After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 spring

It was already dark, and the forest was dark and silent. The dwarf was carrying a lamp, telling stories and leading Qi Baicha the way. When there was a little light from the front, he happily said, “We are here.”

Qi Baicha looked up, as if he had come to the country of fairy tales.

There are countless fireflies lingering among the grass and trees, revealing green spots of light. The elves with wings are flying around in the jungle, the scene is extremely dreamy.

Seeing the dwarves and Ferry who walked in, the elves looked over. A flower elf quickly flew out of the tree hole, excitedly rushed to Qi Baicha, and gave him a big hug: “Fairui, thank the elf god, you are back safely. Why are you staying outside so late? I’m dead!”

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Many elves never came back after being captured by the vampire. She thought that Perry also had an accident.

Qi Baicha didn’t know who was in front of him or what was the relationship with Ferry, so he cautiously did not speak.

“He almost couldn’t come back,” said the dwarf. “He met Daniel, and fortunately I saw him.”

“God! Daniel!” The Flower Fairy screamed, “You are so fate. Thank you Mr. Hunter, you saved my best friend.”

Hunter is the name of a dwarf. He often transports supplies back and forth between the two races, and the elves here recognize him.

“You’re welcome.” The dwarf waved his hand. “Since it’s okay, I’m going to get the crystal core.”

“Okay. Mr. Hunter walk slowly.” The flower elf said goodbye to him friendly.

As soon as the dwarf left, the flower elf immediately looked up and down Qi Baicha nervously: “Daniel didn’t bite you? Go to the Spring of Life and take a sip of spring water to wash it. It’s too bad to get the breath of a vampire.”

The fountain of life.

Qi Baicha’s heart moved.

After he came to another world, he was thinking about going back, but he neglected a very important thing.

He once saw the introduction of the Fountain of Life when he was reading the “Encyclopedia of the World of Planes”.

The fountain of life is unique to the elves. Life spring water can cure all diseases and purify pollution. It is definitely a rare treasure.

For the elves, it is just their daily drinking water.

The fountain of life was built by the elves and gods. If the spirit gods do not die, the spring water of the fountain of life will be endless, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

These are not the main points.

The point is that human beings can be healthy and live longer by drinking a drop of life spring water. Drink a bottle of life spring water, you can stay young forever and live forever. Life spring water will not have such a powerful effect on other races or even the elves themselves, but it can have such a powerful effect on people.

Perhaps it is because man is the spirit of all things and is the most favored by God. Most of the world’s gods are in human form, but to be more precise—the human race has the most divine form.

Even if they treat their children equally, their parents will always prefer the one that looks the most like themselves, and they don’t realize it gives the Human race a lot of privileges.

There is no human in this world, so I don’t know the preciousness of the spring of life.

For the Snow God, it was the most precious thing.

Of course he doesn’t need it himself, but Mr. Fu needs it very much.

Qi Baicha was very excited when he flipped through this page, but the reality was too cruel. There is no elves in his world, and there is no fountain of life. He doesn’t have the ability to travel through the plane, even if he encounters a gap in time and space, he can’t take advantage of it, even if he accidentally traverses… the probability of hitting a world with a spring of life is very small.

But now, the fountain of life is here.

It’s almost impossible to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

To get the spring of life, it was worth it for him to come to another world.

Thinking of this, Rao Shi Qi Baicha had a calm and calm disposition, and could not help being extremely excited at this moment.

Is that a fountain of life? That is the time when he can live with Mr. Fu forever.

Qi Baicha’s heart was so happy that he started to roll in the snow, her face didn’t show up, she was still in a state of shock: “…um.”

“You must be scared and stupid.” The Flower Fairy sighed, “I’ll take you there.”

The fountain of life seems to be just a small clear spring. A gorgeous statue of the elf stands beside the fountain, and the spring water continuously flows from the mouth of the statue.

Qi Baicha: “…” What kind of fairy design is this, a good spring of life looks like drooling, it’s completely grown on the aesthetic poison of the Snow God.

But with soft hands, Qi Baicha suppressed the complaints and silently praised the beauty of the elf statue.

The elves and gods carved beside the fountain of life. Every elf is very beautiful, not to mention the elf god, just a statue can make people feel four words-the beauty of prosperity.

The elves are the darlings of nature, and the elves and gods can be loved at the first sight, and they are very favored by the laws of this world.

Qi Bai Tea is filled with a bottle of life spring water, and intends to take it back to Mr. Fu.

The Flower Elf didn’t think too much. Life spring water is rare for human beings, and it is ordinary drinking water for the elves. It is a big deal to pack an extra bottle of drinking water.

She looked at the statue of the Elf God and said sadly: “Lord Elf God hasn’t appeared for a long time, and the protective barrier has also been removed. I’m so worried about what happened.”

The Flower Fairy regrouped and convinced herself: “But the Fairy God must still be silently sheltering us in some corner of the world. The spring water is not exhausted is the best proof.”

