After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega

Chapter 81 Chapter 81

Inside the living base——

In the survivor's medical room, with the help of the medical officer, Su Liang removed the instrument probe used to measure mental power from the back of the Omega's neck in front of him.

The value of 78...basically stable...

Su Liang looked down at the stable mental strength of the Omega in front of him on the screen, relaxed and smiled.

It's in good shape.

he concluded.

Although the mental state of the survivors is still in the basically stable range, and there is a lot of room for improvement, compared to when they were rescued before, the state of the group of Omegas in front of them has been greatly improved.

This value is really good. I thought it would be good to maintain around 60.

The medical officer on the side came over and glanced at the results obtained by the instrument, with a relieved smile on his face.

I've said it all, I think I've gotten better recently.

Yes, medical officer, you have been worrying all the time, why are you so unconfident in yourself?

Asu is also very good. Every time I comb my mental strength like this, I feel very comfortable...

Hearing the medical officer's sigh, the Omega survivors also grinned and talked.

The medical officer in front of him had worked with Su Liang on the spaceship before. The Omegas also established a very special trust relationship with Su Liang during those days. Now that they meet again in the living base, the atmosphere can be called Be in harmony.

I have to say, Su Liang, you are really amazing. I heard that you just differentiated into an Omega not long ago. The results of this examination were good, and the medical officer's tone was much more relaxed when chatting with Su Liang, But, I After observing for a long time, your effect on other people's mental grooming is really excellent, and you are about to catch up with the senior conditioner, you are really talented in this area.

The medical officer couldn't help but sighed.

As expected of the personal spiritual conditioner of Lord Snake...

The instruments in the Snake Cave are very advanced and play a very good auxiliary role, and the instructions you gave me are also very detailed, just follow them.

Su Liang was almost embarrassed to be praised, he explained in a low voice with a blushing face.

He was really embarrassed to explain that when he was with Lu Taipan, he was dizzy the whole time, and there was no way to train his mental power at all!

While speaking, Su Liang raised his hand and stroked behind him, intending to remove the instrument probe stuck to his body. But as soon as he raised his hand, a sudden sourness flashed from the depths of his body, which made the boy's movements stagnate for a while.


The soreness caused by the development of a new organ was too stimulating, Su Liang subconsciously snorted.

Asu? Are you okay?!

Omega, who had just received the treatment, immediately noticed Su Liang's strangeness, and hurriedly came up to support Su Liang.

Is it so tired that I twisted somewhere?

At the same moment, the medical officer also looked at Su Liang, he asked worriedly, and before Su Liang refused, he raised his hand to help Su Liang get the port of the instrument. The moment the neckline was pulled away, Su Liang was densely packed from the back of his neck to his shoulders, clearly revealing that a certain man's strong monopoly desire was immediately exposed in front of others.

The smile on Su Liang's face froze.


He heard a gasp from an Omega.

Feel sorry.

Su Liang hurriedly returned to her senses, ignoring the strange feeling deep in her body, and hurriedly straightened up and rearranged her collar. He was worried that the traces left by his Alpha would irritate the Omega around him.

But in the next second, he heard the female Omega beside him express his emotion in an extraordinarily sophisticated and affirmative tone.

...Your Alpha's marking teeth are really good. The teeth marks are deep and regular. The teeth marks left are long-lasting and harmless. You can tell just by looking at the teeth. It is a good Alpha.

Su Liang: Huh?

Su Liang couldn't help being stunned by Omega's completely unexpected reaction.

The Omega who spoke seemed to see his surprise, and couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling.

What's the matter? Although my life is not good, I was taken to that kind of ghost place, but I have slept with a lot of Alphas before...

The Omega, who was already a few years old, gave Su Liang a wink.

What made Su Liang even more unexpected was that the other Omega survivors in the treatment room also came forward to discuss it enthusiastically after hearing the woman's words.

Your ALpha should be that snake, the snake team?

someone is asking,

What snake team, it's the snake master, the snake master Lu Taipan, and thanks to him he rescued us all. I remember it was amazing. He was amazing on the spaceship at that time. All the armors are smashed!

Oh, what are you still asking here, haven't you watched Xingwang? Asu's target is the snake master. Oh, don't say it. I see Xingwang, the snake master looks really good, and there is no such thing as the one on the spaceship. It looks fierce once, and ah, that kind of Alpha can tell at a glance, the waist is good.

Speaking of the last sentence, a few Omegas who were most familiar with Su Liang and had recovered relatively well laughed giggling.

