After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 true and false

Chapter 78

Qi Baicha frowned and opened her eyes suddenly.

Above his head is the ceiling with the lights on, and the dazzling lights dazzled his eyes. Qi Baicha subconsciously blocked the light with the back of his hand and kept his long eyelashes low.

I don’t know why I feel uneasy.

Qi Baicha glanced at the phone time, eleven o’clock late at night.

He lay on the sofa waiting for her husband to come back, and fell asleep unconsciously.

I’m here, haven’t you come back yet?

Qi Baicha closed his eyes again, planning to contact Qi Ye again using mythology.

“Sir.” He spread the voice.

There is no response.

It is impossible for Qi Ye to hear him without answering his words.

Still busy?

Qi Baicha’s anxiety grew stronger.

He was about to call again when Qi Ye suddenly said, “Chacha.”

Qi Baicha’s eyelashes trembled. This sound did not sound from my mind.

The man’s breath was gushing on his face, and the voice was just a few steps away, from top to bottom, clearly reaching his ears.

“I am back.”

Qi Baicha slowly opened his eyes. Qi Ye was sitting on the sofa, looking down at him with a smile.

The anxiety dissipated in an instant.

His husband is back.

Qi Baicha breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s supernatural, are you trying to scare me?”

Qi Ye smiled: “I want to give you a surprise.”

“Miss you very much.” Qi Ye muttered, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

Everyone can hear the hint.

Youdao is a little bit better than the newlyweds. They haven’t seen each other this week, and it is difficult to control the thoughts of each other.

Qi Baicha sat up and said, “Aren’t you tired? You still have the energy to do this.”

“My energy is always endless for Chacha.” Qi Ye was confident.

Qi Baicha: “…” He chose to go to the bedroom and ignore Qi Ye.

Qi Ye looked at the back of the young man who had fled, and smiled meaningfully.

Qi Ye followed up into the bedroom and pushed Qi Baicha onto the bed, actually intending to go straight to the subject. Qi Baicha frowned, turned to avoid it, and faintly resisted.

The husband seems to be very urgent tonight, but it can also be understood as an impatient after the reunion.

I just think something is wrong.

Qi Baicha stopped his eyes on Qi Ye’s slender ring finger, and suddenly paused, “Where is your ring?”

Shark Pearl and Dragon Ball are their wedding rings. After confessing their identities and knowing how the other party got the ring, they kept wearing them and never took them off.

Qi Ye said casually: “Take it away.”

Qi Baicha said: “Put it on.”

“Spare me, tea.” Qi Ye smiled bitterly. “My god’s realm is now full of zombies. It’s disgusting to look at it. It’s too difficult to find a ring.”

There is reason and evidence.

But he didn’t believe it.

Qi Baicha lowered his eyes: “I’m tired, I don’t want to do it tonight.”

“Don’t make trouble, Chacha, how uncomfortable you make me like this.” Qi Ye’s eyes sank, “Who am I running around for so long for?”

It wouldn’t be fun if it weren’t for exposure now, he just wanted the Overlord to put on the bow.

Qi Baicha pursed her lips, her fists tightened.

The husband has always respected his wishes, and he will never force it if he doesn’t want to, how could he say such a thing.

“All right.” Qi Baicha sighed, seeming to compromise, “I’ll take a shower in the bathroom first.”

Qi Ye was a little impatient: “Isn’t it enough to use the cleansing technique?” A spell that can be done must be delayed for so long.

“Isn’t this a bit ritual?” Qi Baicha replied calmly.

“…” What sense of ritual do you need to go to bed? You two can really play!

“Okay, hurry up.” The man sat on the bed, unable to escape from his palm anyway.

He couldn’t wait to show his true face when he completely took possession of Qi Baicha, and then saw the face of the other party’s collapse.

If Qi Ye came back just to hit his beloved Xue Shen Chenghuan under another man, the scene would be even more interesting.

