After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 980:

Second attempt!

Robb walked forward, approaching the Black Dragon head-on before the Black Dragon suddenly stood up, lifted its head, and bellowed, “Who dares disturb my slumber?”

The people behind him couldn’t help but sweat nervously. “The dragon’s lines really haven’t changed.”

Robb smiled and said, “I told you, its dialogue is pre-set and won’t change.”

Someone from behind asked, “Are we picking up from where we left off in the second phase?”

“No!” Robb shook his head, “We start from the beginning.”

As soon as the BOSS disengages from combat, its HP fully recovers. The Black Dragon plays by the game’s rules, so no matter how badly it was defeated in the last raid, it will be back at full health the moment it disengages. We have to start all over again.

The team collectively sighs, deeply understanding now why Godfather told everyone to conserve magical items.

By this time, everyone already knows how to handle the first phase. The whole team held their breath and waited for Robb to get a few hits in, stabilizing the aggro.

Robb shouts, “Mana-efficient attacks!”

The magicians simultaneously casted their spells, hurling fireballs and ice arrows, using all kinds of low-mana-cost spells. They’ve already mastered the first phase, so everyone fought with ease.

The Meteors released by the Black Dragon were also easily dodged by everyone, especially the few warriors from the last round who were hit and killed by the meteors. They were very cautious this time. Nobody died during this first phase. Then, before long, seeing that the HP of the dragon is gradually approaching 80 million, he quickly shouted, “Everyone stop! The second phase is about to start.”

These words make everyone’s faces turn serious. The melee classes quickly dispersed, and the ranged classes also ceased firing. Those who were killed by the Thorns last time were especially cautious this round, stopping their attacks early to avoid another death.

Each mistake is a lesson learned.

The Black Dragon’s hue changed to a dark red, and a huge ring of fire erupted from its body, spreading outward. However, the well-prepared warriors performed skillful dodges and passed through the gaps in the fire ring, without a single casualty.  Shouting as they successfully survived the onslog

“Damn it, keep quiet! Don’t talk loudly; what if we miss Godfather’s commands?” Everyone quickly quieted down again. However, they all know the attack that wiped them out last time is coming, and this time, they absolutely can’t get hit.

The Black Dragon took a deep breath, and tension mounted among the outer rings of archers and magicians.

The dragon swung its head, and at the same time, Robb shouted, “Counter-clockwise!” This is their agreed-upon call. Everyone joined in shouting in unison, and amidst the rhythmic calls, the outer ring consisting of thousands of archers, magicians, and priests started turning counter-clockwise.

Everyone moved in uniform steps; not a single person dared to stop or trip.

The entire army rotated in a near-perfect formation!

Spin, jump, I won’t stop singing!

The dragon’s breath circled around but scorches no one.

Aftwards, everyone collectively breathed a sigh of relief, laughing, “We dodged it!”

“Idiots, shut up,” Robb roared, “Reverse direction, clockwise! Turn!”

“What? Clockwise immediately after counter-clockwise?”

“Is this dragon even reasonable?”

“Damn it, why are you still turning counter-clockwise? Go clockwise now!”

“Ah, we’re jammed up!”

“We’re done for!” Then Robb’s voice rings out again, “Anyone still alive, get out of the danger zone. Disengage, disengage, reset the raid.”

Once again, the rhythm of resurrection started in.

An hour later, the Black Dragon raid group assembled for the third time!

Spin, jump, I won’t stop singing,

“Change direction! Counter-clockwise!”

“Change direction again, clockwise!”

“Turn again, ah, still clockwise!”

This time, they finally get through the second phase amidst endless spinning.

Robb looked up; the Black Dragon’s HP is already down to 50 million.

The most challenging third phase is about to arrive.

The third phase is the longest, with a full 50 million HP, equal to the sum of the first and second phases. Moreover, this phase is the most difficult and treacherous because the Black Dragon will not only employ all the skills from the first and second phases but also summon baby dragons.

“All of you, off-tanks, get ready to take the little dragons.”

The faces of the off-tanks tighten at this shout.

Before this grand battle against the Black Dragon, what Robb emphasized most was communication with the off-tanks. He knows very well that handling all the baby dragons in the third phase is impossible for him alone as the main tank. These baby dragons are numerous and each nearly as strong as two Hero Kings; they’ll run and bite chaotically all over the place.

Once the baby dragons start running around chaotically, the team’s formation can easily be disrupted. If the Black Dragon then releases some kind of AoE attack at this moment, a wipe becomes very likely. Countless players have met their end due to this tactic from the Black Dragon. Therefore, before the battle began, Robb already spent the most time talking and sharing experiences with the off-tanks, emphasizing their crucial roles. These off-tanks are fully aware of the weight of their responsibility.

Now, it’s time to test the off-tanks. The Black Dragon started changing its color again. During the second phase, it had transformed from black to dark red. In the third phase, its color brightens; the dark red dragon scales start transforming into a vivid blood-red. By the time the transformation is complete, it has turned into a Red Dragon.

Robb shouted loudly, “Everyone behind the dragon’s tail, move out of the way!”

Everyone behind the tail hastily moved back. Just as they dodged, the dragon’s tail swept behind it with a whoosh, incredibly powerful. A Shaolin monk who was a bit slow to dodge almost lost his life on the spot, his face turning a pale shade of gold from the fright.

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