After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega

Chapter 35 Chapter 35

Su Liang's face turned pale.

Mr. Si...

Su Liang, who was overwhelmed, tried his best to keep calm and tried to awaken the meager sanity of Alpha in the susceptible period, even though he knew it was futile.

The man behind him was filled with an indescribable frenzy.

Unlike the Alphas in the susceptible period that Su Liang knew, the man didn't seem to yell or have blank eyes. He could even talk to Su Liang in a soft voice, and his movements were extraordinarily methodical, but...

very scary.

Mr. Si is really scary.

Su Liang's pupils tightened, and he watched in horror as the black-haired and black-eyed man removed the exoskeleton and combat uniform one by one with a smile, revealing his strong and sturdy body.

you are cute.

The man whispered softly, and his fingertips slowly slid along the boy's cheek to the corner of his mouth.

The slender fingers, which are very good at manipulating weapons and mechas, are carefully examining the lips and tongue of the young beta.

Su Liang couldn't move, couldn't speak, and could only let the madman like a child who just got a toy to get up and down with him.

Then, Su Liang felt a light kiss on the back of her neck.

It's sweet.

The man let out a contented sigh.

Su Liang trembled heavily.

Young Beta closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down. He felt as if his mind and body were completely cut in half by an invisible knife.

His reason was about to be completely overwhelmed by fear, but his body...

His body was quite hot.

It can't go on like this, Su Liang thought, although he can still maintain his basic sanity, he doesn't dare to bet that this sanity will last too long.

Mr. Mi is undoubtedly out of control, if even he falls...

Su Liang fought a cold war and did not want to think about it any longer.

Sir, I'm in pain.

When he opened his eyes again, Su Liang's previous resistance attitude suddenly changed.

Can you let me go a little bit, my waist is about to break.

He became soft and tame, and no longer struggled with the mad Alpha.

And the complaint he made sounded like an indescribable sweetness.

It's just like being kidding.

Such a gesture, even Alpha, who had completely collapsed his mind, could not resist, just as Su Liang begged, he became uncontrollably softer.

Su Liang also got a breath, turned around, and looked at Mr. Si face to face for a moment.

The man's pupils were still as pitch-black, like an abyss, like a beast.

There is endless greed and tyranny surging there.

Mr. Si, you scared me.

Su Liang said softly, his face was pale, and there was fear in his eyes, but his tone was very sweet, as if he had already formed a partner with Alpha, he murmured to the person in front of him: Kiss me, okay?

Before his words fell, his voice was completely engulfed.

He got a kiss, and it was as crazy as Mr. Si showed.

Su Liang was extremely difficult to deal with the man's kiss.


Just when the man was completely immersed in this moist and intimate kiss, Su Liang's hand was slowly groping on the ground. He quickly felt a few pieces of metal, which were fragments of the restraint device that Mr. Mi had torn off from himself. Su Liang tightly squeezed the metal fragments in the palm of his hand, and then wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders as if he could not bear it.

The man who had gone through countless sinister battles didn't even have any precautions.

The next second, Su Liang inserted the metal piece directly into Mr. Si's back without hesitation.


The connection between the metal ridge and the flesh is the best breakthrough, and the long and narrow metal fragments submerged directly into the man's flesh.

Alpha was stiff for a moment during the sudden attack, but Su Liang didn't hesitate to push his heavy body away with his knees, and then seized the opportunity to quickly flee in the direction of the cockpit door.

Everything happened very quickly.

Mohu Luojia's cockpit is not spacious, Su Liang has already reached the closed cabin door in a few steps, and he has reached out to the button of the device to open the cabin door urgently——

Su Liang's ankle tightened.

Then, he was dragged back.

don't want!

There was a rapid and frightening cry from the boy's throat, he screamed and struggled, but all the struggles seemed so weak and weak, he was still alive and dragged back to the place he fled a few seconds ago. The man's arms wrapped tightly around his waist, Su Liang gasped in pain, but this time the other party never let go of him like before.

It hurts.

He heard Mr. Si whispering wet and hoarse.

Su Liang shivered and turned his head slowly.

He smelled blood.

Tick tock...

Yin Hong's blood is constantly dripping from Mr. Si.

Su Liang watched helplessly as the man in front of him lightly raised his hand and reached out to him, then slowly pulled out something similar to a metal chain from his spine.

He even heard the light sound of the metal shard he had stabbed into the opponent's body falling to the ground.

The blood faded a little from Su Liang's face.

In contrast, it was the increasingly distorted smile on Alpha's face in front of him.

In fact, the confinement device inside Lu Taipan's metal ridge had been activated as early as the moment he lost control. However, in the past, his device could always be locked perfectly, but this time it didn't work as it should.

Those metal claws buried in the body were gently pulled from the body by the Alpha who had completely released his nature.

The pain that could almost make ordinary people unconscious in an instant did not bring back Lu Taipan's rationality. On the contrary, this terrifying pain brought out some nasty and terrifying hobbies that men had been suppressing in their nature.

The wound on his back was split open, and blood was gurgling, but the pale man standing above Su Liang's body lit up like a wild beast in the jungle. He looked extremely excited and delighted, and even The eyelids were slightly red.

