After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 60

Chapter 58:

In fact, Li Qingyan slept very well that night.

She also had a good dream, dreaming that she finally touched Bai Jingshu, but she was too happy in the back, which caused the dream to achieve this, and then stopped abruptly. After that, Li Qingyan’s consciousness was completely darkened.

As a result, after Li Qingyan touched Bai Jingshu in her dream, she did not prompt whether she would restore her memory.

Dreams are good dreams, just a little anticlimactic.

However, this dream reminded Li Qingyan that she remembered last night, but she felt that Bai Jingshu was a little weird.

It seems that you have to find a chance to touch his hand.

A trace of deep thought unconsciously appeared in Li Qingyan’s eyes.

As soon as Li Qingyan woke up, Qiu Ping called out with a slightly worried voice.

“Shizi, Shizi, someone is looking for you just now.”

Li Qingyan rubbed her swollen temples and replied casually.

“who is it?”

“It’s the attendant next to Assistant Professor Zhou, I will ask you to go to the doctor’s hall in a while.”

“Doctor’s Hall?” Li Qingyan raised her eyebrows strangely.

The “teacher Zhou” in Qiu Ping’s mouth is the “teacher” who is responsible for the teaching of Guangyetang where Li Qingyan is located this year, and is equivalent to a modern class teacher.

The “Doctor” is equivalent to a modern director-level professor and lecturer.

At the moment, from the fifth grade “assistant” to ask her to go to the doctor’s office where the fifth grade “doctor” is working?

This is surprising.

Qiu Ping’s face nodded, Li Qingyan then asked.

“What can you say?”

Qiu Ping recalled it for a moment, and then suddenly “Ah”.

“It seems to have something to do with etiquette.”

Into the celebrant ceremony.

These three words crossed his mind, and Li Qingyan couldn’t understand what was going on.

She rinsed a little, and sighed that the foundation of the original body is so good. Even if the hangover is one night, a flawless face is still flawless, not even a dark circle is left.

Then, she changed into the “blue blouse” exclusively used by the Imperial College, adjusted the black round neckline around her neck and the Confucian scarf of the same color on her head, and was ready to go outside.

Qiu Ping, who followed Li Qingyan, was admired again. Sure enough, his master’s prosperous beauty, even such an ugly Guozijian student uniform, also wore his own unique Confucian style, extremely elegant.

Qiu Ping didn’t have a filter at all when he said this. Li Qingyan always likes to wear light-colored clothes, such as pure white and lotus roots, but it is rare to wear such dark clothes. The unusual beauty makes Qiu Ping a little stunned.

Everyone else is “people rely on clothing”, but her master “clothes depends on people.”


However, Li Qingyan did not expect that she was not the only supervisor in the doctor’s office.

At this time, Wen Shanming, Bai Jingshu, and Xia Qian who had arrived early also saw Li Qingyan, and there was a man Li Qingyan hadn’t seen, wearing ordinary school uniforms with them, looking a little bit older than them.

Li Qingyan glanced hurriedly, and quickly walked to the side of a few people, who happened to be beside Xia Qian.

Li Qingyan smiled and greeted Xia Qian, Xia Qian also smiled at Li Qingyan, but today’s Xia Qian, his smile was a little vain, and his eyes wandered for a while, after greeting Li Qingyan, he cut off his sight and looked straight ahead quickly.

Li Qingyan’s eyes narrowed a little weird, and she felt that something was wrong with Xia Qian, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong.

But before Li Qingyan could think deeply, a few people came in behind him, and the officials on the side quickly got up to greet her.

Although Li Qingyan did not know the identity of the visitors, they were polite to welcome each other.

When the person was seated, Li Qingyan could see the person’s appearance.

It was a middle-aged man who looked extremely serious, his brows were always frowning, leaving two very obvious lines between the eyebrows.

Moreover, listening to several officials next to him calling him “Sir Shiye,” several supervisors suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the State Supervision Department.

Li Qingyan more consciously remarked later–

Guozijian Division Industry=Vice President.

It is the official position with the highest authority in the Imperial College, except for the sacrifice of wine.

However, seeing that this time the principal was the Imperial Supervisor, Li Qingyan felt a little regretful and thankful for the contradiction.

Regret and happiness are all related to the same person.

Guozijian Jijiu, Mr. Yanyu.

Unfortunately, it comes from not being able to see the top scholar of this era with his own eyes, but fortunately it comes from the fact that Li Qingyan is not ready to meet this scholar with the most talent.

Even a truly stunning person like the original body didn’t get Mr. Yanyu’s good face.

She was selected by Mr. Misty Rain by virtue of an article.

Others only said that Mr. Yanyu smashed his head, and Li Qingyan really turned over.

Li Qingyan herself has a guilty conscience. After all, most of the credit for that article comes from the historical summary and civilized thinking. If she was not born in the modern age and lives in a society where men and women have equal rights, most of them would not have such feelings.

The factor of the times is greater than her own.

Li Qingyan felt that she couldn’t afford Mr. Misty Rain’s appreciation.

