After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega

Chapter 98 IF Line: Brother Panzi of Lujia Village and the old college student...

In the next few days, Lujia Village was busy.

The people injured in the car accident were picked up one after another, and Su Liang also moved to the dormitory prepared by the village chief with his luggage. In this way, Su Liang can be considered to have completely settled in Lujia Village.

With the arrival of this new member, the aunts and sisters in the village can't get around the beautiful young man who woke up in their daily chats.

Hey, did you hear that? The elementary school has started!

I really didn't expect that, Mr. Su looked thin and weak like a girl. I didn't expect that in just a few days, the dilapidated primary school in the village was really rebuilt!

Has your kid been watching over the past few days? It's about to go to school soon, so there's probably some trouble.

Cause, why don't you make trouble? Go to school anyway, but this stinky boy can't go to school if he wants to roll with pigs in the pigpen every day...

My girl is fine. Yesterday, I sorted out the textbooks left by Mr. Huang before, and said they were for school.


When it came to the previous teacher, the villagers who had been in school because of their children were silent for a moment.

In fact, even if the primary school started, they were still not very optimistic about the new teacher Su Liang.

After all, the conditions in Lujia Village were really bad. When the teacher came to the village at first, the whole village was a sensation. How could he just give his strength like now, that is, he wanted to kill all the chickens that lay eggs in his own house to make up for the teacher's body. As a result, the teacher who looked thin and shabby after teaching for a few days still ran away.

As for Su Liang... It should be said that he is a college student. He is really beautiful, but he is too beautiful, with thin skin and tender meat, like a young master. In the eyes of the villagers, just looking at Su Liang's appearance, they can't bear hardship.

Oh...this elementary school, I don't know how long it will last.

As she spoke, there was a hint of sadness in the tone of the elder sister-in-law, who was happily thinking about her children going to school.

And this kind of thinking is actually the consensus of the entire Lujia Village villagers, except for Lu Taipan.

Yes, Lu Taipan certainly didn't think that Su Liang couldn't bear hardships like those in the village. However, on the day when the primary school in the village started, Lu Taipan looked at the young man who had obviously lost a lot of weight these days.

If those bastards are disobedient, tell me, and I'll help you teach them a lesson...

The man's voice was calm, and his tone sounded very serious.

In Su Liang's mind, he couldn't help but think of how Lu Taipan was on a cruise ship and made a plan to destroy those militants. At that time, he faced some vicious gangsters, but he looked much more relaxed than today.

... Lujia Village's children who go up the mountain to hunt birds and go down to the river to fish for fish every day have given Lu Taipan a big psychological shadow?

For some reason, when Su Liang saw Lu Taipan's expression, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

It's okay, I'm a teacher, I can handle it.

Su Liang comforted Lu Taipan softly.

It's impossible to really trouble you to help me beat the child.

He added with a wry smile.

Why not, anyway, when you meet someone who is disobedient, don't talk about children. Even if it was the group of ruffians that I was working with back then, if you beat up a few more times, you'd be obedient- Taipan Lu said subconsciously, but when he was confronting Su Liang After the smile on his face, his voice involuntarily softened.

Su Liang is too soft.

Soft just wanted people to coax him, follow him, even if he just said some harsh words in front of people, it felt like he was blaspheming the young man in front of him.

Lu Taipan's heart filled with strange feelings.

Anyway, if you have any questions, you can call me.

He coughed lightly and said a little uncomfortably.

Understood, thank you... brother.

Su Liang blinked, hesitated for a moment, and said softly.

In the spring sun, the young man's cheeks were pink when he shouted Brother. Just as a gust of wind blew, the peach tree planted at the entrance of Ji Village Primary School had already bloomed with a light powder. The petals rustled a few times in the spring breeze, and fell to Su Liang's hair along the wind.

Lu Taipan stared at Su Liang, and before he even realized it, he reached out his hand subconsciously and plucked the peach blossom on Su Liang's temple.

The man's slightly rough knuckles brushed Su Liang's cheek. He was obviously a man like himself, but Lu Taipan felt that Su Liang's skin... was as thin as tofu.

As if being scalded by the fire, Lu Taipan quickly twisted the peach blossom and put it away.

Well, then I'm leaving.

Lu Taipan didn't even realize that there was a little stutter in his words, and in the inexplicable panic, he didn't realize that Su Liang's heart was beating because of the slight touch just now.

I'm going to class too.

Su Liang turned around and walked towards the classroom. After taking a few steps, he secretly turned back and saw that Lu Taipan had disappeared at the door, so he involuntarily raised his hand and touched his face lightly.

