After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega

Chapter 31 Chapter 31

Just a short while later, Lu Taipan was about to hold down Su Liang's shoulders, push him directly on the sofa, and then turn the constantly rolling and boiling fantasy in his mind into reality. His body was completely out of control against his will, and at this moment, the Lord of the Snake Cave was so thirsty that he was going crazy.

In particular, Su Liang clearly saw his movements, but still did not make any resistance.

At this moment, the young Beta's eyes widened blankly, he didn't move, as if he didn't realize that Lu Taipan was already leaning towards him at this moment.

Lu Taipan even felt that if he wanted to, he could easily bite his neck and rudely pour his hot pheromones into his body.

If he hadn't clearly known that Su Liang had always been a Beta, so he didn't know anything about the various hints and ambiguities between AO and AO, Lu Taipan would almost have regarded Su Liang's actions at this time as a kind of invited.

The kind of invitation that allows him to do whatever he wants with the boy.

Mr. Si, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?

However, at the moment before his sanity completely collapsed, Lu Taipan recovered his senses because of the slightly trembling call of the young man.

The wet eyes of the young man in front of him, full of intimacy and trust, made Lu Taipan immediately calm down a lot.

The hot fingertips slightly changed direction, instead of shackles the young Beta forcefully, but gently stroked the side of Su Liang's neck, and finally landed on the boy's collar.

Lu Taipan lowered his eyes to hide the heat in his eyes, and tidied up the collar for Su Liang.

Your clothes are a little messy.

Slowly and gently, the Lord of the Snake Cave smoothed Su Liang's collar little by little, and then explained it after a long time.

His voice was slightly hoarse.

Thank you, thank you.

Compared to Lu Taipan's fault, Su Liang was actually not much better. He seemed to have lost his mind, and it took a long time for him to answer blankly.

He still maintained the previous posture, and the whole person could not move - his body was completely, completely soft, even if it was just a change of posture, he doubted that he would collapse directly on the ground as if his bones were taken away. in the arms of Mr.

So he didn't dare to move at all.

The pale pink spread from the base of the neck to his cheeks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course Su Liang didn't want to admit it, she was completely stunned just now. Mr. Mi's fingers looked so pale and slender, but when touched, they were extremely hot, as if tiny sparks were burning under the fingers whose joints looked beautiful.

When tidying up the collar, the man's fingers would occasionally rub the side of his neck and lightly touch him, and then the spark suddenly landed on Su Liang's body, burning him until he had to grit his teeth so as not to jump up.

Su Liang felt that she was about to lose her breath.

The moist, cold incense in the air seemed to gradually be infected with an ambiguous temperature, and along with his breathing, it penetrated into the deepest part of his body. It made Su Liang feel dizzy.

The troublesome nascent information gland in the back of Beta's neck began to show its presence again, and a small, secret shudder followed the gland all the way down the spine.

Su Liang was in chaos.

I, I didn't even notice that the collar was messed up...

He said dryly, his mind blank.

It seems that even the gods felt his embarrassment at this time, and mercifully decided to save some poor Beta who had been dizzy. Just when Su Liang felt that he might be dizzy and harassed Mr. Si, a buzzing sounded since Mr. Si. came from the waist.

The volume of the emergency contact sound, which means there is an urgent matter, is actually very low, but it is enough to wake up the two who were almost close to each other, and then abruptly separate.

Cough, sorry to disturb you my dear master—

A somewhat weak voice of an artificial intelligence came from Lu Taipan's headset.

But please allow me to inform you that our temporary agent, Mr. Lu Zhengen, is sending you an emergency communication. This communication authority is S-level, and the content of the request is confidential. I cannot handle it for you.

Artificial intelligence shows a rather realistic helplessness.

By the way, an hour ago, the acting patriarch Lu Zhengen himself arrived at the Snake Cave and applied for a meeting with you. It seems that he really has something very important to discuss with you.

It is obviously not a pleasant event to be able to have someone like Lu Zhengen come in person, or even be willing to wait for an hour outside the snake cave in person.

Lu Taipan's expression did not change, and he looked as calm as ever... But the butler observed the data of the snake cave master, and prayed for a certain acting master without sympathy in his heart.

I hope Lu Zhengen can leave the snake cave alive today.

You know, Lu Taipan seems to be in a bad mood today.

it thought, and spontaneously set the procedures in the medical center to ready.

