After Marrying the Villain, I Became Popular

Chapter 91

Chapter 89: Don’T Be Afraid (1)

When I knew that Xia Chenglin had an accident, Xia Yang was drunk in a bar.

This store was opened by one of his former brothers, Liu Shuner.

The reason why they say they are the former brothers is that the current Liu Shun’er is simply avoiding him.

Liu Shun’er used to be able to pat and hold Xia Yang very well, so she got a lot of benefits and conveniences from him, so Xia’s family was down and out, Xia Yang always came over to drink and get drunk, so he could barely turn a blind eye one eye.

Of course, there is another factor that Liu Shuner is still watching.

What if the Xia family has the possibility of a resurgence?

Being a human being, it is always right to leave more for yourself.

Only, Liu Shuner can barely keep one eye closed, but Xia Yang doesn’t know how to restrain at all.

I don’t know if it’s because Liu Shuner’s attitude changed too much and deliberately disgusts him, or he doesn’t have the consciousness that he has fallen down. After being drunk, she has to make a scene from time to time, which makes Liu Shun’er have a headache.

Liu Shuner had already reached the point of being intolerable towards him.


The Xia family was completely over, Liu Shuner was so sure for the first time.

He looked up through the single-sided glass and looked down from the office on the second floor.

This office was temporarily cleaned up by him to avoid Xia Yang.

Xia Yang was already very drunk, and empty wine bottles were piled up in front of him. According to the previous style, he would definitely let the waiter continue to serve him wine.

, and walked out with several security personnel.

Since there is no use value, there is no need for him to be an uncle.

Let him eat and drink for free for so long, he thinks he has done his best.

Three or two good words in the past, it is best for the other party to know the current affairs, in that case, they can save face for each other, if the other party does not know the current affairs…, Liu Shuner sneered unconsciously.

Xia Yang did drink a lot.

As I staggered out of my seat, I accidentally caught a chair under my feet and almost tripped myself.

“Brother, why are you drinking too much again?” Liu Shun’er smiled and helped him, then looked at the waiter who came over after hearing the sound, and raised her chin, “Don’t hurry up and open the bottle again. Bring some good wine?”

“Okay.” Looking at the figure of the waiter going away, Xia Yang slowly turned around, his eyes were red with wine, “You are a majestic boy.”

Liu Shuner used to be just a dog by his side, he would wag his tail to please him and get some benefits from him.

But now, a dog has a sense of superiority in front of him.

Not only that, but also dare to point at him…

Liu Shun’er laughed dryly: “Isn’t it busy recently? You also know that there is a project in the Zhang family that started recently, and I’m running behind the old man.”

Hit him in the face?

Xia Yang sneered: “Your master changes quickly.”

Liu Shun’er also laughed, not only was he not angry, but instead poured a glass of wine for Xia Yang.

“Brother, look,” Liu Shun’er slowly cut to the point while pouring wine, “I am also a small business here, and the drinks before are nothing, just treat you as filial piety, but after that …”

As soon as he said this, he couldn’t help but pause, because Xia Yang’s mobile phone screen lit up on the desktop.

Liu Shun’er ignored Xia Yang’s icy and mocking gaze and pointed to Xia Yang’s mobile phone: “Do you want to answer the phone?”

An unfamiliar phone number was on the screen, Xia Yang glanced irritably, and then looked away.

What else can happen to a strange number?

Now he really can’t think of anyone who will look for him except the debtor.

It’s really **** like a dragon swimming in shallow water and being played by a shrimp, a tiger falling in Pingyang and being bullied by a dog.

Xia Yang didn’t answer, and sneered: “I think I treated you well in the past, right? You got a lot of benefits from me, right? Why are so many bottles of wine now? Out of shape?”

“It used to be before, and to be honest, you really can’t take advantage of it.” Liu Shun’er still smiled, but her words kept piercing people like needles. , “I wish I could use you as a dog to get some convenience from you. It might not be uncommon to change someone.”

Xia Yang looked at Liu Shuner with red eyes, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth jumped a few times unconsciously.

The reversal of his status made him extremely uncomfortable.

Not only Liu Shuner in front of her, but also the summer evening that everyone is talking about today.

It seems that everyone is climbing up, only he is falling down, and he dares to bully him when he falls to something that is worse than a dog in his heart.

The fire burned in his heart, and the fire burned into his stomach almost instantly, making him feel sick, and it seemed to burn into his brain, making the whole world shake upside down.

He didn’t know how to reach out and hold the wine bottle in front of him, his eyes became cold and sullen.

