After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 111:

Su Li woke up early the following day and bid a reluctant farewell to Changle at the Princess Mansion before riding on the white dragon and leaving. As dawn broke, occasional peddlers carrying goods for sale could be spotted on the street.

Since entering the Princess Mansion, Su Li had been focused on earning points, gradually becoming influential in the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, Su Li felt like a hermit emerging from seclusion in the deep mountains, embracing the authentic atmosphere of the bustling city.

The restless white dragon beneath him kicked its hooves anxiously. When Su Li didn’t go out, the white dragon had to stay home and laze around. As soon as they stepped out, the white dragon couldn’t resist expressing joy.

Quickly, they passed through the city gates, and after crossing the Xianyang Bridge, the white dragon sprinted ahead without Su Li’s urging, becoming a white streak of lightning.

In less than fifteen minutes, Su Li arrived at the Right Martial Guards’ barracks entrance. Standing there, he could faintly hear the sounds of training emanating from inside. Su Li silently nodded in acknowledgment.

As one of the Twelve Guards responsible for protecting the capital, the Right Martial Guards were among the few professional military units in the Tang Dynasty. Their combat prowess was unmatched among the more than 600 military prefectures in the Tang Dynasty.

Ordinary soldiers usually didn’t practice and had to do farming at home. In contrast, the garrison soldiers under Li Er’s command were at the peak of martial strength. The Han Dynasty’s conquests resulted from nurturing elite forces for over half a century.

The Tang Dynasty took a different approach. They engaged in constant warfare during Li Er’s reign and remained undefeated. This illustrated the remarkable strength of the garrison soldiers!

Guanzhong had a strong military atmosphere in this era, and young men were often courageous and skilled in martial arts. Farming and fighting were their daily routine.

In this time period, the Guanzhong region had a strong military influence, and the younger men were often brave and fierce, with abundant martial skills. Engaging in farming and combat was their usual way of life. The soldiers’ quality was astonishingly high!

The twelve guards, who were fully dedicated to training every day, naturally had unquestionable combat effectiveness, making them the elite of the elite.

After informing the soldier at the entrance, someone guided Su Li into the barracks for registration and to collect an official seal. Once the entry procedures were completed, Su Li was directly taken to the entrance of the central command tent in the barracks.

The soldier guiding him gave an awkward smile during the resounding snores from inside. As he entered, Su Li saw Cheng Yaojin, dressed in gleaming armor, sitting there half-dozing.

“General, Consort Su Li has arrived!”

The snoring continued.


Cheng Yaojin opened his eyes and looked somewhat dazed at the two figures below. He waved his hand, signaling the soldier to leave.

“You’re Su Li?”

Cheng Yaojin tilted his head, squinting at Su Li.

Su Li furrowed his brow.

Of course, he didn’t believe Cheng Yaojin was a simple-minded person, as portrayed in some stories.

Born as a commanding general and spending his life as a prominent figure in the court, he lived to the age of 77 without any major health issues.

Considering the notable generals under Li Er’s command, Cheng Yaojin stood out!

Beneath his seemingly rough exterior was an intelligent individual.

Reflecting on Cheng Yaojin’s life, it seemed he continuously made minor mistakes, but major blunders were rare. The two most questionable things he did in his lifetime were taking a concubine in his seventies and facing financial issues.

Su Li strongly suspected that even these actions might have been intentionally exaggerated by Cheng Yaojin himself to give others a handle to criticize him.

No wonder people often called Cheng Yaojin a “fairy.”

Only someone who consistently got their name wrong would mess up their nickname.

Cheng Yaojin seemed to be putting on this act to establish his authority. Without needing to ask, it was clear the visitor had hostile intentions.

Su Li narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled as he looked at Cheng Yaojin. He wanted to see what Cheng Yaojin’s real intentions were.

Instead of answering the question, Su Li smiled, causing Cheng Yaojin to rub his nose awkwardly.

Clearing his throat, Cheng Yaojin went on, “From what I’ve heard, Lord Su, you’re known as a ‘Poetic Sage’ out there. However, this is a military camp, and we’re not into poetry and that sort of thing.”

As he spoke, Cheng Yaojin seemed to recall something amusing, bursting into hearty laughter.

“Back then, that old Yu Shinan thought he could outdo me with his bit of ink, wanting to school me. I couldn’t be bothered with that. No matter how eloquent he was, I’d just raise my fist and shut him up. Consort, do you understand what Lao Cheng means?”

Su Li grinned and replied, “General, you’re telling me that the army is a place where strength matters more than anything else.”

At this statement, Cheng Yaojin excitedly slapped his thigh and said, “I’ve always said you scholars are clever. As soon as Lao Cheng says it, you get it.”

He laughed and raised his fist in front of Su Li. “The Emperor has appointed you as the Deputy Second General of the Right Martial Guards. I have no objections to that. However, I’m not just a high-ranking general. I have a group of brothers under my command. Consort, if your strength is only that of an ordinary soldier, even if His Majesty promotes you to a general, you’ll only deserve the treatment of an ordinary soldier.”

“But if your fists are even more powerful than mine, I’m more than willing to give you my position as a general.”

Cheng Yaojin tried to provoke him, but Su Li wasn’t bothered. He was a bit pleased.

On the contrary, he was somewhat happy. He came to the military camp to experience the feeling of unparalleled slaughter as if mowing down grass. Being able to establish an army on his own, whether superiors or subordinates, they were all the same in his eyes, mere tools for battlefield cleanup.

However, it could be troublesome if these tools had their own thoughts. Now, with Cheng Yaojin’s words, things couldn’t be better.

“In other words, in the military, whoever has the bigger fist is the one who calls the shots?” Su Li asked with a grin.

Cheng Yaojin was momentarily stunned and felt a thump in his heart.

Could it be true that His Majesty’s words about this young man being an exceptional warrior were accurate?

He then looked Su Li up and down once more. While not short, his frame didn’t appear very muscular. Unlike those generals with beefy arms and a round waist that Cheng Yaojin was familiar with, Su Li was a different breed altogether.

Cheng Yaojin thought Su Li might be quite formidable, but with this physique, he might not be a match for me, Lao Cheng!

Moreover, the words were his own doing. Could he take them back now?

Su Li probably could fight well, but with his build, he might not be a match for Lao Cheng!

Besides, he had said it already. Could he retract it now?

“Exactly,” replied Cheng Yaojin, his reluctance palpable but maintaining his tough exterior.

Su Li nodded, smiling. “Please disregard my consort status and the ‘Poetic Sage’ title. Today, let’s settle this with our fists.”

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