After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega

Chapter 27 Chapter 27

The next day, Su Liang was sluggish for a long time after waking up.

The restlessness and emptiness that had plagued him the night before had disappeared like a dream, and even the exhaustion brought about by the development of the information glands had long since been swept away after a deep sleep.

The negative state of the body disappeared, but Su Liang didn't feel comfortable or happy at all.

He didn't want to face reality at all.

Because, just this morning, after waking up, he found that he had fallen asleep completely wrapped in Mr. Mi's combat uniform. And his original pajamas were crumpled and crumpled, and were randomly piled in the corner.

If that wasn't bad enough, the dream that still had some memories left was the last straw that broke Su Liang's mentality.

Doesn't it mean that if you sleep well, you can't remember your dreams? However, Su Liang could clearly remember the extremely ambiguous overlapping and gasping in the dream last night.

Someone pressed on him, biting his neck fiercely like a wild beast.

However, in the merciless erosion, there is a bone-eroding joy and happiness...

The figure of the man in the dream was unusually blurred, but his breath was so clear.


Su Liang hugged her head and asked the heavens speechlessly.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom. After rushing in the icy water column for a long time, he barely recovered his precarious sanity and calmed down.

No matter how reluctant to admit the reality, he still had to face it——

He, Su Liang, has become a pervert.


Ten minutes later, Su Liang shivered and stood by the bed wrapped in a bath towel, looking at the slightly wrinkled black combat uniform on the bed.

After another half an hour, Su Liang bit her lip and began to work hard on the necessary cleaning of the combat uniform. Of course, there was no suspicious liquid on the combat uniform (otherwise Su Liang suspected that she might be overdone. Ashamed and chose to self-destruct), it just became a little wrinkled, and it seemed that it was wrapped around Su Liang for too long, and the leather combat uniform was also stained with a little smell belonging to this shameful Beta.

Su Liang frowned and sniffed for a while, and reluctantly smelled a little fruit-like odor.

The very faint aroma was intertwined with the original aura on the combat uniform, and it mixed into a kind of... a kind of smell that made Su Liang blushed frantically again.

Su Liang didn't even know how he cheered up, cleaned up and folded the combat uniform. All he knew was that he took a cold shower for a while before he managed to let the temperature on his face go down.

He didn't know what happened to him, and finally he could only bite the bullet and start to re-read the various materials that the housekeeper had passed on to him. Then he found a similar case in the data: an unfortunate person who also had a problem with the pheromone gland and had a pheromone disorder, became unconscious due to hormones, and had serious nesting behavior. He stole And illegally occupied the personal belongings of five Alphas, including neighbors and roommates, to appease their biological instincts. Then, after the pheromone returned to normal, the patient regained consciousness and later developed severe social impairment.

Su Liang quickly turned off the electronic screen, not daring to watch the follow-up development of this unfortunate person.

It's not too bad yet.

Su Liang said to herself.

At least he just slept with someone else's clothes like a lunatic for one night, instead of directly using other people's underwear to solve his physical impulse like someone in Amway.

Everything can be salvaged...

Ding dong.

The sound of the doorbell interrupted Su Liang's self-construction.

Reflexively, he tucked Mr. Mi's combat uniform under the pillow, and rushed downstairs in a panic.

What he didn't expect was that the person knocking on the door was not the housekeeper (thank goodness, nor Mr. Si), and the baby-faced youth who appeared at the door had a cheerful smile on his face. After Su Liang opened the door, he happily directed at Su Liang. Ryo blew a kiss.

Hey, Su Liang! How are you, how are you doing?!

Mr. Xue Yinhuan?

Su Liang's eyes widened in surprise.

Call me Xiaohuan, Xiaohuan is fine! It's not a middle-aged old man who likes to be called 'Sir' and 'Sir'.

As soon as Xue Yinhuan heard Su Liang's overly respectful address, she made an unbearable face and said with a smile.

That's not true... Su Liang muttered subconsciously, but at Xue Yinhuan's strong request, he was a little embarrassed and directly called him Xiaohuan.

Su Liang was undoubtedly happy with the appearance of Xue Yinhuan.

He had thought it would be a long time before he saw them again. The Lu family's snake group nominally took a back seat after the Canaan War, but as long as they stayed in the circle of the powerful, even marginal figures like Su Liang would have heard of it - there are many dangerous tasks today that still have to rely on them. The poisonous snakes of the Lu family went to solve it.

It can even be said that the Lu Family's current detached status in the entire Earth Federation is also based on the achievements of the Poisonous Snakes.

According to common sense, a warrior like Xue Yinhuan should also have a heavy task.

Ah, you said the mission...

Xue Yinhuan was sitting on the sofa and waved at Su Liang loudly.

Don't worry, don't worry, I am such a powerful person, that kind of small tasks can be solved easily. I just heard that you were left in the inner courtyard and changed to a new place, so I came to see you specially. After all, you are me I personally received the person from the 'Snake Cave', and of course I will take good care of you.

