After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 114

: The first time, Li Qingyan saw another possibility.

At the same time, he also gave courage to Li Qingyan, who was still a little hesitant on the way.

She has been bound by these shackles for too long, and she really wants to have a taste of freedom.

This time, Li Qingyan also made a choice, a sincere choice.

Normally, it should start with the elementary class, and then take turns to the advanced class.

But Mr. Misty Rain never liked the normal flow.

He started directly from the advanced class. According to Mr. Yanyu’s words, the advanced class Haosheng set an example for the younger generation.

Seeing Mr. Yanyu’s face with a more friendly smile, the five people in the advanced class are undoubtedly stressed.

Fortunately, they are ranked by rank.

The fifth place in the senior class who played first.

Li Qingyan would have just woken up. Except for Bai Jingshu and Ji Fei, she didn’t know any of the people participating in the assessment, and she didn’t care much about it.

However, according to Mr. Yanyu’s turn, she became the last finale.

Li Qingyan constricted her eyes, wondering whether Mr. Yanyu was deliberate or accidental.

But soon Li Qingyan was attracted by the applause from below.

At this time, on the high platform was standing with his head high and his chest up, a supervising student who smiled calmly.

Listening to people whispering, Li Qingyan learned that this person is the top name of the advanced class, Fu Han.

Although the name is cold, people look at it with a warm breeze and close affinity.

Li Qingyan didn’t expect that when he thought about it, the senior class had already got the first place.

The first name still has value worth listening to. Only Li Qingyan was too caught up in her own thoughts just now.

This person, Fu Han, is really quite different from the name, because he said he wanted to be someone who could help others.

The warm heart of the old way is the core idea of his expression.

Moreover, it is rare that his answer was the only one among the five senior classmates who was asked by name by Mr. Yanyu.

Mr. Yanyu touched his beard, and asked him seriously on his face—

“If it’s about help, what is the smallest and the largest?”

Fu Han smiled frankly. Although he was the first person to be treated specially by Mr. Misty Rain, he did not show any panic and excitement and replied.

“Small to the trafficker’s pawn, to the present-day sage.”

“However, if it is today’s sage, the students would also say that they can’t help, it’s just to share the sorrow for the sacred.”

When Fu Han talked about the sage, his hand subconsciously bowed respectfully.

Moreover, Fu Han was extremely smooth. Although he took the sage to the top, he also made up for himself to retreat, so as not to fall behind, saying that he was arrogant, and he had the courage to say to help the sage.

After listening to Mr. Yan Yu, with a faint smile on his mouth, he asked Fu Han to step back and let the fifth place in the intermediate class come up.

This fell in the eyes of the onlookers, and only felt that Mr. Misty Rain looked at Fu Han differently, even Fu Han himself.

But this is not what everyone expected. After all, Fu Han is the top name of the advanced class. According to the level of the class, he should be the most powerful person among the fifteen people.

But only Xia Qian, who is familiar with Mr. Yanyu, and Ling Yi, the book boy of Mr. Yanyu, know.

Mr. Yan Yu, I didn’t like Fu Han.

The reason, Xia Qian could not guess a bit, was indeed in Fu Han’s answer.

The horizon is too narrow.

The help you do should help all living beings. It is only limited to people, but it is narrow.

Of course, Fu Han could be such a person, but he was not the person Mr. Yanyu wanted to find.

The assessment continues.

The intermediate class has also passed a few people one after another, but there is no outstanding person, and it is the turn of the intermediate class to take the first place.

For the first name, everyone seems to have a little different expectation.

After all, the leader of the advanced class, Fu Han, was ‘specially treated” by Mr. Yan Yu.

However, when everyone looked at the first name of the intermediate class, the expectation in their eyes faded a bit.

Although there was an ancient saying that “a person should not look at appearance”, it is undeniable that “appearance” determines the first impression of a person.

The first name of this intermediate class now looks like I am not good at all.