In the past, Xia Yang was strong and sullen, but now he has lost a lot of weight, and his temperament has become cloudy.

But Liu Shun’er was not afraid of him, he also turned cold and winked at several security personnel not far away.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense, and even the surrounding customers noticed something was wrong and changed their positions.

There was a space beside them.

As the swords were drawn, Xia Yang’s phone rang again.

He gritted his teeth and glanced, then slowly put the wine bottle in his hand again.

Xia Yang is not the kind of person who can suffer.

Although he drank a lot, he knew very well in his heart that if he really had a conflict with Liu Shuner today, he would not be able to take advantage of it.

This is not in line with his usual principle of doing things.

Whether it’s to get Liu Shuner or to make a mess, you should find a few more people and have a fun and lively fight.

And the call came at just the right time to get him out of the way.

He smiled, raised his hand and gave Liu Shun’er a double nod, then answered the phone.

The caller was his mother, Zhao Chengfang.

The bar was very noisy, Xia Yang raised his hand to block one ear, so the voice on the phone was still clear.

Xia Yang is in a bad mood today, so his voice is very impatient: “Mom, you…”

But after a few words, he stopped without warning, because what came from the opposite side was not the whining and babbling of Zhao Chengfang as he imagined, but a heart-piercing sound. of crying.


The wind was not loud, but it passed by Xia Yang’s ears like thunder.

“Your father was in a car accident.” Zhao Chengfang cried, “It’s snowing now, and it’s not easy to take a taxi. I haven’t been to the hospital yet.”

The assets of the Xia family have all been repaid, and they don’t even have a scooter now, only then did they realize that there were so many inconveniences in life.

“Which hospital?” Xia Yang asked, “How is the situation?”

Zhao Chengfang reported the name of the hospital, and added: “I don’t know the specific situation of your father yet. The call was just from the traffic police, who kept saying that there should be no danger to life. I was worried that they were afraid of the road. It was an accident, so I spoke lightly.”

Zhao Chengfang’s worry is not impossible.

There are many empty cars waiting for business at the entrance of the bar. Xia Yang waved to open a car door and sat in, and hurriedly reported the hospital address to the driver.

He was far away from the hospital. When he arrived, Zhao Chengfang was already busy with the formalities.

The specific situation of Xia Chenglin has also been known.

Thanks to the driver braking in time when the accident happened, Xia Chenglin saved his life.

The car crashed not too hard, but Xia Chenglin was unlucky and hit the metal bracket of the billboard straight, and his spine was severely frustrated.

If the surgery is performed in time, there may be a chance to live a normal life, but it will also require a long reconstruction.

But if the treatment is not timely, then Xia Chenglin may be paralyzed in bed forever, unable to take care of himself.

This is a major operation, the cost is not low, and the preoperative deposit cannot be lower than the entire operation cost.

Xia Yang and Zhao Chengfang rummaged through their pockets at the admission window, but they couldn’t even collect the deposit. It was Xia Chenglin who violated the traffic rules and caused the accident. He was the main person in charge of the accident. I’m still taking a statement at the police station.

If you don’t have money, you can’t do surgery, and if you can’t do surgery, Xia Chenglin is completely finished.

Xia Yang looked at Zhao Chengfang who was crying and scratched her hair. Fortunately, Zhang Hao also came with his mother Zhao Chengjiao. Xia Yang entrusted Zhao Chengfang to them, and turned around and left the hospital. .

He has to get money.

Alcohol is the easiest to take advantage of when a person is fragile. Xia Yang’s temples throbbed, and he was dizzy and dizzy because of the alcohol, and he didn’t know where to go.

At this time, he should go to Xia Wan. He doesn’t lack anything now. As long as he wants, he can have as much money as he wants.

But he also knew in his heart that he could not enter the hotel, and even if he did, he would not see Xia Wan.

A taxi from far away came over, Xia Yang opened the car door in a daze and sat in.

The cold air outside accompanied by snowflakes rushing in, did not cover the strong smell of alcohol on Xia Yang’s body, the driver frowned unconsciously.

Xia Yang sat in the back for a while before reporting the address, and turned his head to see the hospital getting further and further away.

At this time, Xia Chengzhang should have fallen asleep long ago.

But today is a special day, he has been swiping the information on the Internet and the comments of netizens, without any sleepiness.

The curtains were drawn in the room, and the lights had already been extinguished, only the light of the phone screen illuminated his eyes.

It took a long time to watch, he felt a little tired, so he put down the phone, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

The sound of footsteps came in at this time.

