After My Life Reset, I’m On Top of The World

Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Wei Ziqi’S Strength

When Shao Chuyao, who was snuggling in Wei Ziqi’s arms, heard Wei Ziqi’s words, a flash of surprise flashed across her expression.

Shao Chuyao never thought that Wei Ziqi’s proposal would be so bold that he would choose to invest in Ai Yuzhe.

Isn’t this the behavior of ‘capitalizing the enemy’?

Shao Chuyao’s eyes flashed, but she didn’t say much, just watched Wei Ziqi’s next move silently.

She felt that Wei Ziqi’s actions would never be aimless, and there must be his deep meaning in doing so.

Even Shao Chuyao at this time began to wonder if the relationship between Wei Ziqi and Sister Yiyi was actually normal? Otherwise, why would he choose to invest in Ai Yuzhe?

Compared with Shao Chuyao’s inner shock and surprise, Ai Yuzhe was extremely excited at this time.

It’s not just Wei Ziqi who said that he wants to invest in him, his company can get a lot of cash infusion, so as to gain support and vitality.

The most important thing is that Ai Yuzhe is more concerned about who this investor is.

Many people have money, and they may invest in him, Ai Yuzhe.

But there is only one Master Wei in the world, and he chooses to invest in himself. The benefits and surprises brought by him are more important than the money Wei Ziqi pays.

Everyone in the financial circle knows that Mr. Wei’s mythical operation makes him invincible in the capital market.

I don’t know how many people in the circle worship him as God.

Only from Wei Ziqi’s past operations in the capital market mountain, we can see that he has an understanding of finance and a keen sense of the operation and development of a company.

Although long-term investing and short-term investing require different abilities.

Short-term investment depends more on people’s hearts, while long-term investment requires a bigger picture and an understanding of business operations.

But no one believes that Mr. Wei can make such huge profits in short-term investment, and he will pull over in long-term investment.

It can be said that when Wei Ziqi chooses to invest in him, it is an honor for Ai Yuzhe.

I’m afraid that when he says to the outside world that he has been invested by Wei Gongzi, the company’s market value will skyrocket.

Even Mr. Wei is optimistic about the company, how could it be wrong?

The name Wei Gongzi is already worth hundreds of millions.

“You’re older than me, so I’ll call you Ai Ge.”

Wei Ziqi has always been polite. Besides, if you speak nicely, you can make people trust you, and people who can fool you can’t find Bei, so why don’t you speak nicely?

Wei Ziqi never minds being polite, and seems to be very gentle on the surface.

But the more gentle a person is, in fact, when he stabs you in the back, his heart is more ruthless than anyone else.

It’s just that Wei Ziqi’s voice just fell, and Ai Yuzhe quickly waved his hand and said, “…Don’t, don’t, don’t call me Ai Ge, I can’t afford it.”

“…You can just call me Yu Zhe.”

Wei Ziqi pouted and murmured.

And Yuzhe, if I call you that, then when I see Ai Yi in the future, I can directly call her Xiao Yiyi or eldest niece?

When I call her brother, she uses the tone of calling her a junior, isn’t she the eldest niece when I call her.

Wei Ziqi is still not used to calling someone older than himself with this kind of title that seems to be called a junior. He waved his hand and said:

“…Forget it, let’s be more formal. I’ll call you President Ai.”

Ai Yuzhe was sobered up a lot at this time, he laughed and said: “…Okay, Master Wei, you can call me anything.”

Seeing that Ai Yuzhe addressed himself like this, Wei Ziqi didn’t mind.

For Wei Ziqi, the name Wei Gongzi has almost become a flower name.

Many people called him that, and he was used to it.

It can be said that the current Wei Ziqi is the most suitable to join Ali.

Because Ali’s high-level internal address will use flower names, for example, Jack Ma is called Feng Qingyang within Ali.

“What is the current shareholding structure of your US Two company?”

Wei Ziqi put his arms around Shao Chuyao’s slender waist. He leaned on the back of the chair and asked with high spirits.

This kind of problem can be found out after an investigation, so Ai Yuzhe said without thinking: “…Now the company has only two shareholding structures.”

“…I personally own 80% of the equity, and Lakeside Shannan owns 20%. Back then, Lakeside Shannan invested 5 million and invested with a market value of 25 million.”

Wei Ziqi nodded when he heard the words: “… Shannan by the lake, is it Ali?”

Ai Yuzhe gave Wei Ziqi a thumbs up and said, “…Young Master Wei really understands that Lakeside Shannan is not a big and well-known investment company, but it is indeed from Ali.”

Ai Yuzhe was in awe, most people probably didn’t know what this company in Lakeside Shannan was.