The black and fat figure, squeezed into the prison uniform, looks awkward.

Not like a supervising student, but a bit like a farmer.

The elementary class and the advanced class do not understand the situation of the intermediate class. Although they are the first name of the intermediate class, they are not good enough to see the first few people in the intermediate class. Maybe the level of the whole school is not good, so I was promoted from the short one.

It’s just that this tall man looks too unsightly.

The elementary class and the advanced class looked contemptuous or puzzled, but the intermediate class showed a hint of admiration and respect.

There is no shortage of smart people present to pay attention to this point.

People like Li Qingyan, Xia Qian, and Bai Jingshu have naturally paid attention, let alone Mr. Yanyu.

This made them a little curious about the first name of this intermediate class.

The first name of the intermediate class is Liu Fugui.

Even the name doesn’t have anything to do with Wenya, it doesn’t seem to come from a scholarly family.

Sure enough, Liu Fugui opened his mouth and said.

“The student’s name is Liu Fugui, who lives in Xinghua Village, Xinqing County, Yuzhang County, and his ancestors have been farming for generations.”

The identity is indeed as everyone thinks, he is a poor farmer.

Although it is said that ‘skills, farmers, industry and commerce” are arranged in such an orderly manner, farmers do not mean those who have no land and do long-term work for landlords.

Obviously, Liu Fugui’s family is from such a background.

For a while, many children from aristocratic families in the Imperial College had a slight contempt in their eyes and moved their positions slightly. It seemed that they breathed the same piece of air as people like Liu Fugui, which was detrimental to their identity.

However, everyone did not know why he suddenly introduced his own background, which has nothing to do with this assessment.

Is it to win sympathy?

But… there seems to be nothing to win sympathy.

Mr. Yan Yu is not an ordinary superficial person.

After listening to Mr. Yan Yu, there was not much change in his expression, and he still waited for Liu Fugui’s following with a smile.

Regardless of the way Liu Fugui’s eyes are next to him, he is still dark and fat, with clear eyes.

“My father named the students rich and honorable, hoping that the students will become rich and honorable one day.”

“As everyone knows, students most want to be the ones who can do their filial piety by their father’s side.”

“This is also what the student wants to say today. Master Jijiu asked, what do I want, and the student replied, the student most wants to be a person who can fulfill his filial piety by his father’s side.”

After saying this, Liu Fugui had no other extraneous words, and he bowed directly, preparing to step down.

The crowd around the audience was taken aback.

Huh? Is this over? !

Gone? !

Compared with the long talks of the previous few, including the advanced class, is Liu Fugui too succinct?

Is it because you know your strength is invincible and you want to give up?

A trace of doubt crossed the eyes of many people.

But there was a handful of smart people who had already reacted, and fell on the dark and fat figure on the court with some surprise.

And Liu Fugui did not really retreat.

“Slow!” It was Mr. Yanyu who kept him aloud.

Everyone was surprised, but it didn’t last long. Mr. Yanyu soon asked again.

“If this is the case, why would it appear here again?”

He clearly said that he wanted to show his filial piety by his father’s side, so how could he appear in the Imperial College again?

To Liu Fugui, the Imperial College was like the clothes worn on him, incompatible with him.

Liu Fugui’s footsteps paused slightly, and his figure trembled slightly, but when he turned around later, the whole person was still very calm, and Mr. Tong Yanyu replied respectfully.

“My father has passed away a few years ago. My father never left any last wishes. He only left a rich and honorable student. However, the student has no way of making money from business, so he has to bury his head and study hard, hoping that he can get ahead by studying and be the same as the rich and honorable. One step closer, in another way, to do filial piety for my father.”

As soon as this statement came out, there was a slight stagnation on the court.

Many of the supervising students had never expected that the dark and fat supervising students they didn’t like had such a moving story behind them.