Xia Chengzhang lives on the first floor. It is not surprising that the neighbors have footsteps coming and going, but this footstep is different from the past. It comes straight to the window of his bedroom, and then, His window was slapped violently.

This is very heavy, not to mention that Xia Chengzhang is not asleep, even if he falls asleep, he will be awakened.

He didn’t speak, just sat up quietly.

“I know you haven’t slept.” Xia Yang’s voice came from outside, a little vague in the wind, Xia Chengzhang could hear it, he should have been drinking a lot.

Since Zhang Ruicheng took back the Xia family’s studio, the Xia family had made countless troubles on the grounds that Xia Chengzhang and Xia Wan and their son had colluded with outsiders to plot against them.

From the initial “to say” to the later request for Xia Wan to give up a small half of his shares, it can be said that there are many tricks.

However, no matter how troublesome they are, given Huo Yu’s identity, they are somewhat scruples.

But today, Xia Yang’s voice is not the same as before, with a sinister smell, in such a wind and snow night, it sounds outside the window, and it has a penetrating smell.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the voice soon became much calmer: “Uncle, I know you haven’t slept yet.”

Today is the big day of the summer evening, and I know with my toes, how could Xia Chengzhang sleep.

“I’ve told you many times, but it’s useless to ask me.” He said, “The company has no relationship with me for a long time, and Lao Zhang got his hands on his strength and positive attitude. In fair competition, you should be willing to gamble and admit defeat.”

“Uncle,” Xia Yang seemed to laugh, and then said, “I can wait, but my dad can’t wait any longer.”

His voice rose sharply: “You save him, you have to save him!”

With his roar, even Aunt Zhang and the neighbors next to him woke up.

Aunt Zhang didn’t sleep either. When Xia Wan’s life was revealed, even outsiders were shocked, let alone her?

She is also brushing her phone, feeling emotional and excited.

Hearing the movement, she quickly put on her clothes and arrived at Xia Chengzhang’s side.

She heard Xia Yang’s slightly fragile voice: “My dad has a car accident and is waiting for the money in the hospital, uncle, please save him.”

As soon as these words came out, let alone Aunt Zhang, Xia Chengzhang’s face also changed.

“You give me five million,” Xia Yang said, speaking quickly, “From now on, our family will not bother you again.”

His tone was cold, unusually cold.

Not only the tone, but also the expression on his face is extremely cold, with a bit of indifferent mockery, mixed with sadness and joy, and looks a little distorted.

Aunt Zhang glanced at him and suddenly felt a little startled, she sat down on the small sofa by the door without saying a word.

“You don’t have any?” Xia Yang said, “You don’t always have Xia Wan, right? Don’t he share the same thing with Zhang’s family? He still has Huo Yu, or the Xue family. My son, today the old man of the Xue family will only give him 15% of his shares, let alone five million, even if fifty million is just a drop in the bucket for him now, if you want it from him, ask for it immediately!”

“As long as you give me five million today, our whole family will not bother you again.” Xia Yang said again, he endured the humiliation, tried to keep his tone low, and even brought some begging.

“I don’t have it.” Across the window, Xia Chengzhang still said that sentence, but his last sentence completely angered Xia Yang, “Don’t say I don’t have it, even if I have it, I won’t give it to you. you.”

“Xia Chengzhang, my dad is still in the hospital, if it can’t be treated in time, he may be paralyzed for life,” Xia Yang gritted his teeth, but had to take a step back, “If you don’t have five million, you will take my dad It’s okay to take the surgery fee first.”

“No.” Xia Chengzhang is still the same sentence, “Even if there is, I will not give it.”

It surged up like magma, and charged up frantically.

Because of the cold and the heat, his emotions finally stretched to the limit.

Not only Xia Yang was startled, but even Aunt Zhang was very surprised at this moment.

She has never seen Xia Chengzhang so inhumane.

Xia Chengzhang usually has no temper, and has always been very simple and kind. Even if the shoes and bags of some elderly people around him are broken, he will bring glasses to help people repair them for free.

Only he can help, she has never seen him reject others.

But today, this is the time when life is at stake. Even if the two families usually have festivals, Aunt Zhang still feels that it is too much.

She couldn’t help but glance at Xia Chengzhang, but only saw his resolute profile.

There was some waste piled up in a corner of the yard, there were several steel pipes in it, Xia Yang turned around and took one.

