After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 160

Chapter 144:

These words, although Xia Qian’s tone was not as clear as usual, it made Li Qingyan’s heart jump again.

It seemed to have seen the other side of Xia Qian, a little overbearing, a little arrogant, and a little childish.

Li Qingyan couldn’t help thinking, is Xia Qian when he was in a relationship different from him when he was normal?

However, thinking that when she was in love and normal, Li Qingyan was relieved.

And here, because of the wound on Li Qingyan’s finger, Xia Qian put the matter of “not allowing Li Qingyan to embroider” on hold for the time being. From the cuff, he took out a box of white porcelain vials and poured a little transparent liquid on Li Qingyan’s fingers. .

It’s just a matter of finishing all ten fingers.

Seeing Xia Qian’s actions, Li Qingyan knew that Xia Qian was supposed to be taking the medicine with her, but after taking the medicine, there was no change in her ten fingers, and her expression was a little strange.

“Aqian, what medicine did you give me?”

Xia Qian raised his eyes and replied.

“Similar to medicines like beauty and beauty to eliminate scars.”

Thinking about it, Xia Qian took out the medicine bottle again and pushed in the direction of Li Qingyan.

“The face can also be used, my master said, if a woman uses it to wipe her face, it can guarantee 40 to 28.”

When Li Qingyan heard it, her pupils suddenly dilated, her eyes fell on the white porcelain vial on the table, and her eyes were slightly hot.

This… Isn’t this the modern skin care products like wrinkle and scar removal? !

And it can guarantee that forty years old is like 28 years old? !

The effect can be more powerful than the expensive skin care products that are hyped up in modern publicity.

Because it was the uncle’s remark that Li Qingyan really believed in this kind of words that played an unpredictable role in the novel.

The fingers moved left and right, and his eyes looked hot at the white porcelain vial.

Simply, Xia Qian also understood Li Qingyan’s thoughts.

“Ayan, let’s take it away.”

Li Qingyan’s eyes turned around.

“That’s so embarrassing.”

Having said that, his eyes are almost stuck on the small bottle.

In the end, the two of them gave the bottle to Li Qingyan.

Of course, Li Qingyan even vowed to guarantee that she would pack Xia Qian’s purse in the future.

At that time, Xia Qian’s face was a little dark, he obviously didn’t want Li Qingyan to get hurt by embroidering.

However, this time Li Qingyan saw it and made sure that she would never hurt her hands before she got Xia Qian’s reluctant consent.


Next, the two officially began to prepare for the theater.

What Li Qingyan said to Qiuping earlier was not a lie, but she really got the task assigned to her by Mr. Misty Rain.

Today was the date that Xia Qian had been set early. Unexpectedly, two days before, Mr. Yan Yu said that he wanted to take her to see the scenery and experience life.

This is also one of the lessons taught by Mr. Yan Yu and Li Qingyan.

I have to say that although Mr. Yanyu is an ancient person, some of his teaching methods are more novel than modern ones, and Li Qingyan has benefited a lot.

For example, this time the “viewing and comprehending life”.

It is about three aspects of content experience, viewing, understanding, and life.

Viewing, watching the scenery of mountains and rivers, watching the scenery of the river, pay attention to stretch and wash the soul, maintain the spirit of learning, and at the same time, feel touched from the scenery, so as to make the next article.

Life means wandering in the city and countryside, or listening to a period of current affairs, or an interesting story about the world, or to learn about a past case file, or just simply drinking porridge, from the trivial and major events in life , To feel interesting and meaningful ideas.

Comprehension is based on the two, from the superficial level of thinking, pursuing the higher level, to the deeper level of thinking to understand, so as to raise the height of people’s thinking.

The three are complementary to each other, somewhat similar to the conceptual model of “11>2” known by Li Qingyan Hyundai.

Moreover, Mr. Yanyu still takes care of all aspects, not only transcending the world, but also in love with the mundane, and finally learning to sublimate.

