After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega

Chapter 13 Chapter 13

But you look bad.

Su Liang observed Lu Zhizhao with extreme vigilance.

The strange feeling on Lu Zhizhao made him feel particularly nervous. He tried a few times to break free from the other party, but in return, Lu Zhizhao held him even harder.

In this way, in the stalemate, Su Liang was dragged in a certain direction by Lu Zhizhao without knowing it. There, the hovering car that was obtained by some unknown method was buzzing and hovering a few tens of centimeters above the ground. , you can drive away at any time.

If Su Liang was really some kind of animal, then when he found out that Lu Zhizhao was trying to push himself into the car, it is estimated that he even exploded all of his tail.

Let go of me, Lu Zhizhao! What the hell are you doing?

Su Liang raised her voice.

I'm not crazy.

Lu Zhizhao responded with a strange tone.

I just want to protect you, Xiao Liang, this time I will definitely protect you.

I don't need any protection at all, did you make a mistake--

Just when Su Liang couldn't take it anymore, the sound of another hover car making an emergency stop sounded not far away.

A thin figure hurriedly jumped out of the car and rushed towards Lu Zhizhao.

Azhao, don't do this!

The person who came was Ning Jiayi, who was supposed to be resting in the hospital even wearing a hospital gown, looking anxious and frightened.

Let go of Brother A Liang, okay? The service period is just a normal recruitment within the family, not what you think...

Ning Jiayi softened his voice and whispered behind Lu Zhizhao. And Su Liang never felt that Ning Jiayi's pitiful face was so pleasing to the eye as it is now.

You know, people like Ning Jiayi who are in the pre-differentiation stage already have a bit of an Omega aura on them. When they talk to people so softly, don't say they are Alphas, even Su Liang is downright Beta all felt relieved.

According to Su Liang's thoughts, after being persuaded by Ning Jiayi like this, Lu Zhizhao should let go of himself, even if he is overwhelmed with enthusiasm. But the reality was that Lu Zhizhao actually showed an extremely terrifying cold look at Ning Jiayi in front of Su Liang.


He growled indifferently.

Following Lu Zhizhao's line of sight, Su Liang's eyes narrowed: Ning Jiayi had an obvious bruise at the corner of his eye.

Judging from the color, the trace is fresh, and the person who did it has no mercy at all.

Combined with Lu Zhizhao's questioning and expression at this time, an incredible and terrifying conjecture emerged.

Could it be that Lu Zhizhao actually treated Ning Jiayi...

Su Liang stared blankly at the two people in front of him, and fell into complete daze.

On the other side, Ning Jiayi's face was almost transparent.

Azhao, it's very scary for you to say that. I know you didn't mean it. I'm not angry, so don't continue to be so angry, okay...

Ning Jiayi tried her best to maintain her superficial attachment to Lu Zhizhao, but her trembling voice and fearful eyes all proved Su Liang's conjecture.

In fact, if Ning Jiayi had a choice, he wouldn't go to the crazy Lu Zhizhao to ask for trouble.

During this time, Su Liang had been kept in the dark and thought that Lu Zhizhao was locked up by Lu Zhengen just because of the previous mental violence. Ning Jiayi had already learned the news that there was something wrong with Lu Zhizhao's mental sea.

After the coma caused by that mental violence, he looked normal, however, his sleep time began to prolong, and every time he woke up after a long sleep, Lu Zhizhao behaved like a different person.

He began to become abnormally cold-blooded, gloomy, and accompanied by a serious bloodthirsty tendency, but what followed was a surge in his mental strength and the sophistication of his mental control ability. The assessment of his ability value was refreshed almost every day. For the record, it can be said that from the data on the instrument alone, he is even comparable to the monster Alpha Lu Taipan when he was young.

At first, the Lu family was very happy about this. They thought that the change in Lu Zhizhao's personality was due to the second awakening of his spiritual power, but soon, the seniors couldn't laugh anymore.

Because they found that Lu Zhizhao seemed to be crazy.

He would often fall into a trance-like delusion, and from time to time he would do all sorts of horrific actions.

And when he came back to his senses, he would change back to the cheerful, calm, and everyone's favorite young master of the Lu family for a period of time, and he stood at the scene of the accident he created and remembered what he did. Fuzzy, I don't even know why he suddenly went mad.

Then it was only at this time that the group of researchers supported by the Lu family realized in horror that their assessment of Lu Zhizhao's mental strength might have made a serious mistake. Before that, they used the double-S-level Lu Taipan as the data blueprint: as the top, most terrifying, most terrifying top Alpha, Lu Taipan's mental power has been in a frantic state, but he didn't stop until a few years ago. The final battle of the Canaanites fell out of control because of excessive overdraft of mental power.

