After My Life Reset, I’m On Top of The World

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 All Stand Up, Wei Gongzi Niu X!

“Speaking of which, I think many people, um, students in bioengineering, have guessed what I want to say.”

“…Yes, I’m talking about gene editing technology.”

“This is a very sci-fi technology. Whether it is a technology that has appeared in novels, movies, or anime, it involves many things, such as transforming human beings, such as the ethical issues of transforming human beings.”

Wei Ziqi stood on the podium and talked eloquently. He was full of confidence, facing these top students in China.

Even when giving speeches to them, Wei Ziqi has no timidity, only absolute confidence and convincing aura.

“I know, everyone may think that I am bragging, such an awesome technology, the technology that countries all over the world are researching.”

“…I am a person who studies economics, why do I dare to brag that I have research results, everyone will think that I am the kind of liar in the civil sciences.”

Wei Ziqi had a smile on his face, and a self-deprecating remark made the students of Imperial Capital University in the lecture hall laugh out loud.

Indeed, many people think so, but seeing Wei Ziqi take the initiative to say it at this time, everyone thinks that maybe Wei Ziqi really has two brushes.

And Wei Ziqi’s next sentence made all professionals take it seriously.

“You may not believe me, but why should you believe in Academician Zhu?”

“…As the top and most authoritative expert in this field, Academician Zhu will not make jokes with everyone, especially in his own profession”

. “Since I am standing here to give a speech, I will explain these things. I have discussed it with Academician Zhu.”

Wei Ziqi’s remarks temporarily let everyone put aside their doubts, and the prestige of the 510th scholar of the academy still exists.

Picking up the chalk, Wei Ziqi suddenly felt a little excited.

That’s what it feels like to be a teacher.

“Gene editing technology is actually not new. Some genetically modified projects we are talking about now are actually gene editing technology.”

“…Even so-called sending seeds into space for cultivation is also a gene editing project, but this is just an outdated technology, a backward technology!”

“The oldest genetic engineering technology can even start more than 10,000 years ago. For example, we transform wolves into dogs and choose dogs that are loyal to humans to continue breeding. This is also genetic engineering.”

“… Another example is the watermelon and corn we eat now. They were completely different from the present thousands of years ago. These are all artificially produced by us.

Optimal breeding results! ”

Wei Ziqi took chalk and wrote hard on the blackboard.

But unlike junior high school and high school teachers, Wei Ziqi did not write words, but a bunch of equations, the codes of genes.

Seeing the extremely professional knowledge written by Wei Ziqi, the undergraduates of Imperial College were at a loss.

Only some graduate students and doctoral students sat up straight and leaned forward, staring at the complicated things Wei Ziqi wrote on the blackboard.

“Genes are code, just like the code for software in a computer, and we can tap the code to make the software we want.”

“…Similarly, we can also use genetic modification to change humans, such as single eyelid, double (cgaf) eyelid, high nose bridge, low nose bridge, all of which are determined by genes.”

“Even everything we can imagine is genetically determined, and that’s the familiarity that’s etched in our DNA.”

Wei Ziqi used words similar to the meme on the Internet to make the students of Imperial University present smile one by one.

“Of course, although I have developed a new technology, this technology has not yet reached the level of completely modifying human genes and giving birth to new human beings.”

“…The scope of my research is very directional. This time, the technology is aimed at and challenged by a terminal disease that has claimed countless lives – cancer!”

Wei Ziqi stopped talking for a while, the classroom was completely quiet at this time, and no one doubted Wei Ziqi.

He looked at the lecture hall, and some people were dazed and didn’t know what Wei Ziqi was talking about.

Some people were recording videos with their mobile phones, and many people were using notebooks to transcribe and take notes.

“After those rough initial stages of genetic engineering, with the twentieth century, humanity has a second generation of genetic engineering.”

“…For example, we can bombard the gene from the outside with radiation, toxins, etc., and then mutate it, or directly inject the gene to see the results.”

“And among the random mutations, we continue to cultivate some that are useful to us, and give up those that are useless.”

“…But this second-generation technology is not controllable, and what will happen is completely unknown.”

“And what I want to say now is not the third generation of genetic technology. If there is a definition, I will define it as the tenth generation technology!”

Wei Ziqi’s voice fell, and the entire classroom was in an uproar.

Big brother, you are too jumpy, jumping directly from the second generation to the tenth generation, why do you dare to say that!

Wei Ziqi smiled and watched the discussions of the classmates in the classroom. He didn’t say anything, but continued to speak.

As Wei Ziqi spoke again, the classroom became quiet again. Gradually, Wei Ziqi also gained prestige among the students of Imperial Capital University.

They don’t think Wei Ziqi is a non-professional, they are talking nonsense.

Instead, he scratched his head, wanting to hear what Wei Ziqi said next.

These classmates have been intrigued and completely attracted by Wei Ziqi’s words.

“This technology, I named it Cas9!”

“…Most of the students present are studying biology, so I won’t talk about the difference between bacteria and viruses.”

“And bacteriophages, like nanorobots, are familiar to everyone, and they must know how they work. Bacteriophages inject a piece of DNA into bacteria to kill bacteria.”

“…after this piece of DNA is run in the bacterium, it executes the phage’s self-replication command, killing the bacterium and giving birth to more phages.”

“But the killing of bacteria by phages is not absolute. My research found that phages have their own set of methods to defend against viruses.”

“…There is a set of databases in the body of bacteria, which store various fragments of DNA, and there is also a arsenal in the body of bacteria.”

“The first weapon in this arsenal will cut a section of the virus’ DNA and store it in its own database when faced with a virus attack.”

“…Then when there is a virus attack, the arsenal will release a second weapon, and this weapon will be searched from the database.”

“If the data corresponding to the invading virus is found in the database, it will act like a pair of scissors to cut the DNA of the invading virus.

. “…The way we humans resist viruses is immunity, and bacteria don’t have immunity. The way they resist viruses is the ability to snip viral DNA.”

“About 40% of bacteria in the sea are killed by phages every day, but phages are so terrible, but 60% of bacteria still survive, and they rely on this ability.”

At this time, many of the biology students present had already guessed what Wei Ziqi wanted to say, and they all looked excited.

“Genes have a self-healing function, and the bacteria’s DNA sniping method is based on the comparison of viral DNA in the database.”

“…With our current technology, it is not difficult to synthesize a DNA fragment. In the second-generation genetic engineering technology, we have long mastered the technology of how to inject genes.”

“But the biggest problem before is that we can’t perfectly replace the part of the gene segment we don’t need with the DNA segment we want to inject, and we can’t tamper with the gene at will.”

“…But now, with this technology that I’ve researched and invented, none of this is a problem.”

“The simple principle is that we synthesize unwanted pieces of DNA and use it as data.”

“… Then use the means of bacteria to defend against viruses, cut off this piece of DNA after comparison, and finally inject the required DNA, and use the self-repair function of DNA to stitch it in.”

“In this way, we have completed the gene editing perfectly!”

Wei Ziqi swept his eyes, he said loudly and loudly.

When his voice fell, some undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students who understood his technical theories and methods couldn’t help but stand up.

This is a theoretically completely feasible, and even the most perfect method of editing genes under today’s human science and technology.

And Wei Ziqi’s research on bacteria will definitely open up a new world of gene editing engineering!

Many students of Imperial University all stood up, and they were about to shout ‘Wei Gongzi Niu X’! .

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