As for Su Liang's previous attack and escape, it perfectly stimulated the most primitive instinct of Alpha during the susceptible period. Su Liang couldn't even make a sound at this time. It seemed to prevent the partner from running away from happening again. This time, the snake of the man's spiritual power completely twisted Su Liang to the point of being unable to move. doll.

Fear made Su Liang's eyes gradually glow with moist water.

But this didn't arouse the man's sanity at all.

Don't go-

The man made chaotic and vague ravings.

Then he gently hugged Su Liang, just like he taught Su Liang how to control the mecha at the beginning, and let Su Liang sit on his lap.


Amidst the boy's whimper, the monster awakened in the darkness leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of Beta's sweet-smelling neck.

you are mine.

After that hoarse, greedy, and hot announcement, the man bit Su Liang mercilessly.


The pheromone that has not yet fully matured is simply unable to withstand the tyrannical pheromone of the top Alpha.

The moment the pheromone was pierced, Su Liang fainted.

If there is a choice, Su Liang would rather lose consciousness until this tragic and terrifying thing is completely over.

But soon, the intense burning sensation and the strange feeling of being completely occupied by unfamiliar pheromones forced Su Liang to return to this lucid nightmare again.

The wound on the back of the neck can hardly be called pain or numbness. Su Liang's whole body has completely softened. Even without the restraint of Alpha's mental power, I am afraid he will not be able to move.

It's hot……

feeling bad……

so poor.

Su Liang heard a low sigh, and then her body was carefully changed.

After feeling the heat from another sturdy man, Su Liang, who was still in chaos, suddenly became short of breath.


Wait a minute and you'll be comfortable.

Mr. Si said hoarsely against his ear.

Su Liang recalled in horror that the marking behavior between the real Alpha and Omega is far more than the exchange of pheromones on the pheromone.

In fact, the mutual exchange of pheromones is only the beginning of a long marking behavior. Alpha's pheromone will make Omega's body react, so that the weaker ones can better adapt to the next crazy and barbaric behavior. Similarly, Omega's pheromone will also release soothing pheromone, okay Keep your partner from getting too out of control in the next act...

What's really bad is that Su Liang soon realized that Alpha's pheromone had an effect on a Beta like him for some reason, at least his body had gradually started to not obey.

All the senses became extremely sharp.

The skin is hot.

Blood is burning.

Even the originally firm reason was crumbling in front of the huge emptiness.


don't want--

Su Liang struggled involuntarily,

And it wasn't until he opened his mouth that he realized that his voice was choked and his face was full of tears.

He had already cried.

It was as if everything had completely spiraled out of control.

He didn't understand why things turned out the way they are now, and neither should he and Mr. Mi--

Su Liang has never liked people who cry and cry. Even when he was abandoned by Lu Zhizhao and forced to fight for his life in the garbage dump, even when he knew that he was terminally ill and his life was near, he never cried.

Tears never solve any problems, because no one will pity you for tears in a desperate situation.

Crying is an extremely weak and useless behavior, Su Liang has always thought so.

But at this moment, he finally shed tears of despair.

Mr. Si... save me...

The man who imprisoned him, the crazy man was actually Mr. Si - he knew this, but when he completely collapsed, Su Liang subconsciously called out the name of the person he trusted the most.

Crystal clear tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped onto Lu Taipan's chest.

Alpha, who had completely lost his mind in theory, paused slightly after hearing that pitiful whimper.

In the pure black pupils, there was a faint flash of clarity.

The chest hurts.

Obviously the whole person is about to explode because of the extremely strong instinct, and the sweet, haunting green fragrance is already within reach, but the extreme happiness is mixed with uncontrollable pain because of that low cry.


It's like slowly rising from a sea of ​​asphalt that has solidified.

Lu Taipan struggled in the frenzy with incomparable difficulty, and seized the opportunity to win a brief moment of clarity.

He suddenly stretched out a hand and hugged the boy in his arms tightly.

He frantically sniffed the sweet scent that belonged to Su Liang, and used it as solace to maintain his weak sanity. At the same time, his other hand reached out to his boots and took out His favorite tactical knife.


Su Liang didn't realize what it meant when he heard the wet, muffled sound from his flesh.

He only knew that at the moment when he was completely desperate, the crazy man in front of him suddenly let go of his arm, and then pushed him out forcefully.


He heard a steady voice, and that voice undoubtedly belonged to the familiar Mr. Si!

Then he lowered his head and saw in horror the dark handle of the dagger between the man's waist and abdomen, as well as the extremely ferocious and terrifying wound caused by the dagger. .

——At that moment, Lu Taipan nailed himself directly to the deck of the cab with a short knife.

Lu Taipan was very aware of his situation.

Ordinary pain will only make him more and more crazy, and he can't maintain his sanity for too long.

However, this huge wound, which is enough to cause danger to life, can give Su Liang a little time to escape.

While I can control myself now - go!

