After passing through the book, I snatched the female villain

Chapter 422 Solo’s Rose (3) (page 12)

In ancient times, female worms had completed their development at the age of fifteen, while male worms would have matured for a year. Most of them were not able to freely control and use pheromones until they were sixteen years old.

At the intersection of the five major Zerg tribes, there stands a statue of the Insect God looking up to pray for blessings. This statue was carved and built by unknown insects. It has existed here for a long time, with vines and rivers meandering around it.

Male and female insects who have just turned sixteen will kneel before the statue of the Insect God at the end of January. This is also the time when they determine their spiritual power level.

The tall evergreen trees behind the statue of the Insect God are densely covered with green leaves on their sparse, powerful but staggered branches, making rustling sounds from time to time in the cold winter.

This big tree, which is fifty or sixty meters high, is evergreen all year round. It has been growing behind the statue of the Insect God for hundreds of years, and it has become a part that cannot be ignored in this holy land.

After every insect who comes to kneel and worship gets up, a leaf will fall from the tree behind the statue of the insect god.

This leaf will turn into other colors when it falls to the ground, white, gray, yellow, red, and gold. These colors correspond to the Zerg's mental power levels from D to S respectively.

There are also extreme people who have broken through the lower limit and reached E-level or even lower levels. Qiaomu cannot sense his mental power fluctuations and usually does not drop leaves.

This annual ceremony to determine the level of spiritual power will be attended by the five chiefs.

On the one hand, they are here to record the development of the emerging generation of Zerg, and on the other hand, they are also here to prepare for the recruitment of the tribe in a year's time.

The ages of sixteen and seventeen are the two most important time points for the male and female bugs in the Zerg tribe in ancient times. They will determine their spiritual power level at the age of sixteen, and formally determine the tribal race they will eventually enter at the age of seventeen.

Nasuolo has never been very interested in this kind of ceremony.

These male and female insects that determine their spiritual power level will eventually return to their mother tribe. Only a very small number of insects with special goals are willing to leave their native tribe and work in another completely unfamiliar tribe.

The Zerg winter cold at the end of January had not gone away, so Solo was already covered with a thicker cloak when he came. The ink feathers are thick, soft and touchable, resisting most of the cold air from the outside world.

The remaining four leaders had already arrived in advance. Solo gave them a symbolic salute, then strode to his position as leader and sat down.

Contractor glanced at him casually. He saw that Solo was still wearing a black gold mask with carved totems on his face, and asked, "Why are you wearing this thing?"

Solo didn't answer. He gathered his cloak, and after a few seconds he said, "Do you feel it?"

The contract was unclear, "How do you feel?"

Solo said: "It's such a cold wind."

Contract: "..."

He chuckled, "Solo, don't be pretentious in front of me."

A little Feng Xiaohan still has to put on a mask to cover his face, but Sancia is not as pretentious as him.

It was really a waste of his wings. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be better to give him Solo's body.

Solo tilted his head and turned his gaze downwards, not having the same insight as the contract. Solo consciously kept a distance from Contract, an abnormal insect who only had souls in his eyes.

At eight o'clock in the morning, all the male and female bugs over the age of sixteen gathered at the river below. They each got their own wooden number cards, and then stepped forward one by one in order to test their mental power levels.

Solo leaned on the leader's throne with his chin propped up. His eyes flickered through the dense swarm of insects below with bored eyes, and finally stopped on the arbor behind the statue.

As a heavy bell rang, the leading female walked into the testing area. He knelt down on his knees and saluted the statue of the Insect God. When he stood up again, a tree leaf slowly fell.

Nasoro watched the thin and narrow leaf change in the air, and the color was finalized when it hit the ground.

It is a red leaf, grade A.

Na Suoluo looked down quietly, the fur surrounding his neck was warm, and the golden eyes under his mask remained calm.

Contract Na didn't respond. He leaned back on his chair and glanced to the side.

Terrala's expression was cold. He looked down expressionlessly, with no emotion changing from beginning to end. Sancia next to her lowered her head and took a nap, Ariel was still taking notes, and neither of them made any other movements.

Contract Na had a clear view of the reactions of the four insects. He rolled his eyes and continued to lean back on the chair.

The main purpose of their leaders coming here is to prepare for the next tribal recruitment. If a male or female with particularly outstanding abilities is found, the leader can raise his hand to show his willingness to accept him.

This is almost a ticket for the selected males and females to enter the core tribe.

The five major tribes are divided into many small tribes, but there are only six core tribes. These six tribes are the places with the richest Zerg resources and are also the areas under the direct jurisdiction of their leaders. Once inside, ordinary male and female insects can be greatly improved.

There is no doubt that almost all Zerg have the ultimate goal of entering the core tribe, and for this purpose they may even give up and return to their mother tribe.

Among these, whether you can win the favor of the leader is particularly important.

The female insect whose mental power level had just been measured stood below for a while. She looked up and saw that the figures above did not make any other movements.

Five minutes later, the female worm walked down holding the leaf with her head lowered.

Soon a second female insect came to the statue of the Insect God.

The male and female insects that have not yet been tested are whispering. The leader's requirements have always been too high. They have no response to A-level females at all. The core tribe's requirements are probably set at S-level or even higher.

Solo looked down for a long time. The mental power level was determined quickly and there were many opportunities for them to choose.

He didn't see anyone that suited his eyes.

No matter how high the level is, it depends on character, appearance and physical strength, which are also major aspects that Solo considers. But there are things inside that cannot be seen through just one mental power level test, so Solo rarely raises his hand.

The contract is different.

Contractor Na Solo would raise his hand every ten minutes, and he would treat almost all S-class females equally. He can even raise his hands for some A-level male insects, and he has the momentum to kill all the high-level insects in the Zerg race.

This move obviously heightened the sense of crisis for the remaining leaders. What should they do if the contract lures all these high-level insects to run to their core tribe?

Sancia didn't sleep either. From time to time, he would raise his hands to the S-class female to express his attitude.

Ariel insisted on double standards to the end. He only raised his hand to the high-level insects of the Snow Tribe, and he pretended not to see the other insects.

Terrala was considered the fairest insect among them. All the bugs in the Zerg clan were below his level, and they were not qualified to let Terrala raise their hands - so he never raised his hand.

There were a lot of males and females who came to take the level test. After looking at them for two or three hours, Solo only selected three females and two males.

The character cannot be seen, but at least the appearance must suit his aesthetics. Just a little bit at the back can filter out 80% of the Zerg species.

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