Because Li Qingyan Hyundai is also an educator, while accepting Mr. Yanyu’s teachings, he will also look at Mr. Yanyu’s teaching model from the perspective of his own career. Two completely different understandings make Li Qingyan’s understanding of “educating people”. “He has a lot of new experiences.

In short, becoming a closed disciple of Mr. Misty Rain is truly extremely fortunate.

However, Li Qingyan couldn’t go to the “viewing and comprehending life” this time.

Although she loves learning, since she agreed to Xia Qian earlier, she must not change it.

Furthermore, she is just an ordinary top student who occasionally wants to fall in love.

In order to fall in love and waste studies, Li Qingyan originally felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but soon this uncomfortable feeling disappeared without a trace after Mr. Yan Yu assigned a round of homework.

Li Qingyan still remembered that she went to ask for leave with Mr. Yanyu with a shy face, and Mr. Yanyu asked why.

Li Qingyan didn’t mean to go to play, only that he had an appointment with Xia Qian in advance.

Of course, this reason Li Qingyan also bit the bullet. After all, you dare to put the pigeons of Mr. Yanyu for a Xia Qian. This is completely shocking in the eyes of outsiders.

Li Qingyan originally thought that Mr. Misty Rain would curse at her, but after listening to it, he just stroked his beard slightly.

“Since you are going to Yue Youyuan, go and listen to a play, talk about the play.”

Li Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief. It was fortunate not to be scolded by Mr. Yanyu. As for homework, just stay.

But Li Qingyan felt nothing. After Xia Qian listened to Mr. Misty Rain’s arrangement, his clear and clean eyes were slightly stagnant, and the corners of his mouth were pursed.

Secretly remember Mr. Misty Rain’s spoiling his appointment.

Next time, you have to find this old gentleman to drink and drink.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Yanyu dislikes drinking most.

Therefore, at the moment, Li Qingyan is going to complete Mr. Misty Rain’s task.

Litai usually has three scenes in one afternoon.

Mr. Yan Yu meant that she would just take a scene at will and discuss it.

Li Qingyan wanted to figure out which of the three scenes there were first, so that he could make a choice in advance and discuss which scene.

At the same time, the two of them also walked from inside the house to the edge of the wooden balcony railing outside, so that they could better see the play underneath.

Then she turned her head and asked Xia Qian next to her.

“These three scenes today, did you hear Litai mention it?”

As Li Qingyan was talking, it suddenly occurred to him that he hadn’t seen any information about the scene of today’s play along the way.

Xia Qian felt a little dumb when he heard it.

“Ayan seems to really not listen to dramas very often. I was born in the south of the Yangtze River. I also know Litai operas. The dramas never show up before the opening. This is why Litai operas are more concerned and expected. There is also a handicap in the market to bet on the dramas performed by Litai, and it is quite interesting to hear that there are guests who watch the drama all the year round, and therefore get a lot of money.”

It was the first time that Li Qingyan heard about it, and only felt that Litai’s approach was a bit interesting, rather ingenious, a bit like a unique marketing method for attracting customers in modern society.

However, it can be seen here, which proves that the boss behind this is very smart.

So Li Qingyan exclaimed.

“Boss Litai, his mind is really clever.”

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Qian on the side, for some reason, gently curled his lips.


After a while, many people came in Litai one after another, and they filled the seats below and even the boxes downstairs in Li Qingyan. This posture is quite a bit like Li Qingyan in modern times. a feeling of.

It’s just that there are no tables on the stage.

However, the strange thing is that the boxes on the other floors are full, but only Li Qingyan and Xia Qian are in the boxes on their floor. This makes Li Qingyan inexplicably a kind of local tyrant who packs a whole floor of “A-style room”. feel.

But I don’t know why there are no other “A-character houses”.

Li Qingyan was wondering whether there are fewer high-ranking officials and nobles in Litai recently, or whether there are some activities among the children of the aristocratic family today. Not many people come here to watch the show, and Xia Qian’s clear voice is heard in her ears.

“Ayan, it’s started.”