Lu Taipan said to Su Liang with a pale face. In just over ten seconds, a pool of conspicuous bloodstains appeared under his body - the tactical short knife produced by Snake Cave, every blood groove, every inch of the blade was designed to kill people. And Lu Taipan even used it to pierce himself directly.

With his shouting, Mahoroga opened the hatch automatically under his control. A light leaked through the hatch into the dimly lit cabin.

Su Liang's lips trembled slightly, he hesitated for a short moment, then turned his head suddenly, and then the last trace of strength in his body struggled to escape towards the mecha.

And the moment he escaped from Mahoraga...


Emergency blockade of site A-121 area—

The first team of snake guards, the second team is in place.

The mental blockade device is in place.


A dazzling red light accompanied by an extremely harsh warning sound suddenly filled Su Liang's world.

Su Liang supported her knees and reluctantly took a few steps forward.

Through the blurred vision, he vaguely saw a small team of Viper soldiers in dark combat uniforms running towards him.

Save... save Mr. Mi...

Su Liang only had time to utter such a whisper, and in the next second, he fainted.

The author has something to say:


Well, it finally appeared.

I stabbed myself with a knife in order to keep my mind clear...

Today's author is also a dog.jpg

Then I flipped through the outline, the next earth-flavored plot, and what Xiao Gong, who was unconscious in the laboratory by anesthetics, noticed that Xiao Shou came and suddenly woke up and hit the wall... What Xiao Shou suddenly felt a stomachache and thought that It was bruised before, but in fact he had a genital cavity growing in his body or something...

Well, it's all dirty, so be mentally prepared.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-08 23:53:36~2021-11-09 23:56:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: I am Su Chang, Chu Xueyan Long Rank 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 girlfriends outside Xiao Zhan's circle; always like crispy peaches, chicken rolls, 34576405, far away, a raccoon, Requiem, Fuerjia Labupu Twist Stick 1;

Thank you for the little angel who threw mines: 321400 3; Lin Chen, 2 if you are not crazy, you can't survive; Erhuang, Azhu also love Azi, Даша, do you eat watermelon, meet by chance, gossip is a little sweet, stars light up , 48585352, if you want to be alone, it's Lin Ling! , Tweet Mi Tweet Rabbit, marmalade, Ran Si, hebe, Qing, dry rice contestant is sleepy again, Cloara, gentleman, white mousse all you can eat, Uniformcat, sleepless, eva1026, 73 moons, flower tree , Wei-style orange, it's really troublesome to name it., Sirius 023, Xiao Zhan's girlfriend outside the circle, fish ball soup, 27623682, Vesper, eat more meat without growing acridine;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 89 bottles of Nancheng; 80 bottles of 317; 70 bottles of oral ulcers; Li Maize, why are you Σ(°Д°; 60 bottles; 40 bottles of Jiuyun; 32 bottles of Erlengzi; 30 bottles of Wei Wei and Fan Er; 25 bottles of Silent Touch; 22 bottles of Lihu; , Qingxi, Old Blush, Invincible Huahua, Chenzhi, Qiuqiu, Lilin, Ouyang Yunjing, LEO, Komatsu Nana, 37786329, 20 bottles of spicy chicken Jinjiang; 18 bottles of Lin Chen; 17 bottles of Rui; your cat is in me Hand, Shili Wine Fragrance, Yoyo, I Love Male Mama, koloke, 15 bottles of Huodian milk tea; Bo Min, Fake Universe, Meet Fang Zhiyou, Contract Letter, It's dawn., heiharu, it's Yao Yao's cuteness, 73 A moon, young horses and long songs, wild, big rabbit's little crabs, kept, milk-flavored cocoa oranges, flower trees, Yuyue, Qiji, Ximen Guanren's tie, Wang Mumu, Jin Yu, Xie Fangfei, 10 bottles of Da Da Da, Chunhe Jingming; 9 bottles of Yanwu and Mengmeng do not know; 7 bottles of the happy time plus one, addicted to the comment area, unable to extricate themselves; 6 bottles of Han Shanyue and Xiaoha chestnuts; The villain, Dawn straight up, Anatomy of a ridged frog, Jiang Mu, She Yagi, baa baa, 123, Yin Xinya, Qiuqiu, Wang Zai not Wang Zai, Ye Ying, Xuan Chi, I found a child, Ah Walking Duck Duck Duck, Delusional Patients, Good Morning Mangrove, Homecoming, Kalaviuka, Yuhu, Anmian 5 bottles; Skylark C Sauce, Jiaojiao 4 bottles; Penzai, Chenbai 3 bottles; maobinggan, lxs, 2 bottles; Eating strawberries and berries, Ouhuang, Nanpu Riverside, always like crispy peach, lemon essence, all-you-can-eat white mousse, Moshu smoke, sprite, a little turkey, ○ pill ○ pill, flower court, Acridine, Xiaolou listens to the spring rain all night, Jiu Bian, Ting Liao, can you, may there be no more fools in the world, Jin, Pi Da Bao, Lian, Zarathustra, Chao Xia, Sa Lu, hum hum hum, do not eat corn Eating skins, not going crazy, not surviving, Dong Yuhui, Golai, Rotten Shrimp, he was anxious for 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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