He likes to take away the things that are cherished by others in such a wicked way. It would be great if this pair of gods and relatives broke down and turned into enemies.

With Cthulhu’s paranoid and strong possessiveness, would he hate the Snow God who betrayed him?

He will wait and see.


As soon as Qi Baicha closed the bathroom door, her expression was frosty.

The person in the bedroom is not Qi Ye.

Who is it that came back?

Where is the real Qi Ye.

These are clueless.

Qi Baicha opened the shower to cover up the sound of splashing water, and immediately contacted Qi Ye in his mind.

“Sir, are you there?”


“Qi Ye!”

No matter how he called, the other party still didn’t reply.

Qi Baicha’s heart sank.

Maybe something happened to the husband.

He couldn’t see through the disguise of the person outside at a glance, which was enough to show that the opponent’s strength was above him, and he didn’t know which higher plane came from. Anyway, the 999 world is already riddled with holes, and it is possible for any creature to appear.

The unknown creature pretended to be a husband, and even wanted to **** him.

Qi Baicha’s eyes were filled with anger.

If he didn’t find out in time, wouldn’t he have to…

Finding it now doesn’t count as getting out of the crisis. That person is outside, and the strength is unknown, so there is a high probability that he is not an opponent. If the other party wants to force it, he may not be able to escape. If he runs away now, if he is found, he will startle him.

The main **** can’t count on it, and other gods cannot break through the air to rescue.

No matter how you think, it’s a dead end.

What makes Qi Baicha’s heart upset the most is Qi Ye’s disappearance.

This is enough to shatter all his sanity.


“Chacha, are you okay?” A man’s urging came from outside.

Qi Baicha quickly changed herself into her pajamas and became a state just out of the bath, and turned off the shower: “It’s coming soon.”

If you can’t go head-to-head, then pretend you don’t know, and hit him off guard.

Qi Baicha opened the bathroom door, wearing the fragrance of shower gel and her hair wet. The lips are delicate and beautiful like roses, and the light in the eyes is like stars.

Li Jin raised his eyebrows.

After spending a year in the same office, he knew very well the beauty of this Snow God.

There are countless gods in the world, and countless beautiful people. The Snow God may not be the most beautiful, but his clear and cold temperament is definitely out of vulgarity.

But he still didn’t understand, what was it worth asking Qi Ye to pay such a high price to redeem it.

Simply stupid.

It happened to be cheaper for him.

If it weren’t for the Lord God’s prohibition against God killing… He would have killed them and seized the godhead, where would you need to bother to make them kill each other, and you would have to avoid the Lord God carefully.

Fortunately, he recently caused some trouble for the main god, and successfully dumped the pot to the defector. The dear main **** has no time to talk to him for the time being.

Any omniscient and omnipotent **** is nothing more than a fool who is playing with him.

Li Jin looked at him unabashedly: “What kind of pajamas are you wearing, you will have to take it off sooner or later anyway.”

Qi Baicha held back his disgust and chuckled softly, “Isn’t it better for you to take it off with your own hands?”

Li Jin was full of interest: “It’s reasonable.”

He stretched out his hand frivolously to unbutton Qi Baicha’s clothes, and Qi Baicha embraced him obediently.

Beautiful white fingers ran across the man’s back, and a cold icy blade instantly melted into his palm.

Without hesitation, he slammed down–

Qi Baicha’s complexion sinks slightly.

…Ice blade can’t penetrate.

This means that the opponent is far stronger than him.

Their world is really under too much pressure that they shouldn’t bear at this age.

Li Jin squinted his eyes, grabbed Qi Baicha’s wrist and drew it in front of him: “Chacha, how did you murder your husband?”

Qi Bai Chamian didn’t change his color and said: “Did you forget that you like pain? Why are your skin thick and thick today.”

Li Jin: “…” Qi Ye is okay with this?

I really can’t see it.