However, Wei Ziqi said that the other party is Ali, which shows that Wei Ziqi has a thorough understanding of the financial and investment fields.

“Actually, I was not short of money at that time. My father gave me 50 million yuan at the time, which was completely enough for me.”

“…When I was approached in Shannan by the lake, I also asked someone to investigate, and I found out that this is an Ali department. The reason why I agreed to the other party’s investment is to get Ali’s resources.”

Ai Yuzhe’s words made Wei Ziqi give him a high look.

Many people who don’t understand investment and finance, see someone who wants to invest in themselves, but they don’t have much money.

As everyone knows, without resources, the company cannot develop at all. Money doesn’t matter sometimes.

Ai Yuzhe still chose to be invested when he had enough money at that time, which shows that he still knew a little about business management and development.

For example, in some rebirth novels, some protagonists know that their company will have a market value of hundreds of billions in the future.

Therefore, in the development stage, if someone invests at a very low market value and occupies a large share of equity, they will feel that they have lost money.

As everyone knows, the development of an enterprise requires a lot of resources. The investment of some large capitals not only gives money, but also gives you resources to make you soar.

If you refuse, others will use these resources to copy your creativity, and they will definitely beat you down easily.

Because when you choose to refuse, it means that you do not understand business management, and it means that you are bound to fail.

Investing is never about investing in projects, but people.

Anyone can copy the project, but the one who can make the project live is the ‘founder’!

The real business war and ability manifestation is whether you have the ability to continue stepping on those big capitals after the company takes off, instead of being taken away by them.

This is a game of capital, a war without gunpowder!

Ai Yuzhe’s remarks made Wei Ziqi decide that this person is worthy of his own investment.

He may not be capable enough to take charge of that kind of super-large multinational industry, such as Ai’s family.

But it’s just a company he is still capable of running.

Wei Ziqi asked Ai Yuzhe some questions, such as the company’s financial data, annual profit margin, company structure and number of employees, company costs, and so on.

These questions are things that investors must understand. Most of the questions Ai Yuzhe can answer by himself, which makes Wei Ziqi very satisfied.

This shows that Ai Yuzhe is not playing tickets. He has really invested in this Internet celebrity incubator, otherwise it is impossible to remember such details in the data.

With only some very professional data on the financial statements, Ai Yuzhe was scratching his head and had to go to the company’s accountant for verification.

And Ai Yuzhe’s interview-like answer was enough, so Wei Ziqi didn’t have to worry that he was investing in a douchebag, and he was a muddy man who couldn’t support the wall.

“Besides you, the company has only one shareholder, Hupan Shannan. This is good news. At least the shareholding structure is not complicated.”

“…In this way, I initially decided to inject capital with 50 million yuan and want 40% of the company’s shares. I know that the amount of my investment is too small, but the shares I occupy are very large. Now this company has more than just such a market value.”

“But in addition to investing 50 million, I will also provide a plan, a plan that can make the company bigger and stronger.”

“…As for whether you think this plan is worthwhile, it depends on your own judgment. Investment has risks, and this is also an investment for you.”

“Would you like to invest in me?”

Wei Ziqi shook a finger and said slowly in front of Ai Yuzhe.

This figure is also well thought out.

If Wei Ziqi wanted a higher equity stake, it would surpass that of the founder, Ai Yuzhe, and it would be equivalent to buying someone else’s company, so this amount of money would be impossible.

Lakeside Shannan is even less likely to agree. He has every reason to suspect that he was tricked by Wei Ziqi and Ai Yuzhe.

Therefore, Wei Ziqi only needs 40% of the shares, making himself and Ai Yuzhe’s shares equal.

If Lakeside Shannan is unwilling to accept this price, it can choose to dilute its shares by itself, which is already a profit compared to the market value when he invested.

If Lakeside Shannan is willing to accept it, then it will also spend some cash to maintain its own shareholding, which can also bring benefits to the company.

a cash flow.

Wei Ziqi’s next idea also needs money to implement.

As for whether this will cause protests from Lakeside Shannan one by one

“You own 80% of the shares, and you have absolute control. You don’t care what Shannan by the lake does, whether it’s Ali or Goose Factory.”

“…As long as it wants to play this game, it must abide by the rules of the game, and I won’t get used to them.”

Wei Ziqi sneered.

He is not afraid of any big capital.

Because Wei Ziqi does not have any real estate, he relies entirely on the stock market and other financial markets to make money.

In a place like the stock market, even if the country wants to make a move, it will hesitate to prevent it from causing major problems in the financial system.

The mere ali and the goose factory, they are not P in front of the CSRC.

So what Wei Ziqi is most afraid of is these big capitals, because these big capitals can’t control him at all, and can only stare blankly.