Among these people, although there are people with arrogance and disdain to have a fellowship with Liu Fugui, they also have a conscience.

Someone who is slightly emotional, from Liu Fugui’s calm remarks, suddenly reflected on himself, whether he did his parents’ filial piety.

The answer is mostly ashamed.

How many of them, the flowers raised in the greenhouse, have truly experienced life and death, and they have to have such deep feelings.

At that time, what they saw in Liu Fugui was not only filial piety, but a kind of growth.

Although there was a trace of Mr. Yanyu’s face that had been expected, he still sighed and sighed when he heard it in person.

He is indeed a filial son.

Liu Fugui became who he wanted to be.

Liu Fugui stepped off the stage indifferently. He just smiled at the slightly sympathetic gazes around him.

He doesn’t need the sympathy of others. At this time, he has got all he wants. This is enough. If he wants to come, his father will be alive in the sky, and he will also be comforted.

But after Liu Fugui stepped down, the intermediate class slowly left rumors about Liu Fugui, and everyone wondered why the supervisor of the intermediate class admired Liu Fugui so much.

Liu Fugui was the last one to enroll in the Imperial College, but in just a few years, he became the first name of the intermediate class. The hard work and tenacity behind this are beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

God rewards hard work, and does not fall for people with lofty ideals.

And Xia Qian’s eyes fell slightly on Liu Fugui’s body, a bit of contemplation crossed his face, and it was clear and clear.

He seemed to be stuck in some way of thinking.

After that, the order went to everyone in the elementary class.

Because both the advanced and intermediate classes are only the top winners, the last one in the junior class, that is, when Jin Li appeared, also didn’t have many people paying attention.

It can be said that, except for Bai Jingshu and Li Qingyan, the other few in the elementary class could not attract the attention of the supervisors of the intermediate and advanced classes.

Jin Xiangjun doesn’t care much about the attention of others, as long as the people she pays attention to can pay attention to her.

And in front of him was Mr. Yan Yu.

Jin Xiangjun naturally had a lot of speculation about the word ‘sincere” reminded by Mr. Misty Rain.

She wondered if she wanted to tell the truth this time, but Mr. Misty Rain could not yet discover her ambition or interpret her ambition as something else.

After pondering for a while, Jin Xiangjun has figured out a solution.

Jin Xiangjun raised his eyes, and Mr. Misty Rain above the pavilion slightly saluted, and then he said seriously.

“Students want to be unrepentant.”

“Students hope that at every moment in the future, they will not regret any decisions they make now.”

No regrets sinking into the sea of power and desire again, no regrets wanting to be a master, no regrets challenging the constraints of dogma here.

This time in life should have a good time, she Jin Xiangjun, does not want to regret.

Jin Xiangjun didn’t say much, but his eyes were very firm, showing the firmness of determination. Not only Mr. Misty Yu, but everyone present could feel Jin Xiangjun’s sincerity.

Mr. Yan Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, only to feel that this somewhat humble supervised student seemed to have some dazzling and scorching brilliance at the moment.

The word “no regrets” is easy to say, but no one regrets anything in this world.

It’s him, too.

Jin Li’s remarks are simple, but they are not real in space. Mr. Misty Rain is not too happy. However, for Jin Xiangjun’s determination, he still wants to ask.

Mr. Yan Yu thought for a while and asked.

“Then you have regrets right now?”

This question is ingenious. The core meaning of Jin Xiangjun is to become a person who “doesn’t regret”. If he has, it violates her core meaning. If not, then talk about what to become. She is now.

But if you really regret it or not, Mr. Misty Rain can naturally tell it. It is not a sincere answer. He can’t pass the test here.

Mr. Yan Yu smiled cordially, without even realizing that he had thrown up such a problem.

However, everyone at the bottom also took the stand of Jin Xiangjun, thinking about what constitutes a good answer.