“I’ve already given you the chance, I’ll ask you one last time,” he looked coldly at the window in front of him, with the shadow of Xia Chengzhang on it, “If you don’t save me today My dad, then he is doomed to be paralyzed. At that time, the media will know how vicious Xia Wan’s adoptive father is, and even his own brothers of the same clan can die. He is a public figure, you think clearly, even if it is not for yourself, I also advise you to take the money out obediently.”

Xia Chengzhang hated the idea of someone playing Xia Wan the most in his life, and when he heard the words, his tone was even colder: “Then you can try.”

He said with a sneer, with a resolute and sad expression on his face: “How did Xia Chenglin treat me when I had an accident? He not only didn’t help me, but also took the opportunity to take it away. The studio that I founded, who founded the industry that you are proud of these years, it is impossible for you not to know, right? Brothers from the same clan had an accident for the common cause, and instead of helping him, he fell into trouble. If you want to make trouble, then Great, see whose face is ugly!”

“My greatest sympathy for him is that I don’t kill him,” Xia Chengzhang’s voice was steady, “I tell you Xia Yang, Xia Chenglin is retribution, even if someone really tries to save him, it’s useless, He should be paralyzed on the bed and feel my despair and pain back then!”

Xia Yang didn’t see it, but after hearing this, Aunt Zhang, who was already shocked by the local, saw it, and Xia Chengzhang was full of tears.

Xia Chenglin is very happy, and he was only half a hundred years old when he was in trouble, but he was in his twenties, and he had no meaning to live – except for the summer evening.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise behind him. Accompanied by the sound of clattering, the cold wind rolled snowflakes and rushed in from the broken window. The curtains of Xia Chengzhang’s bedroom were blown by the wind It was rolled up high and raised in his face.

Aunt Zhang screamed in fright, and hurriedly moved Xia Chengzhang to a place farther from the window.

The steel pipe slammed frantically against the window, and the sound of glass breaking was extremely harsh at night.

Xia Yang has always wanted to do a big job, especially when he saw Xia Wan being led to the stage by Xue Wenxuan tonight, his thoughts were even stronger.

But Xia Chenglin was caught off guard, completely shattering his plan.

The strong alcohol, Liu Shun’er’s cold eyes and ridicule, Xia Wan’s constant upward footsteps, Xia Chenglin’s sudden accident…

On a night of ecstasy, some people are faced with despair, and he, even his own father, has no ability to treat him.

When they received the call, Xia Wan and the others had already driven near Huo Yu’s house. Hearing that, the compartment partition that had been pulled down was raised again, and Huo Yu immediately asked the driver to divert to Xia Chengzhang’s residence.

The snow outside the window was getting bigger and bigger, Xia Wan was so frightened that his lips were white.

Huo Yu held his hand tightly, also in a hurry.

Fortunately, Xia Chengzhang’s residence has anti-theft windows installed, Xia Yang should not be able to enter for a while, and Aunt Zhang has also called the police.

But with such a big snowstorm, the police don’t know when they will be able to come.

“It’s almost there.” Huo Yu squeezed Xia Wan’s palm soothingly, and his expression was also very serious.

Xia Wan did not dare to speak or ask Huo Yu any questions, for fear of hearing bad answers.

But the imagination in my mind is even more terrifying.

The phone was hot in his palm, and every minute and every second became very difficult.

The phone rang again, still Aunt Zhang.

Xia Wan and Huo Yu looked at each other and quickly picked up.

“Aunt Zhang.” He asked eagerly, “What’s going on over there, is my dad okay?”

“We are all fine.” Aunt Zhang’s voice was still in shock, “Just now, a few kind neighbors came down and drove Xia Yang away.”

“Thank God.” Xia Wan couldn’t help but closed her eyes, a heart that was about to jump out was finally let go, but those emotions of fear and fear were crawling like a cobweb. heart.

Hang up the phone, he couldn’t help burying his face in Huo Yu’s chest, it seemed that only the breath and temperature of his body could calm his inner fear and anxiety.

Huo Yu hugged him tightly, bowed his head and kissed the top of his hair.

“It’s all right,” he said, “we’ll be there in a minute.”

He added: “Last time I asked Dad, but he didn’t want to live with us. Now that this kind of thing happens, I think it’s more comfortable to live together.”

Xia Wan looked up at him.

Huo Yu smiled at him: “There are immigrant neighbors in the community, and the house has not been sold for many years. I will contact me later to see if I can buy it at a high price.”

Xia Wan pursed her lips: “I’ll buy it.”

As if he thought his words were funny, the corners of Huo Yu’s mouth curled up: “Mine and yours, what’s the difference?”

