After Refusing To Attack the Film King, Salted Fish Became Popular

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 – Nine Salted Fish

Ning Xiaoyu hesitated for a few seconds between choosing one of the options, giving up the choice and accepting the punishment, before deciding to choose the option.

She, a salty fish exuding a salty smell, is still suitable for playing some insignificant small roles. As for the heroine of the urban dog blood Mary Su drama, forget it.

The standard features of Mary Su’s drama: running with the ball, misunderstanding, resolving misunderstanding, misunderstanding, resolving misunderstanding… When watching dramas before, Ning Xiaoyu wanted to ask, is it really not troublesome for you two to toss about like this?

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaoyu reluctantly chose C. Among the three options, only C can barely see.

A’s words are impossible, she was xed out immediately.

As for B… She also said in the morning that she, Ning Xiaoyu, kept her mouth shut. Never tell what happened yesterday. She won’t go back on what she says. That being the case, the only option left is C.

Ning Xiaoyu coughed lightly, ready to praise the actor loudly.

The love system is so excited that its eyes are shining, here it comes, its sugar! Its growth can only be maintained like this by relying on the sugar sent by CP.

Ning Xiaoyu coughed, and the others subconsciously turned their attention to her.

Ning Yuwei asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong with Teacher Ning?”

Did she feel that there were too many people here, which affected her to go to Lu Jingdu?

Hearing Ning Yuwei’s voice, the person who was approaching here casually stopped immediately. When the man turned around and was about to leave quickly, he heard the crisp and somewhat lazy female voice behind him.

“Actually… I grew up watching the movies of the actor. The movies he made have accompanied me for many years. Among them, the role of the second-generation wealthy man who indulged in enjoyment made me establish the correct three views and played a role in my life. Important influence. In this sense, the actor is really a good teacher and helpful friend.”

praise get√

Hearing this sudden compliment, everyone was stunned for a few seconds.

Shen Yueyue said in a daze, “Your compliment is quite unique.”

【Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter, what Xiaoyu remembers the most is that second-generation character from a wealthy family who indulges in enjoyment? 】

[I discovered the salty fish essence of the anchor! 】

【So that’s your envy, right? squint smile.jpg]

[Obviously the film king has so many classic characters, but you only mentioned the second generation of the rich? 】

The love system couldn’t hold back anymore, it said with a blank face, 【The actor has only been in the industry for three years, how did you grow up watching the actor’s movies? 】

Ning Xiaoyu said slowly, “I have grown up from 22 years old to now 25 years old, this is also growing up.”

If you have a love system, you will be scratching your head and scratching your head now, [Then…then you, you only established the Three Views at the age of 22? 】

Ning Xiaoyu rested his chin with one hand, “Isn’t it possible? I was too rebellious in adolescence, and the three views were not fully established.”

[Then…three years count as many years? 】

Ning Xiaoyu said slowly, “Human beings are different from your system. Three years is indeed not a short time.”

The love system looks skeptical about life.


The host chose C, and she did as requested… It seemed that something was still wrong.

The love system didn’t know it at this time, it was bound to the most unconventional host in history.

Not completely under its control.

It doesn’t quite do what it’s supposed to do either.

Distinctive style of self.

In other words, salted fish is unique.

In fact, Ning Xiaoyu wasn’t lying. Whether it’s Lu Jingdu herself, or the “rich young master” role played by Lu Jingdu, they are all her ultimate ideals in life.

Rich and free. You can live well by lying down and doing nothing.

This is definitely her ideal in life.

Ning Xiaoyu successfully completed the task, and another point of love was added to the account. The task is not too difficult.

I’m in a little bit of a good mood.

As for the deity who heard this sincere praise, he smiled and left here before others noticed.

After completing the small garden mission, Ning Xiaoyu had 9 friendship coins in his pocket.

At noon, she ate a lunch box priced at 4 coins. The lunch box contained meat, vegetables, and soup, and the nutrition was very balanced. There are 5 friendship coins left, enough for dinner.

So the salted fish went on strike in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Ning Yuwei didn’t follow Ning Xiaoyu any more. She probably also knew that it was useless to follow Ning Xiaoyu, so she simply gave up and was going to find another way.

Ning Xiaoyu was enjoying himself.

In the past two days, most of the guests are already familiar with each other. People are close and distant, and the guests are also divided into those who are close and those who are not.

