After Rebirth: What Should I Do if My Boyfriend Has a Boyfriend?

Chapter 30

Chapter 29 )

At twelve o’clock noon Beijing time, the sunshine outside the window is fine, and the interior is bright and vigorous. Jiang Yiyou, who had just been hit hard by his sweetheart, sat in front of the computer and called out weakly, “Dad.”

Father Jiang said, “Yiyou, when did you return to China? Do you want to hide from your dad?”

Jiang Yiyou: “…I’m not afraid you will drive me to the United States again.”

Father Jiang: “Is your father such an unenlightened person! Yiyou, how come your new boyfriend looks alike–”

“What boyfriend, I haven’t caught up yet.” Jiang Yiyou sighed and cut off his words, “Also, what is called a’new boyfriend’, where did my old boyfriend come from? Although I will follow you I’ve never shown a boyfriend to you before I’ve been through the closet.”

Father Jiang sighed triumphantly, “When you were in high school, you thought you were hiding well. Your dad, I know everything. Just Chu Chuan from the class next to your class who has a very good grade, every parent meeting, your head teacher The one you can’t help but boast, isn’t it because you like him that you suddenly regained consciousness and want to study hard?”

Jiang Yiyou: “…”

Jiang Yiyou: “…you know your dad for a long time.”

Father Jiang: “I just wanted to talk about it. Isn’t your new boyfriend looking like Chu Chuan with facial features?”

Jiang Yiyou: “…”

What’s all this?

Jiang Yiyou didn’t even have any thoughts to explain to his father, so he ended the video call hastily, took off the slippers on his feet and went to bed, suffocating his entire face in the quilt.

After dozens of seconds, he finally raised his head as if he couldn’t support it, turned his elbow on the bed, stretched his body on his back on the quilt, and breathed quickly with his mouth open.

It seemed that the suffocation that Chu Chuan held in his heart when he reprimanded him finally vomited out.

He will not give up.

If you give up easily like this, after being known to Chu Chuan ten years later, you will probably laugh at him for a long time. Laughing at how he has been living and returning back more and more in the past few years, even the nineteen-year-old himself cannot catch up. Jiang Yiyou could even imagine that when the 30-year-old Chu Chuan said this, he made no secret of snorting on his face.

The photo of Chu Chuan washing Jiang Yiyou, released by the Student Union on the BBS of University A, has been on the homepage for several days. Even drifted all the way to the next college. After hearing the wind, Chu Jiari kept texting Chu Chuan, desperate for an explanation from Chu Chuan.

Chu Chuanyan replied concisely: “The requirements of the welcome party.”

Chu Jiari was still dissatisfied. He asked Su Hang for the schedule of their class, skipped class and ran to the computer major classroom to find Chu Chuan. I happened to see Chang Xi coming over to ask Chu Chuan to climb the mountain on the weekend, and he inserted it in a strong tone: “Brother Chuan, I will go too.”

Chu Chuan’s voice became stern, “Chu Jiari, what are you doing here without class?”

Chu Jiari stubbornly refused to answer him, but repeated stubbornly: “I want to go climbing the mountain.”

Chu Chuan’s face was as sinking as water.

Seeing the tension in the atmosphere, Chang Xi dialed her bangs and said, “Brother Chu, too? Let’s go. Gather at our school on weekends and take the bus. Brother Chu just don’t be late.”

Only then did Chu Jiari calm down and smile, stretched out his hand to pull Chu Chuan’s forearm, and coquettishly said: “Brother Chuan, we have no class this morning.”

Chu Chuan avoided his movements without a trace, and then warned him: “I will put my words first. You can go, but you are not allowed to make trouble. Otherwise, I will throw you in the mountains and come back by yourself.”

Chang Xi watched silently from the side, and the more he watched, the more he felt that this brother Chu was a little too clingy to Chu Chuan?

Only soon, the vibrating mobile phone in her pocket distracted her. Chang Xi entered the WeChat dialog and clicked on Jiang Yiyou’s dialog. Below her message, Jiang Yiyou’s reply came into view: “Saturday? There is time. Just set the meeting time and location and tell me directly.”

Chang Xi laughed.

It’s true that she likes Chu Chuan, but she also likes Jiang Yiyou. Since I can’t catch it, why don’t I help Jiang Yi?

The first comment is to laugh at me and then inherit me Jiang and I Chuan!

Then the update time cannot be stable 24 hours a day… I can only say a word on Weibo when it doesn’t change…

Finally, please call me Jiang!

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