After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 28: He’s a farmer, what gives him the right?

There was a hint of coldness on the face of the female officer, indicating her displeasure. What angered her was the fact that even though Princess Changle was now married to her son-in-law, then how could Zhangsun Chong still enter the princess’s mansion without any prior notification.

Previously, Zhangsun Chong was Princess Changle’s cousin, and the current queen was Zhangsun Chong’s biological aunt. Additionally, Zhangsun Chong had a marriage contract with Princess Changle, which allowed him to enter the inner courtyard of the princess’s mansion without the need for notification. This arrangement was considered acceptable in the past.

However, now that the princess was married, Zhangsun Chong had become an outsider from all perspectives. This indicated that the guards of the Princess Mansion didn’t view Su Li as a legitimate son-in-law nor did they take him seriously. It was a serious neglect of their duty.

As the governor of the Princess Mansion, she theoretically had the authority to control personnel transfers throughout the mansion. But with Zhangsun Chong being able to freely access the inner courtyard, it was not only a humiliation to the son-in-law but also a personal affront to her.

The female officer didn’t possess a complex mind. She simply wished the best for Princess Changle and had approved of Su Li as her son-in-law. Naturally, she acknowledged his status as the male master. However, Zhangsun Chong’s sudden visit was unacceptable for her as the governor of the Princess Mansion.

“My son-in-law… I must decline…” The female officer appeared embarrassed as she bowed to Su Li with a tinge of guilt.

“It’s alright…” Su Li waved his hand, assuring her.

After a month of interaction, Su Li understood that the female officer was stern on the surface but had a warm heart. Considering that she had accepted his position as the male master, it was highly unlikely that she would deliberately try to counteract him.

There were only two possible reasons for the current situation. One possibility was that although Su Li had gained approval from the maids and female officers in the inner court, he had yet to gain recognition from the outer court. This was understandable since Su Li hadn’t ventured outside the inner court since his marriage, and people in the outer court were unfamiliar with him.

The other possibility was simply a matter of conventional thinking…

Su Li was aware of the historical engagement between Zhangsun Chong and Princess Changle, as well as Zhangsun Chong’s privileged status as the Queen’s biological nephew. Due to his influential background, Zhangsun Chong had developed a sense of entitlement and continued to view Princess Changle as unmarried, disregarding the fact that she had already wedded another.

“Allow him to enter… After all, he is Changle’s cousin,” Su Li said, recognizing that aside from the annulled marriage contract, Zhangsun Chong held a legitimate familial connection to Princess Changle. There was no rational basis to criticize his presence.

“I apologize…” The female officer saluted once again. Su Li simply smiled and gestured for her to leave.

Once the female officer exited the room, she greeted Zhangsun Chong and hurried inside.

“How is she? How is my cousin?” Zhangsun Chong approached the female officer and inquired anxiously.

To be honest, Zhangsun Chong had no desire to be there. After all, his cousin was already married. However, he had been compelled to come by his father’s orders. From Zhangsun Chong’s perspective, Su Li, his cousin’s husband, was a mere puppet. He believed that he might not even have the opportunity to see his cousin, viewing her an unlucky individual tied to a peasant.

“She has yet to regain consciousness. The son-in-law is attending to her in the room. Please go inside,” the female officer responded with indifference.

Her words struck Zhangsun Chong like a blow.

“What?” Zhangsun Chong’s expression transformed!

How could that lowly peasant dare to do such a thing?

Despite his cousin’s marriage, Zhangsun Chong still believed that Su Li was nothing more than a lowly peasant. In his eyes, Su Li’s status in the mansion was likely inferior to that of a servant. Although the marriage contract had been nullified, the revelation that a humble peasant was caring for his once-beloved cousin was unbearable for Zhangsun Chong.

There were incredible doubts and indescribable anger.

That… was Princess Changle’s bedroom!

Although Zhangsun Chong used to be able to enter the inner courtyard of the princess’s residence without notice, he had never been to Princess Changle’s bedroom before.

That was a place he had never set foot in!

In Zhangsun Chong’s heart… some terrible thoughts arose!

How could he step into his cousin’s bedroom? How did he even have the courage to provide for his cousin? Where the hell was he when he wasn’t taking care of her? Was he sleeping here as well?

“Who is your son-in-law?” The female officer hesitantly looked at Zhangsun Chong’s bewildered expression, moved his feet, and opened his mouth to ask.

“No… I mean, you are not responsible for the daily care and feeding of my cousin…” Zhangsun Chong looked at the head of the princess’s residence standing in front of him.

Zhangsun Chong was very familiar with the head of the Princess Mansion. After all, she was the steward of the Princess Mansion and had been appointed by the Queen.

Therefore, Zhangsun Chong used to be very obedient, and the female officer’s attitude towards him wasn’t as good as it used to be.

Um…Is it not disrespectful? Zhangsun Chong thought.

Don’t female officers always salute when they see him? Zhangsun Chong suddenly realized something.

“As the husband of a princess, the son-in-law works tirelessly day and night to serve her. Isn’t that natural?” the female officer said calmly.

The corner of Zhangsun Chong’s mouth twitched, and he looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar head of the Princess Mansion in front of him.

There is nothing technically wrong with what the female officer says, but he really wants to ask why? Isn’t Su Li just a humble peasant? Why? How does he deserve to serve the princess? He is merely a lowly peasant to be buried with. Do you, the head of the Princess Mansion, truly consider him a son-in-law? Zhangsun Chong thought.

But with only a twitch of his mouth, Zhangsun Chong couldn’t bring himself to say it. After a long moment of silence, Zhangsun Chong finally entered the room.

Upon entering, his eyes were met with a scene that shattered his heart. Sitting beside Princess Changle’s bed, Su Li gently spooned porridge into her mouth. He blew on it softly before bringing it to her lips, even using his fingers to delicately wipe away any traces left behind.

Su Li turned his head and smiled at Zhangsun Chong.

Hmm… He is a rather handsome young man if not for his pale complexion. He’s quite presentable. Zhangsun Chong thought.

Zhangsun Chong couldn’t help but gaze at Su Li, and upon closer examination, he realized that Su Li’s appearance was flawless. Comparing himself to Su Li, Zhangsun Chong had to admit that Su Li was more attractive.

“My esteemed elder cousin has graced us with a visit, and the room is filled with splendor. I have some matters to attend to and cannot welcome you properly,” Su Li said with a smile.

“You…” Zhangsun Chong began, wanting to say something, but remembering his father’s stern expression, he ultimately chose to remain silent.

“My cousin’s complexion has improved greatly… I still remember how my cousin used to play with me before falling ill, but now things have come to this… I heard from the head of the residence that you’ve been working tirelessly day and night to care for my cousin. It seems your efforts have paid off,” Zhangsun Chong remarked.

Su Li glanced at Zhangsun Chong and could sense the hidden sarcasm in his tone. He was suggesting that Su Li was a fortunate peasant who lucked into marrying the princess because of his cousin’s illness. In the end, Zhangsun Chong even commended Su Li for his supposedly great contributions, all in a masterful tone…

But…,  It was quite weird.

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