After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 34: Something is wrong with Su Li!

Li Er was expressing his feelings, and Little Changle was bored…

Father hasn’t finished yet… Changle thought.

Li Er hadn’t finished speaking either, as his emotions were incredibly sincere and vibrant. He chatted for over an hour before Li Er finally stopped.

Changle felt a surge of excitement in her heart. Based on past experience, once her father finished speaking, he would likely leave, and she could then be held by her husband ‘Su Li’ and get close to him again.

“The imperial doctor came in,” Li Er said, not forgetting the purpose of their visit. He had brought a doctor along.

After a while, the imperial doctor entered the courtyard. “Come and see Changle’s condition,” Li Er said.

The imperial doctor first examined Princess Changle’s complexion, noting her rosy cheeks and smooth skin. Then, the doctor listened to her breathing, which was calm and powerful.

“Strange…” The imperial doctor furrowed their brow slightly. Princess Changle had a congenital condition that caused respiratory ailments. The imperial physicians had diagnosed her condition multiple times, so they were well aware of her previous physical condition.

“Respiratory ailments” referred to respiratory diseases, and Princess Changle had never had as stable and powerful breathing as she did now.

Feeling hesitant, the imperial doctor took her pulse and made a diagnosis. As they felt the steady and strong pulse, the doctor’s brows furrowed even more, filled with doubt.

It was truly perplexing. Princess Changle’s pulse was steady and healthy, showing no signs of any respiratory ailment. But this was completely unreasonable.

Since childhood, Princess Changle had been examined by imperial physicians for her respiratory ailment. Yet now, after just one month without seeing her, there was no indication of any respiratory disorder in her pulse.

Even setting aside the respiratory ailment, Princess Changle’s pulse had always been weak, and she had been physically frail since childhood. But now it seemed that her pulse condition was better than that of most adults.

If we were to discuss an improvement in Princess Changle’s overall health, it would be understandable. Still, the sudden disappearance of the respiratory ailment seemed to contradict the knowledge and experience of the imperial physicians.

“This…” The imperial physician was perplexed. This respiratory ailment had been with Princess Changle since birth, similar to Empress Zhangsun. It could be said that the imperial doctors in the entire palace were at a loss, unable to find a cure and only able to suspend treatment without any radical solution.

There was no record in the medical books or ancient texts of a cure for this respiratory ailment(asthma), and it was not heard of Princess Changle’s condition suddenly improving in such a manner.

“How is that possible?” Li Er hurriedly inquired after the imperial physician finished checking her pulse.

“The Princess’s health is excellent, even better than an average person,” the imperial physician replied.

Li Er looked at the imperial physician with confusion, as the physician’s expression was serious just moments ago. “Why…” he started to ask.

“The reason for my earlier expression is exactly what I wanted to discuss, Your Highness,” the imperial physician began. “Princess Changle is not only in good health, but her long-standing respiratory condition has completely disappeared. I made such a fuss because I have searched through medical books and records, and there is no mention of a cure for respiratory conditions, let alone one that disappears without any apparent reason.” The imperial physician stroked his graying beard, puzzled and unable to understand the situation.

The imperial physician nodded in agreement. “Indeed, Your Highness. The Crown Prince Consort possesses some knowledge of medicine.”

“Yes, the Prince Consort does have some knowledge of medicine, but it is limited to basic prescriptions and herbal remedies. It is hard to imagine how he could cure a respiratory illness like asthma,” the imperial physician expressed profound puzzlement.

The imperial doctor was aware that Su Li had some medical skills and had accepted his suggestions in the past. The doctor had also witnessed Su Li giving Princess Changle a massage. However, despite having a solid foundation, Su Li’s technique was not particularly refined. As an experienced physician, the imperial doctor could perceive Su Li’s actual level of skill.

After listening to Li Er, the imperial physician lightly clasped his fingers and pondered for a moment.

“Summon Su Li to come!”


After some time, Su Li arrived at the courtyard. Glancing around, he noticed the imperial doctor standing there with a puzzled expression, and Su Li immediately understood the situation. Being somewhat skilled in medicine, he might not excel in treating complex ailments, but assessing Princess Changle’s pulse was not a difficult task.

