After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 48: As long as You Know

Chapter 48

"I'm afraid you don't know," Lu Yanming moved the pillow away.

Li Zhen instantly dropped down a few inches and sat straight on his lap.

Lu Yanming continued kissing her, his hoarse voice scorching hot and falling on her ears, "Can you feel that I want you?"

Li Zhen's face turned completely red, as if blood was about to drip down.

Of course she could feel it.

Li Zhen's body trembled slightly. But the idea of getting pregnant defeated the shame and fear.

She tentatively said, "Mr. Lu, since you want to as well, why don't we..."

"Not today," Lu Yanming sat up straight, holding Li Zhen by the waist, allowing her to easily sit on the sofa.

The next second, he resumed his cold and noble appearance, lowered his head calmly looking at the computer, "Tomorrow."

Lu Yanming spoke categorically, Li Zhen knew there was no chance today, "Oh, okay."

He was a ruthless man, able to endure even when the arrow was on the string.

Getting up and walking into the bedroom, Li Zhen was just about to lie down when her phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Li Zhen didn't want to answer, but thinking of the stock issue, she reluctantly tapped the answer button.

"Your grandfather is hospitalized," Li Yinnan's mature voice was a little anxious, and his words concise.

"Send me the address," Li Zhen frowned.

Li Zhen told Lu Yanming and immediately rushed to the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, Old Master Li was comfortably lying in bed, swiping short videos on his phone, watching some old men and women livestream fishing.

Li Yinnan and Li Yanran were sitting on the sofa next to the bed.

"How did you suddenly faint when you were fine?" Li Zhen sat anxiously on the edge of the bed.

"It's nothing, it's nothing," Old Master Li waved his hand.

"He was squatting to weed, and stood up too quickly so he fell," Li Yinnan said sullenly next to him, "Your grandfather is old, the doctor said it's a common minor problem for seniors."

Li Zhen felt pained, "Grandpa, can't you just take it easy? There are so many flowers on the balcony, 24 hours a day is not enough for you to be busy."

Li Yanran yawned lazily next to her, not interested in the deep grandfather-granddaughter affection scene, and said tenderly, "Dad, since my sister is here, let's go."

Li Yinnan hesitated.

Li Zhen looked at Li Yanran, "Go back, I don't want to see you here either."

Li Yanran's slender eyebrows frowned, "Li Zhen, you..."

"That's enough, don't say any more. Yinnan, take Yanran home, having Zhen here is enough," Old Master Li waved his hand.

Li Yinnan did have a video conference to attend soon, so he had to rush back, "I'll come see you again tomorrow. The caregiver is outside, call him if you need anything."

Old Master Li: "Okay, okay, stop nagging and go."

After the two left, Li Zhen felt much more comfortable, chatting casually with Old Master Li, making him laugh loudly.

After a while, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Li Zhen glanced sideways and saw Yu Sheng walking in carrying large bags.

Without thinking, it must be Li Yinnan who had notified him.

Yu Sheng put down his things and walked to the bedside, "Grandpa, how are you feeling now?"

"Nothing serious," Old Master Li was especially happy to see Yu Sheng, and quickly had Yu Sheng sit on the bed next to him.

Li Zhen was squeezed to the side.

The two chatted very enthusiastically.

Li Zhen felt very uncomfortable on the side, afraid that Yu Sheng would say something wrong.

Looking at the time, Yu Sheng had been there for half an hour already, she said to Yu Sheng, "It's so late, you should go back."

Yu Sheng looked up at her, "Then what about you?"

"I'll be with Grandpa tonight."

Yu Sheng pondered for two seconds, got up, "Grandpa, I'll go first then."

Old Master Li knew Yu Sheng was always busy, so he didn't keep him long.

Li Zhen sent Yu Sheng out of the ward. Yu Sheng's originally calm face instantly turned cold, "Grandpa is sick, I want to keep him company more, why are you driving me away?"

Yu Sheng was still wearing a neat suit, clearly rushed over straight from work, hadn't even gone home yet.

Considering that he was still decent to her family, Li Zhen didn't speak as harshly as before, "You don't have to do this for my family."

Yu Sheng felt stifled in his chest, Li Zhen's words again seemed to be keeping a distance between them.

Remembering the unpleasantness of their previous two fights, Yu Sheng held back, "Tomorrow, Zhou Chao Wen and them want me to go see an exhibit together, be ready at seven tomorrow night, I'll pick you up downstairs."

"We're divorced, why do you want me to accompany you to see friends?"

"You know we can't let the elderly worry about the divorce. What about my friends, do you think they don't care if they know?" Yu Sheng was starting to lose his temper. When Zhou Chao Wen invited him, he originally wanted to decline, but thinking he could spend more time with her and she might be happy, he agreed. But she was still acting like this.

Li Zhen felt guilty, Zhou Chao Wen already knew.

And Yu Sheng hadn't told her beforehand that she needed to keep it from his friends...

Besides, she had to hide it from her family to get the shares, his friends would find out sooner or later, what was there to hide?

Li Zhen: "I'm not free, I'm not going."

Yu Sheng's face alternated between green and white.

Behind the ward door, Old Master Li was shocked. He grabbed the door frame to barely stand steady.

They're divorced!

The two were actually divorced!

What madness had gotten into this girl to divorce Yu Sheng? Did the young couple have disagreements?

Yu Sheng was such a good boy, good family, treated her well, also handsome, and very good to elders, a grandson-in-law like this was hard to find even with a lantern, what was this girl thinking!

Hearing Yu Sheng leave angrily, Old Master Li hurried back into bed.

Li Zhen pushed the door open and came in, looking at the quilt, "Grandpa, how did your quilt get uncovered?"

Old Master Li pretended to stay calm, "I just turned over."

Li Zhen went over and tucked in the quilt corners for him properly.

Old Master Li pondered for a bit, then cautiously and carefully said, "Zhen'er, you and little Yu are still getting along well recently, right?"

Li Zhen's actions halted, but only for one second before resuming naturally, "We're fine, why are you suddenly asking me this?"

"No reason, I was just thinking..." Old Master Li glanced at her, "I'm uncomfortable staying in the hospital, I'll go stay at your place and recuperate for a couple days."

Li Zhen suddenly looked up, "Huh?"

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