This group of onlookers is not a pure audience when speaking of it, because it is rare to watch Mr. Yanyu’s assessment, and being able to seize the slightest opportunity to participate in it is also regarded as participating in the assessment in disguise.

They also want to know their own strength, what is their evaluation in Mr. Yanyu’s mind.

Therefore, some unsuccessful supervisors will occasionally think about Mr. Yan Yu from the perspective of the supervisor participating in the assessment.

If they can answer similarly to those of the supervisors participating in the assessment and can be recognized by Mr. Yanyu, it means they are recognized.

Even if they lose the election first, it is enough for them to be happy for a long time.

But this question is not easy to answer. Many people think about it for a while, but there is no result.

But the longer the time is, the more points will be deducted from Mr. Yanyu.

Jin Xiangjun could also understand this truth, and naturally did not dare to delay. When the supervisors underneath were still thinking about how to answer, she, the client, made her statement as quickly as possible.

Mr. Tong Yanyu gestured, and said in a small voice.

“Speaking of Master Jiu, the student has already answered.”

As soon as these words came out, the supervisors who had not come up with an answer all looked at Jin Xiangjun.

Although he still looked a little cowardly, the brilliance in his eyes was firm, and it was really confident.

The supervisors who couldn’t think of an answer simply didn’t want to, and waited with interest for Jin Xiangjun’s answer.

See if it shocked everyone, or laughed generously.

Then Jin Xiangjun’s not big but determined voice sounded on the assessment platform.

“Students have regrets, so they are working hard to make this regret not regrettable.”

Silence, for a moment.

Then everyone turned their surprised eyes on Jin Xiangjun.

Can you answer this way? !

If Li Qingyan passing through is still awake, then the small science class in his brain will definitely start.

Ordinary people will fall into a misunderstanding that the things they regret cannot be changed, that is, they are destined to regret things, and this regret will remain in people’s hearts until they die.

The factor that can determine regret lies in personal emotions.

I think this matter makes me regret it, then I will regret it.

Regret or regret depends on personal emotional choice.

Therefore, the emotional factor of regret can be changed.

One way to change is to change the bad results caused by “regrets” into acceptable good results.

In this way, there will be no regrets, and there will be no so-called “regrets”.

This is what Jin Xiangjun’s answer meant.

Speaking of it, Jin Xiangjun really regretted that he didn’t cruelly killed the rebellious courtier back then, so that she was later assassinated and reborn into this patriarchal dynasty.

However, if this patriarchal dynasty can be changed in her hands and become a female dignity again, then she cannot regret it. On the contrary, she will thank the rebellious courtier and send her to a more prosperous dynasty.

As soon as Jin Xiangjun’s answer came out, Mr. Yanyu was stunned. His previous evaluation of her has improved a lot.

Looking at Jin Li’s inconspicuous face, a trace of thought crossed his eyes.

But it does not affect Mr. Yanyu’s feelings.

This supervising student named Jin Li is far more clever and smart than his appearance.

It is not easy for Mr. Yanyu to change the established evaluation. Therefore, Jin Li’s name can be regarded as a place in Mr. Yanyu’s heart.

However, Xia Qian underneath looked at Jin Xiangjun, whose eyes were still concealed on the stage, but Xia Qian still noticed the energetic Jin Xiangjun.

Xia Qian lowered his eyebrows slightly, seeming to think of something, and looked at Jin Xiangjun on the stage quietly.

Jin Xiangjun, after many years, can you really do it without regrets?

After Jin Xiangjun, Wen Shanming.

Wen Shanming is a child of the Wen family in Jinling. Mr. Yanyu naturally recognizes and knows that Wen Shanming came to him.

Wen Shanming’s answer is also what he likes.

But a pity, if Li Qingyan hadn’t appeared, he might really pick Wen Shanming as his closed disciple.

But now he has already discovered the priceless beautiful jade, and Mr. Misty Rain will not be eye-catching.

Mr. Yan Yu also had some regrets in his heart.