But after laughing, after joking, some people stared at Su Liang thoughtfully for a while, and then quietly hooked Su Liang's sleeve, put it close to Su Liang's ear, and warned him carefully.

Your partner looks too powerful, and it's a big man... You have to be careful. That Alpha can see at a glance, the ability to save seeds is strong, you are young, you can wait, but don't be inexplicable... ... was taken advantage of by others!


If Su Liang had no previous life experience and had only stayed in the first star area from the beginning to the end, he would probably feel that these survivor Omegas had no sense of borders, and even this topic could be discussed. You know, in a place like the first star district, even between Omegas who are very familiar with each other, I am afraid it is difficult to make such straightforward jokes and exhortations to each other. However, now Su Liang is very clear that this group of survivors has experienced too much, and they don't understand the so-called marginal sense and privacy at all.

Behind every joke and joke they made to Su Liang was the purest and most straightforward concern.

... It is this concern that occasionally makes Su Liang a little bit unstoppable.

When a few Omegas had begun to talk about Alpha's abilities in a certain way, Su Liang could not wait to cuddle, and the young man's face was burning, and he did not dare to answer. But on the other hand, while Su Liang blushed, his heart was slowly letting go - being able to get together like this, discussing Alpha so frankly and frankly, can also show from another aspect that the mental state of the Omegas has stabilized Down, even though they were still sensitive to Alpha's pheromones physically, psychologically, they were no longer so confused and frightened.

This is the best news for Su Liang.

After chatting with the Omegas for a while, Su Liang's communicator lit up.

Su Liang opened it and found that the communication partner was Xue Yinhuan.

[Xiao Liang, take care of the boss! Save our single dogs, not everyone can stand up to this level of bragging—]

But before Su Liang read it, the message was displayed as Automatically withdrawn by the system, and then disappeared from his communicator.

Su Liang was a little confused and sent a question mark back.

But this time Xue Yinhuan did not reply as quickly as usual. On the contrary, a pop-up window that Su Liang had never seen before popped up from the communication terminal: [The communication object is on a mission, and daily communication has been temporarily blocked—— From system]

Before Xue Yinhuan took the time to chat with Su Liang when he was doing normal-level tasks, but now that he was suddenly blocked, Su Liang became more and more confused. Before he could figure out what was going on, Lu Taipan's message flashed on his communicator.

Su Liang's fingers froze, and he looked around quickly. The Omegas had been discussing the level of the child after Su Liang enthusiastically, but they didn't notice him. Then he bit his lip and clicked on the message.

What appeared on Su Liang's screen was the research report submitted by the equipment department to the snake owner. It showed that the fixing device of the bite stopper specially designed for the snake owner has been strengthened. Under normal circumstances, the bite stopper will not be easily disassembled. , In addition, the fixture has additional functions such as transfer of control and unlock triggered by specific words.

Of course, the last function was highlighted by the Lord of the Snake Cave.

[From now on, I will take care of you. 】

With just a few simple words, Su Liang felt as if he could see the man's deep brows and eyes whispering to him in a slightly hoarse tone.

Certain images suddenly flashed across Su Liang's mind.

The boy's face turned red, and he turned off the communicator very quickly.

But even so, the already pounding heart still did not calm down in time.


I always feel that Mr. Mi has become completely different from before.

And he himself seems to have become very strange.

Su Liang thought angrily.

The heart is uncontrollable, and the heart is in a mess.


The mental treatment and examination went smoothly. After confirming that everyone was in good condition, Su Liang was also escorted by the medical officer and was about to leave the living base.

This should have been a smooth end to the day.

However. Just as he followed the medical officer through a long and narrow corridor, he suddenly stopped.

Did you hear it?

he asks.

The medical officer looked at Su Liang blankly: What did you hear?

Su Liang: Someone... is screaming.


The medical officer raised his eyebrows, then he blinked and turned his head to the other end of the corridor.

Ah, it's nameless.

He pointed to the room across the hallway.

'Nameless'? Wait, is that her?

Su Liang also responded.

Among the survivors rescued from the forty-eighth district, the girl with the code name No Name is the most special one. She should have been a high-level Omega, but her glands were poached. She was almost destroyed, but probably because her glands were related to a certain dignitary, she was secretly hidden in the life-saving capsule by the little supervisor of the farm as a means to save her life, and finally survived in the life-saving capsule. He was brought back by the Snake Cave during the Spring Outing operation.

