After Hitting 200 Million

Chapter 32

Chapter 49: Give An Idea

“Bai Dong, I have almost prepared the travel agency. According to your request, I have consulted with several headhunting companies in the past two days. There are already many people who are interested. You can see when we will arrange the interview. Listen to Bingbing. Said that the house of the travel agency has been negotiated, and we have to get the travel agency’s license first.” Chen Da said.

“Mr. Chen, ok, for the office space of the travel agency, I plan to have 1,000 square meters on the third floor of the shopping mall. Our travel agency has just started, so we will do the office first, and then we will expand the business space when the scale is large. Chen Bing, We will start this shopping mall in the past two days. I plan to make the second floor below a supermarket. You can implement it for me and find the best quality decoration company. The recruitment of our employees will also speed up.” Bai Xiaocheng said.

“Okay, Bai Dong, I know, I will implement it, you can rest assured that our employee recruitment will be carried out at the same time, and I will arrange it.” Chen Bing said.

“Okay, Chen Bing, your father is President Chen, and you are also President Chen. When your father is here, I will call you Chen Bing.” Tang Yang said.

“Mr. Bai, you are the boss anyway, so do whatever you want.” Chen Bing said.

“Chen Bing, now we mainly have three pieces. The first one is a travel agency. How many people will be recruited? You and Mr. Chen will sum up and tell me. Our 2,000-square-meter supermarket needs security guards, salespersons, and supervisors. You are fine too. As for the 33 shops, we also plan to plan.” Tang Yang said.


This was discussed, and it took half a day.

“Auntie, there is a cafeteria in this community. I heard that the dishes are relatively rich. Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat a little bit. If you want, you can eat it.” Bai Xiaocheng.

“Xiaocheng, you’re welcome, I’m fine now anyway, don’t treat me like an outsider and just walk by, I’m welcome, just stay for dinner.” Liu Jie said.

The four of us went downstairs to the dining hall together.

Bai Xiaocheng is not too familiar with the new community, and the group asked the staff before they came to this noble canteen.

Bai Xiaocheng has lived in a five-star hotel now, and has also done a lot of food delivery and other jobs, and he can be considered knowledgeable. This cafeteria does look a bit luxurious.

Compared with restaurants in star-rated hotels.

However, the people who eat are basically the residents of the community, and they are not open to the public.

There is a stir-fry section, which is slightly more expensive.

There is also a set menu area, the price of Chinese food and dinner is the same, 30 yuan per person.

The 30 yuan package is not cheap, and now the takeaway is 20 yuan can also eat.

But the ingredients here are all the best, and the chefs are all invited by star-rated hotels.

At this price, the canteen is not profitable.

People who live in this luxury community are either rich or expensive, and they have no problem with the 30 yuan package price.

Everyone did not eat stir-fried vegetables, each person has a set meal, which saves time.

In the afternoon, Chen Bing and Bai Xiaocheng were busy with 3,000 square meters.

The matter is also simple, everything has been negotiated, and everyone hopes that the transaction will be successful as soon as possible.

For Bai Xiaocheng now, it’s all about recruiting and decorating.

Chen Da is in charge of the travel agency.

Chen Bing is in charge.

“Mr. Chen, the Spring Festival will be in a few days. Are we doing a special advertisement in the past two days to attract talents to come? There must be nothing to do during the Spring Festival holiday, and the decoration will not be moved until after the New Year, right?” Tang Yang asked.

“Bai Dong, do I think our pace should be smaller first? We can start a travel agency. I think the store in Magnolia Garden can be rented out first and sign a contract for 3 years. If we develop well then, we can do it again. Take the store back and run it yourself, so there will be no big risk. Now the stall is too open. Both of us are newbies, so things can easily happen. Bai Dong, we have to be stable. This is a few thousand Wan’s investment is not a joke.” Chen Bing said.

“Mr. Chen, I understand your idea, but we have just started our business. If we give up our precious three years, will we succeed after three years? President Chen, if you give up the opportunity to exercise yourself, we will there is none left.

If I want stability, what bank loan do I have to pay? I might as well buy tens of millions of dollars in wealth management products, at least 10% of them. I can earn millions of dollars a year. I have enough to spend in my life, and I will invite you here. What are you doing, I have nothing to do when I’m full and pay you an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, and let you drive a luxury car of 2 million yuan, because you are beautiful?

Is it because I want to be your girlfriend? No, Chen Bing, you have to know that I gave you a good opportunity, but in fact, I also gave me a chance. I am optimistic about you and believe in my own vision. I believe that you are a talent. What you have to do now is To be ourselves, we are all young people, we must have a fearless spirit to face difficulties, I am the boss, we must dare to think and act, life is so short, we must make a career, let this The world has left our footprints, Chen Bing, you should go back and think about it, come to me after you figure it out, and I will go out for a walk. ” Bai Xiaocheng said.

“Bai Dong, this is the first and last time I persuade you. I am not afraid of failure. You are the boss, but you are so determined. I will do my job well. Let’s go back to the temporary office and discuss it together. Details, get everything done right away.” Chen Bing said.

“Okay, Mr. Chen, since you’ve figured it out, let’s go to our shop together.” Bai Xiaocheng said.

Chen Bing drove, Bai Xiaocheng took the Of course, the car was parked in the underground garage.

Bai Xiaocheng and Chen Bing looked at these 33 storefronts. Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, this storefront room can be used. During the Spring Festival, it is a good time to do business, but now it is wasted in vain.

“Mr. Chen, think about it. Anyway, our store is empty and empty during this time. Is it possible to do some profitable business? We are the most high-end community in Beijiang, either rich or expensive. How about some money, what is the way?” Tang Yang asked.

“Bai Dong, it’s only a few days before the Spring Festival. What business is there to do? This house will be renovated after the year.” Chen Bing said.

“Mr. Chen, of course there is business. During the Spring Festival, the demand for high-end products such as health care products, gifts, liquor business, red wine and so on will increase. We can hold a supply and marketing meeting for Spring Festival products. We will provide venues for powerful sellers to settle in our store. We discuss a plan to achieve a win-win situation, isn’t this killing two birds with one stone?” Tang Yang said.

“Bai Dong, you’re right, we can act immediately, put out an advertisement, and send an advertisement directly in the name of our company, which is the one-week Spring Festival agricultural and sideline product promotion meeting. There are 33 stores that have settled in our store, and we are recruiting for rent in one day. , talk about cooperation, you can enter the market the next day for sales, as for rent, we don’t charge rent, we take 10% of the sales as compensation, let’s try it, whether it works or not, it’s all exercise for us.” Chen Bing said.

“Mr. Chen, this is a good idea. I think we can do the same thing in our three-story office building, which is to exercise ourselves. At the same time, we are looking for 10 temporary college students with high education. 7 days of work, I will Opening a salary of 5,000 per person and letting the whole Beijiang pay attention to us is equivalent to advertising.” Bai Xiaocheng said.

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