After Marrying the Villain, I Became Popular

Chapter 4

Chapter 3: I’M The One Above

The air was quiet, Huo Yu looked at Xia Wan and didn’t speak, a handsome face was hidden in the night, and he couldn’t see his expression clearly.

Xia Wan hesitated for a while, thinking about it or not.

In all fairness, this requirement is indeed a bit out of bounds, after all, they are strangers who have just met for the first time

Even if they were on the same front not long ago, it was only because they faced a common enemy at the time, and now, when the enemy is not in front of them, they naturally have to return to the identity of strangers .

If I hadn’t fallen into this completely unfamiliar world in such a helpless position, and could not fully integrate the original owner’s memory for the time being, Xia Wan would not have made such a sudden request.

But now only Huo Yu can help him.

When she looked up again, those beautiful eyes had been soaked by a thin mist of water, and in the faint light of the moon and stars, they were as pure as a dustless elves, and like a homeless wandering deer …

“Get in the car.” Huo Yu looked away and said lightly, “If you can accept sleeping on the sofa.”

“Ah?” Xia Wan exclaimed in surprise, as light as a human illusion.

Don’t you want to refuse? Could he be wrong?

But Huo Yu was so refreshing, but he hesitated.

The other party is the villain after all, is the villain so talkative?

He hesitated, and the fingertips trapped in his sleeve couldn’t help but rub it lightly again.

In the past life, Xia Wan has been well protected. To be precise, he should have been in a state of being overprotected all the time.

Almost all the pressure and injury had been blocked and resolved by his family one by one before they came to him.

In addition to health problems, he has hardly encountered any bad things, and he has not had much contact with people who are malicious to him.

But now, without those family members who love him, everything must be faced by him alone.

And the book does say that Huo Yu is a man of uncertainty and ruthless means. For the sake of the Huo family’s property, he can even play the trick of losing both sides 666…

During this period of time, even in the face of huge malice and harm Xia Wan can cope with ease, but thinking of his family alone, his nose and eyes became sour at the same time.

I wonder if the family found out that he is no longer there. If so, can they accept it?

Because of his illness, they were already mentally prepared to be separated at any time, but now that day has come, why is it still so uncomfortable?

Like the white jasmine after the rain, people don’t feel bored, only pity.

Huo Yu seemed to be stunned for a moment, and after a while he tilted his head slightly unnaturally: “Actually, it doesn’t matter if I sleep on the sofa.”

I don’t know why, he was so wrong and a little helpless, which inexplicably hit Xia Wan’s laugh, he looked up, tears in his eyes were not dry, but the corners of his mouth were already Tilt up.

Shen Yan, who was next to him, finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and decided to give up the glorious and great career of “driver”.

He put the car key around his fingertips a few times, and then threw it into Huo Yu’s hand: “How do you sleep, you go home and close the door and discuss it by yourself?”

The night wind was colder, but the car was warm.

For Xia Wan, the scenery outside the window is not unfamiliar, because the book is based on the city where he lives.

But if you look carefully, there are still many details that are different from real life.

For example, the Imperial City Hotel where they were just now, although it is also a hotel in reality, its name is not Imperial City.

The car drove all the way, Xia Wan looked at the scenery outside the window and carefully sorted out the memory of the original owner in her mind.

The original owner’s life is not complicated, as long as you calm down, you can quickly figure out the outline.

Soon, Xia Wan learned from it that the original owner had no mother, only a father with disabled legs, whose name was Xia Chengzhang.

Before they did not live in this city, but in Xia Chengzhang’s hometown, a poor small county town in the south.

It was not until the first year of high school that the original owner’s distant uncle Xia Chenglin returned to his hometown and brought them to live in the capital.

This is also the reason why the original owner has an amazing face, but is very inferior and cowardly.

Just as she was thinking, a very familiar building sign suddenly appeared in her sight.

“Huo Yu,” he didn’t notice that he had the audacity to call the villain’s name directly, and he didn’t realize that his voice was shaking, “What is that place?”

“Where?” Huo Yu thought he was cold, so he turned up the temperature of the air conditioner.

“Over there,” Xia Wan’s hand pointed forward unconsciously, “that red X building sign.”

The huge “X” is actually very far away from them, but because of its very high position, it is very eye-catching in the night sky.

And such a scene, Xia Wan almost saw it since childhood, because it was the symbol of their Xia family.

Representing their supreme status in the industry of Charlie Jewelry – the brightest star in the night sky.

Xia Wan’s heart almost jumped out, he looked at that point attentively, even if it was far away, but with his familiarity with it, he could accurately distinguish it, that flashing The building and location of the building mark are exactly the same as their Xia family.

Is there a possibility, Xia Wan could not help clenching his fists, their Xia family also exists in this world, and his parents and relatives are also here?

But Huo Yu’s voice broke his illusion: “That is the headquarters of the Xue family.”

As soon as the word “Xue’s” came out, the memory of the original owner about it popped up sporadically in Xia Wan’s mind.

The Xue family is mainly engaged in daily chemicals, skin care, make-up, and accessories. The investment in these years has also been flourishing. It has a very strong influence and appeal in the world, and there are almost no young people. I don’t know.

As he was in a trance, his legs suddenly went numb. Xia Wan was stunned for a while before realizing that his phone was vibrating.

He slowly took out the phone, and when he saw the word “Brother Yang” flashing on the screen, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

If he is not mistaken, the reason why the original owner and Huo Lin got together is entirely because of Xia Yang.

The original owner grew up in a small place since childhood, and his father was busy day and night because of his livelihood, and he could not give him too much teaching, so he had been living in a daze and was unable to do many things Seeing it clearly, coupled with his cowardly temperament, low self-esteem, and lack of assertiveness, he did not dare to resist when others pinched him like dough.

