After my worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

After knowing that Zhang Zhe was self-made, many people at the table had the same thoughts as Yu Haoxuan.

During the period, several people took the initiative to come to Zhang Zhe for a drink, saying that there would be any money-making projects in the future, hoping that Zhang Zhe could take them with him.

For this situation, Zhang Zhe replied ambiguously, neither refusing nor explicitly agreeing to it.

Because of such a small episode, the atmosphere at the table was more enthusiastic.

At nine o’clock, Yu Haoxuan proposed:

“The big guys are eating pretty much, right?” Why don’t we catch the next one and go to the bar for a while? ”

After sitting for more than two hours, many people have long felt bored, and when they heard that they were going to play in the bar, they immediately said excitedly:

“I’ve already eaten, get up and walk!”

“Hey up, no one is allowed to leave today without drinking!”

Yu Haoxuan came to Zhang Zhe’s side, put his arm on Zhang Zhe’s shoulder, and asked very enthusiastically


“Dazhe didn’t drink much, did he?” Go play together, today you are the protagonist, without you can’t do it! ”

“Brother Xuan, don’t hold it, today’s scene is set up by you, how can I be considered the protagonist?”

Zhang Zhe smiled and replied:

“I’m actually fine, since everyone is so interested, let’s go play.”

Zhang Zhe also knew that Yu Haoxuan wanted to make friends with himself, and it just so happened that he had the same mind, and it was not bad to play.

“Okay, then let’s go!”

A few hundred meters away from the private restaurant, there is a MYST, which is also one of the more famous bars in Zhonghai, and often invites some hundred DJs to come over.

Everyone drank at night and couldn’t drive, anyway, not far away, a group of people hooked up and bragged about the bull, and soon arrived.

“Good owner!!”

As soon as they reached the door, a dozen security guards in black suits bowed and shouted at the crowd.

At the same time, a man who looked like a manager came to Yu Haoxuan and said:

“Boss, the room has been arranged for you.”

“Okay, give them a shout and give me the atmosphere!”

Yu Haoxuan replied, and then pointed to Zhang Zhe and introduced:

“This is my brother Zhang Zhe, you know each other, in the future he must come over and be sure to entertain me!”

The manager hurriedly bowed to Zhang Zhe and said:

“Zhang Shao, I’m Du Weiqi, the manager of the store, you just call me Xiao Du…”

“Hello Manager Du.”

After shaking hands with him, Zhang Zhe was a little surprised:

“Brother Xuan, it turns out that you opened this bar?”

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhe also understood why the dinner party at night was selected in the nearby private restaurant.

Yu Haoxuan’s bar is nearby, and after eating, you can directly come to your own yard to continue the show, which is very convenient.

This kind of business of bars is not something that anyone can do if they want to do it, especially in zhonghai, all sides must be well done.

However, when you think of Yu Haoxuan’s background, you can understand it.

“I worked with friends, I had some shares.”

Yu Haoxuan smiled and said

“Listen to what you mean, have you been here before?”

Zhang Zhe nodded and replied, “I don’t come to nightclubs much, but last year my friend invited guests once.” ”

“That’s a coincidence, you can just brush your face directly in the future.”

Yu Haoxuan smiled

“Don’t stand in the doorway, let’s go in and talk!”


MYST’s business has always been good, although it is only ten o’clock in the evening, but there are many people sitting in the hall.

Nightclubs like this usually don’t get to around 12 p.m., and the atmosphere is the warmest at the beginning of the show.

But as long as there is money, it is still easy to create an atmosphere, especially Yu Haoxuan, the boss, has arranged in advance.

Coming to the large box in the infield, several tables were already set up with wine, A of Spades, The Flower of Paris, Louis XIII, and so on, not to mention a hundred and ten bottles.

The wine was still of secondary importance, and as soon as the crowd sat down, the compartment door was opened and one girl after another walked in.

Many men who come to the bar to play come with some thoughts, and the business will certainly not be too good without the girls in the field.

Therefore, most bars will cultivate some atmosphere groups.

It is to let some girls come over to play, bungee drink without money, and drive the atmosphere in the field.

And if they want, they can also drink with the guests, and if they can sell the wine, there will be a commission.

The girls who have just entered the box in front of them are the atmosphere group in the bar.

“I have arranged it, and lao Du called in some clean, many of them are nearby students.”

Yu Haoxuan suddenly reached Zhang Zhe’s ear and said a word, then picked up the microphone in the box, pointed to Zhang Zhe and said:

“My brother didn’t come to the nightclub much, and your task today is to make him have fun!”

Not to mention that the boss has spoken, even if there is no such thing, Zhang Zhe is also the most handsome one in the room.

And many young girls play Weibo, and someone has recognized Zhang Zhe’s identity.

Almost as soon as the words fell, Zhang Zhe’s seat was immediately surrounded by a lot of girls, chattering non-stop.

I have to say that these girls called in by Manager Du also look very good, that is, they often go in and out of this occasion, and it is inevitable that there will be some wind and dust on their bodies.

And persuading them to drink is their ability to eat, unconsciously Zhang Zhe put a few glasses of champagne under his stomach and hurriedly waved his hands:

“Let me slow down first, but I can continue to play, and then drink a little too much…”

Seeing that Zhang Zhe was unwilling to drink, several girls around him did not dare to continue to persuade.

Girls who can often come to the bar to play, and even enter the atmosphere group, are basically some material.

They know very well that Zhang Zhe’s value is absolutely not cheap, if he can hold this thigh, it is simply to go directly to the peak of life!

So seeing that the wine could not be poured, several girls suddenly changed their minds.

“So why don’t we play the game first?”

“Zhang Shao, shall I help you rub your stomach?” If you rub it, it won’t feel bad…”

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