After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 219

Chapter 196:

Until the day when the list was released, Li’s father looked at Li Qingyan’s appearance and was reluctant to look at the list. After a while, it only increased the hurt and sadness.

But Li Qingyan is not the only one involved in the Li family, so I still have to look at the list.

Because it is when the apricot blossoms are in bloom, it is also known as the “Apricot List”.

Father Li pondered that even if Li Qingyan didn’t do well in the exam, she could still be “apricot list title”, which would be considered a comfort. No matter how good he was to encourage her, she would surely be able to get out of the haze as soon as possible.

Therefore, Li’s father said a lot of comforting words along the way with Li Qingyan. The key point is that the person in the Li Mansion spoke without picking out the words. He read a lot of books for Li Qingyan, all of which are Confucian classics.

Hearing Li Qingyan’s hard-to-focus eyes, they began to loosen up again.

Father Li also chose a later time, and wanted to wait for fewer people to see it, so that the province was jokes.

His daughter can’t be laughed at.

This time, Li’s father has also analyzed along the road. His daughter failed in the exam. Bai Jingshu is most likely to become Huiyuan. Although in the past two years, Bai Jingshu has been inexplicably lingering in Fengyue places and has fallen a lot, but the foundation is still better than most people. powerful.

Moreover, Li’s father still had a little hope in his heart. Maybe Li Qingyan’s apricot list was smashed, but the hall test performed supernormally, and he got the blessed eye of the holy, and it soared to the sky.

But even so, there is still a pity. The daughter who wants to be strong must hope to be able to “Three Yuan and Di”, otherwise, she would not have to go to Qiuwei.

When Li’s father lifted the curtain and got out of the car, the first thing he heard in his ear was the nearest congratulation to Bai Jingshu.

Father Li sighed again with anger in his heart.

Humph, let the **** of the Bai family be arrogant for a while, and sooner or later his daughter will press him down!

Father Li thought about it, and quickly got up. He wanted to send someone to look at the list, but as soon as he probed it, there was a circle of people around the carriage.

Father Li just noticed that he had already calculated that it was time to come late, so how come there are so many people here.


Father Li raised his eyebrows defensively.

Besides, why are these people looking at him with an expression of staring at pork?

Father Li swallowed unconsciously and poked his head out, a little bit wanting to take it back, but does this take it back, doesn’t it mean that he is scared, and his aura is weak!

I think he is also a person on the battlefield, how can he be afraid of these weak scholars.

It was just such a moment of hesitation that the carriage in the Li Mansion and Father Li was completely surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors!

At the same time, Li’s father heard a bunch of twittering sounds.

“Congratulations to Master Hou, congratulations to Li Shizi!”

“Li Mansion is really talented.”

“External rumors are not credible, Li Shizi’s strength is beyond doubt…”

“That’s not it, I said Li Shizi is definitely the best candidate for Huiyuan.”


“What did you say?”

A bunch of noisy and yelling sounds suddenly rang in Li’s father’s ears, making his brain hurt.

Just as he was about to stop, the word “hui yuan” suddenly came into his ears.

Father Li almost didn’t flash his tongue.

The scholar who said “Huiyuan” earlier was named by Li’s father, and his eyes were full of joy and excitement.

This is Huiyuan’s father. Although he fell on the apricot list this time, he can speak with Huiyuan’s father, which is indirectly ecstatic.

Therefore, the scholar spoke quickly and sincerely.

“Congratulations to Li Houye, Li Shizi has become the member of this year’s apricot list.”


Li Houye may be a little dazed by the sudden surprise. The most important thing is that his expectations are extremely low. He thought that Li Qingyan did not do well in the exam. Therefore, after hearing that Li Qingyan had won a meeting, his eyes are now similar to those of Li Qingyan. , Somewhat lax.

After finally cheering up and thanking the scholar who surrounded the carriage of Lei Mansion, he sent someone to confirm it.

Sure enough, Li Qingyan was in Huiyuan.

Father Li put down the curtain calmly, and calmly asked the groom to drive back.

The end is a calm attitude.

It has left the reputation of Le Mansion that it doesn’t like things but not oneself sorrow.

However, in fact…

When the carriage drove away for a certain distance, the horseman who drove only heard the wild laughter in the carriage that grew from small to large, and finally could not be suppressed.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……”

“My son deserves to be good!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……”

The heroic laughter finally made Li Qingyan see the heroic appearance of Li’s father in command of the army.

But it’s… noisy.

After Li Qingyan heard that she had passed the exam, her tight shoulders completely relaxed.

Then Li Qingyan finally couldn’t help interrupting in the endless praise of Li’s father.

“Father, can Qingyan make a request?”

“You said, you should make a request, such a happy event, you can do whatever you want, and the Father can satisfy you.”

Then, Father Li looked at Li Qingyan expectantly, wanting to see what difficult request she could make.

But Li Qingyan’s face was a little sluggish, and she said slowly for a while.

“Qingyan wants to… sleep.”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Qingyan’s eyelids twitched, and her whole body suddenly softened. Before Li’s father could reply, she instantly collapsed to the side.

Father Li, who was left in the carriage, opened his eyes wide.

In fact, Li Qingyan’s anxiety before the exam did reach its peak this time, and it lasted from before the exam to after the exam.

But the pressure of Li Qingyan is the motivation. The more anxious she is, the more she can perform supernormally, but even so, she is still not at ease before the conclusion is made.