I have to go now.

Lu Taipan stood up and said to Su Liang.

There is some work to be done.

He quickly and simply added an explanation.

Ah, okay...

Su Liang said sullenly.

After Mr. Si left, he would probably become more normal, and he could go to the housekeeper to ask for medicine to control his behavior, which should have given Su Liang a sigh of relief.

However, seeing the man walking towards the door step by step, Su Liang still couldn't hide his depression. He didn't realize it himself, he followed like a small animal with separation anxiety, and he kept sending Mr. Mi to the end of the garden.

The small flying machine unique to the Viper is parked just outside the garden.

Seeing that the tall man opened the door of the aircraft and was about to leave, Su Liang finally stopped helplessly.

However, Mr. Mi suddenly turned around at this moment and returned to him.

After that, if you want to know about mecha-related issues, you can come to me anytime. After a pause, the man said in a strange tone after a kind reminder from an artificial intelligence in the headset, … ...I have the most advanced mechanic qualification certificate.

Ah? It's amazing! Surprise flashed on Su Liang's face, but he soon became sad again, But my mental strength is not enough to support me in controlling the mecha.

Mental strength is not a problem,

Mr. Mi still had the indifferent expression on his face, and there was no ups and downs in what he said.

However, Su Liang always felt that the man at this moment was under the mask, and the corners of his lips should be relaxed.

……very gentle.

I am here.

Mr. Si looked into his eyes and said softly.

In fact, according to common sense, this kind of commitment is actually quite absurd: mechas are the most spiritually-driven creations in the human world. It can be said that there is no spiritual power. Mechas are just a large collection of circuits and parts. That's it.

It is impossible for anyone to let a Beta with meager mental power control the mecha, because this is pure fantasy.

However, the man in front of him said calmly to him, don't worry about mental power, just need to consider the mecha itself.

Su Liang felt that her heart began to fail again.

God knows why, even if it is a seemingly impossible promise, once it is said by Mr. Mi, he will no longer have any doubts.

However, he was still somewhat at a loss.

There are many people in the Earth Alliance who can indeed drive mechas, but the mecha masters who can really drive mechas are completely different from ordinary people who can only make mechas move.

In the entire Earth Alliance, only the Snake Cave, which started as a mecha, has so many professional mecha divisions.

As for the highest-level professional mecha masters, even in other powerful families, they are treated like guests.

No wonder Mr. Si is so handsome and powerful. In fact, Xue Yinhuan and Black Mamba are also poisonous snakes, but from the bottom of his heart, Su Liang feels that they are really very different from Mr. Si in some places.

As expected of Mr. Mi...

Su Liang sighed involuntarily.

He never dreamed that one day he would be able to ask a mecha master with the highest qualification certificate about mecha.

Surprise too much, and even a little disturbed.

Wait, things involving high-level mecha masters are basically highly confidential, and the mechas in the Snake Cave should all belong to the Lu Family Master? If you help me... Will the Snake Master agree?

Su Liang asked weakly.

When it comes to the commander-in-chief of all the rumored snakes, Mr. Mi's expression is indifferent.

He will agree.


Su Liang felt that he had found a little difference between Mr. Si and Xue Yinhuan: even if Xue Yinhuan and Hei Mamba mentioned Lu Taipan with a relaxed attitude, they couldn't hide their deep admiration. But Mr. Si is always a little subtle when talking about the Lord of the Snake Cave.

It doesn't seem like it's disgusting, but it can't be said to be eager. A little indifferent, a little indifferent, even a little... Well, Su Liang can't tell.

He just felt that Mr. Mi's attitude towards his immediate boss was very worrying.

Su Liang couldn't help feeling a touch of worry.

I said, with me here, you only need to think about the mecha itself. Mr. Si interrupted Su Liang's words.

Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much!

Su Liang was dazed by the pie that fell from the sky, and the look at Lu Taipan was far beyond ordinary admiration and longing.

Is it so easy to be satisfied?

Lu Taipan couldn't help but think.

Obviously it was just such a simple help, but Su Liang seemed to have received a great favor. That kind of uncontrollable joy made the accustomed indifference of the snake master feel strange and complicated emotions in his chest.

I want to love him a little more...

But at the same time, he especially wanted to bully the young man in front of him—what rose up at the same time as pity and love was this vile, even childish desire.

