After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 74

Chapter 71:

The three men’s expressions were more solemn than the other, so that Li Qingyan couldn’t even think of “this is a joke”.

The scalp suddenly became numb.

She knew that there were many dangers around the original body, but when this danger really happened, Li Qingyan realized that her mental construction was far from enough.

This is the same as a person who was born in a peaceful age who was suddenly called to the battlefield.

There is no power to bind the chicken, but the heartbeat of having to survive under the rain of bullets.

Li Qingyan even thought that she had been very careful, carrying a small silver horn with her, eating and drinking, all first tried using the silver horn, and the things she usually used were mainly silverware.

But how could she still be poisoned? !

Who would dare to poison her in front of so many eyes in the Imperial Prison?

Could it be the ability to reach the sky?

Then where should she go?

For a while, Li Qingyan’s heart was flustered and tight, and even her eyes were a little dazed because of panic.

Xia Qian glanced over and saw Li Qingyan in a daze.

It is true that the poisoning matter should be a frightened expression by whoever it is.

But on Li Qingyan, Xia Qian felt something was wrong.

In his impression, Li Qingyan is an extremely cautious and unremarkable person.

Xia Qian has not paid attention to Li Qingyan before, but has done some inquiries about him.

When Li Qingyan was five years old, his sister lost her life. From then on, Li Qingyan seemed to have grown up. He looked like a stranger away from everyone, guarding against the tights around him.

However, after that, there was no assassination, but, like the current poisoning trick, Li Qingyan had encountered it several times. Fortunately, Li Qingyan was agile and didn’t get the trick. However, because of this, the subordinates of the Li Mansion were replaced. Several batches have passed.

Xia Qian had investigated this poisonous force, but because of the age, the other party was cautious and deliberately hidden, and did not find out much.

Moreover, since the Dali Mansion completely changed the next person, this kind of thing hasn’t happened for many years.

To say that the last time Li Qingyan was injured, she was shocked a few months ago.

But that time because Li Qingyan was fine, and she didn’t have any suspicions, Xia Qian went to investigate, and there were no big problems on the surface. Besides, at that time, Li Qingyan was just an observation object for Xia Qian, he If you haven’t been too concerned, you will expose it, and subconsciously ignore the slightest error in your heart.

But now, not to mention the change in Xia Qian’s mentality, Li Qingyan was poisoned again in a short time, and he quickly reacted to the slightest error in his heart.

The forces behind this have acted frequently recently.

They seem to be in a hurry, but…

What are you worried about?

But now, Li Qingyan seemed to have encountered a poisoned expression for the first time, which also made Xia Qian puzzled.

It’s just that right now, the “poisoning” matter was hanging in front of him, and this doubt did not spread in Xia Qian’s mind.

Right next to her ear, Li Qingyan’s voice sounded, and when she listened carefully, there was an imperceptible jitter.

“What…what’s going on?”

Xia Qian paused slightly, then stepped back, revealing the entire desk.

At this time, on Li Qingyan’s desk, there were two royal blue plum pattern brocade boxes lying quietly.

Li Qingyan glanced intently and remembered that this was the brocade box she had asked Qiuping to pick out from the celebration gifts she had received when she went out in the morning.

Xia Qian said.

“Ayan, do you know what is in these two brocade boxes?”

Li Qingyan nodded.

“It’s a crane pattern inkstone and a plate of pine wood incense.”

The value is not expensive, but it is elegant and quiet. Recently, Li Qingyan was a little annoyed by the affairs of Bai Jingshu, so she wanted to change Qiuping into a new set of inkstone and incense to adjust her mood.

“Do you know who gave it to you?”

Hearing that, Li Qingyan was a little confused. There were so many people giving gifts that day, and this gift was not an expensive item, and she could not be one-to-one.

Qiu Ping on the side thought a little, and quickly stepped forward to answer.

“Qiu Ping knows if you go back to Xia’s son.”

Those of them who are the servants, backing the gift list is just one of their jobs.

Before Xia Qian looked at Qiuping, her voice sounded.

“The inkstone with crane pattern was given by the prince of Hongfu Shaoqing’s family.”

“The fragrance of pine wood was given by Young Master Qin from the prime minister’s family in Beijing.”

A son from a fifth grade official family and a son from a positive fourth grade family.

The functions and powers of the two officials are also different, and they don’t seem to overlap.

“Do the two usually have contact with each other?”

This time it was Li Qingyan, but Xia Qian knew the answer. He had already checked the network of relations between Shengjing’s aristocratic children.

But “Xia Qian” from Jiangnan didn’t know, so Xia Qian asked this.

Sure enough, Li Qingyan shook her head.

“The two seemed to have seen each other for the first time at my celebration banquet.”

This Li Qingyan has an impression because she introduced them to them.

However, when it comes to the present, Li Qingyan also found something wrong, her eyes fell on the two royal blue plum pattern brocade boxes on the desk, and her complexion sank.

“Is there a problem with these two things?”

She knew that Xia Qian studied medicine and would be able to find the source of the poison more easily than she did.

But she is not sure which of the two is the problem, or both?

At this time, Li Qingyan was already condensing her eyebrows to recall the intersection with the two princes who gave gifts, to see if there was anything unusual.

