After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 39: Stop Calling Me Sister-in-law.

Chapter 39

Li Zhen immediately realized that she no longer had to pay the 320,000 yuan fine?

Li Zhen's mood immediately soared. She turned around and abruptly met two pairs of inquisitive eyes.

Zhou Chaowen and Yu Sheng?

Li Zhen's heart skipped a beat.

What kind of horror movie was this, with two people appearing out of nowhere!

Zhou Chaowen smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, are you also here to attend the auction?"

Yu Sheng stood next to Zhou Chaowen, his gaze tranquil, dressed impeccably in a suit, looking handsome and elegant.

Seeing Yu Sheng all of a sudden, Li Zhen's first reaction was not the moment earlier when he had caught her, but rather his sinister expression last night when he had grabbed her by the throat.

She instinctively took a step back, "No, I..."

She stopped halfway, realizing she couldn't tell Zhou Chaowen that she had just quarreled with his wife.

Zhou Chaowen had always been decent to her in the past, and there was no need to bother him with these squabbles between women.

Li Zhen steadied her mind and smiled lightly, "I'm just looking around casually..."

Yu Sheng glanced at her and said, "Since you're here, let's go together."

Li Zhen declined, "No need."

But Yu Sheng had already started walking forward.

Zhou Chaowen hurriedly came over to pull her along, "Let's go, sister-in-law, let's go together and take a look."

Li Zhen couldn't break free of his grip.

She considered Zhou Chaowen an old friend from their college days, so she didn't want to offend him. But she also didn't want him to further misunderstand her relationship with Yu Sheng. That form of address, sister-in-law, was really grating to her ears.

She whispered to Zhou Chaowen, "Chaowen, don't call me sister-in-law from now on. Yu Sheng and I are actually divorced already."

Zhou Chaowen looked slightly surprised.

So the two of them were fighting fiercely this time?

No wonder Brother Sheng was drinking alone last night.

This time they must be quarreling for a while, maybe one or two weeks before they could reconcile, after all divorce was no small matter.

Zhou Chaowen readily accepted it, "I see, I understand." Li Zhen had expected Zhou Chaowen would try to persuade her to get back together, she didn't expect him to accept it so quickly.

Li Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, "Chaowen, you really are a good friend."

"Of course, sister-in-law."

"Don't call me sister-in-law anymore..."

"Alright, sister-in-law."

Li Zhen: ......Nonsense! Turns out he didn't believe it at all.

Li Zhen followed the two into the auction hall.

Yu Sheng glanced at her wrist, "It's only been a few days, how did you take it off so quickly?"

"When it was better I took it off," Li Zhen looked at her wrist, implying, "In case someone grabs my neck again next time, I'll only have one hand free, won't be convenient to hit back."

Yu Sheng's thin lips were drawn in a straight line, and he didn't speak further, his gaze sweeping over her slender neck.

He withdrew his gaze, "There won't be a next time."

Li Zhen neither agreed nor disagreed.

The auction started, and the auctioneer today was Master Gu.

Li Zhen wasn't interested in the auction at all, and didn't pay any attention to what was being exhibited.

Halfway through the auction, someone sat down next to Zhou Chaowen.

Li Zhen glanced over out of boredom, it was Dong Wanwan.

Their eyes met.

Li Zhen smiled.

Dong Wanwan's face flushed red with anger.

Just now Dong Wanwan had gone to find Master Gu, but Master Gu completely ignored her. She contacted the person who had sold her the watch before, and told him the diamond was fake, but that person scolded her for trying to cheat him, and directly blocked her.

She was so angry she had planned to go home, and was surprised to see Zhou Chaowen in the hall, which was why she came to sit down.

She was extremely upset about this matter, it seemed she had been led around by the nose by Li Zhen, but Dong Wanwan didn't want to tell any of this to Zhou Chaowen at all.