Li Qingyan instantly cast his gaze on the high platform below.

This first scene is a very classic opening, even the modern Li Qingyan knows what the scene is—

“Dou E’s Injustice”.

It was about the widow Dou E, who was framed and killed by a rogue and beat Dou E in an unconscious office. She still refused to recruit. As a result, Dou E Qu was beaten by the unconscious official and her mother-in-law, which caused Dou E Qu to be attacked, pleaded guilty, and sentenced to beheading. Before the execution, the sad Dou E was extremely angry and sad. Therefore, she made three weird vows: one is that the blood from cutting off her head will be splashed on the flag gun of Bai Lian, and a drop of blood will not fall to the ground; the second is summer in June, and the third is The land where Dou E is located has suffered a severe drought for three years.

Dou E’s grievance was too great, and these three weird vows were finally fulfilled, and the murderer was finally punished severely.

Li Qingyan hurriedly watched this scene, but it was restored in the same script as the same, and the most important thing was that in the period of flying snow in June, there was really snow falling in the sky.

Even viewers who are close can still feel a burst of coolness, and their expressions are quite surprised.

Li Qingyan and Xia Qian are on a high platform, and they don’t know the truth, but there was no artificial snow in ancient times. Li Qingyan understands this very well.

So I only wondered.

“It’s obviously not snow, why would it let the audience in the front row feel the coolness?”

This word fell in the ears of the young man who suddenly came in and exchanged tea for the two of them.

Xiao Si smiled and replied.

“This guest doesn’t know anything about it. Our Litai play pays attention to one truth. Therefore, this snow is collected from small white flowers, cut into small snow particles, and then rests in the ice store. Take it out quickly and spill it down as a prop.”

In the autumn, the ice price is not expensive, but summer is not ordinary, Li Qingyan raised her eyebrows slightly.

“It’s the same with you in summer?”

The smile on Xiao Si’s face remained unchanged.


Li Qingyan couldn’t help being stunned by Litai’s boss, spending so much money to get a freezer, just to cool down the props.

However, it is possible to build a pear stand for singing in Yueyou, and it has stood for so many years and endures for a long time. The boss behind this scene is probably not rich or expensive.

But it seems that no one knows who the real boss behind Litai is. The one on the face is clear, but he is just a former red horn.

However, Li Qingyan does not believe that the red corner of a drama can be so generous.

No one believes in anyone,

Therefore, everyone knows that the “red corner” boss is not the real boss.

But for so many years, no one has been able to find out the details of the boss behind Litai, but it has added a bit of mystery to Litai.

After her thoughts returned, Li Qingyan was shocked, and the boss of Litai was so generous, but after pondering the scene of “Dou E’s Injustice”, she didn’t poke her mind too much.

Although the scene of “Dou E’s Injustice” highlights Dou E’s female identity, the main theme is still the tragic situation in which the people have nowhere to avenge the crimes in the officialdom.

It’s also a good argument, but it doesn’t fit Li Qingyan’s mood today, and it always feels too heavy.

Even when she talks about drama, she must pay attention to fate and discuss the theme of the drama she wants to talk about.

Li Qingyan thought for a while, and after sitting for a while, he waited for the start of the second scene.

Speaking of fate, fate will come.

This second scene really pokes Li Qingyan’s mind at the moment.

It is “The Story of the West Chamber”.

It is about the beautiful love story of scholar Zhang Sheng and Miss Xiangguo Cui Yingying, with the help of the maid matchmaker, breaking through all kinds of obstructions and finally becoming a married couple.

Focus on the love story.

Li Qingyan glanced at Xia Qian next to him subconsciously, right, this is the scene for two young and middle-aged couples in love to watch.

The ancient drama is like the movie now.

Romance movies are naturally the first choice for young lovers.

Although there is no way to watch movies here, since it’s a date, Li Qingyan still wants to watch something like what a young couple should watch.

It seems that she is lucky today, and Litai is staged the love story she was looking forward to.

Li Qingyan curled her lips subconsciously, but he did not see Xia Qian curling her lips slightly.

