After my worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Chapter 108

Chapter 109

At about ten o’clock, the four people came to the door of the bar in a car.

Although this will not be the most hilarious time point, there are many people in the bar, there are many luxury cars parked in front of the door, and there are many supercars.

From time to time, you can see some brightly dressed young people, with beautiful girls into the bar, and even some people bring a few girls to play.

Zhang Zhe’s Red Flag L9 is still very recognizable.

As soon as I got out of the car, the security guard at the door greeted him, bowed in unison and greeted:

“Zhang Dong is good!”

The manager of the bar, Du Weiqi, was also informed and came to the door to greet:

“Zhang Dong, you are here.”


Zhang Zhe answered and arranged:

“Old Du, arrange a private room for me, and then call a few girls from the atmosphere group to come over.”

“Okay Zhang Dong, I’ll arrange it for you right away.” Du Weiqi hurriedly responded.

The private room area was in the innermost part of the bar, and when he walked to the Gaotai district, Zhang Zhe gradually stopped and put his arm around Li Chao’s neck and asked:

“Superman, see?”


Li Chao replied with some confusion.

Looking down at Zhang Zhe’s line of sight, he only saw that on the dance floor below, many young people were swinging to the rhythm of the music.

Both men and women, as you can tell from the expressions on their faces, are enjoying the atmosphere inside the bar.

When I was in the barbecue restaurant just now, a whole bottle of Niulan Mountain was almost drunk by Li Chao himself, in addition to drinking several bottles of beer.

Even if his alcohol consumption is really good, it will inevitably feel a little upside down, Li Chao is a little unclear, so he asked:

“Brother Zhe, what do you want me to see?”

Zhang Zhe replied in a flat tone:

“The truth of the world.”

“The truth about this world?” Li Chao was even more confused.

“Many of these people below are of our age, but you have to go out and make money from a stall for a little debt, and they can spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars a night after a casual drink.”

Zhang Zhe looked at Li Chao very seriously and asked:

“Do you think it’s fair?”

Hearing Zhang Zhe’s words, Li Chao couldn’t help but fall silent.

He has been busy from morning to night every day, and he can sell for about seven or eight hundred yuan a day.

Remove the cost, booth fee, etc., and the profit may be only four or five hundred.

Even if you can earn more than 10,000 a month, which is already a lot for many people, you can just have a drink here.

I didn’t even dare to drink openly, nor could I order those expensive wines, and more than ten thousand yuan really couldn’t help but spend in this kind of bar, that is, a bottle of spades A thing.

If Zhang Zhe hadn’t brought him here, he wouldn’t have been able to come to such a place to consume, and he might not have come in for the rest of his life.

So… Is it fair?

“There will never be absolute fairness in this world, and the rich and the powerful will always enjoy the best resources and live a life that you dare not think of.”

Zhang Zhe continued:

“But there is a relative fairness in this world, just like you desperately learned programming techniques in your freshman year, as long as you work hard for it, you can get a certain harvest.” 」

“Therefore, if you want to live a really good life, don’t have to worry about tens of thousands of dollars, just try to fight!”

Zhang Zhe’s words produced a great shock in Li Chao’s heart.

There is never absolute fairness in this world.

Some people are destined to win at the starting line as soon as they are born, and they are free to get what others can’t get in their lifetime.

But some people have difficulty even maintaining a basic life.

Li Chao himself is the same, the original university tuition, caused a great burden on his family.

After several years of hard work in programming, he finally achieved small success, and he could earn thousands of yuan a month during the school period, more than many classmates.

But this effort is not as good as the tens of thousands of pieces that others take out casually, and the girlfriend also turns around and throws herself into the arms of others.

Is Li Chao willing? Definitely not willing!

In other words, all ordinary people have this kind of unwillingness in their hearts and want to fight it.

But how to spell?

This problem is difficult for most people, but also difficult for Li Chao, he also wants to change the current situation, but he does not know how to change.

But Li Chao is a smart person, and he knows that Zhang Zhe’s words to himself are definitely useful.

Li Chao gritted his teeth and replied:

“Brother Zhe, I want to fight!”

“Okay, I’m going to start a company, and I’ll leave it to you in terms of technology.”

Zhang Zhe nodded and replied:

“I’ll set the stage for you, and it’s up to you to take the next step.”

Li Chao’s ability and character are very good.

I remember that last year he took an order, not only completed the task, but also helped the other company to modify a major bug, when the other company directly gave him an extra ten thousand bonuses.

Coupled with the original expenses, this boy earned more than ten thousand a month.

I sent five thousand to my family, Bought a mobile phone for my girlfriend and spent five thousand, and the rest did not forget to ask the brothers in the dormitory to have a meal and sing a song.

In terms of technology, Li Chao has absolutely no problem, but because he can only take some scattered work without graduation, he has not been able to make too much money.

If he starts working seriously, he can quickly become a senior programmer with his ability to stay up for a while.

Among the three roommates, Lin Feng is a landlord in Zhonghai, and the family also has small assets, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on the motorcycle alone.

Hou Sanjun has now begun to do live broadcasting, and he should be able to develop well in his MCN company after signing in later.

So in the end, Li Chao, Zhang Zhe was also ready to pull him.

In recent days, although Zhang Zhe has not yet gone to the baseball country, he also probably understands the game of blue hole.

This game is nothing more than imitation of H1Z1’s battle royale mode, further developed.

After all, the server is in the bar country, I believe that even after going online, it will definitely be the same as H1Z1, and it needs to use accelerators to play.

Before Zhang Zhe did not want to contact this piece, the focus is still on the MCN company.

But since Li Chao encountered this, his technology is good, invest a little money to set up an Internet company, and it does not cost much to develop accelerators.

On the one hand, it is to give Li Chao a chance to give him a place to show his talents.

In addition, with MCN company, the anchors held up by the company can also carry the promotion accelerator, which is also an additional gain.

This will make Li Chao’s wine almost awake, hearing Zhang Zhe’s words directly nodded and replied:

“Well, in the future, my life will be Brother Zhe’s!”

Although he didn’t know what company Zhang Zhe was going to set up, he knew that there would definitely be a future for following Zhang Zhe!

If this opportunity cannot be seized, then no matter how bad the mixture is, it cannot blame others!

“I’m asking you to do technology, not to let you go to mix with society, it’s the same as selling your life!”

Zhang Zhe was very satisfied with his attitude, patted Li Chao’s shoulder and said:

“Let’s not talk about this today, I will ask a few girls to accompany you to have a good drink, and relax at night.”

“Well, listen to Brother Zhe!”

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