Ning Yuwei is close to Xu Cheng, the second-tier actress Mu Jiajia, and Ling Zige, a creamy boy, so the four of them always stick together.

The film king has been acting alone since the show was recorded, but he is a big celebrity, no matter what he does, fans will brag that he is right.

Others include well-known directors, supermodels and others. But Ning Xiaoyu didn’t have much contact with them, so he didn’t pay much attention to them.

The other guests took up the task and went out. Ning Xiaoyu didn’t want to stay in the room alone, so she found a deserted place near the villa, moved a deck chair, and prepared to lie down.

But I don’t know if this place is a vent or something, Ning Xiaoyu feels that the wind is too strong, and she is not comfortable lying down.

Salted fish is the type of person who pays the most attention to their own enjoyment. She can be poor enough to eat dirt, but she must not sleep uncomfortably. You know, sleeping can be a great treat.

So, she stood up from the recliner, and was going to find a place nearby where she could sleep comfortably. Maybe she could go back to her room and get her sleeping bag out if conditions allowed.

That’s right, her equipment is so complete.

Ning Xiaoyu searched all over the left side of the villa, but couldn’t find a particularly suitable place, so she planned to look for the right side again and try her luck.

If it really doesn’t work, she can only go back to her room and lie down.

But at this moment, she caught a sharp glimpse of a surreptitious man who was wrapped up all over his body and was climbing over the wall, as if he wanted to climb in from outside the wall.

Ning Xiaoyu subconsciously asked, “Who are you?”

The other party was taken aback when he heard this sentence, and seeing that his whereabouts had been discovered, the other party immediately stopped climbing over the wall, turned around and ran away stumbling.

Ning Xiaoyu frowned, feeling something was wrong. She didn’t go to sleep anymore, and went straight back to the villa, and told the staff about it, and the staff immediately went to adjust the monitoring. After discovering the traces of suspicious persons, they immediately called the police.

When the other guests completed the tasks one after another and returned to the friend’s cabin, they also heard about it immediately.

The popular actress Xi Rui suddenly became unhappy.

“What’s going on? Why are suspicious people appearing near the villa? Didn’t you say that this place is very safe?”

The staff immediately apologized sincerely and said that they would strengthen the arrangement of safety and convenience.

But Xiri obviously didn’t buy their account.

When it was time for dinner, the director walked up to Ning Xiaoyu excitedly, and said, “Thanks to you, Xiaoyu, if you weren’t so vigilant and kept checking around the villa, otherwise this suspicious person would Molecules got in.”

Ning Xiaoyu was stunned. She wanted to say that it wasn’t that she was vigilant, she was just lazy and wanted to find a comfortable place to sleep.

But the other staff didn’t give her a chance to speak at all.

“Teacher Ning is really amazing. If it weren’t for Teacher Ning, I don’t know what would have happened today.”

“Thanks to Teacher Ning for letting us discover this loophole. We will never make a similar mistake next time!”

“After we called the police, after a preliminary investigation by the police, it was found that the suspicious person was an illegitimate fan, who specially sneaked in to take private photos of celebrities. The specific illegitimate fan of the star needs further investigation.”

“If Teacher Ning didn’t scare that person away, there might be a big mess today.”

The director made a final decision, “Xiao Yu, you have done a great job today, how about this, the program team will reward you with three big meals, and besides that, you can ask the program team for anything else you want.”

Ning Xiaoyu shook his head, “Not now.”

Director, “Okay, then tell me when you think it over.”

After the director left, Shen Yueyue looked at Ning Xiaoyu with admiration, and said, “How did you think of checking around the villa? I was very worried about the security of the program team before, thinking that this place was absolutely safe, but I didn’t expect Compared with you, my vigilance is still too weak. There is such a big loophole in the security of the program group, and I almost let illegitimate fans get in!”

Ning Xiaoyu opened her mouth, but Shen Yueyue couldn’t help but praise again, “Today is really thanks to you, Xiaoyu.” If illegitimate fans sneak into her room, no matter hiding in the bed In the end, hiding in the cabinet is enough to scare her to death.

Even if it’s not her illegitimate fan, but another celebrity’s illegitimate fan, if that person is not found, there will always be a victim.

Ning Xiaoyu was so salty that he was numb. Twice she tried to explain, but had no chance to speak.

In fact, she was really just lazy and wanted to find a comfortable place to lie down. But her way of looking here and there, in the eyes of others, seems to be very vigilant and looking for security loopholes.

I have to say, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

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