It seems that Ayan is very satisfied with the show he chose.

Well, he chose it.

No one would have thought that the real master behind Litai was the seemingly innocent “Xia Qian” beside Li Qingyan.

And when he took over Litai, he used Litai to collect information.

Not many people know about this.

Mr. Yan Yu was familiar with Xia Qian and knew that Litai belonged to him, so he previously inserted a play of “Dou E’s Injustice” in order to let Li Qingyan comment on this play. He never thought that being rejected by Li Qingyan was too heavy.

“The West Chamber” was chosen by Xia Qian, not for Li Qingyan to talk about the drama, but to say that it was the first date for the two of them, and there should always be these.

What Xia Qian did was just to keep Li Qingyan from going down.

In fact, on the surface, Li Qingyan was arranging this date. In fact, both of them had a lot of thoughts in order to have the most perfect dating experience.

Sure enough, Li Qingyan’s mouth could not stop being slightly upturned after watching “The Story of the West Chamber”, especially in the scene where Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying finally got married, his eyes flashed a bit of excitement, if it weren’t for maintaining the original image of Gaolingzhihua. , She wanted to play CALL crazily under the table with a light stick. Although there were no light sticks in ancient times, it is still feasible for her to applaud.

Li Qingyan, who hasn’t watched a TV series for too long, rarely feels the fun of chasing ‘screen CP” in an ancient drama.

Li Qingyan watched the protagonist and heroine underneath burst out a little invisible “aunt’s laugh”, and said to Xia Qian on the same side.

“Cui Yingying looks so beautiful in her big red wedding dress. No wonder Zhang Sheng fell in love with her at first sight, and he wonders a lot, Aqian, do you think it is?”

“No.” Xia Qian replied concisely and brightly.

Li Qingyan subconsciously turned around blankly.


I wonder why Xia Qian denied it.

Obviously it looks very beautiful, why is A Qian’s aesthetics out of sync with her?

Li Qingyan’s heart was blocked.

I seem to feel the frustration of being ruthlessly criticized by my boyfriend when I want to share beautiful things with my boyfriend.

But Xia Qian’s next sentence made Li Qingyan happy instantly, so happy that she couldn’t remember anything.

Because Xia Qian said–

“Ayan is the best looking in a big red wedding dress.”

“No one can compare.”


Two men and women who are in love for the first time, when it comes to marriage, although it was accidental, they couldn’t help but make their cheeks flush at the same time.

But they were soon concealed by the two. I have to say that sometimes Li Qingyan and Xia Qian get in touch with each other.

At the same time, he said, “The weather is pretty good today.”

The contrast is like a rainy cloud that is about to rain. This reason is really crappy and can’t bear to look straight.

Fortunately, the third game is here.

Speaking of the third scene, Xia Qian’s face is rarely shy and slightly stagnant. This is a new playbook written by the people below. It is not the two previous classic plays, but the play written by the people in Litai. This It is another tradition of Litai, where a self-made opera is produced every three months. This is another place that is different from other opera gardens.

It is the one most anticipated by the audience, after all, it is a completely unexpected plot development.

Therefore, there are naturally more audiences here.

If Li Qingyan knew this, he wouldn’t suspect that there was no one in the “A-character house” because there were fewer high-ranking officials.

These high-ranking officials are now all crowded into the “B-shaped room”, which is also one floor below the “A-shaped room”.

The reason is that the “A-shaped room” is being renovated to prevent the dignitaries from making trouble.

In fact, the location of “Room A No. 3” is ingenious and concealed. It can overlook everything underneath without being noticed by others, even Li Qingyan and Xia Qian standing on the balcony.

But Li Qingyan still didn’t know that there was a person in the “Yizifang” that she hadn’t expected at all.

The dignified hibiscus noodles, drinking tea leisurely indoors.

Until the maid next to me reminded me that the next scene was the main “homemade scene” of the third scene.

Yuan Jinfu asked the maid to take the veil, put it on her face, and walked to the balcony.