Qi Baicha also feels so.

He heard the story of the dwarf. The story is simple. Originally, the ocean and the land were living in harmony. One day, the **** of the sea had an ambition to dominate the world and provoked a war. The three gods on the land joined forces to suppress him, and now the four disappeared together.

However, although the aborigines of this world know the existence of gods, they don’t know the specific grievances between the gods. This version of the story was circulated on the mainland and the bottom of the sea after the battle of the four gods. What was the real reason for the war, no one knew except the **** in question. The four gods have been in peace for tens of thousands of years, and the sea gods suddenly attacked without reason, there must always be a cause.

But in fact, it has nothing to do with Qi Baicha, so there is no need to investigate further.

He shouldn’t intervene in the internal struggles of other world gods, just as the emperor who has no amount of control can also intervene in the politics of other countries. After getting the life spring water, he found the crack in time and space and went back. No one knew he had been here. This was the best result.

Qi Baicha doesn’t have much curiosity.

He asked the Flower Fairy: “Do you know what happened to the sea floor recently?”

The flower elf replied: “I don’t know, I have never been to the bottom of the sea.” Except for the water elf and the snow elf, other elf will drown in the water.

Qi Baicha asked again: “Do you have a map of the world?”

“Of course there is, but what do you want this for?”

Qi Baicha smiled slightly.

Going to play an undersea adventure.

Fu Mingye walked in the direction of the dwarf for a long time before finding the legendary vampire castle.

…Maybe it can also be called the ruins of the vampire castle.

Fu Mingye looked at the ruins in front of him and thought.

He shouldn’t have gone the wrong way again.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk back, a huge octopus monster fell from the sky and fell in front of him. The rising dust hit his face.

Fu Mingye quickly opened a vampire’s standard black umbrella to block it.

“Daniel, kill it!” The kinsmen who caught up hurriedly shouted.

Fu Mingye squinted his eyes, the expression on his face changed.

He felt the breath of this octopus monster exactly the same as he had previously felt on the bottom of the sea.

It was this thing that grabbed Chacha.

He put the umbrella down, nailed the tip of the umbrella to the octopus monster’s tentacles, and asked in a cold voice, “Where are the people you took away?”

Of course, the octopus monster could not answer his question. It could not think at all, could not speak, only attacked instinctively.

So Fu Mingye cut off one of its tentacles with a single sword, and the hostility in his red eyes was terrifying: “Where is he?!”

The octopus monster just wants to escape.

Fu Mingye had completely lost his patience, so he would die if he couldn’t tell.

The kinsmen who rushed over watched stunnedly at Daniel, who was the most idle in the day, cut off all the tentacles of the octopus like noodles, leaving only an empty head, and the sky was raining with noodles. Even the only remaining eyeball was pierced by the tip of the umbrella, picked out alive, and Gu Lulu rolled to the ground and was exploded by Daniel’s foot.

There was no expression on the handsome face of the vampire, but the murderous intent and brutality under his eyes were so intense.

Kindreds: “…”

Okay, so cruel.

They were stunned by the densely falling tentacles, and they quickly opened the black umbrella that they usually used to block the sun, but they were still embarrassed because the tentacles were too dense.

Although he knew that Daniel was a bit perverted, it was too strong to cut this kind of mutant octopus that even the combination of several pure blood races could hardly deal with.

Fu Mingye was purely venting his anger, and he knew that he couldn’t find out what happened. Let’s not say that the octopus monster can’t speak, even if it does, the torrent of time and space will separate them, and the octopus monster does not know where the tea will be sent.

After smashing the octopus monster into pieces, Fu Mingye turned around and threw away the black umbrella stained with octopus slime.

He is still clean and spotless.

The blood races with tentacles hanging on their heads: “…”

What was the excitement of Daniel today?

“It must be the mermaid tribe and the octopus tribe fighting again. The contradiction between the two tribes has been around for a long time. After the sea gods were suppressed by our great blood god, they are becoming more and more lawless by virtue of their lack of power.” A mess of ancient times In the fort, the kinsmen sat at the only round table that was still intact for a meeting.

The blood race only believes in the blood god, even though the sea **** is actually subdued by the spirit god, blood god, and dwarf god, in their mouths it seems to be a **** of blood.

“Originally, these two tribes were both at the top of the food chain in the sea. The mermaid tribe has a higher intelligence and beauty, and can gain the hearts and minds of the ocean world.” A blood tribe worried, “The Pudala of the octopus tribe specializes in witchcraft. Recently, I don’t know what crooked ways have been created. I have developed a potion that can increase the size of the octopus feet dozens of times after drinking. There are tens of thousands of tentacles, and the combat effectiveness is greatly improved. At a price, the octopus that drank the potion lost its thinking ability and language ability, completely reduced to a fighter machine, and turned into a total monster. I am really worried that if the merfolk can’t support it, those monsters will not be able to climb onto the land?”