She pouted coquettishly, "Darling, what are you doing at the auction? Don't tell me you knew I've been in a bad mood lately, so you came specially to buy me a present?"

Dong Wanwan was clearly hinting.

Zhou Chaowen understood, "Tell me what you want, I'll buy it for you."

"Thank you darling, I want that finale antique vase. I've been learning flower arrangement lately, so I just happen to need a vase." Dong Wanwan snuggled up to Zhou Chaowen intimately, "But it's a bit expensive, 500,000."

When Dong Wanwan said this, she deliberately raised her voice for Li Zhen to hear.

Li Zhen: ......Disgusting!

Zhou Chaowen gently said, "As long as you like it, I'll buy it for you."

Having obtained the response she wanted, Dong Wanwan asked again, "By the way darling, did Brother Sheng also come to shop for things?"

Zhou Chaowen was extremely patient, "Yes."

Dong Wanwan was unhappy in her heart immediately.

How could Yu Sheng still treat Li Zhen so well after so many years!

Dong Wanwan: "But the items being auctioned today are quite expensive..."

Implying that Yu Sheng and the others were only working class, could they afford it?

Zhou Chaowen: "What Brother Sheng wants to buy is a limited edition brooch from an obscure brand in the past, not expensive, probably just 20,000."

"Pfft..." Dong Wanwan couldn't help laughing out loud, "Oh, then if they scrape together they can probably afford it."

Dong Wanwan's unhappy mood because of the diamond instantly felt wonderful again.

It was just 320,000, it's gone so it's gone.

But even without paying this 320,000, Li Zhen was still less than one millionth of what she had.

All she needed to do was act coquettish to buy a vase.

Li Zhen's husband comes to this auction, but can only tiptoe to buy a 20,000 brooch.

Dong Wanwan pretended to be kind, "Brother Sheng, a 20,000 brooch is too ordinary. Why don't we chip in some more money, I think there's a necklace for around 150,000 today, buy something nicer."

Yu Sheng didn't even glance at Dong Wanwan, just lightly said, "I only want that brooch."

This brooch was a limited edition piece from a small obscure brand when he was in college, only 3 were made in total.

At that time he had bought one and given it to Li Zhen, but later Li Zhen lost it somewhere, and she had always said what a pity it was.

Wanting to give her a gift to ease the tension between them, nothing could be better than finding this lost piece again. So when Zhou Chaowen told him yesterday there would be a charity auction where he could buy a gift, he immediately spotted this brooch among the auction items.

Li Zhen had been listening to the conversation between them, and also found it a bit strange. Yu Sheng wasn't working overtime today, just to bid on a brooch?

Until the brooch was brought on stage by the usher, Li Zhen finally understood why.

It was that brooch!

Li Zhen's heart lightly skipped a beat, and she suddenly recalled something from sophomore year.

She had started chasing after Yu Sheng since freshman year, and attended almost every one of his games.

Once during sophomore year she was squatting at the sideline waiting to pass him water after the game, when suddenly a ball came flying toward her.

She dodged backwards, frightened, and her phone fell to the ground with a "smack", about to smash into her. But the ball was caught in midair a few centimeters from her by Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng threw the ball back to the guy, coldly saying, "If you can't play, don't play next time."

That guy quickly apologized.

Yu Sheng bent down to pick up her phone, and paused when he saw her screen, then handed the phone back to her, and as usual walked away with a stern face.

At that time she hadn't gotten together with Yu Sheng yet.

He always had that arrogant, sour face toward her.

On her phone screen was the news that the brooch would go on sale in 2 days. She really liked it, but there were only 3, and that obscure brand was really popular among college students. The sale was in Haishi, not Jincheng, so there was no way she could grab one.

A few days later when she was heading back to her dorm after class, she ran into Yu Sheng halfway.

He took out a box and held it out to her, "My relative bought the wrong one and told me to throw it away. I'm too lazy to throw it, you take it and use it."

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