Unfortunately today, the “A-shaped room” is being renovated, and I can’t go to the best “A-shaped room No. 3” to watch the show, which affects Yuan Jinfu’s enjoyment.

She is not like other ladies, who love to play with flowers and girls in private, Yuan Jinfu is more in line with the hobbies of the ladies——

Watching the show.

In fact, the script can achieve the same effect, but what you see and what you hear seems to be more vivid.

This is one of the reasons why Yuan Jinfu loves to watch theaters.

Earlier, she knew that Litai had “homemade dramas” today, so she left the boring gathering of the ladies and turned to Litai.

After a short while, the curtain on the third scene began.

It’s just that Yuan Jinfu looked expectant at first, but at the end, she was extremely disappointed.

I just feel that this is not at all the level that Litai’s “homemade drama” should have.

In just a few words, he just got up and went to the steward and asked what was going on.

What a bad book!

In fact, this scene is about the story of a woman who likes to read since she was a child. Reading is actually the icing on the cake for women in ancient times. After getting married, whether or not you can host the middle feeder is the most important thing.

But this heroine really likes to learn, so when her mother asked her to learn the art of housekeeping and gave up the book, the heroine was unwilling. Therefore, after she married, although she was famous, she didn’t know how to steward and couldn’t. Becoming a solid backing for the man, the relationship between the husband and wife is diminishing day by day, and finally the husband finds a beautiful concubine, and he ends up in depression.

On the surface it seems to be just a story about the life of an ordinary woman, but in fact this book adds a lot of personal emotions of the writer, such as praising the skills of the host, which contrasts the uselessness of the woman.

Perhaps the original intention of the author at the beginning was that after seeing this play, the women would learn more about the technique of middle-feeding, and plan to be good wives and mothers in the future, but they used their talents as a stepping board. It was because Yuan Jinfu, who loved to read since childhood, couldn’t bear it.

How come just learning becomes useless? Yes, the woman’s lifelong pursuit is to marry her, but the Yuan family’s love for Yuan Jinfu gives her a world and vision that an ordinary woman has never seen before.

It is natural to learn to host the middle feed, but for Yuan Jinfu, reading is a necessary thing like breathing. Even if you marry someone, Yuan Jinfu should not go to school, then she will never marry someone. of.

Of course, this is because Yuan Jinfu has a strong family background, even if she is a lazy girl waiting to die, some people can afford her.

And Yuan Jinfu dislikes this book as rotten, and another reason is that at the end of this book, the heroine’s husband married another one to fill the house. This newly appointed successor is a good hand in the host. It didn’t take long. I took care of the house in good order, and the relationship between husband and wife gradually became harmonious, and a happy ending was achieved.

How can a woman who is talented and learned but has no ability to host and give back can not reap happiness?

In Yuan Jinfu’s view, this is somewhat discriminatory.

It happened that the author was called by Yuan Jinfu to avoid suspicion. The author was on the balcony outside, while Yuan Jinfu was sitting in the inner room. There was a maid passing a message in the middle.

The maid quickly conveyed Yuan Jinfu’s meaning.

“Why do you belittle talented and learned women who have no ability to host the middle school?”

Although the author wanted to perfunctorily and didn’t want to offend Yuan Jinfu, he could admit that he was wrong. Who expected Yuan Jinfu to understand the reason, the author didn’t move to tell the truth.

“Women’s marriage has been the top priority since ancient times. If you blindly pursue talent and learn without learning the art of giving, it will naturally be difficult for family harmony. Moreover, after learning to marry, you have to add a spouse interest, teach your children, highlight your fame, and ask questions. It’s totally useless at all, it’s too vain in the end.”

The author’s meaning is very simple. It’s icing on the cake for women to learn, but it won’t work if you put the cart before the horse.

Yuan Jinfu heard the first half sentence, although it sounds uncomfortable, but it is understandable, but in the second half sentence, it is completely useless to say that learning is completely useless, Yuan Jinfu a little can’t help it.

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