After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 168

Chapter 148:

Knowing that Xia Qian was leaving early, Li Qingyan didn’t need to ask for leave.

After a leisurely night, when he woke up the next day, he opened the purple golden bottle given by Xia Qian.

The eyes that had just been opened closed again.

When she opened it again, Li Qingyan’s eyes changed.

Calm and expensive.

The original body’s eyes turned slightly, and he looked around, and when he saw the embroidery frame on the side, it was considered to have fallen into place, then got up and got out of bed and walked towards the embroidery frame.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Qiuping wandered at the door of his master’s residence, holding the water basin.

She was a little puzzled recently. A few days ago, her master originally wanted to ask for leave, but when she came to the door, she seemed to have met Young Master Xia, but she shrank back somehow and didn’t say anything about asking for leave.

But the next day, Qiuping was asked to ask for leave for her. He didn’t know what the cat was doing in the room.

Except for eating out, they don’t go out.

No, Qiuping is now sending a basin for Li Qingyan to wash his face. If she hadn’t brought it here every day, the master would be too busy to even care about washing his face.

Tomorrow is the “Tianning Festival”.

Today, the Imperial College has started a holiday, and some students have left one after another.

When Qiuping sent water, he also reminded his master that it was time to go home.

However, as soon as she placed the water basin in front of Li Qingyan’s door, she saw the quaint door suddenly open.

The master with his own beautiful scenery came out from the inside.

There is no trace of staying up late on the skin that can be broken by blowing.

Qiu Ping knew that his master had lit the lights at night these nights, and he didn’t know how late he would go to bed.

In fact, the original body has hardly closed her eyes in the past few days, and she will take a nap when she is sleepy, but she also doesn’t feel how sleepy, as if she has infinite energy all over, which is a bit strange.

The original body seemed to be holding a few strange cloth bags in his hands, and before Qiu Ping could see it clearly, he received it in his arms.

Seeing his master coming out, Qiu Ping hurriedly stepped forward.

“The son-in-law came out just right. It’s a holiday now, and the supervising students can go home by themselves.”

“Should we go back to Lei Mansion or where? The younger one should make arrangements for the son of the world first.”

While speaking, Qiuping stepped into the room and sent the warm water basin in his hand to Li Qingyan.

The original body looked sideways at the steaming water basin. The transparent water reflected her face. Although Qiuping thought Li Qingyan was in good condition, Li Qingyan still wrinkled slightly when she saw her face in the water. Frowned.

It was an anxious step, and paused slightly.

Then he lifted his eyes slightly and glanced at Qiu Pingdao with some cold eyes.

“Qiu Ping, freshen up this son.”


When Li Qingyan left the gate of the Imperial College, she was completely energetic, and she was rare to clean up specially. Walking along the road, the same “male” supervising student, inevitably had a lot of stops on her face.

But when he went out, Li Qingyan’s face was gloomy for an instant.

After seeing Bai Jingshu who was also going to get on the carriage.

Similarly, Bai Jingshu also noticed her.

The movement of Bai Jingshu on the carriage stopped, but the original body suddenly accelerated its movement.

Pedal, get in the car, draw the curtain.

It was done in one go, without stopping.

After Yuan got into the carriage, he drove to Qiuping expressly next to him.

“Go home quickly.”

Qiuping didn’t know the past of his master and Bai Jingshu. He only said that his master was worried about his family, and he responded, hurriedly followed up and let the groom drive.

Only after the carriage moved twice, it stopped.

The original body sitting in the carriage frowned.

But before he said anything, Qiu Ping from outside poked his head in and said.

“Second Lord…”

The voice hesitated.

The original body glanced at Qiuping suspiciously, and saw Qiuping handing in a small box.

At first glance it looks like a food box.

Qiuping finished handing it out and said quickly.

“Shi Ziye, this is from Bai Shi Zi’s young man.”

When the original body heard the word “white”, his face instantly darkened, and he said quickly.


Qiuping didn’t make any movements, only his expression was a little embarrassed.

“Shi Zi, Bai Shi Zi’s little boy gave something and left. He only said that it is rare to meet a student in the same house. You have taken sick leave for several days, so you will share some meals with you. I hope you will get well soon.”

However, when Qiu Ping said this, he felt strange in his heart.

Today, Li Qingyan’s appearance is indistinguishable at all. Is Bai Shizi far away, or has a bad look, and even said that her master is ill.

Of course Qiuping didn’t know, this was just an excuse for Bai Jingshu to stuff things into the original body.

But the original body knew it.

She slapped the curtain lightly and saw the carriage of Bai’s house behind her, already driving in the opposite direction.

The original body pursed his lips slightly, and said coldly with Qiuping.

“Take it and throw it away.”

Qiu Ping was stunned, a little surprised that his master suddenly changed his face.

I didn’t even see how she had any dissatisfaction with Bai Shizi, how could Haosheng suddenly hate Bai Shizi?

But Qiuping responded, ready to get the food container.

However, as soon as she touched the food box, she heard her master say again.

“Slow, forget it, stay.”


After Qiuping stepped back, the original body cast his eyes on the food box on the low table.

A trace of annoyance flashed across his eyes.

