After Marrying the Villain, I Became Popular

Chapter 19

Chapter 18: Good Smell

When Huo Yu got into the car, Xia Wan was leaning on the back of the chair while watching his phone and eating snacks.

“What are you looking at?” Huo Yu asked casually.

Summer Evening: “Chat with your roommate.”

“So good relationship with roommate?” Huo Yu said, and clicked the seat belt buckle in.

With the snapping sound, his voice sounded a little cold.

Xia Wan gave him a strange look. He didn’t mind that he was talking on the phone behind his back, but he blamed him?

However, thinking from another perspective, he can understand Huo Yu’s vigilance.

Even if the little white rabbit lives in such a deformed environment, it has to become a big wolf.

He didn’t say anything, he poured the beef into Bai Nennen’s palm and held it in front of Huo Yu: “Do you want to eat?”

Beef granules were wrapped in colored paper, like small sugar cubes, which made the hand even more white, with a light pink, almost transparent in the sun.

Huo Yu was quiet for a moment, then took one from his palm, unpacked it, and threw it into his mouth.

It’s delicious.

He used to eat it when he was young, but since when has he never eaten it again?

He’s a little lost.

“Is it delicious?” Xia Wan’s hand didn’t leave. Seeing that he had eaten the first one, he hurriedly held it up again.

Huo Yu didn’t take it again, but looked at Xia Wan, “Any more? Pack me a new one.”

Do you think your hands are dirty? Xia Wan couldn’t help but sigh.

He took his hand back and reluctantly took an unopened package and handed it to Huo Yu.

Really? Huo Yu couldn’t help but laugh.

“Your backpack is so big, what treasures are hidden in it?” Huo Yu took the beef jerky in his hand and turned slightly towards Xia Wan.

The summer evening was busy moving her bag away so that no one could see it.

Huo Yu didn’t have to look at it, he laughed lightly and started the car.

Huo Yu seems to be in a good mood since that phone call? People looked a little more lively.

Xia Wan was leaning on the car window halfway, and his eyes swept across Huo Yu’s cheeks intentionally or unintentionally.

His eyes are bright and focused, and his hands on the steering wheel occasionally tap lightly, giving him a rare sense of relaxation and pleasure.

Maybe Yan Rui has already decided?

Summer evening couldn’t help being a little ecstatic, and the speed of eating beef jerky slowed down.

He is not sure, how to remind Huo Yu to be natural and not show traces.

The sound of clattering and unpacking in the carriage gradually subsided, and Huo Yu glanced at Xia Wan: “What do you want to eat at noon?”

“You decide,” Xia Wan said, “I think it’s delicious.”

“Do you eat hot pot?” Huo Yu asked, “Shen’s chain store has released a new pot base, and Shen Yan said two days ago that he should try it.”

“Okay.” Xia Wan’s eyes lit up, and even his body sat up straighter, and he felt that Huo Yu and him were in good spirits.

He has eaten a lot of dishes recently, but he has never eaten hot pot. He even mentioned it a few times in the live broadcast. Netizens also recommended him the best combination of hot pot. He is waiting Going to have a go.

He pointed the phone at Jiugongge and clicked, and then sent it to his video account with satisfaction.

After a while, Fu Ling’s information broke in.

【Little Sweet Zero: Ah~~~~~~】

Xia Wan thought what happened to him, and was taken aback,

【Big bowl of sweet tea: Baby don’t cry, what’s the matter? 】

【Little Sweet Zero: I also want to eat hot pot, or Jiugongge. 】

Xia Wan chuckled, he thought for a moment and sent a message:

【Little Sweet Zero: Can you be kinder to single dogs? And haven’t you been divorced long ago? 】

[Large bowl of sweet tea: not the kind of off the list. 】

【Little sweet zero: ? 】

Xia Wan wanted to take a photo of the marriage certificate and send it over, but looking at Huo Yu who was dining with his eyes down, he held back his desire and continued typing:

[Big bowl of sweet tea: I’m married. 】

【Little Sweet Zero: Ah~~~~】

Xia Wan was about to reply, but Huo Yu reminded in a cold voice: “Eat well.”

“Oh.” Xia Wan obediently put down the phone, rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked, “Do you know who I’m chatting with?”

Huo Yu’s eyelids didn’t move.

Xia Wan continued: “It’s my former neighbor in my hometown.”

“I don’t see that you are quite affectionate.” Huo Yu said calmly.

“He told me something today,” Xia Wan said, and couldn’t help but sigh, “It’s really unpredictable.”

Huo Yu looked a little funny when he saw that he wanted to talk again, and wanted to ask people to ask, so he kindly cooperated: “What is the unpredictable method?”

“You will definitely be angry when you hear it,” Xia Wan became more energetic, “My neighbor works in the county government, and he has been at odds with another colleague in the same unit. Last autumn, my neighbor’s Uncle Yuan Fang is going to be transferred to our city to manage the economy, and the transfer order has not been issued yet, and his colleague got the news from nowhere, guess what?”

Huo Yu has always been in a hurry to eat, and he couldn’t help but slow down when he heard this.

In an instant, he already had the answer in his heart.

“What’s the matter?” He asked, looking at Xia Wan’s eyes darkened a little.

Xia Wan’s words made him realize that there were some omissions in his arrangement.

But the timing of Xia Wan’s words made him suspicious and alert.

“This distant uncle was jointly designed, let alone promotion, his career has been ruined,” Xia Wan was indignant, as if he didn’t notice his gaze, “My neighbor was also led by the current leader this year. I found a staggered one, it was a good thing, but it turned out to be a bad thing, do you think it’s irritating or not?”