There is one more thing I need to explain to you, Lu Taipan suddenly said to Su Liang, My help is not completely free. In fact, I am very expensive.

Su Liang's smile suddenly froze, and he blinked.

I understand... You should be expensive, Mr. Si, you are a high-level professional mecha... Well, you can accept... installment payments...

The young Beta's voice faded, he calculated his savings subconsciously, and then instantly woke up.

A flower of Leia.

Then, Su Liang heard Mr. Si whispering at him.

He didn't react at first until the other party said again: My reward is a flower of Leia.

Su Liang was a little dumbfounded.

I'm sorry, but I agreed with the housekeeper before that the flowers of Leia may be helpful to the snake master's illness, and these flowers of Leia will eventually be sent to the master of the Lu family... Mr. Si, you , which one do you want?

Su Liang couldn't hold on for long.

Seeing that the young man had turned around and planned to pick flowers, the cold, terrifying and unapproachable man suddenly said softly in an almost stern tone: The Snake Lord may be a good person in your mind, but in fact, he is still He is a ruthless and extremely tyrannical person. If you detain a Leia flower that should have been sent to him like this, you may be punished later.

Su Liang: ...

OK, now he's really sure.

Mr. Si has a really bad relationship with his immediate boss, Snake Master Lu Taipan.

I will explain it to Mr. Butler. Su Liang smiled helplessly, and then said, I don't think Lord Snake should care about this. Of course, if he really wants to punish me for this, I will also acceptable.

While talking, Su Liang touched the tip of his nose a little embarrassedly.

He lowered his head, avoiding the man's direct stare.

Actually, Mr. Si, you can also change your reward. Because... I should have left a flower for you from the very beginning.

I really thank you for saving me, Mr. Si, for so many years.

I really don't know how to repay you...

I really, really, really thank you.


Ok, I know.

In a trance, Su Liang seemed to hear someone smiling softly.

Is Mr. Si laughing?

Su Liang immediately looked up at the man, but the mask blocked the latter's face so tightly that Su Liang couldn't judge the other's true expression at all.

But he can be sure of one thing, that is, Mr. Mi seems to be very happy now.


Back at the Snake Lord's mansion, Lu Taipan saw Lu Zhengen fidgeting in the living room.

He is a middle-aged man who looks quite reliable, with a sincere and honest face that is easy to be trusted.

It has to be said that in terms of appearance alone, there is almost no similarity between him and Lu Taipan.

Seeing Lu Taipan's arrival, the slightly fat man's eyes flashed with fear, but what followed was a surprise - Lu Zhengen didn't expect that he would actually see Lu Taipan's face when he came this time.

According to the previous experience, even as the temporary head of the family, it would be even more difficult for him to meet Lu Taipan in Retreat.

In fact, it's not just Lu Zhengen who thinks so.

The butler was also surprised.

[I didn't expect you to come to see him in person? Didn't they all have remote holographic meetings before? Wait, are you going to assassinate the fuck directly in the parlour? If you need me to start the cleaning robot in advance, just say it...]

Artificial intelligence is also chattering today.

[By the way, during this short period of time, I searched the intelligence database and made a basic derivation of Lu Zhengen's intentions. If I guess correctly, this temporary patriarch begged you to attend his competition tour. 】

The housekeeper's words almost overlapped with Lu Zhengen's cry.

Asi! This time you really want to save my brother-

With his superb acting skills, Lu Zhengen pushed out a full of affection on his face. He looked at Lu Taipan with a sad face and sighed.

[Since your 'retirement', the Lu family has been frustrated repeatedly in the fight for parliamentary seats, and our temporary parent still doesn't seem to want to give up hope. In the past two years, he has spent a lot of money to build momentum for himself and wants to get into the parliament. go. 】

If I can't get a place in the council this time, our Lu family will be finished! Lin family, Bai family, who don't want to step on our heads. Even the Ning family... if we can't hold on this time. , I don't know if they will bite us back! Ah Si, since I had protected you in the Lu family back then, you really want to help me this time!

Lu Zhengen recounted all the setbacks the Lu family had suffered during this period of time with great pain.

[Obviously, he also found that relying on his own efforts might not really work, so now he is trying to invite you out for a walk, intimidating other people, so that he can use your residual power to make more money power. 】

Lu Taipan sat silently on the dark seat at the end of the living room. He quietly listened to the merciless and mean rants from the artificial intelligence in the headset, as well as Lu Zhengen's worried cry down the steps.

