually untied his apron. "Zhen Zhen, I forgot to buy tomatoes this morning. I'll go out to get some now."

"I'll go!" Li Zhen suddenly yelled, then realized she overreacted and lowered her voice, "President Lu, I'll go buy them."

She desperately wanted to go to the hospital now!

Lu Yanming looked at her amusedly. "Even friends visiting gets you enthusiastic about housework now."

Li Zhen's heart pounded wildly and she felt a little guilty. "Yes, I should do my share of work too."

"I'll go with you since you can't drive anyway." Zhang Xiya stood up.

Li Zhen was anxious inside. She had trouble putting on her shoes properly and it took her several tries.

Lu Yanming stood at the door, watching her calmly.

Just as Li Zhen was about to leave, Lu Yanming suddenly spoke up, "Zhen Zhen..."

"Hmm?" Li Zhen looked back. A few strands of hair disobediently fluttered by her eyes due to her nervousness.

Lu Yanming's tall figure strode up to her in a few steps. He smoothed her hair and looked straight into her eyes with his own penetrating ones. "Come back soon after buying it, Zhen Zhen."

Li Zhen held his gaze for a few seconds.

Could she really be pregnant?

Would she have a baby with genes as excellent as this man before her?

Li Zhen broke eye contact and pulled Zhang Xiya out the door, throwing back, "Alright, President Lu."

Li Zhen's heart beat faster and faster. As soon as she and Zhang Xiya got in the car, she urged, "Xiya, hurry hurry hurry, to the hospital!"

Zhang Xiya was confused. "Weren't we going to the supermarket for tomatoes?"

Although puzzled, Zhang Xiya drove straight to the hospital anyway.

Li Zhen was nervous inside, her voice trembling slightly. "Xiya, I might be pregnant..."

Zhang Xiya choked on her breath. "What! Pregnant!"

"Just might be. I need to get checked at the hospital now." As soon as Zhang Xiya heard that, she floored the gas pedal.

The hospital was close to Huayang Famous Residence, and they arrived in a few minutes.

Half an hour later, Li Zhen got her test results.

She stared blankly for a few seconds.

Zhang Xiya peeked over. "What's it say, what's it say? What are the results?"

Li Zhen looked at Zhang Xiya quietly, her bright eyes full of joy. "Xiya! I'm going to have a baby now! Not only that, I just became a little rich woman!"

She could get the Yu Family shares now!

Nearly 10 million a year.

Her maneuvering these past two months was so worth it. Getting what she had been wishing and thinking about day and night had finally come true.

Especially when she thought about how shocked and angry Li Yanran and her mother would be when they found out, Li Zhen was extremely excited.

Zhang Xiya was completely dumbfounded.

She just found out yesterday that Li Zhen got married, and today she's already pregnant?

Why does little Zhen Zhen always drop such huge bombshells!

Too much to react to all at once!

Worried about counting chickens before they hatch, Li Zhen tried her best to calm down. She wanted to call Li Yinnan and get the shares today.

But when she felt for her phone...

In her hurry to leave, she forgot it.

She borrowed Zhang Xiya's phone and called Li Yinnan. "Dad, the share transfer agreement is ready. I'm coming over now."

Li Yinnan was clearly stunned for a few seconds. "Zhen'er, you're pregnant?"

"Yes, I'd like to sign the agreement today."

"Of course, that's fine."

Li Yinnan immediately got up from the poker table. "Gentlemen, apologies, but my daughter is pregnant at home. I have to go back and check on her."

Everyone at the poker table was Li Yinnan's business partner. They naturally knew the only married daughter who could be pregnant was Li Zhen, wife of the Yu Family's eldest son. Hearing this, they didn't dare keep him and immediately congratulated him.

"Congratulations, President Li!"

"Now that Li Zhen carries the Yu Family's flesh and blood, they will firmly support the Li Family."

"When President Li is prosperous in the future, don't forget about us!"

"Hahaha, let's cooperate more in the future for mutual benefit..." Li Yinnan was in a great mood.

He didn't dally and immediately headed home.

Outside the Li Family mansion, Zhang Xiya parked the car.

She looked up at the majestic villa in surprise. "Little Zhen Zhen, this is your family? And you still work so hard to earn money!"

Li Zhen walked in lightly, indifferent. "Wrong, this isn't my family...this is theirs. I'm just here to pick something up."

Zhang Xiya was confused but didn't ask further.

Just as they were about to enter the villa, Li Zhen's footsteps suddenly stopped as she looked down at her belly.

It was a strange feeling.

It was as if she could feel his breathing, blending with her heartbeat.

Li Zhen took a deep breath and stepped into the villa.

In the great hall, Li Yanran was playing the piano. Catching Li Zhen bringing in a strange woman from the corner of her eye, she immediately stood up. "Li Zhen! What are you doing here!"

Li Zhen glanced at her lightly. "Mind your own business!"

Before the official share transfer agreement was signed, Li Zhen didn't want any complications.

"Zhen'er..." Li Yinnan's cheerful voice came from the entrance. He only looked at Li Zhen and said, "Come, let's go to the study."

Li Zhen told Zhang Xiya to wait for her and went upstairs with Li Yinnan.

Li Yanran hurriedly caught up to Li Yinnan and grabbed his arm. "Dad, what's so important that you and sister have to discuss alone?"

Usually Li Yinnan would scold her for being nosy.

But today he was in a great mood and just chuckled loudly, "I'm transferring shares to Zhen'er. Of course we have to go to the study."

Li Yanran was struck by lightning. Her feet froze in place as she cried, "What! Transfer shares?!"

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