Huo Yu lowered his eyes and started eating again: “If you were your neighbor, what would you do?”

Xia Wan held her cheeks: “I didn’t think about it, what if it was you?”

Huo Yu made a smile, which was so cold that it was almost bloodthirsty, and it disappeared in a flash in the steaming heat of the hot pot.

“I didn’t even think about it,” he said, then raised his hand and greeted the waiter with another beef ball.

“Have you finished your beef balls?” Xia Wan was a little surprised.

“You won’t let others eat it if you don’t eat it?” Huo Yuxi glanced at him.

He doesn’t actually like to eat, but watching Xia Wan just chatting, he maliciously ate all the meatballs he liked.

Seeing Xia Wan puffing her cheeks in dissatisfaction, Huo Yu laughed: “Isn’t this a reward for you?”

It has been more than half a month since Huo Yu returned to China, but he has no intention of leaving at all. The most difficult of them is Huo Peixue and Huo Lin.

Especially Huo Lin.

He wasn’t worried about what waves Huo Yu could make, but his return did increase the pressure on him from all aspects.

“What do you mean by his contact with Wen Yunzhi?” Huo Pei asked, “Isn’t he trying to take advantage of the power of the Xue family?”

In the past few days, Huo Peixue began to test Huo Yu openly and secretly, but the other party didn’t accept the move at all, which made him useless.

Especially today, Wen Yunzhi’s car broke down, but Huo Yu caught up.

“I don’t know if they have reached any agreement on the way.” Huo Pei said.


“Then what do you think?” Huo Peixue’s eyes flashed.

“Is it designed early in the morning?” Huo Lin lowered his voice unconsciously, “It’s the same as the previous incident.”

Huo Peixue looked at him gloomily for a moment, and finally said, “Don’t mention that matter again.”

“I think you are always worrying about nothing,” Huo Lin clicked: “If you have time, you might as well take a look at this project I am talking about now.”

“Those who fall from the sky also have dazzling faces.” Huo Peixue snorted, but his face looked much better.

Huo Lin didn’t know what kind of **** luck he had recently, and a good project hit him on the head. Fortunately, he was also clever and received it accurately, and now it has basically been determined.

“Even if it falls from the sky, I have to catch it quickly.” Huo Lin raised his head proudly.

For half a month and a half, the Huo family did not wait for Huo Yu to leave, but waited for Huo Yu’s uncle Yan Rui’s order.

Yan Rui was officially transferred to Beijing to take charge of economic work.

Huo Peixue got furious on the spot.

I don’t know why, this time before Yan Rui was transferred, no news came out, otherwise they wouldn’t be so embarrassed.

He frowned, raising tigers to infest them was never his style.

A painting was finally completed, Xia Wan signed his name in the blank space, a lowercase “w”, and then uploaded it to the website.

Recently, several galleries have extended an olive branch to him, Xia Wan is still comparing, and although his popularity has soared, he also has his own shortcomings, that is, there are too few works.

So recently, he has devoted most of his time to creation.

Xia Wan paused for a moment, as if she suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her backpack.

There are as many as five missed calls on the screen.

Xia Wan hurriedly dialed back, and the answer was very fast, but Huo Yu’s voice was not pleasant, he called out slowly and deeply: “Xia Wan.”

“Eldest young master,” Xia Wan answered the phone with one hand and was busy packing things with the other: “I’ll go down.”

Without waiting for Huo Yu to speak, he hung up the phone and went straight to the school gate.

“Master.” Xia Wan got out of the car panting and immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, I forgot to turn on my phone.”

Huo Yu pursed his lips straight and looked at him blankly.

“You don’t have to pick me up in the future,” Xia Wan felt guilty, “I’ll just take the bus.”

Huo Yu gave Xia Wan a car, but Xia Wan only drove twice and thought it was too difficult to park and let it go.

Huo Yu glanced at him, didn’t say whether to send or not, and started the car without saying a word.

Halfway through, he opened his mouth and said, “Remember to turn on the phone after class tomorrow, I will come and pick you up.”

“Tomorrow?” Xia Wan was startled, “There will be classes tomorrow afternoon.”

His schedule is clear.

If there is a class in the afternoon, he will stay at the school, and if there is no class in the afternoon, he will go back to Huo Yu, and on weekends, he will go back to accompany Xia Chengzhang.

Huo Yu said this, there should be some special situation.

Sure enough, Huo Yu said, “I’m going back to Huo’s house tomorrow to attend a reception.”

“There are so many feasts in your Huo family,” Xia Wan muttered, and asked a little closer, “What do I need to do?”

“You.” Huo Yu glanced at him lightly, seeing Xia Wan’s eyes full of anticipation, he couldn’t help but smile, “I will take you to buy clothes tomorrow, just dress up beautifully and show affection. already.”

“So simple?” Xia Wan doubted.

The Huo family said this time it was a celebration for Huo Lin, so they had a feast for the guests, but Huo Yu knew that it was not that simple.

Yan Rui ordered, Huo Peixue will definitely fight back.

But the soldiers come to block the water and the soil.

Besides, there are rumors about him and Huo Lin fighting for the Xia Wan brothers, so as long as Xia Wan is present, it will be a blow to Huo Peixue.

No matter what, there is him.

Huo Yu smiled and made a light “um”.

Xia Wan looked at him for a moment, then lifted her cheeks: “Master, are you not angry anymore?”

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