Xue Yinhuan said with a smile.

Of course, what he didn't tell Su Liang was that, not long ago, he climbed out of the spaceship half-dead, and after hearing that Mi Yuan had a new owner, and that this person turned out to be Su Liang, he didn't care at all. Obstructed by the Black Mamba, at the risk of being rehearsed by Lu Taipan, he also sneaked in to take a look.

Please, this is Miyuan! Another owner of the snake cave in the future, the place where the partner of the snake owner can live!

Su Liang, who claimed that he and Lu Taipan were innocent, clean, and had nothing to do with him, moved in? ! It's only been a few days? !

Xue Yinhuan's curiosity flared up again.


After being ushered into the room, he tried to inquire for a long time, and he did not see a trace of the boss in the brand-new and clean house.

Are these two in a bad relationship?

But looking at Su Liang's ruddy face and bright eyes, it really doesn't look like it...

Xue Yinhuan suddenly regretted not collecting more information to investigate.

Have you been doing well in the snake cave during this time? Has anyone treated you badly?

Xue is a bit playful and curious. Silver Ring asked casually while observing the surroundings.

Very good. Su Liang ignored the incident of the attack and said sincerely, Everything here is fine, as you said... everyone is a good person.

As he spoke, Su Liang was very unsatisfactory and his cheeks were a little hot.

Also, I also met the person I've always wanted to meet.

Oh? Wait, you actually have acquaintances in Snake Cave?

Seeing the extremely gentle smile on Su Liang's lips, Xue Yinhuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yeah, I was rescued by a 'Viper' warrior before... Su Liang explained with a smile. After briefly describing the past, he suddenly thought of something. Then, he looked nervously at Xue Yinhuan. , His name is Si, you should know him, right? He's handsome and has long hair—

Following Su Liang's description, Xue Yinhuan's expression, who was originally just gossip, gradually became dull.

The people in the entire Snake Cave are named after snakes, however, there is only one person who is qualified to use Si Snake as the code name.

Coupled with the characteristics of handsome and long hair in Su Liang's mouth, the true identity of the kind and gentle old friend in Su Liang's mouth is ready to be revealed.

Xue Yinhuan is a little stupid now. He always felt as if he had missed some extremely important point of information.

Hahaha, you said 'si', I, of course I know him.

While Xue Yinhuan tried to mobilize his brain cells to deal with Su Liang, he frantically poked a certain artificial intelligence on the private channel in an attempt to get more information.

Why is Su Liang still naive as if he doesn't know who Lu Taipan is?

Why did the boss even take people here, but still use the code name to deceive people?


[Please be sure to keep it a secret from Young Master Su Liang, after all, this is the master's order, um, in order to prevent Young Master Su Liang from being frightened——]

In the private channel, the artificial intelligence responded with a bit of a weirdness no matter how you looked at it.

——If he found out the true identity of the boss later, Su Liang would be even more frightened!

Xue Yinhuan turned off the private channel, gritted his teeth, and wanted to shout at the sky.

However, on the surface, Xue Yinhuan still desperately maintained her calm.

That's right, the person you mentioned, isn't he a little too close, hahaha, that's the case, we all think his temper is a little cold, and we can't see that he is so kind to you.

Mr. Si is really a good person.

When he mentioned that man, Su Liang didn't realize it himself, his eyes suddenly softened.

Strictly speaking, he and the other party only met for a short period of time, but for some reason, Su Liang just thinks that person is very good.

Very indifferent, but also very gentle.

It's like as long as you stay by that man's side, you don't have to worry about anything, you don't have to be afraid of anything.

Because of that person, he will definitely protect him.

... Su Liang never imagined that the sense of security and trust that Mr. Si brought him when he was fourteen years old would become so strong after so many years of fermenting in his heart.

Ah, yes, you said he, hahaha, maybe he is very good in front of you, hahaha-

Xue Yinhuan didn't even know what he was talking about.

After all, not long ago, the boss sent him to the gray area of ​​the star domain to rob star thieves.

The mission is not dangerous but extremely troublesome. Thinking that the star thief's ultimate way to defend against the enemy is to continuously spray high-strength corrosive internal organs from his mouth... Xue Yinhuan couldn't help bursting into tears.

Boss...he...well, fine.

After chatting with Xue Yinhang to Mr. Si, Su Liang's face was gradually warming up. He was still very embarrassed, but in any case, the arrival of Xue Yinhuan could really solve his problem.

Xiaohuan, I want to ask you one thing.

He said to Xue Yinhuan with a little difficulty.

Mr. Si left a combat uniform here last night, can I ask you to help me transfer it to him?

Okay, what is-

Xue Yinhuan hadn't turned his head at this time, but after agreeing, he suddenly realized that the situation seemed to be far beyond his imagination.

Wait, what's the transfer? Combat uniform? The boss's combat uniform?

Just when Xue Yinhuan was stunned, Su Liang quickly came to the room and took out the folded black combat uniform.