“Don’t you like ice blades?” Qi Baicha quickly turned into a water whip. “Try the whip tonight?”

Li Jin had a black face. He is here to grab someone, not to be abused!

“I won’t play these tricks tonight.” Li Jin gritted his teeth and said, “I want to **** you.”

Qi Baicha looked at him in surprise: “What’s wrong with you? You are the one below.”

Li Jin: “…”

Qi Ye really made him never expect it.

“No, you fool me!” Li Jin is not a fool either. He recovered after being fooled for a while. He squinted his eyes in a very dangerous tone, “Little beauty, when did you see it?”

His strength is more than a hundred times stronger than Qi Baicha, how could the other party see through his disguise.

Qi Baicha saw that the other party tore his face, and looked completely cold: “I also want to ask, what did you do to him?”

“You are not qualified to ask me, Little Beauty, you are not my opponent. Nor is Qi Ye now.” The man smiled and changed his appearance-a gentle young man with glasses.

Qi Baicha stared at it: “It’s you.”

Teacher Li in the school.

Colleagues for a year, he did not find any problems with each other.

“Chacha!” The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.

Qi Ye looked at the confrontation on the bed, his expression instantly cold.

“Oh, faster than I thought. With your current strength, you can crack my formation so quickly. It’s what you used to…” The key words were blurred by Li Jin, and he smiled and turned to the window.” The matter is not over yet.”

“I have set up two tests. The first is to test whether he will recognize you. The little beauty has done a good job. The second hasn’t started yet.”

Li Jin stared at Qi Ye, and the corner of his mouth was picked up maliciously.

“Test whether you will kill him.”

Qi Ye immediately stepped forward and attacked, but Qi Baicha hurriedly held him back: “Don’t chase.”

They are not the opponent of that man.

Li Jin didn’t mean to stay to fight either, he jumped out of the window without hesitation and disappeared into the depths of the night.

His current strength can crush Qi Baicha and Qi Ye, but it is also limited.

The strength gap is too big, if he fails to control his strength and kills them, triggering the main god’s restraint, he will have to follow through.

God damn…

At the thought of this, Li Jin tickled his teeth with hatred.


In the bedroom.

Qi Ye nervously inspected Qi Baicha’s body: “What did he do to you? Is there any injury?”

Qi Baicha looked at him for a moment, confirmed that it was the real Qi Yehou, leaned into his arms, and closed his eyes tiredly: “I’m fine.”

Fighting wits and courage with enemies far stronger than himself is really tiring for him.

“I’m sorry, Chacha.” Qi Ye felt distressed and apologetic, “I met him when I was about to return, and he called my real name. I was trapped by him in the formation. I can hear your voice, but I can’t answer. .”

“…I couldn’t protect you.” Qi Ye’s eyes showed strong self-disgust.

“What does it have to do with you.” Qi Baicha comforted him, “It is obvious that the same as Pascal’s time, that person comes from an older world. We haven’t experienced enough time to grow up, so it can’t be compared.”

Although Li Jin didn’t make a move, he felt… Li Jin was stronger than Pascal.

Even if it is a god, in the great world, there are many masters like clouds.

Qi Ye held back his murderous aura and asked, “What did he come to do with you?”

Qi Baicha was slightly uncomfortable: “He has become like you and wants to… go to bed with me.”

Qi Ye burst into flames: “What?!”

Qi Baicha immediately calmed down: “I recognize it’s not you, he didn’t succeed.”

Qi Ye was still very angry: “If he succeeds, my self-destructive godhead will also die with him!”

Qi Baicha couldn’t laugh or cry, and said helplessly: “Then you want to leave me alone in the world?”

The young man clung to him clingingly: “Mr. can’t do this to me.”

Qi Ye’s heart softened, and a little lost: “What’s the use of me, it’s not that I can’t protect you.”

“You were not born to protect me.” Qi Baicha said warmly, “Sir, it’s enough for you to love me.”

Qi Ye whispered: “You are right.”