“Oh, I see,” he said and laughed again: “Grandpa just gave you so many things, and he doesn’t look down on our Huo family.”

“That’s not it.” Xia Wan was teased by him until she burst into laughter, and couldn’t help but punch him in the chest, Huo Yu grabbed his wrist and pulled his fist to his lips, bowed his head and kissed One bite.

The hot and soft touch made Xia Wan pursed her lips and clenched her fists even tighter.

“Night,” Huo Yu called him, his eyes darkened, “Don’t be afraid.”

Huo Yu’s house was very close to Xia Chengzhang’s residence. Although it was a snowstorm, it didn’t take too long.

The community has been quiet, Xia Chengzhang’s house is still brightly lit, the curtains are rolled up by the wind, and the light shines through, reflecting the reflection of glass fragments on the ground.

Xia Wan got off the car and rushed forward, almost slipped by the snow on the ground, and Huo Yu grabbed his wrist.

The wind and snow were blowing so hard that it was hard to open your eyes. The two of them walked hurriedly holding hands.

When passing the dark corner of the old building, in the sound of the cold wind and falling snow, Xia Wan suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from her side.

He turned his head instinctively, and saw a cold light rushing straight towards his head.

It’s too close, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Xia Wan even felt that the cold light was a bit dazzling.

At that moment, he didn’t know what he was thinking, but his mind was blank.

He forgot to hide, maybe he didn’t have time to hide, just petrified standing in the wind and snow.

However, the white light did not fall on his head.

Because, a strong and powerful arm slammed over, and abruptly used the wrist to resist the murderous steel pipe.

The next moment, Xia Yang was kicked out from a corner, and hit the wall in the corner of the room heavily, making a heart-piercing scream.

The author has something to say:

I’m here again, there should be two or three chapters before the finale.

Chapter 90 Xia Wan’s lips are many, many times softer than his fingertips, with a sweet fragrance.

Xia Yang’s cry was very miserable, mixed with the wind and even gave people a very miserable feeling.

And in that shrill scream, Xia Wan seemed to hear the muffled sound of broken bones again.

The wind rolled snowflakes on his face and drilled into his collar, causing him to shiver unconsciously.

He couldn’t be sure whether the frightening muffled sound was real, or whether it was an illusion continued by the sound from Huo Yu’s wrist.

Eyes red.

He dared not touch.

What if the bone breaks?

Will it hurt more?

Should a doctor see it first? Will touching it privately affect the treatment?

Innumerable thoughts came out in an instant, and each of them made him feel extremely helpless.

The sound of the siren was blown by the wind from a distance, Huo Yu hooked Xia Wan’s waist with his good hand, pulled him in a little, and said softly, “It’s okay.”

Under the snow, his face looked very white, but his eyes were bright, and the corners of his mouth were even slightly raised.

s eyes.

Can’t speak.

Huo Yu looked down at him, the corners of his lips pursed unconsciously, he raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, and said to him very lightly, just like in the car just now: ” Late night, don’t be afraid.”

He told Xia Wan not to be afraid, but he was faintly afraid in his heart.

So it broke out completely.

In the years abroad, he practiced a lot of self-defense.

In view of the accident when he was young, he never learned those fancy tricks, and every move and every style he practiced was extremely aggressive, and it was also the most deadly fighting technique.

In fact, if he didn’t drink so much tonight, he actually had a chance to protect Xia Wan and knock down Xia Yang without getting hurt.

Unfortunately, he drank too much tonight, who rarely drank, and the alcohol affected his speed, acuity and judgment.

Therefore, even if he was half sure that both of them would be unscathed, he didn’t dare to take the slightest risk. In the blink of an eye, he made the response that he thought was the most correct and least damaging.

He caught Xia Yang’s stick with his wrist that could destroy anyone’s arm, and almost at the same time, Xia Yang was also kicked violently by him. out.

Xia Yang’s bones should be broken, because he heard the sound clearly.

Huo Yu smiled, at least he was less injured than Xia Yang.

Although the pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and even completely covered up any other feelings, he did not utter a sound, nor did he groan and curl up like Xia Yang.

Because the past years have made him develop the habit of patience, because he knows that crying pain is never useful.

He actually wanted to tell him that he was not afraid at all, because with him by his side, he could not be afraid of anything.

But he was very afraid, afraid that he would hurt, that he would be hurt again.

Feet on shoulders.

It was a hard kick.

The flashing lights of the police car illuminated the snow, dyeing the icy white with flickering red. Several policemen jumped out of the car and trotted out in the evening to greet them.