The small spot that Lu Taipan accidentally touched just now was so hot that it seemed like he could fry an egg.

On the other side, Lu Taipan stopped a short distance away, he loosened his neckline, only to feel that the fire in his body made him restless, and the whole person became not quite right.

This Su can there be such a good-looking person?

He raised his hand, and found that even after walking so far, he still had the petal on his fingertips. A man who has never understood romance, but on this spring day, put this piece of petal into his mouth.

The tip of the tongue gently pressed the petal against the upper jaw and crushed it, and the flower juice immediately dipped out of the petal, which was obviously slightly bitter, but Lu Taipan always felt that the petal was sweet.

It's the dizzying sweetness.


That night, Lu Taipan had a dream.

It was a very, very strange dream.

Everything in the dream seemed unfamiliar to him, but vaguely, the bizarre world, the car floating in the sky, the house made of metal, made him feel very familiar.

He even dreamed of the village chief, and the village chief was wearing a strange white coat and staring at him seriously.

Lord Snake, I really can't understand this.

The village chief's voice sounded akin to frustration and despair.

Your emotional test still deviates from the benchmark value. For Young Master Su Liang, paranoia and monopoly desire are always in the dangerous range. But if I remember correctly, both of you have been married for 20 years? Even now you are still subconsciously hostile to the three young masters - this is terrible, you have to control yourself!



Twenty years?

What the hell is the mayor talking about? Lu Taipan couldn't help but want to frown. Just when he was about to speak, he found a mirror in the room, which just reflected Lu Taipan's figure at this time.

Lu Taipan met the man in the mirror and couldn't help but be startled.

The self that appeared in the mirror was obviously over forty years old. There is a faint trace of the wind and frost on his handsome face, but even if Lu Taipan, who is confused, sees that figure, he can see that the self in the dream is surrounded by the power that only supreme power and a happy life can bring. Create a special atmosphere.

In a trance, Lu Taipan suddenly felt that he really seemed to have spent 20 years with Su Liang in the real world.

they got married.

Also, there are three children...

He moved in his heart, and when he turned around again, the village chief who was inconvenient was long gone.

And the place he was in was no longer the weird medical room, but a bathroom with hazy water vapor.

He was standing wetly in front of the mirror staring at himself, and the wet water dripped down, giving him a slight tingling as it passed some scratches on his chest and back. But it was this kind of stinging pain that made Lu Taipan feel an indescribable satisfaction in his body.

He even turned his body to take notes and carefully observed the scratches on his back.

He could almost make out how overwhelmed the man who left these marks on him was, how...

Lu Taipan's breathing gradually became heavier.

He pushed open the bathroom door and walked out.

Outside the bathroom is the bedroom. On the messy bed is a young man trapped in the quilt, with tears still lingering in the corners of his eyes.

No, strictly speaking, Su Liang in the dream should not be considered a young man either.

He should look like he's in his thirties, and he still looks terribly beautiful. But this kind of beauty is completely different from the young man in Lu Taipan's mind. In the dream, Su Liang is like a fully blooming flower, a plump fruit that has ripened to honey.

It is a monster that makes people unable to wake up and completely indulge in hope.

Seemingly sensing Lu Taipan's approach, Su Liang turned his head in a daze, raised his arm and hooked it around Lu Taipan's neck, and then exchanged a long kiss with the latter.

Such Su Liang, such a kiss, Lu Taipan leaned over completely uncontrollably, and then pressed down even harder.


The next morning, Xue Yinhuan whistled and trotted all the way to the door of Lu Taipan's house. He was about to peek over the courtyard wall to watch his boss fight, but found that Lu Taipan didn't fight that kind of majestic army at all today. fist.

Lu Taipan was chopping wood.



The sound of wood being split lingered in the courtyard.

Xue Yinhuan looked a little shocked at the neat pile of firewood in the courtyard that almost filled the wall, and murmured:

Boss? What are you doing?

Under normal circumstances, Xue Yinhuan came to peek at Lu Taipan's boxing, and the two had a tacit understanding. Xue Yinhuan was silent, and Lu Taipan also pretended that he didn't see a little furry boy poking his head outside the door.

However, today Xue Yinhuan really couldn't help but want to ask questions:

Isn't it spring? What are you chopping so much wood for?

Looking at the amount of firewood, Xue Yinhuan dared to bet that even with Lu Taipan's neat movements, if he wanted to pile up so much firewood, he would have to split it from midnight to dawn.

However, what is Lu Taipan doing inexplicably chopping so much wood?

Hearing the boy's question, Lu Taipan stood up and wiped his sweat with the towel around his neck.