Compared with ordinary clothes, the combat uniform is very heavy. When it is held on the chest, it will still make Su Liang feel at ease and...heartbeat.

Su Liang bit the tip of her tongue, trying to wake herself up.

He didn't want to turn himself into a real pervert, and he didn't want to fall into the pathetic situation of the unlucky guy on the record.

So the top priority is to return the combat uniform to Mr. Mi as soon as possible.

Thinking like this, Su Liang rushed downstairs and planned to hand over the combat uniform to Xue Yinhuan.

sorry to bother you.

As a result, before Su Liang's voice completely fell, the figure in front of him flashed. Xue Yinhuan, who was sitting on the sofa in a daze before, jumped up like a cat whose tail was scalded and rushed to the door.

...Little Ring?

Su Liang was confused.

Xue Yinhuan's back was firmly against the door, restraining the urge to gasp, and gave Su Liang a wry smile.

He was in pain and could not tell.

He recognized at a glance that the combat uniform really belonged to the boss, and promised Su Liang that he would bring things to the boss.


This thing, he felt that he really couldn't take it.

The heavy black combat uniform is full of pheromones from the top Alpha.

Thanks to the restraining device that Lu Taipan has worn all the year round, the pheromone remaining on the combat uniform is of course not strong. Strictly speaking, it is only a very light breath.

However, once it reaches the level of double S, even the slightest pheromone has an extremely strong sense of existence for a low-level Alpha like them.

In addition, Alpha's pheromone contains rich meanings in addition to proving a person's identity

Just like the most primitive and savage animals, the pheromone of the same person is sometimes a demonstration, sometimes a threat, and sometimes a show of strength to others.

And some are... enclosures.

In the distant past, an Alpha who finally had a partner would leave his personal belongings with the Omega when he had to leave his Omega for a short time.

That marker will emit a unique pheromone, which is an extremely ferocious mark, used to show other Alphas their existence.

【This Omega is mine】

But now, Xue Yinhuan only felt that the whole living room was filled with the threat of Lu Taipan.

The hairs stood on end, and cold sweat broke out.

Even the skin felt a dull tingling as if it had been eroded by something.

Xue Yinhuan was very puzzled by what the boss was thinking when he took off his clothes to Su Liang, why such a weak pheromone contained such a strong sense of aggression and exclusive desire, so strong that it could even be called morbid.

Anyway, before he touched the combat uniform, he felt that he was about to be scared to death.

It's too crazy.

Not at all...

No, does the boss really know the detailed usage of various pheromones? The only time that person usually needs to release pheromones is when they are on the battlefield, right? !

Thinking of how Lu Taipan wears isolation suits and built-in inhibitors all year round, and keeps his body like a mountain all year round, Xue Yinhuan couldn't help it, and secretly sneered in his heart.

Of course, he didn't think too much about it.

In any case, Lu Taipan is also the owner of the snake cave. It would be ridiculous to say that he didn't even understand this basic Alpha exclusive method.

Well, I just found out that the one you have is our personal combat uniform. This kind of combat uniform is just that, because when you wear it, there is no armor, exoskeleton or something. Wearing it close to the body has a different meaning. Outsiders don't Good to take over.

Xue Yinhuan grimaced, considering that the housekeeper asked him to keep Lu Taipan's true identity secret before, but now he can only start talking nonsense with extreme difficulty.

This thing is very important, so he will definitely come and pick it up in person, trust me. You'd better give it to him yourself anyway.

I see.

Su Liang said with a little disappointment.

But for some reason, while disappointed, Xue Yinhuan's words made him feel a little joy inexplicably.

If combat uniforms are so important, Mr. Mi will definitely come again. And if he does come again...


Su Liang was a little taken aback.

And Xue Yinhuan was diligently flipping through supplementary information on the extremely hidden team channels and forums that he had not been able to view during the mission.

The room fell silent for a while.

But soon, the movement of the communication projection broke the silence.

[Good morning, Master Su Liang. 】

The holographic projection landed in the center of the living room, and the phantom of the silicone man in the suit appeared clearly in the air.

It blinked and said hello to Xue Yinhuan casually.

[I'm glad to see you chatting with Master Su Liang very happily, although I don't agree with you appearing here at this time, but... Forget it, it's not an important matter. 】

He said kindly to Xue Yinhuan.

Hearing the last sentence, Xue Yinhuan felt that her eyelids jumped a little, and she had a very bad premonition.

At this time, the housekeeper had put his focus back on Su Liang.

[Master Su Liang, please allow me to inform you: there is an external communication that wants to contact you. 】

External communication? You mean my sister...

Su Liang suddenly became nervous. He had contacted Su Nuan once before, and this time he subconsciously thought that it was his sister who had something to do with him.

[This communication is from a friend of yours. The real identity of the initiator of the communication is... Lu Zhizhao. 】

The butler said word by word.

[This communication request has been approved by the snake owner Lu Taipan. Would you like to connect to this communication? 】

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