Thinking of the intersection between the original body and Mr. Yanyu, Li Qingyan felt that she would have to deal with Mr. Yanyu sooner or later.

after all–

She wanted to ask for justice on behalf of the original body.

Li Qingyan seemed to think of something, her eyes flickered with a pity, but after a moment, she was determined.

Of course, before that, Li Qingyan thought that she would have to cultivate more internal skills, in order to truly be able to bear the compliment of Mr. Misty Rain.

At that time, she will have the confidence to stand in front of Mr. Yanyu and ask for justice for the original body.


Qi Siye swept a circle of all the people who had arrived before he spoke with a serious face.

“You are here because of the new prison student’s speech at the initiation ceremony.”

Li Qingyan heard the words, and his heart was real.

Initiation ceremony is the modern school opening ceremony.

The speech of the new supervised student is the speech of the representative of the new student.

Earlier, when Li Qingyan heard Qiu Ping say the three words “being a prisoner,” she guessed that this was the case.

After coming, Bai Jingshu and Xia Qian confirmed when they saw Wen Shanming.

She, Xia Qian, and Wen Shanming are among the top three in the Korean exam.

Bai Jingshu was accompanied by the prince, and even the present-day sage praised him. Among the children of Shengjing’s aristocratic family, he is the only one who can compete with Li Qingyan in the school of talent. Moreover, he was born in the Bai family and has his place. It’s not surprising .

But it was another older man who was unhappy, Li Qingyan couldn’t understand his identity.

But the new supervisor can only take one speech, that is to say, the senior professional will choose one from among the five of them.

I don’t know what this selection method is?

Li Qingyan was thinking about it, and then listened to Qi Siye Dao sitting in the main seat of the house.

“Your talents are obvious to all. It is necessary to select from a few such outstanding talents. The officer and a few doctors are also a headache. Therefore, I decided to call you several to the doctor’s hall for an open and equal meeting. Optional assessment.”

“Anyone among you who doesn’t want it?”

As soon as the voice fell, no one said anything.

The new supervised student speaks, this is an opportunity to show up in front of all the new supervised students to increase their prestige.

No one gave up.

Although Li Qingyan didn’t have much interest, she looked at the other four people and didn’t give up. If she gave up, it seemed a bit too maverick, but it was not good.

Qi Siye’s serious face revealed a trace of satisfaction.

Not timid is also one of the criteria for measurement.

Obviously, all five passed.

Upon seeing this, Qi Siye continued.

“Since you are willing to wait, this officer will tell you about the selection rules.”

“The officer and several doctors have drawn up several topics before, and the officer will randomly select one at a later time. You can use the selected topics to make a policy argument, and then I will judge it together with several doctors. You can understand it. ?”

The five people, including Li Qingyan, nodded.

Li Qingyan also secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he asked him to write an article first, if he let the export be a chapter.

She may not be able to come, and she is full of classical Chinese.

However, it is feasible to write it down before speaking out.

While Li Qingyan was fortunate, she didn’t know that this was the choice of Si Ye and the doctors after thinking about it.

Because these five people are all outstanding, if only the oral examination is used, the division and the doctors are worried that the judgment will not be praised. Therefore, the five people are allowed to write first.

Stylistic handwriting, style and style are included in the measurement standards, which can help them choose.

Seeing that Li Qingyan and several people nodded, Qi Siye raised his chin and motioned to the doctors below.

“So, then take out the previously prepared topic.”

As soon as Qi Siye spoke, the doctor underneath hurriedly signaled to the officer and brought out a wooden pallet from the side room on the side.

There are a few brown leather envelopes lying quietly on the tray. If you want to come inside, it will be a set topic.

Qi Siye glanced at the several envelopes in front of him, and when he lifted his left hand, he wanted to pick up the envelope on the second from the left.

Upon seeing this, the face-to-face man Li Qingyan did not know had a look of joy across his eyes, and the same was true for a man with a sharp chin among the doctors.

The face-to-face man named Fan Mingcheng was the juren who failed this year’s Chunwei ranking. Among the group of juren who entered the prison, he learned the most.

With his talents, he didn’t need to enter the Imperial College.

But when it was heard that Mr. Yanyu became the newly-appointed Guozijian ritual wine, Fan Mingcheng came for Mr. Yanyu.

Therefore, at the beginning of school, he wanted to obtain the qualifications of the new supervised student to speak, and to have a good face in front of Mr. Yanyu, so the trusteeship bribed a doctor in this review and wanted to know the topic in advance.

Unexpectedly, Qi Siye was very obedient, he asked a question himself, and asked the other doctors to write a question each, without telling each other. Therefore, including Qi Siye, he only knew the question he asked. I promise. Absolutely fair.

But there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

The doctor that Fan Mingcheng bribed was very familiar with Qi Siye, and he knew his little habits very well.

For example, when choosing objects, Qi Siye likes to put things in the ‘second left position” very much.

The doctor recalled it, almost eight out of ten times.

Only then did he boldly place his own question in the second position from the left.

And the doctor’s topic had already been revealed to Fan Mingcheng to make him more prepared.

But when Fan Mingcheng and the doctor’s lips rose slightly, there was another slightly friendly voice, from far to near.

“Wait a minute.”

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