And Li Qingyan’s post-exam anxiety is manifested in a trance, unable to sleep all night.

After all, she hadn’t closed her eyes for six days.

Therefore, Li’s father went to Li Qingyan to talk about the great theories, and also talked about the Confucian classics of the exam. The trance Li Qingyan became more anxious and anxious as she listened to it.

However, due to Li’s father’s love, Li Qingyan could not say even if she felt uncomfortable.

Until all the dust settled, she could finally breathe and get a good night’s sleep.

That night, Li Qingyan had a strange dream.

She dreamed that she finally saw the person she was thinking of. She wanted to chase him, but the person didn’t turn around or stay, and Li Qingyan couldn’t catch up.

Just chased it all night until he woke up.

After waking up, Li Qingyan was sweating profusely, like running all night.

Li Qingyan looked at her hand in a daze. It was this hand. In her dreams, she always wanted to pull that person’s sleeve. She wanted to see him and listen to him.

Whatever it is, it’s fine.

But she couldn’t catch it.

Li Qingyan didn’t know what was wrong, she obviously passed Huiyuan, but she was not happy at all.

Thinking that in the dream, she could only chase the powerlessness and empty feeling of that person’s back, Li Qingyan bit her lower lip slightly, and her eyes started to turn red.

That liar, does she really have a chance to see him?


No matter how sad Li Qingyan is in the middle of the night, she still has to live on.

In a blink of an eye, the palace exam is coming.

It was just a few days before the palace exam, Li Qingyan felt a little weird.

For example, Li Qingmu always looked at her strangely, and he had always been impulsive this time and he couldn’t see his mind at all.

Li Qingyan’s heart was a little bit awkward, always feeling that there was something bad omen.

Moreover, on the day she went to participate in the palace exam, the top of her carriage was pulled by a crow.

Some superstitious Li Qingyan, looking at the foul on the top of the carriage, squinted slightly, and an ominous premonition gradually rose.

Soon, the triumphant students selected in this group of meetings gathered in front of the Golden Luang Temple, and waited for the call of the Holy Spirit.

The faces of groups of vigorous or middle-aged or dusky people all have unified expressions.

Excited and excited.

The two are different, one is Li Qingyan, and the other is Bai Jingshu.

There is something in Li Qingyan’s heart, coupled with the recent emotional turmoil, even if she can meet the present-day saint, she can’t get much energy.

And Bai Jingshu…

Li Qingyan Yuguang subconsciously looked at Bai Jingshu.

Today Xu is because of the face saint, and it is rare for Bai Jingshu to clean up a little more neatly, some of the appearance of the idols in the upper circle of Shengjing.

It’s just that the indifference that suppressed the romantic peach eyes, at this moment, is no longer depressed at all, and the beautiful peach eyes are full of amorous feelings, like a bohemian noble boy.

But perhaps because of the environment at this time, Bai Jingshu still slightly converged.

In the past two years, Li Qingyan has not seen Bai Jingshu before, and there have been so many encounters. Compared to the one he has seen now, Li Qingyan suspects that the Bai Jingshu who is addicted to wine is still the self-discipline mentioned in the original book. Did the cold-blooded design of Dayan’s top ten tortures?

But then, Li Qingyan thought of the original body she saw every month. In addition to mentioning her relatives and talking to her, there was a hint of warmth in her eyes. The pupils that should have been black and white seemed to be covered with a layer. The gray mist is no longer clear.

Looking at the two people who were painful but whitewashed their peace.

Li Qingyan felt a little bit painful and a little bit embarrassed.

Love is a word that hurts others and hurts oneself.

And what is the ending of her and that person?

Li Qingyan unconsciously looked at the sun covered by black clouds on the horizon, her warm warmth was suppressed by the black clouds, she could not breathe at all, she was suppressed tightly.

At the same time, Li Qingyan suddenly thought of a voice.

“have not seen you for a long time.”

“How are you?”

It is Bai Jingshu.

At some point, Bai Jingshu had already reached Li Qingyan’s side.

Seeing how Bai Jingshu’s external appearance was like a sloppy corpse, in front of Li Qingyan, he was still cautious.

Test carefully, greet carefully, and carefully want to know a little bit of information from the other party.

Li Qingyan’s eyes were slightly stunned.

This is Bai Jingshu’s love for the original body.

Suddenly, Li Qingyan was a little envious. Whether or not Bai Jingshu had used the original body, he also put himself in. He was the original body of true love.

And that person?

Will you really love her? Did she deceive her only because of helplessness?

Li Qingyan’s eyes were empty, but her thoughts flowed extremely fast, and she quickly closed her mind. Because she was not the original body, she couldn’t respond to Bai Jingshu more, so she just nodded slightly.

Of course, if you change to the original person, maybe it won’t be bothered at all.

Bai Jingshu probably thought so too, so after seeing Li Qingyan actually responded to him, a few genuine smiles appeared in his eyebrows.

Li Qingyan’s eyes paused again, and she didn’t know if her actions were right or wrong.

Li Qingyan knows too much about her strong temperament. I am afraid she will not be able to forgive Bai Jingshu and the Bai family in this life.

If this matter has nothing to do with Bai Jingshu and Bai Jingshu’s father, there may be room for the two to change.

As soon as Li Qingyan’s thoughts passed, he heard the **** singing in front of the Jinluan Temple.

“The tribute enters the hall.”

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