Hearing the movement, many neighbors who were watching the excitement opened their windows one after another, and Xia Chengzhang was also pushed out by Aunt Zhang in a wheelchair.

He didn’t know that there was another commotion outside, and when he saw Xia Wan and Huo Yu were also present, he couldn’t help but be startled, then his face turned pale, and his eyes looked up and down at Xia Wan. all over.

“I’m fine, Dad.” Xia Wan hurriedly greeted her with red eyes, bent down and said to Xia Chengzhang.

But after he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but glance at Huo Yu.

Huo Yu’s injured hand was hanging down, his face was very calm, he was talking to the police, and there was no clue on his face.

Xia Wan couldn’t help but glanced outside Fengxue. She had already called Huo Yu’s family doctor, but she didn’t know when the other party would come over.

“It’s okay, why are you crying?” Xia Chengzhang nervously pulled the cuff of Xia Wan’s coat in disbelief.

“What’s the matter?” Xia Chengzhang was also scared, “Tell Dad, don’t be rude to me.”

Xia Yang left before, but now he is with them, what else does he not understand?

But if you don’t want to benefit from him, you have to hurt his closest people to get revenge on him.

“Dad, I’m really fine,” Xia Wan pursed her lips, tried her best to suppress her tears, and lowered her voice, “Huo Yu took a bite.”

Xia Chengzhang’s hand holding Xia Wan’s cuff tightened a little bit, just as the police finished asking Huo Yu, and came over with the notebook in hand.

“Did you call the police just now that someone broke into the house?” the police asked Xia Chengzhang.

Xia Chengzhang nodded, and Aunt Zhang hurried over and said, “I called the police.”

“Is the other party present?” the policeman asked.

“It’s him.” Aunt Zhang pointed at Xia Yang indignantly. Xia Yang was held by a policeman, his face was sweating coldly. Hearing the words, he looked up at Aunt Zhang viciously, scaring Aunt Zhang to the ground. took a half step back.

“What are you looking at?” The policeman who made the transcript scolded lightly, and then said to the policeman who pressed him, “Take him to the car.”

It was cold outside and Xia Chengzhang was disabled. The following transcript was made at Xia Chengzhang’s house.

Although the glass is broken, it can’t keep out the cold wind, but it is better than the outside.

Halfway through the transcript, Huo Yu’s doctor arrived.

The doctor is a very gentle middle-aged man, surnamed Zhou, and frowned involuntarily when he saw Huo Yu’s blood-stained cuffs.

When he looked at Huo Yu’s arm again, he couldn’t help but scolded: “It’s nonsense! Do you think it’s enough to let me come over? Are my eyes X-rays? Can see through? your bones?”

It happened that Xia Chengzhang’s transcript was also finished, and he came to see it with the police who made the transcript.

Huo Yu’s entire forearm was swollen, the mottled blue-purple almost looked black under the light, and the still-dry blood stained around the wound in large areas, reflecting the white The skin looked amazing.

And the watch with the dial that was completely broken and stained with blood was thrown randomly on the round table in front of him.

Xia Chengzhang did not expect that he would be injured so badly, so he hurriedly pushed his wheelchair over to look at him.

“It’s all right.” Huo Yu looked at him and said the same thing.

“You really can bear it.” Dr. Zhou couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice, and then said, “The bone should be cracked, I have to take a film, I’ll take you there.”

The policeman couldn’t help frowning when he saw the wound: “Please provide us with the report after the injury is reported. This is very important for the characterization of the case.”

Huo Yu nodded, watching Xia Chengzhang send the police out, then tilted his head and gently squeezed Xia Wan’s palm with his uninjured hand: “Just looking scary, It’s not that serious.”

He didn’t speak, but tightly clasped Huo Yu’s outstretched hand with his wet and cold hand.

A heart is like being rubbed by chili peppers, hot, hot and painful…

“I feel like a waste.” He said softly, holding back tears in order not to make himself look more useless.

“No.” Huo Yu smiled at him very lightly and said sincerely, “That’s because you don’t know how powerful you are.”

Xia Wan’s eyes widened: “Me?”

“Yeah.” Huo Yu smiled.

“If it weren’t for you, there would be no Huo Yu today,” he said. “If it weren’t for you, maybe now Huo Yu is still full of hatred and still living in the abyss.”

Xia Wan’s nose became sour again, he bit his lips with his white teeth, unable to say a word.

Huo Yu took his hand and shook it, like

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