After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Lock down the city

Qi Baicha originally thought that observing the son of Qi Luck is a long-term job, and it doesn’t matter if you take it slowly. But now that the zombies have appeared, the matter is imminent.

He quickly changed his clothes and teleported to city b with Qi Ye.

Dark clouds drifted slowly in the sky, there was no moon tonight, and the whole sky was pitch black. The city on the ground is still prosperous and bright, with neon shining. Looking down from the clouds, you can see the brilliant lights underneath.

A piece of peace.

Most people have not realized that the shadow of death is quietly covering the city.

The high-speed rail station and the airport are still crowded in the middle of the night. The daily population flow in the capital is already large, and recently it has caught up with college students returning home, and the long-distance passenger terminal is always full of hustle and bustle. The flight that is about to take off, the train that is about to start, the passengers calling in the lobby, the long-distance couple who just got off the train and hugged each other on the platform…all are all seen by the gods on the cloud.

“Attention, all passengers, your flight CA 0826 bound for city c is now boarding. Please board the plane from gate 32.”

The female voice of the airport radio was switched between Chinese and English, and passengers hurried with their suitcases. On the runway, another plane just started to take off.

Qi Baicha pursed her lips and raised her hand to make a powerful magical force.

The plane that had just taken off was stuck in the air for a while, amidst the exclamation of everyone, and then landed steadily back to the ground.

“What’s the matter with that plane? Why did it come back when it was about to fly?”

“Did it break down?”

“I don’t know. Fortunately, nothing happened. I was scared to crash…”

The same riots not only occurred at the airport, all the high-speed rail stations, bus stations, airports in city b… all vehicles that were about to leave for other provinces were all turned off at the same time and could not be launched.

Qi Baicha caused traffic paralysis in the entire city.

City b fell into chaos for a while, with the sound of police cars whistling and human exclamations everywhere.

The traffic in the whole city was suddenly paralyzed, which is more evil than the red rain of the sky in the previous two days.

Qi Baicha knew that his actions had caused confusion.

He was the **** who maintained the order of the world, but now he had to break the rules, no matter how many abnormalities were exposed for this.

The passenger station in city b transports an average of 4 million people per day. Among these 4 million people, each of them may have been exposed to red rain, is a potential zombie, and may be transformed at any time. If it is not contained in time, within a week, zombies will appear all over the country and around the world, and then a full-scale wave of zombies will erupt.

This situation must be killed in the cradle.

Qi Baicha simply didn’t do two things at all, and no matter whether human beings would doubt it, it directly set up a huge transparent barrier to cover the entire b city. In this way, people inside cannot get out, and people outside cannot get in either.

Anyway, these humans will most likely see zombies in the future, and the world view has been broken, and his supernatural and mysterious power is insignificant in comparison.

Not to mention mortals, Qi Baicha also feels that his worldview is going to be broken.

He is obviously not a doomsday world!

What happened in the big world, such a big mistake can appear.

It is a pity that Qi Baicha is not the main god, cannot observe all the worlds, and cannot know the abnormalities of other worlds.

Just being affected by Yu Wei, the world of 999 is already riddled with holes, and the world where the accident really happened is probably destroyed directly…

It is not just the 999 world that is affected. World 108, World 493, and World 520 are all abnormal, and there are also loopholes in the interstellar world where Yun Qianxi is located and quiet. And this red rain, it should be a doomsday world that went wrong with this world. Connected.

The problem is not the 999 world, it is the entire Big Thousand World that has a problem.

However, the only Lord God who could give the answer did not issue any notice in the Wan Shen bulletin group.

…Maybe the Lord God thinks that the problem is not big.

“Separate action.” Qi Baicha arranged the task, “You go find the time and space loopholes, and fix it to prevent the red rain from invading again. I will go to the hospital to see…by the way, find a high-level human and ask him to order a city to be sealed. Mythological connection.”

He simply and rudely paralyzed the entire city’s traffic, and also set up a transparent barrier. The current panic is probably greater than that of zombies.

Letting people who have the right to speak among humans speak out, and soothe the hearts of the people a little bit, and at any rate it can be regarded as an explanation to the public.

Of course, the unprovoked closure of the city will still make people panic, but this is beyond the scope of Qi Baicha’s consideration. It is impossible to do both. He is only responsible for maintaining the stability of the world, not for taking care of human mental health.

The world is extremely unstable now, and he can’t take care of himself.

Only after the matter is over, the memory of the world will be erased.