Because of this, the Lu family always believed that only S-rank Lu Zhizhao would be much safer, and the madness caused by his overflowing mental power would not come until at least several years later.

However, not everyone is Lu Taipan.

The Lu family never thought that the high-level Omega they prepared for Lu Zhizhao had not even had time to fully differentiate, and Lu Zhizhao had already lost control because of his too strong mental power.

But it was precisely because of this that Ning Jiayi's existence became more and more important.

For this reason, Ning Jiayi was complacent.

He deliberately went to meet Lu Zhizhao secretly in private, and thought that it would somehow stabilize Lu Zhizhao's mental strength.

However, what he saw was not the familiar Azhao, but a cold, eccentric, and short-tempered monster.

Lu Zhizhao didn't even show the slightest joy at Ning Jiayi's arrival. Instead, after Ning Jiayi informed him intentionally or unintentionally that Su Liang was about to enter the Snake Cave for half a year of service today, he suddenly became extremely irritable.

He jumped up and forcibly broke through the closed facility of the confinement room. The violent appearance startled Ning Jiayi.

However, Ning Jiayi also knew that according to Lu Zhizhao's current situation, the madness caused by mental instability and the forced breakthrough of the closed facility would definitely affect Lu Zhizhao's status in the Lu family.

So he bravely stepped forward to stop it - the price was the bruises on his face.

Lu Zhizhao beat him mercilessly.

Then Lu Zhizhao grabbed a car and chased him all the way, and finally stopped Su Liang's car directly, and that's what happened next.

Azhao, you will make Uncle Lu very angry...

Ning Jiayi bit her lip and was about to stop it.

Shut up and get out.

As a result, Lu Zhizhao scolded him again before he could finish speaking.

Besides being afraid of Ning Tangsheng, Ning Jiayi has never been reprimanded like this by anyone in his life.

A trace of anger flashed across the originally pitiful face.

But this gaffe only lasted for a short moment.

Because he looked up and saw Lu Zhizhao's eyes looking at Su Liang - a completely different look than ever before.

When Lu Zhizhao saw Su Liang's appearance now, he was not at all like the one he just liked before.

He looked at Su Liang's appearance now, as if in the next second, he would completely devour Su Liang and make it his own.

Originally unwilling and reluctant, Ning Jiayi, who was just about to turn around and leave, instantly flashed a strange panic in his heart.

No matter what preference Lu Zhizhao had for Su Liang in front of him, Ning Jiayi had no fear, because he knew very well that an Alpha like Lu Zhizhao would eventually come back to an Omega like him.

But now, he felt that he seemed to lose Lu Zhizhao soon.

In this indescribable panic, Ning Jiayi even forgot his anger towards Lu Zhizhao and the little fear that arose in his heart when the other party violently confronted him. He rushed over and hugged Lu Zhizhao.

Azhao, don't do this—

He shouted.

There was even a hint of crying in his voice.

In fact, Ning Jiayi's body was not completely healed. He had always been frail. He was so ill that he was thin and small. Just looking at it made people feel pity.

However, in the face of such a pitiful Ning Jiayi with tears in her eyes, Lu Zhizhao just waved his hand vigorously and pushed Ning Jiayi aside.

Unpredictable, Ning Jiayi swayed and fell to the ground in an instant.

The shock made him cough, and a trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth. Dizzy, Ning Jiayi didn't even have the strength to sit up with his body up, he could only fall to the ground and take a quick breath, unable to move for a long time.

The slightly longer hair was covered, covering Ning Jiayi's cheeks.

He was already extremely thin, but now he fell to the ground, looking increasingly skinny and frail.

Ning Jiayi?!

Such a change was unexpected for Su Liang.

Thinking of Ning Jiayi's body like a glass doll in the past, Su Liang, who didn't like him, was also worried.

He tried to support Ning Jiayi, and Lu Zhizhao turned his head subconsciously to look at the ground because of his actions.

The young man who fell to the ground was motionless and breathless.

For a moment, it seemed as if he had already died.

Lu Zhizhao's frantic eyes instantly froze.

He stumbled a bit, and then his body began to shake.

he held his head

Do not……

don't want……

Lu Zhizhao murmured in pain, and when he opened his eyes again, the originally chaotic eyes like beasts finally gradually turned to clarification.

It was like waking up from a very realistic nightmare.

Lu Zhizhao looked around him in a panic, and his eyes stopped for a while on Ning Jiayi. After recognizing that it was not a figure in his imagination, he breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Then he looked at Su Liang in disbelief.

Little cool.

The eldest young master of the Lu family looks very embarrassed now.

His lips were trembling, and he looked at Su Liang cautiously, as if he was afraid that he would see the other party to pieces.

Finally, his eyes stopped on the hovering car not far behind Su Liang.

The door of that car had the coat of arms of the Lu family.