I was born to love you.

“Don’t be angry about this, think about his purpose.” Qi Baicha thought, “Is it always just for my beauty? Then I spent a year in the same office with him, and he had already had countless opportunities. Start, don’t wait until now.”

“You stayed in the same office for a year?!” Qi Ye was about to explode when he heard it.

He even let Chacha stay in such a dangerous environment for a year without noticing it.

Qi Baicha said: “His name is Li Jin, a history teacher recruited by the school last year. It was hidden too deeply, and I didn’t realize it was wrong.”

Qi Ye thought for a while and analyzed: “He may be waiting for the time to come. And now is the right time-no matter who is afraid of the judgment of the main god, he has been lurking for so long, perhaps because he is not attracting the attention of the main god. And now The world of 999 has even the end, and the Lord God still hasn’t come, so he dared to be confident and brazen.”

Qi Baicha thinks it makes sense: “I don’t see if he is a **** or another creature, but he can trap you and deceive me. He is absolutely strong, so strong that he can kill me like Pascal and seize the godhead, but he Didn’t do it. Maybe it’s not wanting, maybe it’s worrying about something.”

“He set up a formation for you to trap you, and at the same time pretended to be you to deceive me. He can set up a difficult formation for you so that you can’t come back tonight, instead of letting you come back at this time, he seems Deliberately wanting you to see me being taken by him…” Thinking of that scene, Qi Ye and Qi Baicha’s faces became cold at the same time.

Qi Ye’s dark eyes were dull, as if squally rain was brewing: “I will be crazy.”

He will really be crazy.

No matter how restrained in front of Chacha, it can’t change Qi Ye’s essence as a Cthulhu. God Geli engraved all negative emotions such as possession, jealousy, and gloom. He would be displeased even if he had imagined that Chacha’s debut would be sought after by fans, let alone Chacha by others…

Qi Baicha asked: “Will you kill me?”

Qi Ye didn’t even think about it: “How is it possible.”

Qi Baicha smiled: “Just ask a person who is paranoid and dark by nature. When he comes home and sees his lover entangled in bed with other men, will he lose his mind and go black? That man ran away on the spot, and will his husband be furious? , Kill the lover who betrayed him?”

Qi Ye frowned: “I won’t…”

Qi Baicha looked at him quietly: “What if he touches me?”

“That’s not your fault either!” Qi Ye said fiercely, “I feel sorry for you and it’s too late, how can I anger you.”

“Sir, you can restrain, but the evil spirit’s divinity said that he would do this. This is the most reasonable result.” Qi Baicha looked at him tenderly, “Even if you don’t kill me, the evil spirit’s desire to destroy the world will be stimulated again. , Want to destroy the world. At that time, do you think that the Snow God, who takes the responsibility of protecting the world, will sit back and watch? The Snow God will definitely take action against the Cthulhu for his own responsibility. Then a couple who loves each other will turn against each other. ”

“The second test Li Jin said is whether you will kill me or not.” Qi Baicha calmly said, “Whether it is for bad taste or because of restrictions, he has revealed his purpose-he will not commit suicide. We, but want us to kill each other.”

Qi Ye sneered: “Let him die. These assumptions don’t exist. I won’t hurt you from the beginning, I won’t destroy the world you want to protect, and I won’t be your enemy.”

“I know, sir.” Qi Baicha said softly, “so I never thought about whether or not I would take action against you if you want to destroy the world.”

“I believe you won’t do this.”

“The assumption I just made is based on the divinity of the Cthulhu and Snow God. According to logical development, these are things that Cthulhu and Snow God will do, but not what you and I will do.”

“Li Jin can say your name and stay lurking by my side for a year, indicating that he knows your Cthulhu status and also my Snow God status. All his calculations are based on the Cthulhu and Snow God’s gods. Judgment made by sex, we want to calculate our anti-objective.”

“He only didn’t count that our love would violate divinity.”

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