He didn't say a word, Lu Zhengen was talking, and unconsciously his voice became quieter.

...I made all preparations for this speech tour, everything is the best, there will be forty video companies to broadcast live to the whole star area, I just want more people to know me, no, yes Understand the determination and stance of the entire Lu family. Si, I know you don't like to deal with this kind of thing, I don't want you to clear the obstacles for me... Yes, you only need to show up, just come alone, you I don't need to do anything, I don't need to say anything. I just want everyone to remember that it was the Snake Cave, and you, Lu Taipan, saved everyone. Without you, the Earth Alliance should have changed its name to the ninth colony of Canaan. This group of people can't have been favored by the Lu family at first, but now they want to get rid of the Lu family. You should be able to understand the painstaking efforts of your brother, right?!

[Wow, when you were resting in peace, he almost became a dog to grab the position of the head of the house, but now he pretends to be like this, doesn't he feel ashamed? But... um, why does this ghost look of him seem a little familiar to me? 】

The butler was stunned.

Seeing that Lu Zhengen was still long-winded, even as an artificial intelligence, the housekeeper seemed to be a little bit unbearable.

[My dear master, do you really need me to clean him out? Tsk, it’s so annoying, if it’s a holographic projection meeting, you just need to cut off the signal. It’s very tiring to drag this adult obese male human out of the real person meeting...]

Then, the butler suddenly stopped talking.

Although there was no real housekeeper in the living room at this time, Lu Taipan was keenly aware that several probes were swaying in his direction.

That was the butler watching him.

【Is it my illusion? You are very wrong today, what happened? You have never been so gentle to Lu Zhengen before...]

After a while, Lu Taipan responded to the steward's doubts on the channel with a blank expression.

Lu Zhengen is lucky today.

Just happened to meet him when he was in a good mood.

The author has something to say: an inexperienced old man can easily become a primary school chicken once he sighs and falls in love, sigh...

(pointing to point.jpg)


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-04 06:31:47~2021-11-05 06:44:34~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: a raccoon, 13921378;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: it would be nice to die 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 24 Green Snake Jade Pendants; 10 Li Nanke; 6 Fengyi; 5 Yokogawa; Qiweilan, Sprinkling Qi, Fujia Labupua Twisting Stick, Heiji, D Fish Diving in the Yuan, Cute Love, Feng Cake Meow Meow, Do Not Sleep, eva1026, Cao Xiyun, actsc, can you get rich this year? , Yuyu gave me Lipton, ying, there is rain, the beauty is bubbling, Ge Jiuqing, 77777, Edge, Vesper 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 246 bottles of shaved ice in summer; 130 bottles of a grain of rice; 110 bottles of alycia; 52 bottles of my wife let me kiss; 40 bottles of Yokogawa; 30 bottles; Berlin August Night, Canned Tangerines, 20 bottles of He Chu Chu, Lian, and Shenshen; 17 bottles of Time Fanxin and Nonghuaxiang; 16 bottles of Cai Shulin; 15 bottles of Mr. Liao and Xiao Yi; 11 bottles of Pear Flowers; Snake Jade Pendant, Pingxi House Begonia, Mumujiang, Flying Girl Pig, Jie Qianshan, Mountains and Rivers Ink Color, Tick Tock, it's Lin Ling! , Jingyou Yu Xian, Miao Daxian, Daobi Ke, Yanwu, 10 bottles of fish; 9 bottles of counterfeit universe, xxr, Luo Qiaoqiaozi; 6 bottles of moonlight; Wangzai is not Wangzai, cute and cute, nothing, Tutu loves candy*, Kemiao's gold coins, 5 bottles to be renamed after being thin to 50; 3 bottles of Su Lian; Yuan, Yuanyan, Yunxiang clothes, Huaxiangrong , Sihuaqiu, 2 bottles of rolled wheat; the little boy said, drink cola millet porridge, Guanju, Zarathuste, 妗妗, moon and stars, all-you-can-eat white mousse, cross the brazier to avoid the god of plague, Lemon plus Sprite, ○ pills and ○ pills, eat strawberry berries, maobinggan, Han Shanyue, Lin Wei, plus one happy time, southern vegetable otter, Yu Yufeiran 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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