“It’s disgusting, isn’t the octopus monster in the sea? How did this one fall from the sky?” Another blood clan said in disgust, “I heard that the mermaid clan also recently invited foreign aid. I hope they can last longer. Such a disgusting creature I don’t want to see a second one in my life…Speaking of which, when did you become so strong, Daniel?”

The fighting power of vampires is also very high, especially pure blood, but it is at best comparable to ordinary mermaid masters and octopus masters, and the monsters that drank potions are not counted.

Fu Mingye listened patiently to nonsense for a long time. He has no interest in the grudges between the mermaid and the octopus, and the struggle between the sea and the land. He just wants to know if there are any clues about tea.

Obviously they don’t know.

This is a different world, the energy is not mobilized by him, and he can’t lock a person in the world. If you want to find tea, you can only inquire slowly-is this going to the year of the monkey?

There is also a quick way to find the gods of this world and ask the local gods to search.

But all the gods in world No. 493 happened to lose contact with each other, which is great.

Fu Mingye didn’t speak, and the other vampires didn’t care. Vampires are inherently arrogant, and Daniel is the leader among them, and he doesn’t even bother with them.

“But since you have such a strong power, the power of the offspring must not be underestimated. In order to enhance the strength of our blood family, Daniel, you should find a fixed partner as soon as possible for the first embrace.” An elderly blood family said with heart and soul.

Fu Mingye asked: “What is the first embrace?”

“Be less foolish, you run away like this every time.” The female blood sneered, “Knowing that you like to enjoy the girls of the elves, you are not forbidden to transform them. Oh, I almost forgot that no foreign race is voluntarily transformed by you, even if you give it away Their eternal life.”

“Come on, Daniel is not a girl who likes the elves.” The male blood said with an imitating yin and yang, “I just love to tear their wings while doing it, and look at their painful expressions-this is Daniel’s original words.”

Fu Mingye: “…” He didn’t know anything about Daniel’s perversion.

However, he can still grasp the key point: “Eternal life?” This is what he dreams of, and he wants to find a way of longevity to give tea.

“You won’t even forget that the first embrace can give the other party the same immortal life as the blood family, do you? It is indeed the blood scum man Daniel, who has not considered who to spend his life with.” The female blood family was amazed.

There is no human race in this world, and all races have a long life span. The shortest dwarf race is also two hundred years old, and their ability to reproduce is very strong, and they are not worried about extinction. Followed by the elves, elves live for thousands of years, born from the tree of life, and the rate of new birth is average. The slowest population growth is the blood race. The life span of the blood race is immortal, but every one thousand years ago, they have to sleep in a coffin for hundreds of years, and the pregnancy rate is very, very, very low. It is common that no new life is born for thousands of years. The pure-blooded nobles are even more difficult to heir. At present, none of the twelve pure-blood princes have direct descendants.

Given such a fertility rate, blood marriages are very problematic, and the number of vampires in the clan is simply not enough to match. In order to increase the fertility rate, many blood races will choose to intermarry with different races. The objects of intermarriage are generally mermaids and elves. The more flavorful ones will choose octopuses. Dwarves are excluded. Their blood is poisonous to the blood races.

An important ritual for intermarriage with a foreign race is the first embrace, that is, to transform the other party into a vampire through exchange of blood, and obtain the same immortal lifespan. The price is to change the species, not to see the sun, and to live by sucking blood.

The Lord Blood God has also given a divine sign before, and the first embrace can only be carried out on the voluntary basis of both parties, and cannot be forced. After marriage, the kinsmen will end up with their partners, so they are extremely cautious. There is no shortage of true love among natural enemies, and there are many elves and merfolk who are willing to become vampires, but obviously it is impossible for any creature like Daniel to jump into the fire pit voluntarily.

Fu Mingye thought: There is still such a good thing.

I really admire it.

It is a pity that he is not a real vampire, unable to transform into his first embrace and let Cha Cha gain immortality.

However, this world obviously does not have such a **** rule of “mortals cannot live forever”. After all, the whole world does not even have individuals, and there may be other ways to live forever.

He calmly knocked on the side: “Eternal life is not so difficult, who is rare?”

He is rare, he is rare.

“That’s because you are born with things that other races can’t long for in your entire life.” The female blood race really took the bait, and was trapped. “The poor dwarf race can only live for a short period of two hundred years. Oh, yes, the elf race. The life spring has a miraculous effect on the nasty dwarves, and they rely on it to maintain the alliance. The dwarves who have drunk the life spring can live for hundreds of years, although it is only as short as possible.”

The spring of life!

Fu Mingye lifted his spirits.

“Encyclopedia of the Plane World” is compiled by the main **** and distributed to every god’s must-read list, which helps the gods understand the strange things in the great world. If something otherworldly appears in this world, you can quickly investigate.

Lord Cthulhu is not very easy to learn, so he just turned a few pages and threw it away. Fortunately, his perfectly memorable brain still remembers the introduction about the fountain of life that he glanced at in a few quick glances.

That is something that can make human beings live forever.

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