Qi Ye had no objection to this: “Okay.”

The two reached a consensus and didn’t waste any more time, and immediately divided their troops.

Qi Baicha first went to a certain high-level house.

The capital is full of high-ranking nobles, and it is not difficult to find someone who is qualified to order the closure of the city.

At this point, the host’s family is already asleep.

In a hurry, Qi Baicha pressed the light switch in the room. The sudden dazzling light caused the sleeping man to wake up immediately. Seeing the young man who suddenly appeared in the bedroom, the whole person was startled and asked vigilantly: “Who are you? How did you come in?”

He is on the seventh floor, and the security of the house is very strict. How did this young man appear in his room?

Of course Qi Baicha would not tell him that it flew in directly from the window.

“Serious infectious diseases appear in city b, which will spread to a large area in a short time. I suggest you close the city.” Qi Baicha stated.

The man was taken aback, feeling inexplicable, and a little funny: “This… enthusiastic citizen, if you came here after watching some hot search, there is really no need to worry about the world. Just one or two cases, for which the lockdown of the city would be a joke. . Do you know how much the economic loss caused by the closure of the city and the social impact?” He said casually, apparently treating Qi Baicha as the kind of young man who was passionate, listened to rumors, and reckless. He has become a human being in officialdom for so many years, so he can’t care about being like a hairy boy.

Enthusiastic citizen Mr. Qi: “Then I will say something else.”

Qi Baicha’s eyes narrowed slightly: “I order you to close the city.”

Qi Baicha went to the Eastern District Hospital after using the contemplation technique to get the upper-level staff.

He didn’t expect to persuade people to order by eloquence in the first place. Most human beings still don’t know about the existence of zombies, and there are no serious consequences on the surface. The other party will only listen to a stranger’s words and issue a city lockdown order only after his brain is drawn.

So it’s still supernatural.

The closure of the city is indeed a major event that requires careful consideration. Human beings cannot predict the future, they always weigh the pros and cons, and always think about taking the most helpless measures when things are already serious. It is not a last resort, and the city will not be easily closed. But often at that time, the situation has become so serious that it cannot be recovered.

Qi Baicha is a god. He didn’t have so many worries and didn’t have to consider various factors, so he made the most direct choice. It’s just a process to come to the human high-level, anyway, regardless of whether it is accurate or not, he has already manually sealed the city.

Eastern District Hospital.

It’s easy to find zombies. Zombies are not native species in this world, but invasive alien species. Even if the aborigines of this world become zombies, they no longer belong to the creatures of this world.

Within a certain range, the gods are very sensitive to otherworldly species.

Only two days have passed since the red rain, and humans have not yet undergone extensive corpses. Qi Baicha initially judged three situations. The worst kind, as long as people caught in the red rain will turn into zombies, it’s just a matter of time. The better situation is that part of the rain will turn into zombies, and the other part will survive it and remain normal.

The remaining situation is good for people, but not necessarily for God.

Qi Baicha had read many interesting stories from other worlds in Wanshen Library. That is the reading section of the public forum in the myth. Gods from all walks of life have uploaded countless books. It introduces the situation of many planes in the Great Thousand World, and has everything, including a lot of information on the planes of the end times.

Youdao is one flower and one world. Anything in every world may give birth to a new world. For example, there is an author in world a who wrote a book, and a world b will be born around the plot of this book in the great world, and the protagonist in the book is the son of luck in world b. But if there is an author in the b world who has written another book, then a c world may be born around this book. In the same way, the original a world might be a book written by another author. Even because there is not only one child of luck, when the first child of luck in world a dies, the life of a later child of luck in world a is the character experience described by the author of world c.

Under the recommendation, the book reading app I am using recently, [MicMicReadingapp\] There are many sources of books, all the books, and the update is fast!

What is the real world and what is the world in the book? There is no difference in the eyes of the gods, and they are just ordinary members in the great world.

If you look at each world as a book, eschatological novels were once very popular, and there will naturally be more eschatological planes.

According to Qi Baicha’s understanding, the birth of the last days was either due to mad scientists studying virus leaks, or due to various abnormal conditions such as meteorites, meteors, and red rain. The gods of the doomsday world are often asleep or close to extinction, but there will be a savior of luck who will prop up the world and lead mankind to a new life, and some will even give birth to a godhead and become a new god.

…Too far. Speaking of the last situation, people in this doomsday world will often awaken abilities, otherwise they will fight against the zombies.