And this includes this Xia Yang.

But summer evenings are different.

He was born in a wealthy family, even if he seldom goes out due to illness, he can learn a lot even if he only listens to his parents and brothers chatting.

Although he rarely has contact with outsiders, he is relatively ignorant in small details, but he can clearly see the real sophistication.

The original owner was very talented in painting since childhood, but Xia Chengzhang could not afford the related expenses until Xia Chenglin returned home and persuaded Xia Chengzhang to live in Beijing on the grounds of the child’s future.

So far, every word of his seems to be full of kindness, but the fact is that they just saw Xia Wan’s looks so good, and they were only moved.

It doesn’t cost much to raise one or two people, but if you take out people at a critical moment, you can exchange them for what you want, and the benefits are immeasurable.

And Huo Lin is exactly the key to the Xia family’s project.

Whether it is the Xia family or Huo Lin, they all know that the original owner is just a bargaining chip for them.

The only one who thinks he is really in love from beginning to end is the original owner.

“Hello.” Xia Wan answered the phone, but almost immediately, he put the receiver away again, because the voice of the person on the other side was so loud that it almost burst his eardrums.

He swept his eyes and saw that Xia Wan didn’t even move his brows.

It wasn’t until the other side got tired of yelling and his voice dropped, he slowly brought the microphone close to his lips, the lips that had been frozen to blue and purple had recovered their blood, and were pink and red: “What am I doing? Woe?”

Huo Lin, don’t you have a B number in your heart? Our family’s project finally got a little bit of an eye, and you’ve been back to the original after all the trouble, do you know?”

“Brother,” Xia Wan said, “you probably don’t know what’s going on, it was Huo Lin who gave me a green hat first, and he was engaged to others while dating me. How can you call me to make trouble with the green light?”

How could Xia Yang not know? Xia Yang probably knew better than anyone else.

Sure enough, there seemed to be finally no longer able to bear it and said angrily: “What are you? Is it worth Huo Lin to give you a cuckold?”

Before they relied on Xia Wan’s stupidity, and their exploitation of him was always covered with a fig leaf, but today, Xia Wan is going to tear off this almost transparent fig leaf.

Seeing that Xia Wan never said a word, but did not hang up the phone, Xia Yang’s tone softened: “Wan Wan, brother didn’t mean that.”

“Then what do you mean?” Xia Wan asked, not even calling her brother.

“Brother is also for your own good,” Xia Yang persuaded over there, “You think, Huo Lin is just engaged, not married, he likes you so much, we still have a chance…”

“Don’t you just want to cling to the Huo family?” Xia Wan interrupted him, “I’m better with Huo Yu now, isn’t it different? Both are the young masters of the Huo family.”

Going back, then their project is not impossible to continue to talk about.

“Can Huo Yu be compared with Huo Lin?” Xia Yang said in a low voice, “The Huo family is now in the hands of Huo Lin and his father, what will Huo Yu do? For a fart?”

“Oh,” Xia Wan heard the words slowly: “Is it like me and my brother? Although both belong to the Xia family, I am nothing.”

Come on! Xia Yang was so angry that his temples jumped.

The feeling of anger, anger and powerlessness is completely different from the usual Xia Wan who is submissive to him.

“Brother didn’t mean that.” He held back his breath and continued to explain.

“Then what do you mean?” Xia Wan asked again.

“Huo Lin likes you very much. If you follow him, who wouldn’t look at you highly?” Xia Wan doesn’t have much knowledge. As long as you tell him these benefits, he will naturally be able to use it both hard and soft. Heartbroken, “Moreover, Huo Lin is very generous. Even if he reveals a little in the crevices of his fingers, it will be enough for you and your uncle to eat and wear for the rest of your life.”

This is for him to be Huo Lin’s lover.

Xia Wan sneered silently and asked, “So many benefits?”

“Of course,” Xia Yang’s tone finally became lighter, “Can brother still harm you?”

“Since there are so many benefits,” Xia Wan asked, “Why doesn’t brother go with Huo Lin by himself?”

Fuck! Xia Yang almost scolded his mother, but he reacted immediately and said, “Isn’t that why he doesn’t like me?”

“Then let Zhang Hao go, I followed Huo Yu, it’s not clean.” Xia Wan said.

God is **** dirty!

The hands that had been firmly resting on the steering wheel tightened unconsciously, and the corner of Huo Yu’s mouth twitched stiffly.

But this is not over, because Xia Wan continued to say in a very serious tone: “And I analyzed what my brother said, and I think Huo Yu and I seem to be a better match than Huo Lin.”

Afterwards, she kindly suggested: “Let Zhang Hao go.”

Zhang Hao is Xia Yang’s cousin.

Xia Yang’s uncle died very early, and his aunt lived in Xia’s house with a pair of children. Zhang Hao was the boy.

Because of the lack of a father, the elders became more pampered. As a result, they were so used to it that they did not say anything. They even touched Xia Wan many times, but they were blocked by Xia Yang and Xia Chengsen. down.

I think the original owner was very grateful for this, but Xia Wan knew very well that they kept the original owner, but they were waiting for a bigger use.

“Did you do it on purpose?” Xia Yang finally came to his senses, “Don’t say Huo Lin doesn’t like Zhang Hao, even if he likes Zhang Hao, Zhang Hao is the one above. ”

“Oh~,” Xia Wan made a long oh, and then said, “But I’m also the one above.”

A low and deep laugh came over, Xia Wan raised her eyelashes and looked over.

Huo Yu was still looking forward intently, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Even though she was fighting wits and courage, Xia Wan couldn’t help shaking her head: “It’s so beautiful!”

The author has something to say:

The brightest star in the night sky—Hahaha, I want to laugh while writing, (* ̄︶ ̄)

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