But outside the coat of arms, there is a pattern of a vicious viper.

This is a car exclusively used by the Lu family to transport people to the Snake Cave.

Privately, they all refer to the car as a corpse car.

Lu Zhizhao's breathing became rapid again.

Vaguely, he finally reluctantly remembered the reason why he had to break free from all restraints and forcibly broke out of the confinement room to find Su Liang——

Xiao Liang, go back with me. I will definitely be able to find a way to cancel your service period.

Lu Zhizhao opened his mouth eagerly.

It's too dangerous there for you!

And just as he spoke, the roar of countless cars was getting closer.

Su Liang ignored Lu Zhizhao, but with a hint of helplessness, he crossed the tall young man in front of him and looked at the motorcade that was driving closer and closer behind the latter.

The Lu family and the Ning family finally arrived.

Master Ning, what's wrong with you?

Master Ning is injured, hurry up, let the ambulance come here!

Master Lu has been positioned, yes, he is not injured!

Yes, Su Liang is here too.


The noisy voice drowned out Lu Zhizhao's cry.

The guards, doctors, and the Lu family's deacons all rushed out of the vehicle, making the scene a little chaotic.

Su Liangmu looked at the scene in front of him with a face, and his brows were slightly aching.

He really didn't know why he was involved again.

Lu Zhizhao was quickly controlled by the Lu family's personal guards, while Ning Jiayi was held in his arms by the Ning family and was about to be taken to an ambulance.

We will definitely ask the Lu family for an explanation on this matter!

The Ning family, who were holding Ning Jiayi, looked ashen, and looked at Su Liang and Lu Zhizhao's eyes as if they were about to burst into flames.

We will definitely give you an explanation!

Please rest assured-


The Lu family's stewards changed their indifference and arrogance in front of Su Liang, and kept apologizing to the Ning family, their voices deliberately made Su Liang hear clearly.

Of course, although these people in the Lu family have regained control of Lu Zhizhao, they can't really do anything to the eldest young master of the Lu family.

They just, as always, put all their disgust and malice on Su Liang.

Once, twice, three times...

It seemed that every time Lu Zhizhao had a problem and Ning Jiayi went to the hospital, he was there.

Su Liang sneered helplessly in his heart.

He didn't have much emotion for the maliciousness of the servants of the Lu family, but Lu Zhizhao seemed to be unwilling to let him go, and was still yelling and screaming until this time.

Xiao Liang, don't worry, I will find a way to solve this matter, and I will protect you-

Even if you risk your life, I won't let you stay in a place like the 'snake cave'.

Following his call, the gazes that looked at Su Liang became sharper.

Su Liang had to take a deep breath.

Unable to bear it, Su Liang interrupted Lu Zhizhao's shouting indifferently.

Sorry, I don't need you to save me at all, because being able to go to the 'snake cave' has always been my wish!

This sentence, Su Liang said very sincere.

Of course, in order to be more convincing, Su Liang inevitably needs to polish his motives.

All along. I admire the Lu family very much. He is a hero of the entire Earth Federation, isn't he? It is a great honor for me to be able to practice in the place where the snake master Lu Taipan lives!

Lu Zhizhao, please don't make up your own mind, speculate on my mood, and then disturb my future plans. Let me tell you, I just adore Lu Taipan, and I want to stay in the same area as the hero I adore, so I want to go to the Snake Cave, and I'd love to be there!

After Su Liang's words fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Beta in the center of the crowd in astonishment. The young, slender and extremely beautiful boy said the shocking words above with clear eyes and a calm attitude.

...very convincing.

Although it is completely incomprehensible, it seems to make sense logically?

Almost everyone can't help but have this idea in the bottom of their hearts.

Su Liang looked at the crowd in front of him with great satisfaction, and the dumbfounded Lu Zhizhao who was completely speechless.

He nodded secretly in his heart, and then he casually looked at Ning Jiayi who was leaning in the arms of the others.

The boy who was as pale as paper had a wisp of blood on his lips.

It was obviously because of Lu Zhizhao that he was injured, but Lu Zhizhao didn't even give Ning Jiayi a glance.

Even under the protection of the Ning family, Ning Jiayi did not receive any sincere concern.

People from the Ning family have been trying to trouble the Lu family on the grounds of Ning Jiayi's injury, but no one has asked him if the injury hurts or if he is uncomfortable.

For a moment, Su Liang even felt a touch of pity for Ning Jiayi like this.

You... take care of yourself.

Su Liang said silently with his lips, then turned around in the stunned eyes of the young man, and walked away from Lu Zhizhao step by step.

What Su Liang didn't know was that every little action he made at this moment, including every word he said before... was completely recorded by the miniature military detective robot, and broadcasted in real time to a huge holographic projection screen.

The Lu Family Courtyard, which is the deep underground of the Snake Cave.