But 'Nameless' has been forced to sleep for too long, and she has suffered very terrible things before, and her mental sea is completely broken. If she is allowed to continue to sleep, she may never wake up again. So we will stimulate her regularly. The brain forced her to wake up for a short time. However, after being awakened, she would not have any sanity, instead, she would show a frantic collapse due to the extreme pain accumulated in her consciousness.

The medical officer said bitterly.

Today is the day of 'treatment', and all you may hear is her screams.

The medical officer didn't actually hear anything, but he also knew that a mentally sensitive Omega like Su Liang would be more sensitive than him, and it was possible to hear the girl's screams through such a thick soundproof door.

Is that so...

Su Liang's face was also heavy.

For a moment, he even felt remorse.

In those mysterious legends, Sigma's mental power is so powerful that it can heal anyone with a mental breakdown. And he, who is suspected of Sigma, is at most helping ordinary Omegas to recover a little bit of vitality and spirit, but he is completely powerless to Wuming who has been treated more cruelly.

He sighed deeply.

At this moment, a rush of alarm sounded suddenly. In the stunned sight of Su Liang and the medical officer, the door of the ward where the nameless was placed was wide open, and someone hurriedly bumped out.

Quick, quick, need some more people? Where's the pharmacist? Where's the nurse? The medical officer...anyone can come, there's a problem!

The man who ran out was also wearing a medic's white robe. His face was ashen, one hand was pressing the headset and roaring, while the other hand was dripping with blood. The edge of his palm was abruptly missing. It was as if something had bitten off a piece of meat.

The gushing blood almost completely stained the hem of his medical officer's white robe.

With the opening of the metal door, the screams became incomparably clear.

What kind of scream was that - the voice was completely out of tune, full of intense fear and despair, the extreme collapse of the emotion was wrapped in the sound, even if it was just listening, it would tremble involuntarily.

Behind the metal door was a heavy hospital bed, so that several people gathered on the hospital bed in panic, reaching out and trying to hold down the person on the bed.

After leaving the life-saving capsule, the girl named Nameless became more and more shriveled and emaciated. She, who has never had a normal life, is really just a small skeleton. Even the slender Su Liang could be called a strong man in front of that girl. However, it was such a skinny girl, but at this time, she burst out with amazing strength that ordinary people can't imagine. She kept bouncing on the bed, and the soft restraint that had originally been designed to protect her from harm had long since burst, and now it was only the nurse and the medical officer's suppression that forced her to stay on the bed.

But even so, she still struggled very hard, so many people rushed up, but there was still no way to completely control her.

Several people's hands were even soaked with blood, bitten by the girl like a beast in the frenzy.

Calm down, you're safe, kid, you're safe—

It's over, wake up.


In the screaming and screaming that was so sharp that even the eardrums tingled, there were mixed distressed comforts from the nursing staff and the medical officer.

However, it was of no use at all to the girl whose spiritual sea had already completely collapsed.

What happened in the ward at this moment was hell.

Without any hesitation, Su Liang and the medical officer also rushed up.

The ward was filled with the smell of blood, and blood was bubbling out of the girl's eyes and mouth.

What about tranquilizers?

The first time the medical officer rushed in, he was ready to inject the girl with tranquilizers.

It's gone! But it's useless! The sedative didn't work for her at all—

But he got this answer.

Colleagues were already covered in sweat, tears and blood, and they looked embarrassed.


The medical officer cursed in anger, rolled up his sleeves and planned to use his body to hold the girl directly like his companions.

However, at this moment, the girl's thin body was lubricated by the blood, and rushed out of the shackles of the human arm——

Time seemed to be suddenly slowed down, Su Liang stood in the ward and looked at the girl.

There was no light in the girl's eyes, only endless fear and pain. She couldn't tell who she really was, and she didn't know where she was. Sobriety is endless hell for her, and she just wants to escape from hell immediately.

She slammed into the metal wall of the ward.


don't want--

Everything happened very quickly.

Afterwards, even Su Liang himself could no longer recall what happened at that moment.

He only knew that the moment he saw the girl slam into the wall, he involuntarily tapped out his spiritual power.

Just like treating those Omega survivors before, he instinctively used the comforting ability of his own mental power - of course, if the situation is not so urgent, if everything is just a normal treatment method, his behavior will probably only Was stopped by a wry smile.

There is no point in using spiritual power to comfort a person who has no basic sanity and whose spiritual sea is completely broken.

