After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 102:

Su Li’s remarks caused both Changle and Li Xueyan to become anxious. Both of them believed that Su Li was about to agree to participate in the poetry event organized by Zhangsun Chong. However, this decision was very unwise!

Due to Empress Zhangsun’s influence and Zhangsun Wuji’s position as prime minister, the Zhangsun Clan held a prominent position in the Tang dynasty. As a result, numerous individuals in Changan City sought to align themselves with the Zhangsun Clan’s power.

Given the relationship with Zhangsun Chong and his status as the prime minister’s son, it was likely that there would be several loyal followers at his poetry event. These individuals would undoubtedly create difficulties for Su Li and prevent him from attending.

Even though Su Li might be truly talented and capable and could produce exceptional poems as usual during the event, it wouldn’t matter. Li Xueyan and Changle was a princess. Given their backgrounds, they couldn’t naively view someone like Zhangsun Chong.

Distorting the truth and misleading, a skill not exclusive to historical figures like Zhao Gao, was a trait commonly found among the powerful and privileged. Originally, there was a planned poetry event at the Princess Mansion in a few days, but Changle no longer wished to hold it. “Gongzhu,” Changle looked at Su Li, hesitating to speak.

However, Su Li and Changle shared a deep connection, so he easily understood what she meant. He pinched her nose and said, “I won’t attend Zhangsun Chong’s poetry event. Going would just be giving him more importance! However, our own poetry event in a few days should proceed as planned.”

Changle and Li Xueyan gazed at Su Li with bewildered surprise, unsure why he was so stubborn. If others were intent on tarnishing his reputation, writing more poems at the event wouldn’t make a difference.

They couldn’t believe Su Li failed to grasp such a simple concept. As they believed, the best approach was to handle the situation calmly.

Su Li maintained a faint smile and remained silent. He knew the story of the two bowls of rice better than anyone else. He wouldn’t be like the character in that story who, in his attempt to prove his innocence, ended up in a terrible state.

He understood that if he backed down, the other party would press on relentlessly, and he would eventually find himself cornered without any recourse.

The spectators around were merely observing the commotion and didn’t care about how many rice bowls were in his stomach.

Zhangsun Chong wanted to use a poetry event to tarnish Su Li’s reputation. However, he didn’t realize this petty trick was ineffective in front of Su Li. He might still believe his strategy was clever, but it was quite laughable from Su Li’s perspective. Dealing with such an annoying presence was simple, slap it away and silence it for good.

In a couple of days, Zhangsun Chong would understand his insignificance. Time passed quickly, and before anyone knew it, the time for the poetry event had arrived. Notably, Zhangsun Chong had chosen the same time as the event held at the Princess Mansion.

At night, in Zhangsun Wuji’s residence, the gathering occurred in the same garden. However, this time, there were more attendees than last time. To make a bigger impact, Zhangsun Chong spared no expense and sent numerous invitations to the talented youths of Changan City.

As the event began, Zhangsun Chong stood up, pretended to look around, and feigned regret, “It’s a shame that Consort Su Li isn’t here.” The reactions of the attending young talents varied. Some looked disdainful, confirming their expectations. Some appeared puzzled and unsure about Su Li’s absence, while others seemed lost in thought.

Zhangsun Chong aimed to expose Su Li’s flaws and discredit him, hoping to spread the word throughout Changan. The young talents present held considerable influence, and if Su Li were to embarrass himself at the event, his reputation for fraudulent poetry would spread quickly.

Unbeknownst to Zhangsun Chong, Su Li had chosen not to attend. Instead of feeling angry about Su Li’s refusal to participate, Zhangsun Chong was elated. Su Li’s absence eliminated the need for a complicated plan to tarnish his reputation. After the previous event, many had suspected Su Li’s deception, and by inviting him, Zhangsun Chong had offered him a chance to clear his name. Su Li’s nonattendance played perfectly into Zhangsun Chong’s hands.

Someone in the crowd speculated, “Perhaps something held him up?” Zhangsun Chong sighed and replied, “Consort Su and Princess Changle share a deep love. They are inseparable on ordinary days. Likely, he couldn’t bear to be away from the princess even for a short while, hence his choice.”

Despite being the host of the poetry event, the young talents didn’t buy Zhangsun Chong’s explanation. Some sneered and suggested he shouldn’t spare any thought for Su Li’s past relationship.

“I heard that recently, Su Li has been socializing frequently and attending poetry meetings. Why didn’t Zhangsun Chong’s poetry meeting draw him in?”

Everyone displayed a look of realization. Thinking about it, that did seem to be the case.

The noblewomen of Changan highly favored Su Li’s poetry. As for these talents who enjoyed composing poetry, while they were fascinated by those classic works, they also held their respect. But they shouldn’t forget. Writers could be critical of each other!

Before anyone raised objections, many might have reluctantly accepted Su Li’s reputation as a rising star in the poetry world. However, if doubts arose, everything would seem suspicious.

Wasn’t he supposedly exceptionally skilled in poetry, Su Li?

He didn’t even dare to attend the poetry meeting. Didn’t tell them he was a fraud!

It was likely he only dared to deceive those women who lacked insight.

He was not attending because he feared exposing himself to these true young talents and being unmasked.

“I heard that the Princess Mansion is hosting a poetry meeting today. Consort Su Li might be busy with that, and perhaps he hasn’t seen the invitation. How about sending it again?”

As the speaking talent looked at him, Zhangsun Chong’s eyes brightened.

He certainly understood that it was highly unlikely Su Li hadn’t received the invitation. However, he could easily send another one in front of so many people.

If Su Li didn’t respond, he could send someone else. If Su Li steadfastly refused to come, he wouldn’t need to say anything—his reputation would undoubtedly suffer.

Just as Liu Bei visited Zhuge Liang’s cottage three times in ancient times, Zhangsun Chong extended three invitations to Su Li.

Killing someone and destroying their reputation—how would Su Li respond?

This idea seemed promising!

With this thought in mind, Zhangsun Chong quickly nodded in agreement and was about to instruct someone to send the invitation.

The talented individual who had spoken earlier eagerly volunteered again, “Consort Su’s fame echoes through Changan. If you were to send a servant to invite him, it might not appear respectful enough. How about I go and extend the invitation?”

Upon hearing this, Zhangsun Chong immediately nodded in approval.

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