Through pulse diagnosis, Su Li had already determined that Princess Changle’s respiratory illness had completely recovered, thanks to the systemic medication she had been taking. It seemed that the imperial doctor had also discovered this fact.

“Did you cure Princess Changle’s respiratory ailment?” Li Er asked Su Li, gazing at him intently.

Su Li knew this question was bound to arise, but he couldn’t provide a truthful answer. While he possessed medical knowledge, his ability to treat serious illnesses was limited. Princess Changle’s recovery was solely due to the effects of the system’s medication and had nothing to do with Su Li’s medical skills.

What if Li Er asked Su Li to treat Empress Zhangsun’s respiratory ailment once again? Su Li currently had no medicine at his disposal, as the system’s products were randomly refreshed, making their availability uncertain.

“Not exactly…” Su Li understood that his secret wouldn’t remain hidden for long. After all, Su Li was determined to save Princess Changle and, as a peasant’s son, possessed a mysterious system within him. It was inevitable that he would need to come up with an explanation.

However, before Su Li could utter a single word of his carefully crafted excuse, Li Er interrupted him with a dismissive gesture.

“In that case, take good care of Changle. If there are any abnormalities, report them immediately.” Li Er waved his hand, showing no interest in probing further. Instead, he provided instructions and departed with the imperial doctor.

Su Li’s elaborate fabrication went unheard, leaving him flustered and unable to find his footing.


On the other side, Li Er looked at the imperial doctor after leaving the princess’s mansion.

“I am not knowledgeable in the art of medicine. In your opinion, who could have cured a respiratory ailment?” Li Er asked.

“Well, I searched through ancient books and scrolls, but I didn’t find the method… However, medical skills are extensive and profound, and there may be a method for curing the respiratory ailment that has not been passed down to future generations…” The imperial doctor replied honestly.

At least, in this era, no one could cure the respiratory ailment.

Including Sun Simiao!

Li Er had asked Sun Simiao to treat Changle and Princess Zhangsun’s respiratory ailment.

“Are you suggesting that Su Li’s medical skills are extraordinary, and he has been hiding them?” Li Er asked again.

“I understand. It is indeed possible that Su Li’s medical skills are exceptional, and he has been hiding them. Although his skills in massage and manipulation may seem ordinary, he has a strong foundation and is knowledgeable in various medical books… However, considering his young age, just past twenty…” The royal physician also picked up on Li Er’s implications.

Li Er asked the royal physician himself this twice, and a trace of doubt emerged in his heart.

Recalling Su Li’s suggestion that day, although the method was relatively ordinary, during the conversation, Su Li had a deep foundation, quoted scriptures, and even involved some very unpopular medical books. Leaving aside medical skills, his knowledge reserve was beyond the comparison of ordinary doctors.

Just practicing medicine, no matter how talented he was, he needed to work hard, and Su Li was only twenty-three… This was different from common sense.

However, Princess Changle’s inexplicable recovery from her respiratory ailment did not conform to common sense. After Li Er’s questioning, the imperial doctor couldn’t help but have a conjecture in his mind.

“It seems so,” replied the royal physician, nodding in agreement. “Based on his skills and knowledge, as well as his ability to treat Princess Changle’s previously untreatable condition, it is possible that Su Li is a medical prodigy in his own right.”

“Indeed, in this era, the practice of medicine often involves various beliefs, including spiritual and metaphysical aspects,” agreed Li Er, deep in thought. Su Li’s fortunate encounter with Yuan Tiangang and his exceptional medical skills could indicate his innate talent and potential in both conventional and unconventional approaches to healing.

Yuan Tiangang… that was really something.

And Li Er… he felt even more dignified.

Calligraphy could be a school of its own… It might be the medical skills that could cure Changle’s respiratory ailment or even those two broken poems that didn’t rhyme…

The physician nodded, recognizing the lines from Su Li’s calligraphy. “Indeed, those lines were not only visually stunning, but their meaning holds deep wisdom. Perhaps there was more to Su Li’s abilities than meets the eye. It might be worth delving into his unconventional methods and exploring how they could potentially help Princess Changle.”

Reading it again at this moment, the more he read it, the more different it became. Although it did not match the rhyme, it had a special flavor!

Besides… Yuan Tiangang’s hexagrams… and joy!

Li Er pondered,  Su Li ‘this kid’… something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

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