He gave Xue Yinhuan a cold look. In the morning light, Xue Yinhuan always felt that Lu Taipan's expression looked strange.

...Can't sleep at night, come out and find something to do.

The man explained coldly.

It was useless to pour cold water last night. He was so impatient that he couldn't take it anymore. In the end, he could only chop out all the firewood for next winter before he felt that the evil fire had subsided a little.

Ah? Boss, are you insomnia? My father is insomnia too! He has a recipe for insomnia, and I'll steal it for you someday—

Xue Yinhuan said attentively immediately, while Lu Taipan looked at him with a slight pause.

Why didn't you go to school?

The man's voice was very solemn.

And Xue Yinhuan's movements froze immediately.

Xue Yinhuan: ????


Xue Yinhuan felt that something was wrong with his boss.

Who is Lu Taipan? When a wild boar came to the village, his body was as strong as a mountain. Everyone said that he was the king of wild boars. Went to the field to eat tender corn.

This wild boar is fierce, and ordinary people would not dare to provoke it.

If it is normal, let the wild boar harm a little bit, then forget it.

However, that year, the corn in Lujia Village was really good, tender, sweet, and juicy, not to mention delicious. Xue Yinhuan and the others were not willing to steal any of them, they were just waiting to sell for money. As a result, it was such a precious corn that was stunned by the scourge of the wild boar king.

The people in the village were forced to do nothing, and they did everything, but the king of the wild boar was really the king of the wild boar. Because of his large size and his curved and pointed fangs, he injured several people who were going to drive away. Every day and night, he still brings his cubs to harm the crops.

In the end, the village chief was so anxious that several strands of his hair turned white, and even in a whimsical way, he shouted that he was going to the town and asked the security team to clean up the wild boar.

But everyone knows in their hearts that this method is really useless.

Jinjiang Town never fails to harvest grain, but whenever there is something wrong, the mayor and his wife always don't care about it, let alone wild boars stealing corn, even if it is a thief who comes to steal. Things, the town will never care about it, and will only ask people to solve it by themselves.

The villagers were so angry that they saw that the cornfield was dying. At this moment, Lu Taipan returned to the old house expressionlessly.

That night, everyone heard what seemed to be a roar from the mountain, and when it was dawn, they saw Lu Taipan dragging a wild boar down the mountain.

The wild boar was sold by the village, just to make up for the loss of corn, and since then, the wild boar that always came to Huo Huo for some crops in previous years never dared to show up in Lujia Village.

From then on, Yinhuan knew that his boss was not ordinary. He once swore that he must be like the boss and be a real man!

However, as of now, some of them have been different.

Xue Yinhuan didn't even think about breaking his head to understand why he was just a little white face from the city, which can make a person's temperament become like this.

Ever since Teacher Su came to the village, the eldest son of his family, who was noble and indifferent and rejected thousands of miles away, has become a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law. Even if Xue Yinhuan stealthily learns martial arts, men never care.

But now, Lu Taipan would be like his mother, and when he saw him skipping class, he would come to drive him to school.

The only difference is that Niang Xue Yinhuan couldn't run away from him, and Lu Taipan grabbed Xue Yinhuan and made sure of it.

Lu Taipan not only arrested people, but also copied the text according to him, saying that it was punishment. Xue Yinhuan wanted to cry without tears.

This day can't be over!

One day, Xue Yinhuan, who couldn't bear it, let out a long howl in front of his younger brothers.

The younger brothers, carrying schoolbags behind their backs, looked at the old eldest brother, and looked at each other with some embarrassment. In the end, everyone pushed a little hapless guy out, sniffing his nose and comforting him: Brother Xue, you should go to school too. Teacher Xiao Su's storytelling is so interesting!

That's right, unlike Mr. Huang, Mr. Su is very good, and it's a lot of fun in school!

\\Brother Xue, we have all learned the third lesson. I have already learned 20 words. My mother even praised me. She boiled eggs with brown sugar for me last night!

Brother Xue, go to school with us! Teacher Su said that people who can't read are called illiterates, and life will be inconvenient in the future!



Xue Yinhuan looked desperately at the former younger brother whose eyes lit up when he mentioned Teacher Su, and felt sad in his heart.

If he had expected it well, his younger brother would also be poured into the ecstasy soup by Su Liang and completely lost his mind.

Thinking of this, Xue Yinhuan felt irritable.

He was also puzzled. At that time, Mr. Huang at the bottom of the bottle, he wanted to go to school. His mother even killed the duck to feed the teacher, but the teacher was full and ran away.

But now this teacher Su has nothing to benefit from, even the tuition fee is unwilling to pay, saying that the state has support. Life has been so miserable, this little white-faced Teacher Su didn't leave.