In the information room surrounded by countless information screens, a robot made an exaggerated electronic sound.

Wow, I saw the people from the Lu family leaning towards the kitten again. These wine bags and rice bags will not trouble my poor little family again, right?! I'm so worried!

The artificial intelligence named Housekeeper lives in the body of the housekeeper-type smart home robot, and the sound it emits is much more emotional than the real human being not far away.

Well, in fact, a real human was watching the information and data rushing by in front of him attentively at this time, ignoring the housekeeper next to him at all.

He didn't seem to notice at all that his artificial intelligence had just magnified the scene that was supposed to be F-class routine information on the main screen.

Seeing that Lu Taipan didn't react at all, the housekeeper was still not discouraged.

He was still broadcasting the situation on Su Liang's side vividly in real time.

That corpse...Bah, that transport vehicle wasn't destroyed, but the driver's mental strength was attacked by that good nephew, and now he may take a long time to recover. Alas, kitten He's stuck there now, it will take a while for the new driver to arrive, and those little flies from the Lu family will definitely hurry up and try to push all the problems on his head during this time. Speaking of which, today's The sun is good, but the wind is a little cold, and I don't know if such a thin little guy will catch a cold...

As if he was finally annoyed by the noise of the housekeeper, Lu Zhizhao finally raised his eyes from behind the monitoring station and glanced at the housekeeper coldly.

In a sense, the words of the housekeeper cannot be said to be completely exaggerated.

Behind the robot, most people have already left.

Lu Zhizhao was escorted back to the old house. In the high-level restraint device, his eyes were blank and his face was blank.

Ning Jiayi was already lying down in the ambulance, and was staring at the roof of the car in a daze.

But the Lu family hadn't completely evacuated, and several stewards were standing indifferently at Su Liang and asking questions.

Their attitude towards Su Liang at this time was like asking a prisoner.

And Su Liang just dealt with these people indifferently, but when signing the document. On his wrist, which was exposed outside his sleeve, there was a clear circle of marks.

That was when Lu Zhizhao was mad before with great force.

Su Liang was originally born very white, and he belongs to the kind of physique that is particularly easy to leave traces. In such a short period of time, the circle of pinch marks had turned blue-purple, and it looked extremely frightening against the snow-white skin.

Even the most advanced robots could not detect it. A certain indifferent man paused for a moment on Su Liang's wrist.

Lu Taipan lowered his head silently, and once again looked at the raw digital data that was so boring and complicated that ordinary people even needed professional instruments to analyze and understand.

Wow, you are too cruel! Do you really care? Kitten just said it himself, he admires you very much! God, there are people in this world who really have positive emotions towards you! Some people actually worship you! You, just for this, you have to take care of it-

Before the voice of Housekeeper could fall, a whistling sound of wind suddenly came from the holographic screen.

Uh, wait, this voice...

The housekeeper's eyes flashed.

This is an external manifestation similar to surprise.

And the reason why he was surprised was because, according to common sense, something that should never have appeared there appeared on the surveillance screen in front of him.

Seemingly ordinary black spray, streamlined body, high-level firepower configuration of the gun muzzle...

Above Su Liang and the Lu family, a military carrier aircraft unique to the Snake Cave appeared.

In the violent air waves caused by the aircraft, the personal guard wearing jet-black full armor jumped down and landed directly on the side of Su Liang and the Lu family.

Mr. Su Liang, I'm glad you joined the 'Snake Cave'. It was detected that there was a problem with your previous carrier. You failed to appear in the 'Snake Cave' in time. We were ordered to come to meet you.

A guard turned around and said to Su Liang.

After a pause, a voice came from behind the mask: For the next six months of service, I hope you can have a happy and safe life in the 'Snake Cave'.

The tall guard said to Su Liang word by word.

His voice was unusually stiff, as if such ordinary and gentle words would make him bite his tongue.

As for the other side, the members of the Lu family were stunned at the scene in front of them.

If they didn't know clearly, no one on earth would dare to pretend to be a venomous snake, and almost all of them would think that the two venomous snakes in front of them were fake people.

Since when did the Poisonous Snake, considered by everyone to be the most efficient killing machine, even take on the job of transporting low-level service personnel?

Seeing that Su Liang was escorted towards the aircraft by the poisonous snakes, a steward whose IQ had dropped due to excessive shock said in a panic behind them:

Wait, wait a minute, we haven't finished asking Su Liang here, this accident is related to Master Lu...

As a result, what greeted him was an unusually cold and intimidating question from one of the Poisonous Snakes:

You want to ask the people from our 'Snake Cave'?

When the steward heard this sentence, his face turned pale and closed his mouth.

Well, now he can be sure that in front of him is the real poisonous snake.

Because only the poisonous snakes could make him feel the approach of death with just one sentence.

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