Besides, why is Ai Yuzhe also a family member of Ai’s family, the Yiwei Group of Ai’s family is not afraid of the capital that started from the Internet.

After all, the Internet is only a virtual market value, while the Aijia masters real industries such as energy and materials that involve people’s livelihood.

To put it bluntly, both Ali and Goose Factory can have substitutes.

But if there is a problem in such a large manufacturing industry, it will not be possible to find a replacement in a short time.

In terms of social status, from a high-level perspective, the biggest role of Ali and Goose Factory is actually to provide jobs.

But the actual status is not high.

The market value of Goose Factory is ridiculously high, many times higher than the market value of many companies that have real world-class technology.

It would be better for the country to dismantle the goose factory and change the technology. Immediately, Xia Guo took off in Wuhu, and no technology was stuck in the neck again.

But this is simply impossible. In the eyes of those companies that really master important technologies, a game company like Goose Factory has a P.

Wei Ziqi sees it all through.

However, Ai Yuzhe admired Wei Ziqi endlessly. Take a look, this is the spirit of Mr. Wei.

How many people listened to ali and heard the goose factory, and they all immediately lost three points and four points.

But what did Wei Gongzi say? If you want to cooperate with me, then let’s play according to the basic rules of the game, if you want to play without the rules, then let you go.

In the face of Wei Ziqi’s strength, the opponent can’t do anything to Wei Ziqi, and can only stare blankly. This is the real strength.

And the industry actually knows that Ali and Goose Factory are deadly enemies, and companies that accept Ali’s investment must never accept investment from Goose Factory, and vice versa.

If one party really gets on the bar with Wei Ziqi, Wei Ziqi can definitely find the other party’s nemesis to cooperate and in turn fuck you.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend. Wei Ziqi’s ability is extraordinary. An individual who only plays finance but not industry, and does not even establish a company, is the most troublesome for these big capitals.

Because you can’t find a place to hold him back.

“I’ll give you some time. You 397 first contact Shannan Lakeside to see the other party’s wishes, and then contact the person in charge of TB Live.”

“…By the way, go to some cosmetic companies and talk about sales cooperation with them. Don’t look for luxury brands such as Chanel. It is estimated that if you are looking for someone now, they will ignore you.”

“It’s best to find some civilian, mid-range cosmetic companies to negotiate.”

At this time, Wei Ziqi, like a leader, began to assign tasks to Ai Yuzhe.

And Ai Yuzhe didn’t think anything was wrong, he nodded again and again, and wrote down the task that Wei Ziqi explained.

After hesitating for a while, he said: “…Those cosmetic brands are good to talk about sales cooperation, but the person in charge of TB Live may not necessarily pay attention to me.”

“…After all, my company is not big, and in the eyes of the person in charge of TB live broadcast, it is estimated that there is not much cooperation value. Even if my company accepts the investment of Lakeside Shannan, it is the same as Ali.”

Wei Ziqi waved his hand and said, “…Then you can invite in my name and see if the person in charge will come.”

When Ai Yuzhe heard this, he was overjoyed and said, “…If you are invited in your name, Young Master Wei, the person in charge of TB’s live broadcast will definitely come.”

This is the fame of Wei Ziqi today, as well as the absolute confidence.

How many people want to get to know him, even if everyone fails to cooperate in the end, it is only profitable to get to know Mr. Wei and make friends with each other.

A possible male heir to the Ai family? This status is not good, unless you are not the heir, but the head of the family.

Ai Yuzhe is the boss of a company with a market value of several hundred million, which can only be barely qualified.

But if you want to talk about Wei Gongzi, then I won’t be sleepy!

After talking about some things in detail, Ai Yuzhe was the one who dawdled and left. Looking at his expression, he wished that Shao Chuyao would get out of the way, and then he would talk to Wei Ziqi at night.

It can be seen that Ai Yuzhe is a very professional person.

“But it’s a pity, people have ambitions to reach the sky, and they can’t do it without luck. Even if you have lofty ambitions and lack some life and some luck, you will be nothing.”

“…But he was lucky because he met me.”

Wei Ziqi looked at the back of Ai Yuzhe leaving, and said with a chuckle.

Shao Chuyao looked at Wei Ziqi, who was full of confidence and tall and straight, and his heart was beating like a deer.

She had just watched it with her own eyes, Wei Ziqi, with his powerful aura, directly suppressed Ai Yi’s brother, who was out of breath, and was obedient to him there.

This man is usually a smiley face and rhetoric.

But when it comes to business, it will give people a great sense of trust and security.

A man who works hard has a fatal attraction.

And Wei Ziqi’s serious work can make any woman’s heart move.

A week later, Ai Yuzhe contacted Wei Ziqi and told him that everything was done and that he needed to go to the company to negotiate and sign some contracts.

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