After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 105

Chapter 101:

When Jin Xiangjun finished answering, he intentionally or unintentionally swept the rest of his light on Li Qingyan, with a trace of yearning in his eyes.

In front of people he likes, Jin Xiangjun naturally wants to show his best.

But, the next moment, Jin Xiangjun’s eyes paused slightly.


All the praise she wanted to see was nothing but Li Qingyan didn’t even give her a look.

But looking towards…

Jin Xiangjun followed Li Qingyan’s gaze and looked over.

I saw Xia Qian next to Zhu Qiang at a glance.

It’s him!

It’s him again!

An arrogant man who dares to make a woman cry.

If Xia Qian knew that Jin Xiangjun thought of himself this way, he would definitely have doubts about the word “arrogance”.

But now…

Jin Xiangjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and a few dangerous rays of light flashed through his eyes.

She was so busy with her career that she had neglected Li Qingyan’s communication. How can she make Li Qingyan and such a person a confidant?

Jin Xiangjun pursed his lips subconsciously.

Compared with Jin Xiangjun’s rainy mood, Li Qingyan seemed to suddenly clear up.

The whole person’s spirit was lifted, the tail of the eyes was raised, and the eyes gradually gathered a tough and calm light.

When Dr. Lu looked at Li Qingyan, he only saw the boy who was most interested in him. He shook his sleeves a little, and smoothed the sleeves that had been ruffled because of his hands. The traces of folds are for nothing.

Dr. Lu raised his eyebrows lightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. He was still a perfect person.

In this way, he is even more looking forward to the answer.

However, after Jin Xiangjun’s answer came out, although many people present had expectations of Li Qingyan, it is true that Jin Xiangjun’s answer is already a perfect standard model. With their vision, they can no longer come up with more than Jin Xiangjun in such a short period of time. s answer.

So, Li Qingyan, can he?

This question also lingers in Dr. Lu’s heart.

On the one hand, he subconsciously felt that it was impossible, and on the other hand, he hoped that his most anticipated supervisor would break his expectations.

It can be said that Dr. Lu is “begging for a face” this time.

The young man on the far right of the square, in anticipation of the crowd, smoothed his sleeves, then took a light step forward, half-tucked his hand, raised his eyes, and was calm and calm, with his lips slightly opened. .

“The grandson said: The man who counts: the longitude and latitude of the world, the head of the garden, the end of the five constants, the parents of yin and yang, the establishment of the stars, the appearance of the three lights, the quasi-equity of the five elements, the beginning of the end of the four seasons, the ancestor of all things, The Compendium of Six Arts.”

In modern terms, this is the trajectory of the sun, the moon and the stars, the estimation of climate change in the four seasons and the rainy weather, the measurement of the ground, the development law of all material movements in the universe and the historical changes in this world, the social progress or It is a regression and even the development process of the phenomenon of the so-called living body. The prediction and calculation of the yin and yang and the five elements are all based on the principle of “numerical calculation”.

The number is not just a simple calculation, but a predictive law derived from it.

At that time, the author could still admire it as “the head of the group and the ancestor of all things.” even when the “number” was the end of the six arts, his thoughts can be seen.

This idea appeared in both ancient China and the West.

The West appeared in the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. He once said–

“Number is the origin of everything in the universe.”

In ancient China, the “Book of Changes” had long been made clear.

The Book of Changes once said:

“Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four images, and four images produce gossip.”

In other words, everything starts from “Tai Chi”, and Tai Chi is born from Wuji.

The process of Wu-Ji producing Tai Chi starts from “zero” to “one”. Tai Chi is “one” and “number”.

Lao Tzu also said:

“Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything.”

At the beginning of this sentence, a heavy hammer was dropped, letting everyone hear it.

If Jin Xiangjun generally falls into the application and practical value of “number”, Li Qingyan starts from the essence of “number”, which is a bit similar to the former starting from practice and the latter starting from ideological theory. The two starting points are different. of.

But then, how Li Qingyan wanted to spread it out, everyone didn’t know.

But I have to say that in such a short period of time, Li Qingyan can still come up with an answer that is equal to Jin Xiangjun, and even slightly higher than Jin Xiangjun’s answer, which is really rare.

I don’t know if it will go high and low.

But then, Li Qingyan did not rush and gave examples one by one.

“Students roughly give an example–

First, in terms of scholars, farmers, industry, and commerce, students use the last quotient to discuss the numbers behind the people’s livelihood.

Merchants focus on four words in business, ‘optimistic time changes’. It intends to pay attention to the seasonal changes in the output of commodities bought and sold and the trend of supply and demand in the bazaar, so as to seize the opportunity to make profits in time. Sima Qian once said, ‘people abandon me to take, people take me and’, this is also the business principle of businessmen.

In “Baigui Doing Business,” it is said, “Whether the husband takes the valley during the year, gives the silk paint; the cocoon takes the silk silk, and gives the food. The meaning is that every year when the grain is harvested, they buy grain and sell silk fabrics and lacquerware. When silkworms appear in the market, they buy silk fabrics and cotton fabrics, but sell grain instead.