But Xia Qian, who walked behind the desk and was about to open the gift box, shook his head slightly.

It’s just that his hand just hit the brocade box, Li Qingyan hurriedly stopped.


Hearing that there is that powerful poison, even the objects in full bloom may be contaminated with toxins.

Xia Qian paused with his fingers, raised his eyelids, and saw Li Qingyan’s concerns in his eyes.

Gently, there was a slight warmth in his heart.

Xia Qian smiled slightly.

“Ayanmo is worried, these two things are not poisons.”

While talking, Xia Qian had already picked up two brocade boxes.

For a moment, a touch of ink and rosin lingered in the room.

A black and transparent inkstone and a quaint silver pine wood scent lying quietly in the brocade box.

Since it is used as a gift, it is easy to look at it.

However, Li Qingyan had no intention of admiring it now, and stared at Xia Qian, hoping that he could explain it quickly.

Xia Qian also knew that the matter was urgent and did not procrastinate.

He said.

“Neither the inkstone nor the pine wood scent has any toxins, but the pine wood scent is not just pure pine wood scent.”

“What’s the solution?”

Xia Qian raised his eyebrows, took out the pine wood incense from the brocade box, and showed it to everyone.

“Ayan, look at this place. Although this plate of pine wood is surrounded by silver, there are some dark green marks on the edges of the silver edges.”

Xia Qian took advantage of the situation and pointed a few places, and Li Qingyan took a closer look.

Sure enough, as Xia Qian said, there were faint dark green traces on the silver edges of those places, like traces left after something dries.

Seeing Li Qingyan finished reading, Xia Qian gave Ebony a look. Ebony knew, and quickly handed Xia Qian a short and thin sharp knife, a bit like a reduced version of a dagger.

After Xia Qian took the sharp knife, his eyebrows were slightly condensed, and he used the sharp knife along the silver edge of the pine wood incense and gently picked it to lift the silver edge away.

“Lie” sounded.

The silver edge broke, revealing the scene underneath.

Except for Xia Qian and Ebony, the other two looked surprised.

Because under the silver edge, there are mottled dark green dots, and the surrounding traces are the traces blocked by the silver edge. From this point of view, the beautiful silver edge seems to be deliberately concealing the mottled dark green dots.

If you have that intensive phobia, you will definitely feel sick when you look at it.

Li Qingyan was surprised.

“what is this?”

Xia Qian showed an expression as he expected, pointed to the dark green dot on it, and continued.

“This thing is the fuse.”

Li Qingyan was puzzled.

“Isn’t it that these two things are not poisons?”

“It’s not true, but as long as the incense is ignited during grinding, the ink incense is mixed with the green powdered rosin, it becomes extremely poisonous in the world, and it can kill people within a few breaths.”

After hearing this sentence, Li Qingyan and Qiuping swallowed unconsciously at the same time.

Especially Qiuping.

Because in the daytime, Li Qingyan asked her to light the rosin, polish the ink and wait for her to return.

Qiuping didn’t expect that he was so close to death.

Fortunately, Ebony arrived in time and found that these two things were a little strange, so he invited Xia Gongzi over.

Subconsciously, Qiu Ping swept towards the ebony, his eyes flickering.

Later, Xia Qian explained to Li Qingyan the source of the green powder.

The green bitter powder comes from the Western Regions. It is extracted from the liquid of the major poisonous insects and weeds in the Western Regions, and then combined with medicinal powder, but after refining, it will not harm the body, but the poisonous insects will automatically avoid the smell of the powder. Merchants walking in the Western Regions , Almost everyone will have one.

However, once the green bitter powder is ignited, it will become very poisonous when it encounters the scent of the inkwell. This method was also discovered by accident when a Western Region businessman was besieged by a poisonous snake in the early years.

However, this method was mostly spread in the Western Regions, and few people knew about it in the Central Plains.

Moreover, neither the prince of Shaoqing Hongzhen nor the prince of Qin from the Chengfu family had any contact with merchants from the Western Regions.

Xia Qian frowned, always feeling that something was missing.

Qiuping next to him grabbed Li Qingyan’s sleeve with a look of fear.

“My son, my son, you shouldn’t pick that rosin today. I think that sandalwood is not bad. You should use that sandalwood.”

Li Qingyan comforted Qiu Pingdao on the side.

“There is nothing you should or shouldn’t. It’s better to find out early than to keep a poison by your side.”

And Xia Qian, staring at the two brocade boxes, finally realized a little bit.

He raised his eyelids and said solemnly.

“Ayan, why did you choose these two brocade boxes?”

The inkstone can be put aside first, but the problem is still with this incense, as long as Li Qingyan burns the ink in the house.

No matter what kind of ink, the green powder will react.

Changing the ink may be a coincidence, but why did you choose this incense?

Li Qingyan heard the words and was about to answer. Suddenly, her pupils widened.

Obviously, she also knew the source of the problem.

Why did Li Qingyan choose these two brocade boxes, or why did she choose the brocade box with green powdered rosin?


The original body likes the brocade box with the royal blue plum pattern.

That is to say–

The murderer was very familiar with the hobbies of the original body.

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