Can only sigh, there is no destiny.

Wen Shanming also seemed to feel Mr. Yanyu’s changes. He glanced at Mr. Yanyu and then looked back at Li Qingyan.

Maybe he knew the ending from the beginning, but he would be reconciled after hitting the south wall.

Wen Shanming’s face was dimmed for a moment, but he quickly raised his eyes again, and mingled with the other supervisors with a smile.

After Wen Shanming is Ji Fei.

As he said before, Ji Fei’s most important thing is the second scene, which is the intersection with the doctor of “le”.

Therefore, Ji Fei’s answer is also very individual, said with a bright smile on his face.

“In response to Lord Jiujiu, the students most want to be Dr. Tan’s disciples, and now they have fulfilled their wish.”

Dr. Tan is a doctor of “Le” in the Imperial College, and also a doctor of “Le” in one of the previous examinations.

It is naturally a gratifying thing that Ji Fei can become Dr. Tan’s disciple, and he stated at this time, which also shows that he has no intention of participating in the third assessment.

The smile in Mr. Yanyu’s eyes did not change. He congratulated Ji Fei tacitly and let him go.

And the next one was Bai Jingshu’s turn.

The first few people in the elementary class are not like the ordinary and ordinary classes of the advanced and intermediate classes, but they are a bit strange. Jin Li seems to have changed Mr. Yanyu. Wen Shanming was praised by Mr. Yanyu, but he was not very excited. Ji Fei just gave up. , Can be ignored.

I wonder what surprise Bai Jingshu will bring to everyone? !

Everyone looked at the slowly coming Bai Jingshu with a hint of expectation.

But no one knows that the current Bai Jingshu is not in a state at all.

For a while in his mind he thought of his father’s instructions to let the poor family look up to the Bai family and establish his reputation among the poor family.

For a while, I thought of Li Qingyan’s decisive and hateful eyes.

When he returned to his senses, he was already standing on the high platform.

In front of him was Mr. Yanyu’s searching gaze.

Behind him was Li Qingyan’s indifferent gaze.

Maybe, there is no indifference, maybe, Ayan doesn’t want to look at him at all.

Thinking of this, Bai Jingshu couldn’t help stiffening.

In my mind, I went through the exam questions from Mr. Yanyu again.

“Who do you want?”

What kind of person does he want to be?

Bai Jingshu suddenly thought of his father’s words in his mind.

“You need to remember that your every move affects the entire Bai family.”

“You are the descendants of the Bai family first, and then Bai Jingshu.”

He listened to this for many years.

Bai Jingshu has never complained, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with this.

But today, he complained for no reason.

He wants to be a Bai Jingshu, a real Bai Jingshu.

Bai Jingshu who said beautiful answers was not to improve the reputation of the concubines in the poor family.

It’s the Bai Jingshu who can say what’s in his heart.

After a few breaths, Bai Jingshu looked inexplicable on the stage, and everyone underneath also looked left and right, wondering why Bai Jingshu still didn’t answer.

Bai Jingshugui is the first son of the family, and it is impossible not to answer such a simple answer.

Behind Bai Jingshu, Li Qingyan still couldn’t hold back, his eyes fell on the man standing in front of him like a green pine on the high platform.

She has seen the man’s back view many times and for many years.

Moreover, she liked to look at him this way before.

Because only by looking at his back, she can express her affection unscrupulously.

Until now.

There was a trace of pain and spurning in Li Qingyan’s eyes.

Spit on oneself even thinking about the enemy.

Li Qingyan tightened her palms, seeming to keep making up her mind.

Give up liking the man named Bai Jingshu.

While Li Qingyan was struggling, Bai Jingshu’s cold voice sounded in due course.

“In return to the Lord Jiu, students want to become a person who can pick up a knife and gun, and comb the hair of the one they love.”

! !

As soon as Bai Jingshu’s voice fell, everyone present was startled.