According to the supply-demand relationship of the market, the market sells the things that most people need urgently. The market is broad and the market is accessible. You don’t need to compare prices with others to lower your own profits, and you can get huge profits, that is, you don’t have to worry about competition. This kind of profit comes from the seasonal price difference. The difference between supply and demand, both of which can be forecasted by numbers. ”

“Second, take local officials as an example to discuss the numbers behind the governance of localities.

Local officials govern a place. One of them is to develop the local economy through management, so that the local people can live a prosperous and stable life. This is to build the economic foundation for the imperial court, and the management of the place needs to know the local people’s customs and customs, as well as the changes in the four seasons. There is no disadvantage in the past. People’s sentiments and customs, changes in the four seasons, etc. can also be regarded as “numbers”. Although it is not a specific “one, two, three”, the collected information is the bargaining assets in the hands of local officials. By analyzing these information bargaining assets, It is possible to derive a set of economic development governance strategies tailored to local conditions, which is also predicted by the law of’number’. ”

This paragraph hides Li Qingyan’s modern thoughts and knowledge about “big data analysis”, but there was no concept of big data in ancient times. Li Qingyan can only use metaphors that the ancients can understand.

“Third, let’s take the marching soldiers as an example to discuss the numbers behind the military.

The comparison between the numbers, weapons, food, and the combat power of the two sides needs to be based on number theory, and if we can predict the time, the right place, and the harmony of people, the east wind will always accompany our army. In ancient times, the battle of Chibi, borrowing the east wind to break Cao, predicted that the sky will be occupied, and there will be the battle of Feishui. The Eastern Jin Dynasty has the natural dangers of Feishui, occupying the geographical advantage, and giving full play to their strengths. Seven more captured Meng Huo. After the release, the exchanged Meng Huo really returned. This is to occupy the harmony of the people. But behind the three, Dongfeng can predict, and Feishui Natural Insurance can predict it by accumulating many years of experience. Meng Huo’s temperament can also be used to predict. ”

“Finally, take the six ministries of the DPRK government as an example. The ministries manage and supervise and formulate corresponding effective policies through the memorials submitted by their respective jurisdictions. The numbers here will be even larger numbers, and the analysis will be more difficult.”

Li Qingyan’s general idea is to talk about people’s livelihood from businessmen, local officials to the economy, soldiers and wars to talk about the military, and the six courts to talk about politics. Four aspects show that the normal operation of a court is supported by the “number” behind it.

If Jin Xiangjun is talking about the practicability and applicability of numbers, Li Qingyan has combined modern big data and abstract number concepts, taking “number” as the foundation of all things and giving examples to demonstrate and analyze.

At the end of the remarks, Li Qingyan said a paragraph about the concept of “I Ching”.

The Book of Changes is the oldest mathematical origin in China, so it ends wherever it starts.

The content of the Book of Changes can be roughly summarized in four words——

Image, reason, account, number.

The image is similar to looking at the essence through the phenomenon in later generations, like the famous gossip.

Li is the principle of laws, rules, and principles. It should be understood that most of the thoughts in the “Four Books and Five Classics” originated in the “Book of Changes”, which is also the number.

Fortune-telling, divination prediction, and number prediction are mostly used for divination for later generations, which can be beneficial to avoiding bad luck.

Numbers return to the “number” itself. The numbers here are no longer just simple numbers, but include time, space, human relationships, yin and yang, the five elements, and the branches of heaven and earth.

It contains numbers, but not just numbers.

Therefore, “using numbers to carry the Tao”, discussing the nature of its “numbers”, and discovering that the purpose of studying mathematics is not only to use, but to explore more the mysteries of the world and people. This is the core of Li Qingyan’s desire to talk. Thought.

It is higher than Jin Xiangjun’s core idea.

What Li Qingyan said contains the practical value theory that Jin Xiangjun said, but more expounds its abstract concept and studies the essence of “number”.

In Li Qingyan’s remarks, “number” is not only a calculation method, but also a key to open the independent spiritual world.

Let those present be amazed for a long time.

It took a long time until Li Qingyan finished speaking for a long time, but no one dared to speak.

Li Qingyan raised her eyebrows slightly, could it be… she said too profoundly?

In fact, Li Qingyan suddenly wanted to say from the essence of “number” that it had something to do with her own experience. She didn’t really believe in this idealistic concept before, but now she even wears a book and something like that happened. She began to believe in “metaphysics” and did a lot of research on this.

I think maybe I can figure out how and when I can go back.

But don’t look at Li Qingyan’s words full of words, but she is a beginner in metaphysics, so she has always said that it is ‘superficial”. If this is really a master, she would not dare to be a master.

Fortunately, Dr. Lu is a mathematician, not a metaphysicist.

However, Li Qingyan’s ‘superficial discussion” also left a deep impression on everyone.

This is also called ‘superficial discussion”? !

It seems that even mortals and geniuses have different understanding of words.

The first name of Li Qingyan was born under Dr. Lu’s smirking facial expression.

No one at the scene had any objections, at least on the bright side, applause after applause continued like a tide.

There was even the prison who stood up.

The allure young man standing in the middle of the square with a small smile and wearing a suit in the middle of the square.

There is poems and books in the belly, so it should be true.

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