After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 42: One month and seven days of income and expenditure!

Peacefully, Su Li was braiding Princess Changle’s hair. It took him three attempts to successfully complete the hairstyle, as it was his first time learning it. He gently lifted Princess Changle after braiding her hair, whose delicate body felt weightless in his arms. It wasn’t that Princess Changle was too light but rather that Su Li’s strength had surpassed human limits.

“Xiang Yu’s innate strength attribute is probably similar to mine,” Su Li muttered.

The past month had been relatively calm. Li Er and Zhangsun Wu Fei visited a few times. Zhangsun Wu Fei, as always, didn’t disturb Su Li and used the opportunity to share knowledge that couldn’t be found in books.

Li Er, on the other hand, seemed a bit distant. Su Li noticed that Li Er had been giving her strange looks lately, but Su Li himself knew the reason. However, his increasing attributes had also inflated his ego, and he was thinking a plausible excuse, so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Gao Yang also came a few times, but the guards of the Princess Mansion prevented her from meeting Su Li. He had no intention of interacting with Gao Yang at all.

Princess Changle’s siblings also visited again…

At this time, Crown Prince Li Chengqian hadn’t broken his leg yet and hadn’t discovered his preference for the same gender. He still appeared decent. However, Li Chengqian didn’t initiate any communication with Su Li. He only came to visit Changle. Naturally, Su Li didn’t attempt to approach him, knowing his status as a commoner. It was normal for him to look down on him.

Li Ke truly resembled Li Er, as mentioned before. He also made an effort to converse with Su Li and didn’t ignore him due to her humble status. Unfortunately, despite his noble bloodline, Li Ke lacked practical skills, and having the blood of two emperors seemed impressive. Still, it didn’t carry much weight, making him a target of suspicion.

Li Tai shared similarities with Li Chengqian, and Su Li could even sense a hint of inexplicable hostility from this little chubby prince. The reason behind it remained unclear to him.

There was also a prince named Li Yan, who was Li Ke’s full brother, but compared to Li Ke, there was a significant gap. He visited Changle more as a formality, with limited interaction, and Su Li couldn’t form a proper evaluation of him.

After a month of coming and going from the Princess Mansion, Su Li gradually adapted to his life as the male master of the mansion.

However, during this month, Su Li hardly came across any medicinal potions that could aid in her physical recovery. He didn’t even find any medicine-related items, indicating that Princess Changle’s recovery was still a distant prospect.

Although he hadn’t found any potions last month to help Princess Changle wake up, he discovered six or seven stable body-strengthening potions. Despite the dry spell this month, Su Li remained optimistic, hoping that he would stumble upon a valuable find in the upcoming month.

It was worth noting that after last month’s various body-nourishing medications, Princess Changle’s physical condition surpassed that of ordinary people. In the short term, there was little concern about complications arising from her unconscious state.

Overall, Changle’s condition remained relatively unchanged from the previous month.

However, Su Li’s luck hadn’t been favorable this month, as he hadn’t found anything valuable but had accumulated various miscellaneous items.

“Daily quest, Small gift package for attribute points!” Su Li exclaimed, rubbing his hands together eagerly.

Indeed, receiving good things would be a pleasant surprise for Su Li. He would accept them wholeheartedly if he could accumulate enough attribute points from the small gift packages. After all, attribute points were crucial for his progress.

One’s background and attributes were fundamental to a person, and Su Li’s foundation relied on his attributes. Even if some of the items seemed useless, he would gladly accept them as long as they provided some basic attribute points.

What Su Li needed the most were tangible, affordable, high-cost-effectiveness, and useful items. He wasn’t a greedy person.

With Princess Changle in his arms, Su Li headed to the courtyard and sat cross-legged on the ground, opening today’s system store.

[Product One: 10 pounds of potatoes (maybe they can be used to make french fries?) Value: 2 points!

Product Two: 10 pounds of sweet potatoes (roasted sweet potatoes, fragrant and delicious!) Value: 2 points!

Product Three: Attribute Points Big Gift Pack (Open the gift pack to randomly get 10-30 free attribute points!) Value: 88888 points!

Product Four: Photographic Memory (Do you know what hypermnesia is?) Value: 200000 points!

Product Five: Halberd Technique (Quickly develop and strengthen the body, the higher the innate attributes, the faster the body development, and the higher the lethality!) Value: 250000 points!

Current available points balance: 848346!

Product Warehouse: Salt Making Technique, Steelmaking Technique, Spitting True Elixir, Hot Air Balloon, Various sundries…

Currently mastered: Introduction to Military Strategy (You have solid and comprehensive knowledge of military strategy), Introduction to Medicine (You have solid and comprehensive knowledge of medicine), Never Lost (You will never get lost, you are the live map, even better than a compass).]

Just like before, Su Li was still earning a stable income of an average of 30,000 points per day.

It had been over a month since the last time he emptied his points balance in the blink of an eye.

After spending over 100,000 points, he was left with only 50,000 points. After about six or seven days, he visited Princess Gaoyang, and then another month passed, totaling one month and seven days.

Last time, he worked hard to save up for a month and only accumulated 190,000 points, but this time he managed to save over 800,000 points.

The main reason was that last time he spent 500,000 points on buying the Salt Making Technique and Steelmaking Technique, which were still lying idle in the warehouse.

And this time… the system hadn’t shown Su Li anything affordable and highly interesting to him.

Reluctantly, Su Li spent 50,000 points to buy a hot air balloon.

As for the attribute point small gift packs, he acquired 20 of them this month in 37 days, which was a decent probability. The more of these packs, the better, and they cost him an additional 200,000 points.

In between, there were no significant expenses, just some miscellaneous items, and the rest was saved up by Su Li, allowing him to accumulate over 800,000 points.

However, it was sometimes frustrating when one couldn’t find ways to spend their points. The refreshment of system goods solely relied on luck. Not only did you need to come across good items, but they also had to be affordable for you.

In reality, the items that appeared were either amazing but unaffordable or useless items worth only one or two points. Finding something that was both affordable and practical proved to be quite difficult. Su Li could spend all his points in this month and seven days because there was a guaranteed attribute point small gift pack.

However, on the other hand, even though he didn’t buy any other items, just purchasing the small gift pack of attribute points brought about a drastic change in Su Li’s situation.

Moreover, the items that refreshed this time nearly blinded Su Li’s eyes.

Wait a minute!

Sweet potatoes and potatoes combined only sold for 4 points?

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