After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 208

Chapter 185:

This matter should start from Ah Qi. On that day, Li Qingyan suddenly received a letter from Ah Qi.

It was probably the second day she received Xia Qian’s reply.

A Qi’s letter is not sweeter than Xia Qian’s, and it is straightforward and very formulaic.

But this is exactly what Li Qingyan likes. Since the last time she felt distressed for A Qi inexplicably, she really didn’t want the two to have any weird involvement.

The more emotionless, the more relieved Li Qingyan.

Ah Qi’s letter, in those words without emotion, probably means that an extremely important person was found in Jiangnan.

This person has some background.

In the battle when Li Qingyan’s grandfather and father were hit hard, it was Li Qingyan’s grandfather and father who led an elite team, ready to take the hard-to-see trail, and attack the enemy coach at night.

However, this elite team led by them was discovered by the enemy somehow, and was caught off guard.

Except for Li Qingyan’s grandfather who was poisoned with an arrow and turned into a stupid stupid, Li Qingyan’s father was badly injured and he was unhealthy. All the elite soldiers had never survived. If it were not for Li Qingyan’s grandfather to prepare the second team, he quickly released the distress signal in the middle. It is estimated that Li Qingyan’s grandfather and father will also be killed in that battle.

And the elite soldiers who died in that battle were all named.

Li Qingyan, or the original body, can memorize it, because the original body’s father has a roster in his hand, and he turns it out from time to time, and his expression is naturally sad.

So when Li Qingyan saw the name “Miao Kang” mentioned in Aqi letter, her eyebrows were raised.

Just because Miao Kang is also in the roster held by the original father.

But in Ah Qi’s letter, he said that this person is still alive.

Moreover, it is in the Jiangnan area.

What is going on?

Li Qingyan tightened her fingers a little while holding the letter.


At this time, Li Qingyan appeared on a hill on the outskirts of Hangzhou where birds do not shit, and slowly moved closer to the place stated in the letter from Ah Qi.

Sure enough, after a short while, he found a few silver masked faces beside the big trees covered on both sides.

This is what Ah Qi mentioned in the letter earlier. After all, Miao Kang is a powerful man in Kong Wu. He was worried that Li Qingyan would not be able to deal with it alone and what would happen to him, so he prepared a helper in advance.

Strange to say, although Li Qingyan had never seen Ah Qi, she hurriedly scanned the silver mask faces and knew that there was no Ah Qi.

However, Li Qingyan didn’t care if Ah Qi was there.

She was staring at a cabin not far away without blinking.

The letter mentioned that Miao Kang didn’t know how to pretend to be dead and escaped that disaster. Then he ran to this mountain as if he was a hunter. He usually went down to sell hunting goods, exchange gold and silver, and buy daily necessities. , Almost never come out.

If it hadn’t been for these days, Li Qingyan was active in Jiangnan, and Aqi’s men had also followed Jiangnan, I am afraid it would not be easy to find Miao Kang.

According to the deployment of Li Qingyan’s grandfather and father, the night attack plan was indeed seamless.

Therefore, Li Qingyan’s father, who was the only surviving father when he was blocked by the enemy, really doubted whether there was an inner ghost.

But in the battle that year, except for Li Qingyan’s grandfather and Li Qingyan’s father, all the others died.

This was a little bit impossible to start, and the clue was broken.

Who would have thought that this Miao Kang survived without knowing what method he used.

And after surviving, he didn’t go to Li Qingyan’s father. Instead, the cat was on the top of this hill where birds don’t shit.

No matter how you look at it, there are problems.

Li Qingyan gently stroked her chin with her expert hand, her expression inexplicably contemplative.

Looking at Qiu Ping behind him and the silver mask face around him, he also became nervous.

Especially this group of secret guards who had just been dispatched, they heard that their master and Li Shizi had a good relationship.

If they can satisfy Li Shizi, they may be happy and give them some rewards.

Moreover, I heard that Li Shizi is an extremely smart person, and she must be thinking about some subtle plan that will allow them to win Miao Kang in one fell swoop.

Several secret guards thought to themselves, they all looked at Li Qingyan expectantly.

I want to see what great plans my master admires can tell.

And the result-

Li Qingyan blinked, raised her foot and walked straight towards the cabin.

The silver masks behind him were confused, not knowing what Li Qingyan wanted to do. One of them looked at her as if he wanted to knock on the door unpreparedly, and quickly reminded him in a low voice.

“Li Shizi, be careful, Miao Kang is quite good at martial arts.”

In fact, the silver mask face reminded me that he wanted to say that it was the most stupid way to knock on the door directly, but he couldn’t say that Li Qingyan was stupid, so he had to remind me tactfully.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingyan still didn’t stop, and directed at the silver mask face that was reminded, nodded lightly, expressing that he knew, and then he stepped more firmly.