It's obvious that this thin-skinned and tender-looking person who looks like a little girl's skin should smear oil on the soles of her feet and run quickly...

Xue Yinhuan broke away from his former little brother in frustration, and was dazed in the corner of the wall. While thinking about this strange thing, he just heard a familiar voice from the other side of the wall.

It's the mayor! There is another aunt.

The two were talking, and the first person to speak was the famous aunt Kui in the village.

Village chief, you really can't do this. The place where Teacher Xiao Su lives is too bad! Or you should let people live in my house. My kang is newly repaired, and the quilt is also new. Remember cotton, the place to live can be bright!

Cough, this can't be done. I couldn't do anything before. Who would have thought that the dormitory looked good from the outside, and it looked like that inside, alas... As for living in a villager's house, I mentioned it before. I also talked to me about it. Mr. Su said, let him live with me, but Mr. Su's quality is very high, he said that he would live in the dormitory, alas...

It doesn't work, can't you persuade it any more? Mr. Su, such a well-behaved offspring, came to our village to live in such a poor place. I've seen the dormitory, and the bricks are so wide, you just Aren't you afraid that if snakes and mice enter the dormitory and scare people away? I heard that people in the city can't stand this the most...

Hearing this, Xue Yinhuan's eyes suddenly glowed.


at night……

Su Liang yawned and closed the lesson plan.

He stretched and looked up, only to find that it was dark outside the window.

Did you prepare for the lesson until this time? Su Liang gave a wry smile, rubbed his neck, sorted out the lesson plan, then stood up, pushed open the door and left the humble office.

The night in the village is no better than that in the city. As soon as the sun goes down, except for the light in every house, it is pitch black outside. Fortunately, the moon is big tonight, and the silver moonlight spreads on the ground, which saves Su Liang from turning on his flashlight to find his way back to the dormitory to rest.

Xiao Liang...

When he walked out of the school gate, Su Liang suddenly heard a familiar voice.

He turned his head and was stunned to find that there was a tall figure standing under the peach blossom tree, it was Lu Taipan.

Brother Lu? Why are you here?

Su Liang shouted in surprise.

He hadn't seen Lu Taipan in the past few days. It was said that the town was busy, and Lu Taipan had been helping outside.

It was obvious that he just hadn't seen each other in the past few days, but Su Liang didn't know what was wrong with him. Without seeing Lu Taipan, he always felt that his heart was empty, as if a piece was missing.

Until I met each other tonight, the whole person instantly felt at ease.

I wanted to go to your dormitory to find you, but I happened to see the lights on here, so I came here. You didn't help someone bandage the wound when you were in a car accident a few days ago. That family met me in the next village, I know. I'm in the same village as you, so I'll give you some watermelon as a thank you gift.

Lu Taipan explained.

Thank you so much, but why are you waiting outside, you can actually call me in the office.

Su Liang spoke quickly.

I'm afraid to disturb you.

Lu Taipan said.

Ever since he had that charming dream that day, which made him spurn himself, but he couldn't help but think about it, Lu Taipan actually didn't dare to be alone with Su Liang.

That dream was so... so real.

Lu Taipan sometimes feels in a trance, whether he really once pressed on Su Liang and made the delicate and fair young man in front of him cry hoarse, or was it really bad enough to drag people's feet when the other party was embarrassed and tried to escape. Wrist, drag the soft and fragrant young man back under him.

If it wasn't for his personal experience, Lu Taipan would never have imagined that one day he would be so imaginative and morally corrupt. And all of this was just a dream.

Logically speaking, if you have such crooked thoughts, you should quickly stay away from the other party. Lu Taipan actually knew this, otherwise he wouldn't have avoided the town for any reason.

However, there are some things in this world that you really can't control if you want to.

In the 30 years before his life, Lu Taipan experienced many difficult problems, big and small, but none of them made him so embarrassed. It was just a crooked thought, I thought it would be better if the two of them avoided it. However, after running to the town, Lu Taipan finally realized what lovesickness is.

He really misses Su Liang.

The young man smiled, showed his wrist, and softly called him brother...

Thinking of it made him scratch his lungs, and the whole figure seemed to be roasted on the fire, and his mouth was burnt.

And even if he remembered it during the day, at night, his dream was even more uncontrollable. Sometimes he would dream that in that strange world, he and Su Liang really became a married couple and gave birth to three disgusting little kids. And sometimes, he simply dreamed that he went directly back to the village, picked up the thin and innocent young man directly from the classroom, and dragged him into the cornfield...

In the past few days, Lu Taipan felt that he was running out of underwear, and the fabric was thin after washing.

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