After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 964:

The concept of the “righteous sects” isn’t something to be taken lightly.

In modern novels, it’s popular to portray these righteous sects as the bad guys, making it seem as if the villainous sects are the real heroes. That’s nonsense. The term “righteous sects” represents a kind of spirit, a will. People lacking that spirit and will, especially those with ill intentions, wouldn’t want to join such sects.

The culture and norms within these sects also tend to make good people even better.

A few bad apples can’t overshadow the fact that, on the whole, these sects are filled with more good people than bad.

Many in these sects once dreamed of wandering the martial world, sword in hand, to establish peace. As young practitioners, they even fantasized about slaying the Black Dragon to save humanity.

However, as they learned more about how formidable the Black Dragon is and how powerless they are in comparison, they realized their childhood dreams were mere illusions.

As they grew older, those dreams were gradually eroded by reality, turning them into mature adults who no longer dream.

Now, hearing Robb’s words, many are reminded of the dreams they once had as young practitioners.

“If… if the Western world is really planning to take on the Black Dragon and there’s hope…” the Shaolin monk couldn’t help but get excited. “I, too, am willing to contribute my humble strength.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Wudang Taoist next to him shook his head, “Could this be another act of overestimating our abilities?”

The knight from the Beggars’ Sect added, “During the era of the Six Rabbits’ Struggle for Supremacy, the Rabbit God General led an army of 400,000 to fight the Black Dragon at Changping. The result? All 400,000 were annihilated by the Black Dragon…”

Someone from the Shushan Sword Sect also chimed in, “During the era of the Three Rabbits’ Struggle for Supremacy, they led an army of 830,000 to fight the Black Dragon at the Red Cliff. The result? All 830,000 were burned to death by the Black Dragon…”

Their comments seemed to scare the Shaolin monk who had just declared his stance. He hesitated for a moment and awkwardly said, “Well, you do have a point… The Black Dragon is indeed not easy to deal with. Do you, the Western world, have any good strategies for dealing with it?”

Robb shrugged, “A good strategy? Sure, I have one. It’s that—I’m very strong!”

Everyone: “…”

His words sounded odd and left people feeling skeptical.

Robb laughed, “In the end, you’re all just afraid of dying, afraid that the Black Dragon will kill you. So you scare yourselves into inaction. There’s a saying: the older you get in the martial world, the more cowardly you become.”

The crowd blushed a little, somewhat embarrassed.

Robb spoke, “With me around, there’s really no need to worry about getting killed. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. I deliberately held off, waiting for all of you to arrive so I could do it in front of you. Now that everyone’s here, I can get started.”

He suddenly turned to Shisu behind him, “Miss Shi, it’s time to discuss our trade again.”

Shisu was bemused, “Isn’t that matter settled? At first, I didn’t trust you, but after getting to know you these past few days, I find you to be a decent person with real capabilities. I’m willing to give you the Xuanyuan Black Iron from my sect…”

Robb laughed, “I don’t want it as a gift. I insist on a trade.”

Shisu: “Why are you so stubborn?”

“Stubbornness is my specialty,” Robb said. “Anyway, I’m laying out my terms now. If you find them acceptable, we have a deal.”

He pointed to a row of fresh graves by the riverbank, where the bodies of Shisu’s entire sect were buried, “Miss Shi, how about I trade the lives of your master, your fellow disciples, for the Xuanyuan Black Iron you hold? You give me the Xuanyuan Black Iron, and I’ll bring everyone in your sect back to life. How does that sound?”

“Bring them back to life?” Shisu was shocked.

The Shaolin monk, Wudang Taoist, and the elder from the Beggars’ Sect, along with a group of the rabbit-women, were all equally baffled. What was he talking about?

Robb said, “Alright, I figured you wouldn’t understand. Just watch and you’ll see. Shisu, go dig up any corpse, and I’ll resurrect it for you.”

Upon hearing this, Shisu quickly shook her head, “No, no!”

The righteous sect members also became awkward, “Mr. Robb, please don’t disturb the dead. It’s disrespectful.”

Robb: “Ah, I’ve been in the West for so long that I forgot about the Eastern tradition of letting the dead rest in peace. This is awkward.”

He then turned to the villainous women, “I can’t rely on the righteous folks for this. Can one of you help me dig up a body?”

The righteous sect members shouted in unison, “No!”

Shisu also yelled, “Don’t disturb the graves of my sect!”

Robb realized that reasoning wouldn’t work with these people for now. They wouldn’t believe that someone could resurrect the dead unless they saw it with their own eyes. So, he had no choice but to use force.

He suddenly pointed at a distant new grave, “Thunder Strike!”

In broad daylight, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck from the sky, blasting the grave and creating a large pit.

At this point, the notion of letting the dead rest in peace was moot; the grave had been blasted open.

Everyone: “…”

Shisu was a bit unhappy, pouting as she looked at Robb, “If you don’t explain yourself, we’re going to have a problem.”

Robb chuckled, “Don’t worry, even though you’re angry enough to slap me right now, in five minutes, you’ll be hugging my neck and planting a big kiss on my face. But since you have a rabbit head, I’ll push you away, so you won’t actually get to kiss me.”

Shisu: “…”

While the two were bantering, a few villainous rabbit-women had already floated over to the grave. They lifted a coffin out of the large hole created by the lightning strike and placed it in front of Robb.

Upon opening the coffin lid, they found a rabbit-person who had been dead for several days, and the body was beginning to smell.

The villainous women quickly pinched their noses and stepped back.

Robb grinned, “Don’t worry, the smell will be gone in a moment.”

With a wave of his hand, he cast the Resurrection spell. He chose not to summon an angel to avoid startling the Eastern world, opting for the spell which had minimal visual effects. A green light enveloped the corpse for a few seconds, and the smell disappeared.

The corpse’s complexion rapidly returned to the hue of a living rabbit-person. Then, with a loud “Ah!”, the rabbit-person leapt out of the coffin and shouted, “Vile demon! How dare you violate my Qiantang Sect! As an elder disciple of the inner circle of Qiantang Sect, even in death, I will… Huh? What’s going on here?”

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