With a few silver masked faces, I don’t know what Li Qingyan’s plans are. They just rushed to hide her around Li Qingyan and carefully guard her.

But Li Qingyan saw these silver mask faces, and after hiding carefully, her face was more confident.

In fact, Li Qingyan also thought that it was not complicated. She wondered that Miao Kang had been stared at by the silver mask faces for several days, but there was no movement, and she must have not noticed them. If she suddenly went there, she would surely be able to kill her by surprise.

And Li Qingyan thought about going straight in, mainly because she wanted to see Miao Kang’s reaction to her face.

Li Qingyan is five points similar to Li’s father. Anyone who has met Li’s father will definitely find that Li Qingyan is his child.

Only the most unexpected can we see a person’s true emotions.

Li Qingyan is not so worried about danger. Although Miao Kang’s strength is great, he is only a soldier under his original father. Li Qingyan knows that these silver mask faces are definitely stronger than him and want to protect him. Living in Li Qingyan is not difficult.

Thinking like this, Li Qingyan tugged at Mu Li on his face and knocked on the door.

But after waiting for a while, no footsteps came from inside.

This was different from what Li Qingyan thought, she raised her eyebrows lightly, some of which didn’t understand the situation before her.

It stands to reason that a few secret guards stared at the cabin for several days. Is there still smoke rising? Miao Kang must be in the house, but no one answered.

This made Li Qingyan frowned subconsciously, feeling that something was wrong.

Li Qingyan knocked a few more times, but no one responded.

Now her brow furrowed even tighter, and she glanced at the hidden directions of several dark guards.

Then her complexion condensed, and after a while, Li Qingyan used her strength and pushed open the closed door in front of her.

The door of the small wooden house in disrepair is easy to open.

Li Qingyan could push the door and enter without much effort.

But as soon as he entered, Li Qingyan’s fingers on the doorknob trembled.

His expression changed drastically at the same time.

It was because she smelled “blood” on the tip of her nose.


Li Qingyan walked in quickly toward the back room, praying secretly in his heart, but it must be the smell of chicken and duck.

However, when she walked to the back room, she found that things were still going in the worst direction.

Miao Kang is dead.

Qiuping came in a few steps slower than Li Qingyan, and then looked at Miao Kang, who was lying in a pool of blood and turned white and screamed!

This scream also awakened Li Qingyan who was stunned in front.

Li Qingyan was more calm than Qiu Ping, after all, she was not the first time she saw a dead person.

But there is nothing more calm than Qiu Ping, just trying to hold up the cold skin, always remembering the persona that will not collapse the original body anytime and anywhere.

And the silver mask face hidden in the dark, heard Qiu Ping’s scream, and quickly rushed in.

As a result, the scene that took place in it also made their faces under the mask bewildered.

Then, one person walked towards Li Qingyan, while the others walked towards Miao Kang’s position, and they worked together in a division of labor.

The person heading towards Li Qingyan was obviously the head of this action and the person who had reminded Li Qingyan earlier.

He would question Li Qingyan.

“Li Shizi, what should I do now?”

The silver mask faces at the end of Miao Kang’s position were also tense, waiting for Li Qingyan to give orders.

Li Qingyan’s expression paused, because she maintained her high coldness, Li Qingyan could not be surprised at all in that head’s heart. She deserved to be the person their master admired and admired Li Qingyan again.

But Li Qingyan’s mind was a little crazy.

Seeing that the dead are afraid of it, and the investigation is not going well, Xia Qian is not around and irritated, or he may come in through a book, always panicking and frightening.

Suddenly seeing the **** dead man this time, Li Qingyan’s mentality collapsed a bit.

It was a long backlog of negative emotions, but Li Qingyan couldn’t vent, so she could only suppress it.

Li Qingyan bit her lower lip.

“Miao Kang really didn’t go out these days?”

This time the head of the action nodded. He was sure of this. They had been staring at this cabin since they discovered Miao Kang.

“Is there no one else coming in?”

Nodding again.

But Li Qingyan’s expression was ugly.

Although the wound on Miao Kang’s body has not been checked yet, it was obviously wounded by a sword and the sharp blade pierced his heart to death. Miao Kang couldn’t be the one who killed himself. Therefore, it was someone else who killed Miao Kang.

But the head of the silver mask face vowed to say that he did not see other people coming in, and Miao Kang stayed in the room all the time, which was very strange.

Who has such great magical powers to quietly avoid the eyes and ears of these silver mask faces and kill Miao Kang?

Although Li Qingyan is smart, she is not a master who can solve crimes.

Right now, because of seeing the dead, the negative emotions overflowing, and the mystery of Miao Kang’s death, she felt more irritable.

Li Qingyan suppressed his emotions again, and said to the faces of several silver masks standing beside Miao Kang.

“Look at the cause of Miao Kang’s death first.”

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