So the most likely thing is that after people get caught in the red rain, some will become zombies, some will have awakening abilities, and some will still be ordinary people. These changes were given to them by Red Rain.

For humans in the last days, possessing supernatural powers is a normal evolution that allows them to survive.

But in the 999 world, it is not a good thing for humans to have supernatural powers.

There should not be zombies in this world, and of course there should not be people with supernatural powers. These forces that are not part of this world system are all disrupting the balance of this world.

In the hospital, a patient who had completely turned into a zombie broke the restraint belt, and a bunch of doctors and nurses pressing him were swung away and fell to the ground.

Zombies are extremely powerful, at least much larger than ordinary humans. The doctors and nurses were so scared when they saw it, they turned and escaped from the ward.

The zombie didn’t move fast at first, but a nurse fell in panic. It immediately grabbed the nurse and shot it down in the corridor, lowering its head fiercely and biting.

“Ah!!” The nurse screamed in fright.

Qi Baicha caught up with this scene as soon as he arrived, grabbing the zombie’s gown and leading it to the ground.

The zombies were not sane, they didn’t know how to be afraid, but they even rushed forward with their teeth and claws, and they were kicked down by Qi Baicha cleanly.

The nurse covered her neck with blood oozing out of her fingers.

Her pupils were slightly dilated, her body was a bit rigid, and her nails grew rapidly.

Qi Baicha could see at a glance that she was undergoing a corpse transformation.

It takes two or three days for the corpse of a person in the rain to change, but it can be infected immediately if bitten by a zombie.

This propagation speed is simply invincible.

Qi Baicha calmly condensed a group of white soft light, casting a spell not far from her neck.

Soon, the wound on the neck healed completely. The nurse recovered and changed back to a normal human complexion, and said with lingering fears: “Thank you. That patient is terrible. Huh? What’s wrong with my neck? I clearly remember that I was bitten just now…”

She didn’t even realize that she almost became a zombie just now.

Qi Baicha looked at her hand, then turned around to try to treat the zombie patient.

The zombies have not changed, they are still very sick.

Seeing that Qi Baicha had no effect, he withdrew his hand without expression.

The Snow God has the properties of healing and purification, but he can only restore normal people who have not completely transformed into corpses, and those who have completely become zombies, he has no ability to transform back.

Humans became zombies because of the red rain. The ingredients in the red rain came from another world, which was different from his divine power system, so he couldn’t prescribe the right medicine.

Qi Baicha looked at the unrecognizable zombies with a cold expression.

He didn’t want to kill the zombies.

Even if the zombies are no longer humans, they lose their humanity and reason.

But they shouldn’t become zombies.

The end is not the fate of this world, nor is it their fate to become a zombie and be killed. The real doomsday is still struggling with fate. As the **** of the 999 world, he cannot quickly accept the doomsday setting, and then unscrupulously slashes and kills the zombies.

He is the patron saint of this world, and he has to find a way to save them.

At the moment, Qi Baicha has no solution, and can only take the zombies back into the realm of gods temporarily.

The realm of the gods is a space-like thing that can store things infinitely, and the gods can change things instantly without taking them away. In fact, they are put into the realm of gods.

The nurse shook his mind and saw that the patient disappeared out of thin air. She looked around in shock, “Am I dazzled? I just clearly saw a…”

“Do you have dual powers of healing and space?” a female voice asked.

Qi Baicha turned her head, and a beautiful woman came out from another ward and was looking at him inquiringly.

The woman looked at him a few times, and objectively commented: “You are very strong and handsome.”

Qi Baicha watched her silently, without speaking.

“Male protagonist is standard.” The woman rationally analyzed, “It is very likely that it is not a space power, but a system space, or the kind that can be farmed with a spiritual spring. I understand, the protagonist of the doomsday Shuangwen, mixed in the end of the world The wind and water will rise, open the harem, marry the heroine one, two, three, and embark on the pinnacle of life…”

Qi Baicha: “…”

The woman’s face suddenly changed: “Be careful behind you!”

A flame grew from the woman’s fingertips, and she seemed to want to attack.

“I’m sorry, this young lady.” Kicked away another zombie that came out from behind and attacked Qi Baicha from behind. Qi Ye hooked Qi Baicha’s shoulder and said lazily, “He is the leading actor in Dan Meiwen. ”

Qi Ye paused, and specifically emphasized: “1v1, he, cp and I are locked.”

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