After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 996:

He had delicately tapped the ball with his toe, and at the same time, incredibly utilized the a paladin’s displacement skill “Slide,” moving sideways with the ball.

The crowd in the stands had exclaimed in surprise, “Ah, this guy was just using a Warrior’s charge and now he’s switched to a Paladin’s slide. The new generation really is different.”

They practiced only the skills that could be used in soccer, so there was no need to specialize in one class.

“Exactly, he doesn’t adhere to the traditional class roles, he only practices displacement skills.”

The new generation player had been quite pleased with himself. With this slide, how could this wealthy second generation block him? However, he had immediately realized that Kante had not been left behind; as he slid sideways, Kante had also preemptively moved sideways a step, blocking his path.

Defensive players, while defending, found it easier to change positions than the offense. Just a tiny shift could effectively block the attacking player. So, although Kante’s foot speed hadn’t been very fast, he had managed to perfectly position himself. With a beautiful sliding tackle, he had lunged towards the new generation player’s feet.

“Ha-ha, rich kid, watch this!” The new generation player had shouted, lightly leaping and utilizing the displacement skill “Leap Over the Jungle” from the Eagle Warrior’s skill set, jumping over Kante’s sliding tackle. Then, in a flash, he used a dizzying array of displacement skills. The defensive players could hardly keep up; the new generation had left everyone behind and had taken a shot at the goal. Commentator A: “1-0!”

“Within just 1 minute and 43 seconds of the match, the new generation has scored a goal, oh my God!” Commentator B had added.

Kante had been a bit dumbfounded; the power of this enemy had surpassed his imagination. Even the skills of the Eagle Warrior you, darn it, knew? How many class skills do you even know? If it weren’t for the fact that I knew Godfather well, I would have thought you were him in disguise to fool around with the world.

The new generation player had been quite smug, throwing Kante a provocative look.

Kante hadn’t responded to that gesture but had instead closed his eyes, quietly recalling the new generation player’s movements.

The game had resumed. In the following half of the game, every time the ball had landed at the feet of the new generation, a huge cheer had erupted from the stands of the Corton family. This new generation player had lived up to expectations, continually scoring spectacular goals.

His technical and tactical skills, team cooperation, understanding of soccer, positioning, and timing were far superior to those retired soldiers who had transitioned into old players. The Corton Lions, which had initially been weaker than the Chengguang Whirlwinds, had become stronger due to this new generation player’s frequent scoring.

By the end of the first half, the score had been 7-4, with the Corton Lions leading by three goals. Of those seven goals, five had been contributed by the new generation player. Kante, who had been responsible for man-to-man defense, had been run ragged by him.

Then had come the halftime break, followed by the resumption of the game.

Not two minutes into the game, the ball had gone out of bounds. The new generation player had gone to retrieve it from the sidelines, and Kante had followed. Both players had jostled for position, using their bodies to lean against each other.

The new generation player had said in a low voice, “How’s it going, rich kid? You should be close to tears now, shouldn’t you?”

A smile had appeared on Kante’s face. “Crying? Don’t underestimate an old soldier.”

The ball had been put into play. With a single displacement skill, the new generation player had effortlessly taken possession of the ball. However, Kante had quickly moved in front of him again.

He had been left behind by his opponent countless times and had even had five goals scored against him right before his eyes. Yet, his expression had remained composed, and his eyes had still burned with an intense fighting spirit.

Commentator A: “Sliding tackle! Kante has pulled off another sliding tackle. And once again, the new generation player jumps up, the same move—the ‘Leap Over the Jungle’ of the Eagle Warrior. He’s going to get past…”

Commentator B: “Ah, he didn’t make it!”

Kante had already anticipated that the new generation player would use ‘Leap Over the Jungle.’ During his sliding tackle, he had slightly lifted his foot and tapped the lower part of the ball. The ball had rolled away from the new generation player’s feet and had landed at the feet of a Chengguang Whirlwinds player.

Commentator A: “Counter-attack! A defensive counter-attack is happening.”

Commentator B: “The winger for Chengguang Whirlwinds is really fast, he’s broken through! Deserving of the ‘Son of the Wind’ title, this player—his speed is as fast as… ah! Sorry, I forgot that Eastern people don’t like being described as rabbits. Let me correct myself; his speed is like a whirlwind! He’s scored, he’s scored! Ah! Chengguang Whirlwinds have pulled back another goal; they’re now only two points behind.”

The new generation player had looked bewilderedly at his own feet. It was the first time Kante had intercepted the ball from him. “How did you do that?”

Kante: “Hmph, next time you won’t be able to read my movements.”

“We’ll see about next time!” Kante had said. “Besides, let me remind you, it seems like your stamina isn’t that great.”

The new generation player had begun to pant, somewhat surprised. “This can’t be! I’ve also undergone extensive physical training to play soccer. We’ve only played for slightly more than half the game; how could I be running out of stamina?”

Kante had chuckled, “Because the one marking you is me. Even though you manage to stylishly get past me every time, the energy you need to do that is much more than if you were getting past someone else. You’re too keen to show off and humiliate me, not managing your stamina properly. Forcing your way past me when you shouldn’t be, instead of passing the ball, isn’t wise.”

The new generation player had been taken aback. After all, he had still been a newcomer. In terms of stamina, he hadn’t been as wily as the seasoned veterans and had indeed overexerted himself. Meanwhile, Kante, the so-called rich second-generation, had appeared to be comfortably in control, obviously conserving his energy very carefully.

“Well, give it a try then!”

As time had passed, the game had become increasingly unfriendly for the new generation player. As his stamina had continued to wane, each movement had become more and more difficult, while Kante’s moves had remained agile and versatile.

Moreover, Kante had been increasingly accurate in predicting the new generation player’s tactical moves. This persistent ‘stick-to-you-like-glue’ strategy had kept the new generation player firmly in check until the end of the game.

The new generation player hadn’t managed to score another goal. Taking advantage of their ace player being neutralized by Kante, the Chengguang Whirlwinds had pushed aggressively. Ultimately, in the last minute before the game had ended, they had turned the tables on the score, winning with a final score of 10-9.

In the glow of the setting sun, teammates from both sides had shaken hands and left the field.

The new generation player had shaken Kante’s hand, “I’m sorry, I underestimated you as just another rich second-generation kid.”

Kante had smiled, “Actually, I am just a typical rich second-generation. Don’t stereotype us as bad people. We’re humans too, flesh and blood. Yes, some of us may disappoint and some may be bad, but there are also countless good people among us. It’s the same with people who aren’t wealthy.”

The new generation player had thought for a moment, then nodded, “You’re right, not all rich second-generations are bad, and not all poor people are bad. In reality, we are all the same.”

Both had shaken hands again, coming to a newfound understanding of each other.

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