This time, even Mr. Misty Rain changed his expression slightly.

He originally thought that Bai Jingshu would give him the perfect answer that a descendant of the family should have, in order to promote his reputation.

Mr. Yan Yu and Bai Jingshu knew that they would not be able to become masters and apprentices to each other, but because Mr. Yan Yu appreciated Bai Jingshu, he didn’t mind, so he took this opportunity to become famous.

Therefore, I didn’t take Bai Jingshu’s answer to my heart, I just commented on a beautiful article.

But now listening to what Bai Jingshu said, he turned out to be sincere.

This time, Mr. Misty Rain had to take it seriously.

Especially, when I heard Bai Jingshu say “the beloved” four characters.

Of course, everyone present was shocked by the “beloved” in Bai Jingshu’s mouth.

Bai Jingshu means that he has someone he likes?

The family’s children who were a little familiar with Bai Jingshu thought about it carefully, and didn’t think of any family lady Bai Jingshu had favored.

Moreover, Bai Jingshu has always kept himself clean.

I heard from the people of the Bai family that Bai Jingshu might not even recognize many of his cousins and relatives.

Not to mention the family lady outside.

But Ji Fei behind Bai Jingshu’s laughing face suddenly closed, which was truly shocking.

Today’s Bai Jingshu is really wrong.

Public confession has never been the behavior that Bai Jingshu should do with a steady manner.

Ji Fei still understands the Bai family, so he acted impulsively as Bai Jingshu is today, and he will inevitably be punished again when he goes back.

And the only person who can make Bai Jingshu withstand the heavy punishment of the Bai family and the disappointment of Gongde Gong, resolutely act like this.

There is only one person.

After Bai Jingshu went down, there was a blank space between Ji Fei and Li Qingyan.

Ji Fei turned his head to see the extreme profile of Li Qingyan in his eyes.

But at this sight, Ji Fei frowned slightly.

It is indeed the same face.

But why does he think something is wrong?

But this is not the point. Ji Fei thought for a while and took a step towards Li Qingyan sideways.

Feeling the approach of the people around him, Li Qingyan turned her head subconsciously and saw that it was Ji Fei.

Li Qingyan frowned slightly, but soon unfolded, maintaining a distant and indifferent face on her face.

Li Qingyan, Bai Jingshu, and Ji Fei, although the three have been together for more than ten years.

But Li Qingyan and Ji Fei really don’t count as much friendship.

The friendship between the three of them is like a strange circle, all revolving around Bai Jingshu.

But now that one of the links is broken, Li Qingyan does not want to maintain the others.

Moreover, Ji Fei has such a good relationship with Bai Jingshu, who knows if he is involved in it.

Thinking of this, Li Qingyan’s eyes flashed slightly, but he was careful not to let Ji Fei notice.

Same as Jifei Road near.

“Little General Ji.”

Ji Fei wanted to ask if something happened between Bai Jingshu and Li Qingyan, but Li Qingyan’s voice was so cold as to freeze.

The strangeness in my heart suddenly magnified.

Really, it’s not the same.

Ji Fei suddenly remembered that day, when he temporarily voluntarily called Li Qingyan to the “South Courtyard”, he originally thought that Li Qingyan’s temper would not come.

Unexpectedly, not only did she come, although her eyes were carefully concealed, she secretly looked at the South Yard and the people in the South Yard.

At that time, Ji Fei found it interesting, only when he cared less about Li Qingyan, but didn’t realize that there was such an interesting side under her cold face.

After that, Li Qingyan suddenly called him “Afei”. Because of that intimacy, even if Li Qingyan called him “Little General Ji” in the future, he felt that there was a deliberate concealment in it.

But to this day, Ji Fei discovered that the deliberately concealed energy had disappeared.

Ji Fei raised his eyes, his face suddenly became serious, staring at Li Qingyan motionless in front of him.

are different.

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