After My Life Reset, I’m On Top of The World

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Brother Wei, You Are Green!

Wang Ye and Master Hua both looked stunned for a moment. The two looked at each other. The next moment, it was as if they had been electrocuted.

“Old Zhang, what did you say, it’s really green?”

Master Hua looked anxious. Although he was old, he moved faster than a young man and ran directly to the machine.

When he saw the flawless green behind the slightly variegated glass jadeite, his eyes lit up, and his expression was unbearable.

“Really, really green!”

Wang Ye also ran to the machine at this time, and when he saw the purest green scene, people were a little unsure of what to say: “… Wei Ge, hurry up.

Come, come and see! ”

“…green, you are green!”

Wei Ziqi, who was standing up from the coffee table, rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said angrily, “…You are so green!”

Ai Yi, who was sitting next to Wei Ziqi, covered her mouth and giggled.

Seeing Wei Ziqi glaring at herself, Ai Yi was not afraid at all, but gave a charming glance, and the beauty mole in the corner of her eye made it even more charming.

Wang Ye also knew that he had said something wrong, and he quickly said: “…Oh, Brother Wei, you misunderstood me, I mean the emperor green, this is the emperor green!”

“…The Emperor Green of the glass species, this is the first time in my life that I have seen him get rid of it with my own eyes!”

Wang Ye pointed at the real emerald green with his finger, and his demeanor could even be described as frenzy.

Master Hua, who was beside him, helped his glasses and said, “…don’t say it’s you, old man, I’ve never seen a few times in my life to unravel the emperor green on the spot.”

The glass species of imperial green, this is the top jade, it is impossible to say that these people who play jade have never seen it, but it is really rare to see it solved on the spot.

Most people understand the truth that wealth is not revealed, even if the raw materials are photographed, they are usually taken back and solved, so most of the emperor greens that are solved cannot be seen at all.

And this top-level jade is really rare. There may only be two or three messages a year. I heard that someone has solved this kind of jade.

“Is this thing so rare?”

Ai Yi also came over at this time. When she saw the green that made people unable to see, her eyes lit up.

Women are visual creatures, and they simply cannot refuse these dazzling gems.

Especially the green [email protected] , the top-level jadeite that is ethereal and clear, even if it has not been carved by any, just a rough stone, can let people know its luxury.

In fact, Ai Yi owns the jadeite of the glass kind of imperial green. It is a Buddha sculpture given to her by her family. It is said that it is worth tens of millions.

Ai Yi herself doesn’t know the specific price. Most of the time, she doesn’t wear it, she keeps it at home.

“Sister Yi, you don’t understand. This is really rare. Even our company only has a few carved pieces, and they’re not big!”

“…Glass species and imperial green are both very rare, so Master Hua said before that although the color of the glass species in front is a bit mixed, it is still valuable.”

“And these two rare water species and colors are really rare. According to our industry, this is called [email protected]

Female, is a talented woman! ”

Wang Ye couldn’t be excited. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with Ai Yi’s question. He was talking incessantly there, and he wanted to give Ai Yi science a lesson on what is called glass seed emperor green.

It wasn’t until Ai Yi glared at him that Wang Ye’s heart froze, thinking that the person in front of him was Sister Yi, how could he suddenly be so bold.

He immediately embarrassed a smile and dared not speak any more.

Turning his head to look at that touch of heart-shaking green, his face showed a perverted look like he was looking at a peerless beauty.

This green one is so beautiful, I want to be green!

Weird thoughts had already popped up in Wang Ye’s mind.

After all, Master Hua is an old man who has seen the world. He quickly calmed down, looked at Wei Ziqi who was standing beside him with a calm expression, and couldn’t help asking:

“…Xiaowei, this is the glass species of emperor green, how come you look unhappy at all.”

From the line Wei Ziqi drew just now, we knew that he was a man of knowledge.

And since you are a knowledgeable person, you should know the value of such a piece of glass imperial green, it is not just a matter of money.

Such a piece of top jade was released from his own hands, and for people in their field, it can be boasted for a lifetime.

“I’m happy, of course I’m happy, but whenever there is a calm atmosphere in major events, the more important things are, the more calm you have to be, the more you have to deal with it calmly, and you must not let your emotions affect your thinking.”

Wei Ziqi smiled faintly, unpredictable.

Nima, if I didn’t know anything about making such a glass of imperial green, I would all jump up.

However, Wei Ziqi already knew that there was such a piece of jade at the auction, so of course he would not be particularly excited.

To others, it was a dummy, to him it was a swindle, and it was really not worth mentioning.

Hey, it’s not good to have too much ability, I lost that kind of happiness.

Of course, Wei Ziqi hopes that he will never have to make the choice of du in his life.

But others don’t know that Wei Ziqi has a titanium alloy dog @eye.

“Wei Ge Niu X”

Wang Ye sighed, this call is sincere, let’s see, what is Young Master Wei!

Master Hua also shook his head and sighed, muttering about “demon” and “real demon”, this young man is too demon.

I heard from Wang Ye before that this young man seems to have achieved very high achievements in other fields.

At that time, Master Hua did not inquire about the field.

There is no need to ask now, just because of the attitude of this young man who has collapsed in front of him without changing his face, it is normal for this young man to succeed in any field.

Ai Yi on the side also flickered.

‘Whenever there is a major event, there is stillness’, listen to this saying.

The posture of her feet is a little weird now, and her cheeks are flushed.

If it weren’t for the wrong situation here, she would really like to directly press Wei Ziqi there and bite him to death.

The master of calcifying stone over there is more careful, every action is like facing his girlfriend gently.

If such a piece of glass species of imperial green accidentally touches a piece, then his career is over.

But a professional is a professional, and the calcite master soon solved all the jade in this piece of raw material.

There are two pieces of raw materials in this piece, the former one is glass 373 glass, which is a bit mixed in color, and the latter one is the top-level glass type, imperial green, an absolute rarity.

Several people surrounded this jadeite and looked at it quietly.

“How much can you sell for such a piece of jade?”

Ai Yi asked curiously at this time, seeing such a rare treasure in front of her, she was also moved.

Too gorgeous, too noble.

Ai Yi doesn’t understand jade very well, but she understands the price, so she prefers to use money to measure the value of a thing.

Children of capitalists are not cold.

“Full color, full interior, full color and deep color, and the gloss is also good.”

Master Hua gestured for such a piece of jade with his hand, and after pondering for a while, he said, “…find it with the top sculptor and cut it.”

“…All the leftovers are used, and this piece of jadeite can be worth at least 600 to 700 million.”

Hearing Master Hua say this, everyone present gasped.

Six to seven hundred million, but don’t think that this number is small. It’s like a company owned by Wang Ye’s family. The net profit for a year is estimated to be hundreds of millions. Anyway, it will definitely not reach 600 million.

Even Ai Yi is a little silly, six or seven hundred million, that’s almost $100 million.

Even for her, it was a lot of money, and it was not worth so much to sell her before inheriting the family property.

This is not a virtual asset such as wealth, it is truly convertible into cash.

Even if you are given 500 million cash to start a business, you can turn the 500 million cash into 1 billion cash, which is very difficult. Money is not easy to make, and starting a business is even more difficult! .

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