After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 991:

In the heart of Shuangqing City, in the New World, a luxurious skyscraper had been erected.

Funded with billions, the building had been owned by the city’s wealthiest merchant, Marian Corton, hence it had been named “Corton Tower.”

On the topmost floor, the entire floor had contained just one room—a vast, empty space—in the middle of which a gigantic desk had been placed. A “World Map” had been spread across the table. At that moment, Marian, dressed in a business suit, had been sitting in her office chair. A large communication crystal ball on her desk had been displaying her father, Desmond Corton, who had been talking with her.

With an awkward expression, Desmond had said, “My dear daughter, I need to construct a new railway here, but we’re short on iron ore. Can you figure out which kingdom can supply us some?”

Marian had smiled and responded, “No problem, let me check.” She had flipped through a pile of documents and then said, “As it happens, there’s a mining company on the eastern coast of the New World that has a large amount of iron ore for sale. I’ll purchase it all and have it shipped back to you on sea vessels.”

Desmond had been overjoyed. “That’s wonderful! Ah, the resources in the Kingdom of Gran have been declining, and they can’t keep up with our consumption. We have to rely on imports from abroad now. Due to my poor planning in international trade years ago, we are now entirely dependent on your company for imports.”

Years before, after the Black Dragon had been slain and peace had returned to the world, Marian had wanted to expand her business to the Kingdom of Norma. However, Desmond had disagreed with international expansion. He had believed that as nobility in the Kingdom of Gran, domestic business was sufficient. Expanding abroad, without the protection of domestic noble status, would entail considerable risk. Therefore, he had rejected Marian’s proposal.

Marian had had no choice but to seek assistance from Robb. Robb had lent her some money and, along with Shang Hui, had helped persuade Shisu and several Eastern sects to invest. Eventually, they had launched an international trading company that specialized in cross-border trade.

Marian’s company had been the first large-scale entity dedicated solely to international trade. Unlike those sea merchants and businesses involved in minor trade along ancient routes like the Silk Road, her company, under Robb’s guidance, had aimed high and far. They had specialized in cross-border transport and international commerce, all on a grand scale.

The growth rate of her company had been exceedingly fast. Within a few years, it had expanded globally. Those individual sea merchants had eventually found themselves unable to resist merging with her company, becoming a part of her corporate empire. Even the traders on the Silk Road and the Tea-Horse Path had become departments within her company.

Her business had excelled even beyond what her father had managed in the Kingdom of Gran.

To differentiate between her and her father’s achievements, people had taken to calling her father’s business “Big Corton Company” and Marian’s business “Little Corton Company.” Of course, everyone had been pragmatic. Whenever any kingdom, large corporation, or even individual consumers had needed something or had wanted to buy rare items or foreign goods, their first thought had been “Little Corton Company.” Even “Big Corton Company” had often relied on “Little Corton Company” for its supply chain needs.

Having ended the call with her father, Marian had stretched and looked at the world map on her desk. Red circles had been drawn all over it, each representing a branch of the Little Corton Company that had been established worldwide.

She had been quite satisfied with her current achievements and couldn’t resist making a video call to Robb.

The call had connected quickly, and Robb had appeared in the crystal ball. The backdrop had been an airship flying high in the sky, and he had been leisurely lounging at the bow. Lillian and two maids—one blue and one red—had been serving him tea and water.

An envious expression had crossed Marian’s face.

Robb had chuckled, “What? Envious of my relaxed lifestyle? You could have this too, you know. Instead of visiting me every so often, why not just live on the airship?”

Marian had shaken her head with a smile, “Although I envy your relaxed and slow-paced life, it’s merely envy. If I really had to live that way, I’d miss my busy life within two days. I enjoy the feeling of fulfilling myself through work.”

Robb had laughed, “Alright, alright. I have to admire a strong woman like you.”

Marian had said, “The reason I called is to confirm whether my current direction is correct, if there are any missteps, and what should I be cautious about?”

It had been well-known that Godfather possessed an extraordinary ability to “foresee the future.” He had been able to accurately grasp the direction of future developments, and each idea he’d come up with had usually blossomed into something beautiful in the future.

Marian had almost always consulted Robb’s opinions as she conducted her business. Therefore, she would, from time to time, ask for Robb’s guidance to ensure she hadn’t gone astray.

Hearing her inquiry, Robb had begun to seriously consider her question, “The direction, eh?”

After several seconds of contemplation, he had smiled, “Your current direction is absolutely correct. However, there is something worth noting for the future.”

“Oh?” Marian had quickly asked, eager to learn, “What should I be cautious about?”

Robb had said, “The business you’re currently doing is purely transactional, essentially just a trade of goods. While things may be smooth now, you lack core technological capabilities. In the future, when other companies like yours emerge, you’ll face fierce competition.”

Marian had instantly understood, “You mean anyone could replicate my company?”

Robb had laughed, “Exactly, a company without core technological strength can be easily copied. I’m sure some nobles are already planning on setting up international trading companies similar to yours. After all, it’s not difficult. As long as you have money, ships, vehicles, and enough manpower, you could create a company just like yours at any time.”

Robb had continued, “So you should start preparing for this now. Other companies are late to the game; catching up to you will take time. Use this period to explore advanced trade technologies and strategies. For instance, develop faster, larger ships. Consider adapting coal-burning steel warships for civilian use, creating steam-powered vessels. Or research airships like the one I’m in, but call them airplanes, to move goods through the air. Larger-capacity trains, bigger trucks, more advanced, automated docks, and so on. Oh, there’s also something called ‘logistics’ that you should look into. In the future, customers will order something from another continent from the comfort of their home, and your logistics could deliver it to them in five days. Then, who could compete with you?”

Marian had quickly realized, “As long as my company can transport goods faster and more efficiently than others, and they can’t replicate my advanced transportation methods, I can beat any newcomers and secure my company’s standing.”

“Exactly!” Robb had said, grinning. “That’s likely the direction you should be headed in. Once others catch up, you’ll research even newer methods.”

Marian had laughed, “Thank you so much! I feel like I’ve learned a lot.”

Marian had then chuckled just like Robb, “Even though we’re not strangers, it’s important to maintain some level of decorum. Otherwise, you’ll say that ‘women and small-minded people are hard to deal with; too close, they lose respect, too far, they resent.'”

Robb had responded, “That’s because you were really disrespectful last time. Who disappoints others like you did? You even took out a rope and said you wanted to tie me up and play.”

Marian had given him a side-eye, “You were the one who tied me up first. I wanted to see what it felt like.”

There had been an awkward pause, and after a few seconds, both had simultaneously said, “Let’s be more normal the next time we meet.”

Having said that, both had burst into mischievous laughter.

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