But soon he convinced himself.

But it was because I was afraid that others would look at it and let Changping Hou’s mansion fall into trouble, so I didn’t throw it away.

It’s definitely not because he gave it to Bai Jingshu, so he didn’t throw it away.

These two sentences have been passed through the original body and mind several times, and when her expression is completely stable, her slender fingers stretched out to the food box.

But the original body only raised a corner slightly, and his eyes were stunned.

The contents are indeed in line with the function of the food box.

It’s food.

It is a plate of pastries.

It’s a plate of red bean cake.

The original body’s eyes fell on the red pastry made into a rose-like pattern in front of him, and a few traces of complexity were drawn.

Yuan Zhen did like to eat mung bean cake since she was a child, but later there was another kind of cake that surpassed the status of mung bean cake in her heart.

This kind of pastry is in front of my eyes——

Red bean cake.

No one knows, only she knows.

Because this red bean cake was the cake that she was kidnapped with Bai Jingshu back then, in that small black room, when she was scared to tears, Bai Jingshu took out from her arms to coax her.

At that time, the original body looked at the red bean cake in the small cloth bag that was crushed into crumbs.

Instead of being coaxed, I felt that the situation was not good, and the tears fell out without holding back.

Bai Jingshu on the side thought he had aggravated her fear, and was a little serious at first.

“Little man, cry as you say?!”

“Hurry up and close your tears.”

But the more serious this was, the harder the original body cried.

She couldn’t tell the little brother in front of her that she was not a man.

Suddenly more aggrieved.

Bai Jingshu, who had never seen such a battle before, suddenly felt a little at a loss and didn’t know how to coax the original body.

Finally, looking at the crushed red bean cake in the cloth bag, the panic in his eyes stopped, and he had an idea.

When the original body was crying, suddenly there was a slight softness on the lips.

The next moment, she touched a hint of sweetness on the tip of her tongue.

The sweetness of red beans is hidden.

The original body was stunned, and the cry stopped abruptly.

Bai Jingshu in front of him let out a long sigh of relief.

He retracted the finger placed on the original body’s lips, softly coaxing the original body.

“Don’t cry, you see, even if the red bean cake is crushed, it is still sweet.”

“Even if we are in trouble now, the result is not necessarily bad.”

“Don’t cry, your family will find it later, but you will be worried.”

I don’t know if it was Bai Jingshu’s gentle voice, or the sweet and heart-warming red bean cake, or what Bai Jingshu said made the original body see hope.

She really stopped crying.

Later, while waiting for rescue, Tong Bai Jingshu dabbed his fingers with the crumbs of red bean cake and waited.

Therefore, the reason why the red bean cake was able to surpass the mung bean cake that the original loves was in her heart.

One big reason is that the red bean cake gives the original body a reassuring power.

But until today, she is a little confused.

This reassuring power is the source of the red bean cake or the Bai Jingshu of the year.

And Bai Jingshu sent this red bean cake today to make her remember her old love?

Or is it just because she likes it?

Original body frowned slightly, and for a long while, gently lowered the lid of the food box.

The fresh and hot red bean cake inside fell into the darkness once again.

And, I’m afraid there will be no more time to see the sun.


The carriage of the Li Mansion quickly returned home, and felt sorry for Li Qingyan’s grandmother. She let the maid beside her wait at the door early, and when Li Qingyan appeared, she hurried over.

Li Qingyan is holding the carriage under the food box.

When she fell to the ground, she said with Qiuping behind her.

“Send this food box back to my house.”

After speaking, he followed the maid sent by his grandmother to the grandmother’s house.

When the original body stepped into the grandmother’s house, he found that the house was extremely lively.

In addition to the original body, the cousins of Li Qingtang, Li Qingmu, Li Qingzheng, and Li Qingye are all there.

Earlier, when Yuan Shi talked about the assassination of Li Qingyan, Li Qingyan also told Yuan Shi how these cousins reacted when they saw the living Li Qingyan.

There are no flaws.

Unless it’s really a deep-minded person, that’s another matter.

Otherwise, these four people should have nothing to do with the real murderer behind the scenes.

However, the original body herself has been guarded carefully for many years. Although she has not found the target, she has an intuition in her heart.

This matter has nothing to do with the collaterals of Lei Mansion.

It’s just that she doesn’t confirm which one it is, and can’t find evidence.

In the past, she could still take it slowly, but now she is in such a situation, but she is a little anxious.

But now the most important thing is to confirm what she wants to confirm the most.

The thoughts flowed in the original body’s mind, but the face was still calm.

With my grandmother, I followed an ancient etiquette that was so normative that I couldn’t find a single mistake.

“Grandma is well, grandson is back.”

The smile on Mrs. Li’s face has been hooked since Li Qingyan entered the door, and it has a tendency to grow bigger and bigger. In addition, it is even bigger than the smiles of the four grandchildren I saw before. It can be seen that Li Qingyan is in Mrs. Li’s heart. Status.

The other cousins seemed to be used to them, and did not show much dissatisfaction.

In the presence of Mrs. Li, everyone learned to feel obediently.

Only today, one of the cousins is not quite right.

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