Even just wasting the spiritual power of the spiritual therapist.

However, at that moment, at the moment when Su Liang's mental power reached out to the girl, the girl's frantic movements stopped instantly.

In the invisible spiritual world, a gentle and quiet white snake opened his eyes.

The girl stood blankly in front of the metal wall.

Everyone in the ward was breathing heavily, and everyone looked at the girl in awe.

Su Liang's eyes gradually became pitch black, his pupils dilated so much that no light seemed to be reflected in them.

The white snake hovered over a piece of broken spiritual fragments, and it tightly wrapped those sharp fragments with its own body, preventing them from continuing to cause damage to the girl's soul.

Master Su Liang...

what happened……

Someone was calling his name, someone was screaming, and the footsteps of the nurses and doctors who came to help...

However, those sounds seemed to come from far beyond the water.

At this moment, in the spiritual world, there are only Su Liang and the suffering girl.

The girl slowly turned her head to look at Su Liang.

Tears fell slowly down the girl's dry cheeks, her lips pursed together.

【help me. 】

【I'm so scared……】

The next second, the girl swayed and fell to the ground.

At the same moment, countless chaotic pictures rushed towards Su Liang's consciousness like a meteor through the link of spiritual power.

Su Liang let out a groan, and then, just like the girl, his eyes darkened and he passed out.



Sharp fragments of consciousness surround him, wrapping him

Su Liang stared blankly at the constantly spinning fragments of consciousness in front of him. He wanted to escape, but just as he moved, he felt as if he was being pulled directly into the black hole by an invisible pulling force.

He was completely enveloped by those fragments of consciousness.


Su Liang opened his eyes and found himself soaked in the cold, viscous nutrient solution.

It's like small fish being placed in a fish tank.

He was also housed in a huge cylindrical glass vessel.

All around were gleaming with the faint light of unknown instruments. Around him, there were many, many, and so many similar huge petri dishes that there was no end in sight.

He heard the sound of the machine, and the sound of bubbling with every breath he made.

He felt extremely weak and, at the same time, tingling.

His body became small and thin.

The hands, feet, and even the spine are firmly fixed on special devices, and breathing, eating, and excretion are carried out through pipes pierced into the body. This feeling is very bad, Su Liang even feels as if he is being made into a specimen.

what happened?

Where is this place?

Who is he... who?

No, no, this is not reality.

Su Liang suddenly realized this...

He found that he was in the memory of the girl.

He didn't know how long he had spent in this memory. Finally, one day, Su Liang heard vague conversations coming from outside the petri dish.

Su Liang raised his head with difficulty, his body firmly fixed, and those desperate pipelines, so that he could only see a small part of the people coming.

Through the turbid nutrient solution, he could only guess that the person who came was a tall and strong man and... a child?

Su Liang couldn't see their faces clearly, but as they got closer, Su Liang could gradually hear their conversation clearly.

The man and the child stood before him for a while.

...Little Master, did you choose this one?

Then, the man suddenly raised his voice and said in surprise, his voice was full of flattery.

As expected of the young master, your vision is really good. This is only the individual with the greatest potential here. She is very likely to differentiate into an A-level Omega?

It's a pity that the man's ardent sales did not get the enthusiasm he deserved. The voice of the child was immature, but it was particularly cold.

A-level? Just A-level? It's so annoying... I don't want a mediocre A-level. Can't this individual be differentiated into an S-level?

But young master S-level Omegas have always been available, but we are already trying to expand the breeding samples as much as possible, but the S-level shipment rate is still...

Don't take this kind of words to perfunctory me, I'm not your client, my brother has said it, haven't you already developed a drug specially used to stimulate mental power and level up?! Since this is the case, why should I I can only have A rank, I only want S rank!

Hearing the child's arrogant request, the adult's tone became more embarrassed.

Sorry, young master, I'm afraid you don't know. That's right, we have indeed developed a new drug, which has a good effect on generating mental power and information gland levels. However, this drug is too harmful to the culture medium. The young master you have chosen is the best individual we have, and if you rashly administer medicine to her, she is very likely to die completely because she cannot bear the power of the medicine before the differentiation...

Su Liang heard the child's extremely confused question.

If I die, I'll find another one to nurture my pheromone. Why should you worry about that?

After finishing speaking, the child came to the side of Su Liang step by step. He looked at the culture medium fixed in the container through the thick petri dish as if he was watching a toy.

The moment she met the child's face, Su Liang widened her eyes in shock.

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